No solutions, just trade-offs.
I still get people trying to defend the Bush Crime Family, especially the big-mouth Chickenhawk Dubya Shrub, who thought there were solutions to problems to which there are no solutions. (I once had a Swiss man tell me, “The problem with you Americans is you think there are solutions to everything”).
Dubya’s lack of wisdom and naiveté cost a lot of innocent people their lives and health. That’s what happens when incompetents gain political power – which is, at its worst, the power to turn lots of people into mangled corpses.
I’ve had people tell me he’s “highly educated” – he was a C student at Harvard and the only reason he got in at all because of his wealthy father (I’ve had more than one person who attended those East Coast schools tell me once you get in it’s no more difficult than a non-“elite” school – the same textbooks are used at any community college). Had he been raised in my hometown and graduated from my high school, with his lack of character (and alcoholism), he would have gone nowhere. I’ve seen it many times and a third-rater like Shrub didn’t have the ability to overcome such a handicap (the most famous and successful man from my hometown was a 1960’s Cardinals shortstop named Dal Maxvill – I have two signed autographed pictures my mother got from him when his wife gave birth at the local hospital).
I’ve been told Dubya is “highly intelligent.” He’s not. Anyone who says he “doesn’t do nuance” (which means he perceives everything as a childish black-and-white or a narcissistic all-good and all-bad) is not smart. He’s what I call a “high-IQ idiot.”
Shrub and I have the same IQ – 126. I use mine. He never has and at his age he never will.
Same with being able to fly a jet (when asked to volunteer he also refused to fly a fighter jet in Vietnam). I have a friend who flies passenger jets – and he’s responsible for all the lives on his plane – and he got his degree by mail (this was before the internet). Does that make him qualified to be President? Of course not. Same with Shrub.
There isn’t one one thing Shrub did in his life that made him qualified to be President. He was given everything and failed at all of it. Governor of Texas? He was put into office by a bunch of drunken Bubbas, with about 40% of the people voting.
As bad as Obama was – he doubled the deficit and created this moronic “Obamacare” – at least those things can be fixed.
What Dubya did with the war deaths and horribly wounded people and destroyed countries cannot be fixed - things are a lot worse over there than when he babbled, “Mission accomplished!” What we are really going to get out of it is vengeance from those the U.S. attacked and destroyed.
Shrub didn’t even expel the Saudis (who attacked us, not Iraq, not Afghanistan) from the U.S. (Carter at least expelled Iranians after they took hostages). Shrub was too busy flying his butt-buddies the bin Ladens out of the U.S. back to Saudi Arabia the day after 9-11 - the billionaire family he had business dealings with for decades.
Unfortunately lying to your self is one of the easiest things in the world.
Shrub and the other high-IQ idiots in his administration lied to themselves, which is why they’ll come up with any excuse to rationalize what they did “as a good thing” – you know, defending the “Homeland” from an insane, slavering homicidal monster even though Saddam Hussein was a third-rate tinhorn dictator with a third-rate slave army and was a threat to no one but his own people – which is not my problem or the problem of the United States.
But no – he was “Hitler.” To the historically ignorant everyone is Hitler even though the Jewish Bolshevists of the Soviet Union murdered tens of millions more people. Doesn’t anyone know their history anymore?
Thank God the political aspirations of the Bush Crime Family are over permanently – none of them will ever hold political office again. And I’m sure they hate Donald Trump after he destroyed “low-energy” Jeb! And desperately hope something terrible happens to Trump.
Too bad the Bushes can’t lose their wealth and have to get real jobs – I delivered pizzas in college, worked as a carpenter for my father when I was twelve years old and owned a taxi for five years.
Let’s see if the Bushes can work their way up again from the bottom.
They couldn’t do it. These days nearly everyone who becomes very wealthy does so because they are entrepreneurs in computer software – think Bill Gates and Elon Musk.
One of my posters made the comment about “producers.” There are either producers – creators – or parasites – destroyers.
The United States has very rarely had a President or a member of Congress who produced anything – all have been parasites feasting on the blood of productive citizens.
At least Donald Trump, as flawed as he is, produced something and gave people jobs. And yes he gamed the system. Perfect? Not even close. But a lot better than the alternatives. A hell of a lot better.
Can any politician say the same thing about being productive? Not one. Hillary Clinton? Bernie Sanders? The senile war criminal John McCain? Ha!
All governments are parasitical. At their best the real purpose of government is to set things up to help the producers create things and let people be the best they can be – that’s why the Declaration of Independence talks about “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
It can be difficult to pursue those things when you have a blood-sucking parasite stuck on everyone – except for those born very wealthy, no matter how stupid and incompetent they are.
"As bad as Obama was – he doubled the deficit and created this moronic “Obamacare” – at least those things can be fixed".
Obama never "did" anything except stand in front of teleprompter and read what was on it. Like all presidents, he is the face for what his masters want him to do.
I agree that Bush II was, in many was, worse than Obama. I despised every president since Reagan, until Trump. I despised Dubya for the same reasons as you, except I doubt his IQ was as high as 126. I think his was more like 115.
You certainly have more horse sense than Dubya ever did.
The latter part of your post sounds awfully Randian for someone who despises Rand.
I have a good friend who got his BS (in physics) from UC Riverside and his PhD (in chemistry) from Princeton. He concurs with you that the students in the Ivy League are no brighter than those attending state universities.
BTW, Dubya had brain damage due to alcoholism (and possibly extensive cocaine use) by the time he was president.
Actually you are the one not using your intellect here, Bob.
Bush SAVED lives, possibly millions, at the expense of a few thousand. As we discussed before, the blood of millions is on the hands of people that think and struggle with 3 dimensional chess with 2 dimensional minds. I agree Bush was no whiz kid - but (no offense) - neither are we. IQ-wise you're a few points higher than I am, I'm down around 121. :)
Say what ya want, Bush killed a whole bunch of savages that needed killing. (You heard it here first! That game isn't over yet either. Iran will need to be levelled next).
Bush didn't solve a huge problem - he AVERTED several. Understanding that takes real world experience and critical thinking skills that most people just don't have. Just as actions have consequences - do does inaction.
Think of me when the bombs are falling on Tehran, girls! :)
Glen, I would have to say that you are what Bob would call a chicken hawk. To believe that a military action is one and done and has no long-term consequences is foolish. What occurred in Iraq? The Middle East became destabilized and today we have the inundation of White countries with 3rd world Islamic scum. Attack Iran and the fallout will be even worse. I have a suggestion. Take care of your own country's problems and keep your nose out of everyone else's business. The world does not NEED the United Staes to police it. The elite WANT the United States to police the world so that they can control outcomes and continue their agenda.
The common refrain for pre-emptive strikes in Iran and Korea is that "They will develop nuclear capability!" I believe that there are already several nuclear powers. Israel and Pakistan come to mind. Let's say that Iran attacks Israel with nuclear weapons. Let Israel reduce Iran to cinders. Israel has an "unknown" amount of nuclear weapons. How many will Iran have? 2? If Korea sent a nuclear ICBM to Hawaii, it would be the last thing they ever did. You need to realize that wanting to interfere on the world stage is an economic compulsion, not a security one. Keep your own economy healthy and you don't have to worry about the world economy. Unfortunately, your masters have tied you in economically with the entire world. This does not make our nation wealthy. It makes a handful of parasitic families wealthy, not the average American.
Bush is a war criminal and saved no one.
Can any politician say the same thing about being productive? Not one. Hillary Clinton? Bernie Sanders? The senile war criminal John McCain? Ha!
Years ago, I met someone who had once rented a summer house from Bernie Sanders. He said Mr. Sanders was an infuriatingly inept and negligent landlord, who took weeks and weeks responding to basic maintenance requests. This was right around the same time Sanders was mounting an unsuccessful campaign for governor of Vermont, promising to fix the state's roads, bridges and other infrastructure. The TV ads drove his tenant crazy- "Fix Vermont's roads and bridges? You can't even fix the front stairs on your own [expletive] house!"
"Bush SAVED lives, possibly millions, at the expense of a few thousand. As we discussed before, the blood of millions is on the hands of people that think and struggle with 3 dimensional chess with 2 dimensional minds."
As we discussed before, the notion that Iraq could ever have developed nuclear weapons in this century was provably and indisputably 100% wrong, and any leader who had bothered to learn the obvious facts in 2002 would have known that. The failed Iraqi state simply did not have any money left over to enrich weapons-grade uranium, even with their clandestine oil sales. Had President Bush bothered to ask anybody who could do the math, he would have figured this out in five minutes.
sadly the Bush crime family is still with us behind the scenes . they are still running the GOP establishment via the ROVE /SuperPAC fnding cabal.
"The latter part of your post sounds awfully Randian for someone who despises Rand."
As far as I know the first one to make that distinction was Frederic Bastiat, hundreds of years before that Jew nutcase Alice Rosenbaum.
"...What occurred in Iraq? The Middle East became destabilized..."
DING DING DING DING!!!! We have a winner!!!!!
Precisely. This was the ultimate goal of both wars in Iraq, and well...mission accomplished, Dubya!!! Well done! Iraq will never be a threat again! THINK, girls! What would the middle east look like had Saddam stabilized it? Welp - I'll tell ya: had Saddam been allowed to grow and accrue power, he would have become large enough to send his his excess human trash to Europe in amphibious assault craft and tanks instead of on garbage scows today. And as far as the infestation of Europe with niggered turdies - that is not on Bush, that is on Merkel. What are they teaching you kids in school these days? That little international bloodbath would span decades and make American losses in the region look paltry.
All Dubya got wrong was the idea of 'nation building'. Blaming Bush for the bad relations with the middle east is actually the sign of an inferior intellect, IMHO. Anyone that does so obviously knows nothing of history or moslems and isn't worth listening to. Those diseased curs fight with everyone, always have, always will. To them, we are all joos too; and killing us is well within the mandate of their stupid religion.
The goal has always been to keep the middle east unstable and easily managed. It's better this way for everyone. If guys like Uncle Bob have his way that will be a lesson you will learn the hard way, AGAIN.
Not only a chicken hawk but a blind fool.
"Years ago, I met someone who had once rented a summer house from Bernie Sanders. He said Mr. Sanders was an infuriatingly inept and negligent landlord, who took weeks and weeks responding to basic maintenance requests. This was right around the same time Sanders was mounting an unsuccessful campaign for governor of Vermont, promising to fix the state's roads, bridges and other infrastructure. The TV ads drove his tenant crazy- "Fix Vermont's roads and bridges? You can't even fix the front stairs on your own [expletive] house!"
Twarog, that wasn't Bernie Sanders. It was Joe Benning. Get your story straight next time.
"I think his was more like 115."
He clearly has brain damage from his 20+ years of alcoholism. It's also clear he had no business being President. He didn't have a clue as to what he was doing.
Isn't it great that Glen's hero Dubya The Warrior Hero and Conqueror has come out so strongly to support President Trump and his agenda of immigration law enforcement, hiring Americans first, reducing taxes, and smashing obozocare? Oh wait, he isn't doing any of those things, he is telling the world he thinks Trump sucks.
What a great great American he is.
You were right all along Glen. You must be so proud.
"It was Joe Benning. Get your story straight next time."
I suppose it would not be inconceivable that I might have somehow mis-heard part of the anecdote, if the speaker switched suddenly to a different subject after having spoken at length about Bernie Sanders, but the tale was related to me a full decade before Joe Benning ever ran for state office. I'm pretty sure nobody in the room at the time had ever heard of Joe Benning. Whatever incident you're thinking of, it is probably not the same one.
No, it is the same incident, you just got the name wrong. It was Joe Benning, period.
Bush saved lives by entering into pointless and stupid wars? Glenn I think we should start calling you General Buck Turgidson.
Glenn why don't we go out this afternoon and bomb Canada into oblivion b/c we never know if Canada might invade us and kill tens of millions. With your "logic", we'll kill a few millino Canadians with the net benefit of saving tens of millions of American lives.
You need to see a psychiatrist. Take Shrub with you while you are at it.
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