I’ve pointed out before there are grifters in the Manosphere, the two most notorious being the greasy, unattractive half-white half-wit Roosh and the Jew Roissy (lying is apparently genetic among Jews).
Why would anyone in their right mind listen to non-Europeans who want to destroy American culture, which their ideologies (which are not new but ancient) lead to? Usually this kind of desire for destruction is based on the envy inherent in being inferior.
None of them are getting laid they way they say they are. As I’ve noticed in the title, those who can, do, and those who can’t, lie and brag.
I’ve met more than one guy who was always bragging how many women he laid, when he wasn’t laying any. I’ve first encountered these kinds of liars in high school when some guys (among them my friends) bragged, “Yeah, I fucked this girl, I fucked that girl” when they hadn’t).
When I was in high school (or perhaps middle school) I would see ads in magazines for a book titled, How to Pick Up Girls. Later in college I found out how much a full-page ad in a magazine cost, and I thought, “My God, this guy must have been raking in the bucks!”
So don’t think there is anything new in the Manosphere, just the way there is nothing new about a sucker being born every minute.
I’ve met more than one guy who has claimed – in fact bragged – he’s laid a lot of women. They always paid for whores, screwed ugly fat girls or sluts who’d fuck anyone with a working dick. Or weren’t getting laid at all.
That includes Roosh and Roissy.
Anyone who looks like Roosh isn’t getting all of these hot white girls no matter how much he uses his non-exist “Game” (I’d like to see his greasy ass try his “Game” on Angelina Jolie or some famous model). His sex life probably mostly consists of jerking off over pictures of beautiful white girls he can’t get and has never had.
He reminds me of those black guys I’ve met who were proud of getting a obese white skank that no white man would be seen in public with.
The same with Roissy and his obsessions with goyim shiksas.
As for Vox Day (who’s obsessed with Gammas because he is one), he’s just as naïve as hell with him thinking psychopaths are popular with women. He clearly has no idea what a psychopath is.
I once briefly (like for about ten seconds) met a woman who was about two days later murdered (strangled) by a serial killer named Dale Anderson (all serial killers are sociopaths/psychopaths) who also murdered about six women over the years, including a pregnant woman. He wasn’t executed, just got life in prison.
What’s with all this lying? Mostly for attention and the demented amusement at putting a con over on people. And money, too, although none of them are getting rich. But hey, if you can at least make a decent living putting one over on people, why not? That is, you’re lacking in a conscience.
When I worked in a bar, I ran into a couple of guys who could genuinely walk out with any girl they wanted on any given night. They were never rude or braggadocios to other guys because of their exploits, or the other men's inability to do the same. They just went about their business. Of course, I saw how much trouble it is to run around that much (bi-weekly STD checks, never ever getting a break from women) and thought, "who the hell would want to do this forever?"
As an introvert, I eventually came to the realization of: "Who the hell would want to do this at all?"
Being the life of the party is totally not my style. Even if I can fake it for a while.
When I was young and foolish, I bought a copy of "How To Up Girls" in a second-hand book shop. It was essentially filled with the same old nonsense that was preached to me when I was growing up, the same stuff that is known as "Blue Pill" today ("be yourself", "be 'nice' "/"if you're not attracting girls, you're not being 'nice' enough", etc.) -- everything which I knew was absolute nonsense. I decided to have fun and made all kinds of notes and scribblings in the margins ("B.S.!", "Doesn't happen", "Outdated Delusional Nonsense", etc.) and discreetly left it lying on a table in my college library. I sometimes wonder who found it and if they ever read through it.
What about guys who say that the techniques of Roosh & Roissy have enabled them to have success with women? They'll say that, before they knew game, that they were not successful with women; after learning the teachings of Roosh and/or Roissy, they were successful with women. What do you say to that? I'm not trying to be contentious; I'm genuinely curious...
Anon, one thing "game" teaches men is that you have to get over your fear of rejection.
So for this one attribute, "get out there and keep trying" game has merit. But it is not new. What is new is that boys nowadays get it pumped into their psyche that they are rapists and masculinity is toxic. These poor fellows are becoming so feminine that they really do get hurt if rejected by broads.
The old saying, "if you never put your line in the water, you'll never catch a fish"
sums up all of game teaching succinctly.
Which website is Roissy? Is that "Chatteu Heartiste"?
"What about guys who say that the techniques of Roosh & Roissy have enabled them to have success with women?"
Getting over the fear of rejection.
There was a science fiction writer, whose name I cannot remember and who is now dead, who would go to conventions and tell women, "Hi, I'm so-and-so. You want to fuck?" If she said no he went to the next one.
Enough said yes to make it worth his while.
"Which website is Roissy? Is that "Chatteu Heartiste"?
Yes, that's him.
Bob, so you are saying that Roissy, who goes on unendingly about the death of White America, is Jewish? (Not that he's wrong on that account)
Google "Roissy Jew" and watch what comes up. By the way, his name is James Weidman.
Bob, I'm of Jewish descent myself, although I like to think I don't lie more than most. I am an extreme outlier among my family, friends and acquaintances as I am a gun owning, US nationalist, right winger. Thing is, come the collapse I don't know who'll be gunning for me more: the Left or the Alt-Right :)
Robert What?, unfortunately the Alt-Right doesn't want, nor need, you. You are a danger to life and limb. Once a Jew, always a Jew. And you're not even American if you are Jewish. Just ask Vox Day.
I personally don't feel that way about Jews. Too many nutjobs, though, believe in this global Jewish conspiracy. They need to have their head examined.
@Anonymous - if that's your real name ;-) I know, I've been told I'm not even White. But it is interesting that you bring up Vox (who I incidentally like). Vox will be the first to admit he is not White. So how is he a champion of the Alt-Right? Seems like he should be an outcast like me, right?
Vox is white, he just claims to be Indian (feathers, not red dot). He "identified" with his tribal group to suit his own narrative.
How is he a champion of the Alt-Right? Ask his vile faceless minions. Ask his evil legion of evil.
So apparently you know better than Vox himself whether he is all White? He definitely is not pure White, so to be consistent you must toss him into the outer darkness where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth. And you'd better get your own DNA tested to make sure there are no suprises. But here is the thing: ultimately the Alt-White is a dead end. This country will never again be 90% White. The best you can hope for is, post collapse, the US breaking up into different ethnic regions. And after that you have the fun job of crafting an all White state that merges the interests of all the Whites. Have fun trying the do that with, for example, German-Americans and Greek-Americans both being White. The Czechs and the Slovacs couldn't even keep it together. Within a generation your all White state will be balkanized beyond recognition. No, if you have any hope of maintaining a country that has some semblance of what the Founders intended, you'd better take your friends where you can find them.
"So apparently you know better than Vox himself whether he is all White?"
Did I even say that I consider him to be "all white"? No.
"He definitely is not pure White, so to be consistent you must toss him into the outer darkness where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth."
Who said I was tossing him anywhere? You're making things up.
"And you'd better get your own DNA tested to make sure there are no suprises."
No worries here.
"But here is the thing: ultimately the Alt-White is a dead end."
Why don't you tell that to Vox Day.
"This country will never again be 90% White."
"The best you can hope for is, post collapse, the US breaking up into different ethnic regions.
Doubtful this will even happen.
"And after that you have the fun job of crafting an all White state that merges the interests of all the Whites."
That's a pipe dream.
"Have fun trying the do that with, for example, German-Americans and Greek-Americans both being White. The Czechs and the Slovacs couldn't even keep it together."
Nativists considered these groups to be other than white.
"Within a generation your all White state will be balkanized beyond recognition. No, if you have any hope of maintaining a country that has some semblance of what the Founders intended, you'd better take your friends where you can find them."
The intention of the Founders was to grant Congress the right to determine the criteria for citizenship for future generations.
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