Saturday, August 9, 2014

The Slickest Hooker I Ever Met

When I was about 23 years old, and in college, and driving a cab (in which job I got to know a lot of hookers) I was sitting on a bench reading a book when I had one of the oddest thing I have ever experienced happen to me.

A young woman about 21 (I think) sits down next to me, leans over, and gently kisses me on my ear. Which I admit, pretty much turned me into putty. She was very good at it. I felt it right down to my toes.

I was also very curious about it, so I looked at her and asked, "Why did you do that?"

She said, "One of your friends has paid for me to be with you for an hour." She had a foreign accent, which I identified as Eastern European.

I knew she was lying about my friend, but I was curious. "Oh," I said, smiling, "I suppose you are not going to tell me his name?"

She didn't say anything at first, but learned over and gently kissed me on my neck, which again turned me into putty. "I'm sure you know who he is," she answered. "But there is a hotel room waiting for us." We were right outside a hotel.

So we got up and headed to the hotel.

Remember I said I knew a lot of hookers? This girl was one, and the best I had ever seen. I was impressed. There was no hotel room waiting. I was supposed to pay for it. Then in the room she was going to ask for some money, after giving me some story to play on my sympathy.

In the hotel she did say, "I am paid for but the room is not," so I told her, "If you go upstairs I will pay for the room," and when she went upstairs I was out the door and in my car and gone. But later I thought, "I would have had a wonderful time but it would have cost me $100."

Turned out she was from Romania, and she knew exactly how to pick up guys (years later I found there exists no word for "self-control" in the Romanian language).

I wondered why she targeted me? Maybe she found me to her liking.

Since I was driving a taxi, I had been hit on by a lot of streetwalkers. Usually they asked me for "a date." Sometimes they were really brazen and said such things as, "Can I suck your dick?" (I was once offered a BJ for a cheeseburger).

The difference between this Romanian girl and the American girls I knew was profound. When I compared her approach to the American girls I knew...

I had met some American girls who could be considered "sluts," and all of them had one thing in common: they were lousy in bed. Sex to them was no kissing and it lasted a minute. I met more one than one like that.

It reminded me of this PUA I still know. He's slept with over a hundred woman, and did it by lying to them and telling them what they "wanted to hear."

He admitted to me one time that none of them were any good in bed. A little over a hundred!

He did end up with one woman, though, at the end. He told me she was the only one who was interested in his pleasure, and took her time. (He still destroyed his life, but that's another story, one I've told before).

The last year-and-a-half in college I lived in a studio apartment attached to a house of girls. Two of the girls were friendly, smart, and acted like they were glad to know me. They got snatched up and married fast.

All the sluts I knew never got married, being self-centered, and of course blamed all their problems on men.

I've mentioned before some of the girls sat there like bumps on a log and expected Prince Charming to show up. None of them got married, either.

What I have noticed is that the friendly women, who acted like they were glad to know you, and were giving and supportive, and good in bed - which means being concerned about his pleasure - were snatched up and married fast. It never seemed that hard to me to understand, although many women apparently don't understand it.

Even back in college (I graduated in '83) I was meeting unpleasant, self-centered, sometimes obnoxious women. They were not popular, didn't understand it, and blamed it on men.

Now I'm hearing young men don't want to get married anymore because "women aren't women anymore."

I predicted this a long time ago.


Ra's al Ghul said...

They believe and are told that because of what they have they don't need to do or be anything more than that, and so they don't.

Robert What? said...

As a late 50s guy married over 20 years, I would take a long term relationship with a nice hooker over being married, hands down. Firstly, it would be a lot less expensive than being married. Secondly, there would be a lot less strife. Thirdly, there would be a lot more sex (or any sex).

Unknown said...

I had a credit card with several hundred dollars worth of credit on it and you had no idea how close I was to using a few hundred of it. That's why I ran out so far. I was far too tempted.

Anonymous said...

One offered you sex for a cheeseburger? I've heard of crack whores, but never a snack whore.

Anonymous said...

"years later I found there exists no word for "self-control" in the Romanian language"
Well, that's not quite accurate. We have "auto-control", which is the same thing, and "stapanire de sine" which is literally "mastery of oneself".
On the other hand, yup, Romania is the no. 1 exporter of whores to the West. They beat even the Russians (in absolute numbers).

Unknown said...

Years later I met a red-haired Romanian woman and her American husband and they both seemed very happy. I didn't say a word about my first encounter with a Romanian woman, who in my case was a brunette.