The uncontrollable coughing fits, the seizures, passing out and being propped up like a puppet on strings, being dragged up stairs..she'd rather die (and just might) than give up running for President. The lust for power for these people is stronger than life itself.
I've said for months Trump will sweep the election. I wonder if he will attend the Hildebeast's funeral?
By the way, I wonder how many meds the Hildebeast takes?
I can't imagine how many drugs and meds they have to keep her propped up with to drag her across the finish line. I understand why all her handlers and sycophants want her to keep going. I don't understand why Chelsea isn't saying to her "why the hell are you doing this to yourself?" Although maybe she is. It almost makes me feel sorry for her. She is running as if her life depends on it. I have two hypotheses: (1) She knows the fix is in and she will be President as long as she doesn't drop dead before. (2) She owes many favors to many powerful players. The only way she can repay them is as President. If she drops out, she knows she may meet with a fatal "accident". Maybe even Bill and Chelsea too. Do you think either of these hypotheses hold water?
"The only way she can repay them is as President. If she drops out, she knows she may meet with a fatal "accident". Maybe even Bill and Chelsea too."
I'm guessing there would be a collective sigh of relief if the Clintons were found to have committed "suicide." You know . . . . the 2 bullets to the back of the head type of suicide.
No, Trump won't win at all much less in a landslide. Illary will win this one. the fix is in, it's "her turn", and the PTB will make this happen for her. She "deserves" it. 40% of the electorate will NEVER EVER vote for Trump. An orangutan could run with a (D) after its name, and that orangutan would have NY, IL, CA, WA, OR, MA, ME, CT, RI, VT, NH, MI and probably PA absolutely sewn up. People in those states would never ever vote for any Republican, ever.
In the RealClearPolitics polling averages, Clinton has been in the lead and almost always outside the MoEs, except for Trump's bounce after his convention in June, and once back in late May. Other than that, she's had a commanding lead.
It's Illary's race to lose, and the PTB will make sure to deliver it for her.
I want public all the medical records and prescription drugs taken by all members of Congress. They are keen on having all kinds of US workers subjected to drug screening and drug testing. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. They can stand up and show some leadership by example on this. Of course it never will happen b/c 99% of them are lying pathetic hypocrite schittweasels.
hilLIARy's campaign has been in the toilet for months, and it has been flushed into oblivion over the past 10 days with her seizure in NYC and her nasty, hateful, wicked, anti-American, anti-Christian comment about 'deplorables.' Done. Finished. Toast. Put a fork in it. Trump is going to win at least 40 states and may go >45. It's going to be an epic monumental blowout of landslide proportion, believe me (and Bob).
Hillary has already lost the race and Trump will swamp her. And the more Muslims attack the U.S. the more states Trump will win.
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