Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Human Nature Doesn’t Change

I get people telling me “women have changed.” No, they haven’t. Anyone who thinks they have hasn’t even read the Bible at the very least.

Women throughout history have been liars, parasites, whores, drug addicts, abortionists, murderers of their infants, adulteresses, fat, lazy, disgusting, tattooed, promiscuous, diseased, naggers and torturers of men.

This is why the concept of Original Sin exists. Because everyone is flawed and imperfect. In some way, a lot.

That’s women at their worst. The fact there may be more of them today is irrelevant. Same nature, same kind of people.

I’ve pointed out before the Bible tells the truth – good and bad – about both men and women.

The things the Old Testament – and Jesus and St. Paul – said about people is eye-opening.

The same thing applies to men.


Anonymous said...

Male and female are complementary roles. If they work as a team, they can move mountains. When they compete against one another, chaos and dysfunction ensues.

For numerous reasons, the last 60 years have been a disaster for gender relations. Women are trying to compete head to head with men. They never can, so the bar is continuously lowered. Men have just dissolved into sack-less wimps, completely incapable of controlling women even if they wanted too.

The 1950s represented the golden age of gender relations. While not perfect, in terms of gender cooperation, that was likely as good as it's ever going to get. We now live in the diarrhea age of gender relations, where absolutely nothing works between the sexes. Certainly a low point for the Western world in that regard.

Perhaps we will move into a better age for gender relations, but it doesn't look like it's happening any time soon. The current conditions don't allow for it.

Unknown said...

If men don't control women, the women will try to control me. That's at the end of the story of the Garden of Eden.

Women are supposed to be helpmates, not competitors.

Anonymous said...

Yup. The dynamic is dominant/submissive. Yin/Yang. Nature is always striving for balance and equilibrium. Nature abhors imbalance.

"Women are supposed to be helpmates, not competitors." Yes correct. And by nature's design they are handsomely rewarded with protection and provisioning. Nature can be cruel, but it can also be very efficient.

Robert What? said...

Correct, women haven't changed. What has changed is that the cultural and societal norms which used to put some brakes on women's basest instincts have all disappeared.

DeNihilist said...

+1 Robert

Glen Filthie said...

Hogwash! Fiddlesticks! And ... FLITHER-FLATHER!!!!

The societal pressures on humans are constantly in flux. Our societies and the things we value are constantly changing. Technological and medical advances have created circumstances and lifestyle changes never seen before in the history of man. They most certainly HAVE changed men and women and anyone that says different - has the blinders on.

A mere 100 years ago you HAD to get married and have a large family just to survive. A couple of your kids would almost certainly die. You and the wife would work from sun up to sun down and you had to divide labour and pool income to live. Extended families were the norm and you could respect your elders because living into old age took real smarts and real strength. Obesity problems were nonexistent, people starved to death in those days. There was no retirement, you worked until you died. Judgement was crucial to survival. If you didn't pull your weight or contribute you weren't merely shamed - you were punished and ostracized. Only the very rich could afford to support spinsters, queers or other sexual degenerates. Women wanted and needed good men and vice versa.

This is why we are in the midst of a cultural suicide. There are two genders, not 34. They have to work together or the family rots or dies. If the family rots, the community will follow. If the community falls, the state will topple. When the state goes... The nation would follow suit.

A mere 100 years ago white WOMEN would have had black baboons like Obama and his shrew of a "wife" picking cotton. If his faggotry came to light he would have been whipped or run off, or quietly lynched one dark night, and everyone (including most self respecting blacks) - would sigh with relief when he was gone. Today white women would vote for him and spread their legs for him. Hell - Obamas momma was white! Today white men watch mud sharking white women and nod with approval.

It's my scholarly contention that we are living in a temporary, unnatural state. Our women are not acting in their own interests or that of their family or community. Nor are men - which is why we are going to be temporarily supplanted by blacks, Hispanics and moslems. A new white empire will eventually rise through evolutionary mechanisms, but this one has to die first. I predict a massive cull in the works that will involve race and possibly civil war.

It should be intuitively obvious that human nature is at least malleable and elastic. Will white human behaviour re-assert itself?

Anonymous said...

"The 1950s represented the golden age of gender relations. While not perfect, in terms of gender cooperation, that was likely as good as it's ever going to get. We now live in the diarrhea age of gender relations, where absolutely nothing works between the sexes. Certainly a low point for the Western world in that regard."

You must have watched a ton of Leave It To Beaver, because June Clever was the TV version of "gender cooperation". In reality, increasing numbers of females were entering the workforce as professionals and increasing numbers of husband and wives were defining for themselves what were their individual roles in the relationship.

Anonymous said...

"Male and female are complementary roles. If they work as a team, they can move mountains. "

I have yet to see a mountain moved by teas of men and women each using their own strengths. Mountains mainly get moved by teams of men.

Anonymous said...

"I have yet to see a mountain moved by teas of men and women each using their own strengths."

The Revolutionary War and World War II are clear examples. Take remedial American history.