I know a few people who think Trump supporters are spray painting swastikas on synagogues and on black churches - and maybe even on people. Yet when these taggers are caught they are always leftists (and their excuse is always to "bring attention" to what they deludes themselves are major problems with racism, sexism, etc.).
This of course is an attempt by leftists to portray Trump's supporters as anti-Jewish and racist (and sexist, of course).
I used to know a Jewish guy who always thought that someone sooner to later was going to paint a swastika on his house - in a white-bread suburb of St. Louis. I know another who truly believes Trump's supporters are committing these outrages and he wonders if he is going to have to leave the country (he almost got deported back to Ukraine for selling drugs, public intoxication and fighting with the police - who knocked out his teeth when they threw him down on the sidewalk).
These people truly believe these things. And their minds cannot be changed. And they are truly dopes.
Leftists always think those who think differently from them aren't merely mistaken. They think they are evil. It's leftists projecting their own sickness on innocent people.
I heard some clown on the local radio claim if Trump lost his supporters were going to riot. Yet when Clinton lost it was her supporters who rioted. It's leftists who riot, not those of the right.
If Trump had lost his supporters would have been disappointed. They wouldn't have rioted and set fires and broken windows and thrown things at the police. Instead they would have sighed, shaken their heads and gone on with their lives.
The 20th Century was the century of leftist atheism, and it's been estimated up to 200 million people were killed (by the way, the Nazis -"National Socialists" - were leftist. The left likes to pretend they were rightists and that Flyover land Lane is full of crypto-Naxis).
The late Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn (who has influenced me more than I can say), wrote that sooner or later the right "has to knock the heads of the left." He meant terminate with extreme prejudice. And he was born in Austria and lived through WWI and WWII.
People have claimed leftism is rampant in the U.S. It's not. People in Flyover Lane have too much sense. Even the clowns on both coasts don't want that kind of destruction.
Hillary Clinton is much closer to a Nazi mentality than Trump. Actually, Trump not at all.
I hope it never comes to the point in the U.S. where the heads of leftists have to be knocked. I dread the idea. It’d be what Russell Kirk called Chaos and Old Night. Which is something that true leftists relish.
... and they almost always draw the swastika wrong too - like backwards, upside down, wrong color, incorrect proportions and line size, etc. - just plain sloppy. This annoys me to no end. I really wish these leftist retards could at least get this right.
But seriously, the Swastika is actually a really old symbol representing life found in many cultures in the past, and not just in Europe, but places like India. Hitler just didn't choose this symbol willy-nilly for no reason just because he thought it was pretty.
Ha! That's a good point. I've yet to see an actually nazi go graphiti a bathroom. Teen agers, kids sometimes, and people who allege they're just "trying to bring attention to the problem," but never an actual outright racist.
Here we've had the usual hysteria about alleged post election hate crimes, which compels me to ask, from whom? Because this is a little dark blue dot on the map, so where did all these alleged haters suddenly come from? Nobody knows, nobody can name them, nobody can point to an actual perp, but everyone has an anecdote to tell. "I saw a swastika in the outhouse"! Meh, that was scratched into those walls about five years ago. Pretty sure it was from one of your kids.
The swastika has always meant good luck and there used to be postcards in the U.S. before the Nazis screwed up the symbolism.
Just like that black guy who burned a black church in Mississippi and spraypainted 'Vote Trump' on it. I'd peg 90% of those alleged hate crimes as hoaxes...and up to 99% when it's a swastika since most leftists have Hitler and Nazis in their brains. 10% are probably legit.
And even though liberal group think seems to think white nationalists are 'far right' ...they are just as leftist a group as any other race or creed who think they are far superior to everyone else. Thing is there are only a few hundred of those guys in those groups compared to entire cities that are full of diverse liberal tyrants.
'... and they almost always draw the swastika wrong too - like backwards, upside down, wrong color, incorrect proportions and line size, etc. - just plain sloppy. This annoys me to no end. I really wish these leftist retards could at least get this right.'
They run on emotions, facts don't matter to them. Ask them if they are even aware of what the Weimar Republic was all about...the very democracy and a sexually libertine society they love that happened before Hitler rose to power. Most of your fascist dictators in history often come after leftists groups in power try to turn their nations hard left.
Total truth. Even if the rare as unicorns actual Nazi graffiti artist were to paint a Swastika it would still be painted by a Leftist since Nazism is after all democratic workers socialism
Hitler pathologically hated the Left. For him the Social Democrats and the communists were enemies of the state. He found the concept of trade unions weak and pathetic; in his time as a casual labourer he encountered many such unions and steered well clear of them. He found that the Social Democrats didn't really cater to the workers' demands; rather it used their strikes as a means of disruption against the established monarchy.
Whilst founding the principles of the Nazi party, Hitler along with his then associates Dietrich Eckart wanted to create a party that would be built on the power of the masses but would be personified by one leader; one dictator. The same is given in point 25 of the Nazi party, the last of 25 'unchangeable' tenets that Hitler considered the directive base of Nazism:
25. In order to carry out this program we demand: the creation of a strong central authority in the State, the unconditional authority by the political central parliament of the whole State and all its organizations.
The formation of professional committees and of committees representing the several estates of the realm, to ensure that the laws promulgated by the central authority shall be carried out by the federal states.
The leaders of the party undertake to promote the execution of the foregoing points at all costs, if necessary at the sacrifice of their own lives.
This was a time when Germany was pushing for less centralization, with Bavaria wanting to rule independently. Hitler was tired of the decentralization of the Hohenzollern empire and also of the soviet republic that was briefly set up in 1920. He wanted Germany to be under the iron fist of one man, and that one man to be him.
That is why the Nazi party is a right-wing party. Because although it is based on the struggle of the masses, its basic principle is that of the existence of a dictator and strong centralization.
'That is why the Nazi party is a right-wing party. Because although it is based on the struggle of the masses, its basic principle is that of the existence of a dictator and strong centralization.'
Now explain how that is any different from Communism. No matter how you shake it the Nazis were leftist. But since it was white guy superiority socialism and Jews were killed that's apparently why they were the greatest evil on earth and other leftist dictators who killed and implemented socialism are overlooked.
Ask not what the Germans did to the Jews and why, but what did the Jews do to the Germans and why? The historical narrative has been turned upside down.
You're an idiot, Earl. The Nazis were reactionary conservatives. The Nazis believed patriotism and a strong military; carry these values far enough, and you arrive at Hitler's warring nationalism. Furthermore, Hitler and the Nazis outlawed socialism, and executed socialists and communists en masse, even before they started rounding up Jews. In 1933, the Dachau concentration camp held socialists and leftists exclusively. The Nazis arrested more than 11,000 Germans for "illegal socialist activity" in 1936. Also, if you read the words of Hitler himself (Mein Kampf) or Goebbels, Naziism (National-Socialism) was intensely anti-Communist and anti-Union.
In Gary Allen's None Dare Call it Conspiracy a horizontal line was used to illustrate types of Government.
On the left was totalitarianism(Fascism, Communism) and the far Right was Anarchy and somewhere in between was the Constitutional Republic and Democracy.
I thought that was a "better" model to understand types of Government.
'Furthermore, Hitler and the Nazis outlawed socialism, and executed socialists and communists en masse, even before they started rounding up Jews.'
He must have not realized the name of his party was the National Socialist party.
Hitler must have been a bigger idiot than me. Any flavor of state sanctioned socialism is inherently leftist.
Hitler said that all former Communists were to be immediately admitted to the Nazi party. Same kind of person, same kind of ideology. That Nazis had better uniforms.
"He must have not realized the name of his party was the National Socialist party."
Doubling down on idiocy, huh, Earl? Socialism requires worker ownership and control of the means of production. In Nazi Germany, private capitalist individuals owned the means of production, and they in turn were frequently controlled by the Nazi party and state. True socialism does not advocate such economic dictatorship — it can only be democratic. Hitler’s other political beliefs place him almost always on the far right. He advocated racism over racial tolerance, eugenics over freedom of reproduction, merit over equality, competition over cooperation, power politics and militarism over pacifism, dictatorship over democracy, capitalism over Marxism, realism over idealism, nationalism over internationalism, exclusiveness over inclusiveness, common sense over theory or science, pragmatism over principle, and even held friendly relations with the Church, even though he was an atheist.
"Hitler’s other political beliefs place him almost always on the far right."
Far left. Nazi = "National Socialist."
Communism = International Socialist.
Hitler had such friendly relations with the church that when they refused to teach Nazism from the pulpit he started persecuting Catholics. The Holocaust didn't just cost Jewish lives...Hitler killed anyone who disagreed with him or didn't fit into his idea of a master race.
Give me a break...he was a leftist warmongering dictator whose bent was nationalism and a master race.
No it's not...since it didn't fit into your world view that Hitler was friendly with the church you tossed it out.
"No it's not...since it didn't fit into your world view that Hitler was friendly with the church you tossed it out."
Hitler was other than friendly to the RCC.
Another moronic troll deleted.
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