Thursday, January 21, 2016

"The Problem with Chinese Students"

I have rarely been impressed by the Asians I've met in the U.S. The "men" are scrawny hairless nerds - there is a good reason NOWAG means "No one wants Asian guys." Since they are from a shame-based culture, I'm seen hallucinate people are doing things to them. "The model minority"? I haven't seen it.

No wonder Asian women prefer white men when they can get them. Considering what the alternative is...

This article is from Clarissa's Blog.

In the context of Harvard admissions and whether they should be free, there are always muted references to “Asian students” and unspecified problems they are causing. For those who don’t know, I want to explain what the main issue here is.

“Asian students” is a way of saying “Chinese students.” Students from China often arrive with perfect SAT, TOEFL and GRE scores that turn out to be completely fake. I know of quite a few cases (including in Ivy League schools) where students from China arrive at a grad program in English lit with a perfect GRE score, and it turns out that the students literally don’t speak a word of English.

There is an even greater problem with letters of reference and transcripts from China. There is a lot of corruption going on in the country, and since China is so enormous, there’s no way of controlling what’s happening. That’s the reason colleges balk at admitting students from China.

There is some really idiotic myth that Chinese students are discriminated against because they are too smart and will outshine American students but it’s just a silly story. In reality, there is hardly a program in this country that hasn’t had any experience with falsified documents from China.

It totally sucks that good, honest Chinese students are suffering as a result of this issue but when you have one situation like this after another, I literally don’t know what else a department is to do.


Anonymous said...

"No wonder Asian women prefer white men when they can get them. Considering what the alternative is..."

This leads to another problem: When asian women and white men have children, the sons will be considered asian - their sons are still NOWAG - How is the asian mother going to view her own mixed-race son who still looks asian, and is treated as an asian? As indicated in an earlier blog article here, half-asian guys can have their own problems due to being mixed-race.

Also being mixed-race can lead to problematic health issues regarding donated organ, blood-type and donor tissue compatibility if the need ever arises.

Anonymous said...

In graduate school, the Chinese students in the math,physics and engineering depts are very good. The Koreans are good too. The Japanese students are utterly useless as I have rarely seen them in hard sciences and engineering. I see them a lot in the soft sciences and it is as though they are in the midst of an identity crisis. I have tremendous respect for German and Russian grad students as well. I met 1 dumb Ukaranian who did not belong in the math dept. Of course the students that arrive in the US are good students and have been trained well.

Anonymous said...

My son is finishing up a computer science degree at a large public university. The initial cohort had several Chinese students. They would routinely team up and cheat on assignments. Once the classes started getting harder, they started dropping out. Now with only two semesters to go, there is not a single one of them left.

Dusty Meckelford said...

Linking to a female academic to make a point? Wow, just wow.

"When asian women and white men have children, the sons will be considered asian - their sons are still NOWAG"

Actually, their son is considered mixed. Better still, a human being.

"As indicated in an earlier blog article here, half-asian guys can have their own problems due to being mixed-race."

What problems? Please elaborate.

"Also being mixed-race can lead to problematic health issues regarding donated organ, blood-type and donor tissue compatibility if the need ever arises."

You really are misinformed.

"My son is finishing up a computer science degree at a large public university. The initial cohort had several Chinese students. They would routinely team up and cheat on assignments. Once the classes started getting harder, they started dropping out. Now with only two semesters to go, there is not a single one of them left."

Cool story, bro.

Anonymous said...


"You talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded." - Idiocracy

AAB said...

Satoshi Kanazawa, who lectures at London School of Economics, has also commented on Chinese students faking their academic results:

Here at LSE [London School of Economics] where I teach, we receive a large number of these third-rate Chinese students dressed up as first-rate. (About 5-10% of all undergraduate and graduate students at LSE are from PRC.) Virtually every Chinese applicant to LSE boasts “the highest exam scores in their province.” Apparently it has not occurred to the LSE admissions office that there could not possibly be that many provinces in China. Naturally, most of these PRC students do very poorly and fail out of the program, and, when they do, many confess to having purchased or otherwise fabricated their exam scores and transcripts before they applied for LSE.


Unknown said...

"You talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded." - Idiocracy"


Dusty Meckelford said...

"You talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded." - Idiocracy

Joe, step up your game when it comes to verbal shivs. That's so 1983.

"Satoshi Kanazawa, who lectures at London School of Economics..."

I wouldn't be relying on his "expertise".