When I was a teenager I used to wonder about that Biblical curse on women to bear children in pain. I hadn't seen it - and my mother worked for years in OB-GYN at the hospital. Of course, the answer immediately occurred to me - science and technology.
My mother told me she only saw one woman die in childbirth. I don't remember the reason why, but I suspect today she could have been saved.
My sister had three kids. With an epidural she didn't feel a thing.
I do know women were dropping like flies in childbirth in the past. I remember thinking how awful that was. That doesn't happen anymore.
Children and babies were also dropping like flies in the past. Laura Ingalls Wilder, she of the Little House on the Prairie books, only had her first daughter, Rose Wilder Lane, survive. The rest of her children died. The one after Rose, a little boy, died of seizures at probably a few months old. The rest she apparently never wrote about. She also never wrote about a hospital.
Rose never had children. She got pregnant, something went wrong, the baby was never born - and Rose could never have children after that. Today the problem, whatever it was, could probably be fixed. So the whole family line has died out.
Again, science and technology is what saved those people.
People were also dropping like flies from disease in the past. People were dropping dead left and right from cholera in Chicago until one man decided to sneak chlorine in the water supply without telling anyone - and poof, no more cholera.
The same with venereal diseases. They killed people left and right (Nietzsche and Al Capone lost their minds from syphilis). But that doesn't happen anymore.
It was Voltaire, I believe, who cured himself of gonorrhea (perhaps syphilis) by drinking several gallons of lemonade (perhaps the Vitamin C did the trick).
But today, we have antibiotics and birth control and painkillers.
Venereal diseases have pretty much been wiped out. By the way, I know a woman who had syphilis at 19 (which she got from sleeping with a Romanian) but the doctor cured her of it after giving her holy hell.
Who cured these diseases and gave us relatively painless birth? Those goddamn awful white men - you know, those patriarchal slave-owning woman-hating sonsofbitches. At least in the minds of the deluded.
They cured diseases, along with making childbirth safe. They created safe and effective birth control, along with safe and effective abortion. All those things together, along with no fault divorce, is what created the sexual "revolution," which wasn't exactly a revolution, since it took a very long time. I'm not sure if anyone exactly predicted all of these problems, which were created by people behaving irresponsibly and abusing their freedom. And I find that strange.
Women are completely, 100% dependent on men. I can't remember who wrote it, but he said women were about as independent as tropical flowers in a hothouse in Iceland.
How many times do I have to write this? Carl Jung (not the first to notice this) said that women were biologically indispensable because they gave birth, and men were culturally indispensable because they created everything. Like that advanced science and technology that cured those venereal diseases and took away most of the pain and death of childbirth.
What's going on here? Are these attacks from envy? That's usually what happens when innocent people are attacked and denigrated. Since there is no gratitude it probably is envy - because the more envy, the less gratitude. You can't feel both at the same time.
Is the white man that envied? Is that why there is no gratitude for what he's done? Do so many people feel that inferior to him that they have to try to destroy him so they won't by eaten alive by their envy?
And do they not realize without the white man most of the advances in the world would come to a screeching halt?
Charles Murray, he of Human Accomplishment (a must-own book), pointed out Europeans and their descendants throughout the world, were responsible for 98% of the all inventions and discoveries for over the past 500 years. If not longer.
That's not just chance. There's something genetic going on here. I don't exactly know what. I know it was something to do with curiosity and imagination and abstract thought (which are my strong suits).
Those are overwhelmingly Western traits.
So, the more the West contracts, and men are denigrated and destroyed, the worse it's going to be for the entire world.
Will the day every come when people are crying, "Save us, white man!" That's what is starting to happen in Africa.
Someday, it might start to happen in the rest of the world.
As far as I'm concerned, they can go to hell. After all, they're trying to send us there.
I havent bought the book yet. The thing that confuses me is that China was more advanced than Europeans for a long time until the boom in Medieval era. Does the Author explain why?
No, he's only concerned with European accomplishments.
"Charles Murray, he of Human Accomplishment (a must-own book), pointed out Europeans and their descendants throughout the world, were responsible for 98% of the all inventions and discoveries for over the past 500 years. If not longer.
That's not just chance. There's something genetic going on here. I don't exactly know what. I know it was something to do with curiosity and imagination and abstract thought (which are my strong suits)."
I believe that this curiosity, imagination and abstract thinking may be attributed to our Neanderthal human ancestors:
"Some modern writers have claimed we picked up much creativity from the Neanderthals, along with introversion, the ability to concentrate, and imagination. Some of them consider Cro-Magnons to be a lesser form of human."
The idea that Neanderthal humans were stupid, more primitive and uncultured is wrong and a fallacy I believe.
There was probably some other selection pressure going on that resulted in other human types (Cro-Magnon humans?) in Europe contributing more to, and dominating, modern humans genetic legacy, and primarily in northwestern Europe.
Who knows? - What would we and the world be like today if it was the Neanderthals, and not these other invading humans, that contributed most of our genetics? Would we be even more creative, thoughtful, and possibly even having a higher native intelligence?
Maybe the wrong tribe lost?
This is a fascinating subject.
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