When you take the Manosphere Red Pill you're exchanging one Matrix for another.
This isn't original with me. It's an old concept. We're don't know reality directly. We only know it through our brain/senses. "The map is not the terrain." The models of reality in our heads are not reality itself.
Since we cannot perceive reality directly, all of us are in Matrix.
The Red Pill, "hypergamy," "Alpha/Beta/Whatever," "Alpha Fucks and Beta Bucks," Evo-Psych...these are simplistic concepts in our heads some use to explain reality. None of them are reality itself.
Of course, some concepts work better than others. The philosophy of much of the Manosphere - that which I listed above - is not workable. Some understand that. You know why? Nihilistic and hedonistic is never workable. That's ancient wisdom from thousands of years ago.
I at least know I'm in the Matrix. That itself is a great measure of freedom.
The more I read here the more I like.
"hypergamy," "Alpha/Beta/Whatever," "Alpha Fucks and Beta Bucks," Evo-Psych"" it is reality when taken into context of time frame being a civilization in rapid decline. In another age, it would not look like that.
'The models of reality in our heads are not reality itself.'
There's a book out there that completely describes reality...it's called The Bible.
After you take the red pill, you're still a part of the matrix, but you now know that fact. Taking the red pill helps you better identify the hidden agents and helps you to avoid making stupid decisions.
In this matrix, taking the red pill gives you power within the matrix. Remember, we're talking about an allegory here.
Life becomes "hackable" the moment it dawns on you that all Thomas A. Anderson really had to do was get a hobby that he could be passionate about despite whatever anyone else thought. Like knitting.
The Manosphere operates overwhelmingly on what is called Naive Realism - which is so simplistic that no philosopher takes it seriously. Unfortunately the most rabid supporters of the Manosphere don't even know what they're doing.
"don't you realize that when Neo took the Red Pill he only had powers in the Matrix?"
Just in case you aren't aware, 'The Matrix' was science FICTION.
And some times, very occasionally folk like to use metaphorical modes of expression.
The concept of the Matrix in science fiction is an old concept. I've been reading SF since I was 12. Yet there are people out there who really think they've taken the Red Pill, metaphor or not.
"None of them are reality itself."
I can reliably reproduce by the flick of a switch the light. I mostly understand the cause and effect, and the processes involved. Only five hundred years ago, such a claim would have been 'diabolical'.
Why do you maintain that humans shouldn't apply their intellectual faculties to the study of human relationship dynamics?
"Yet there are people out there who really think they've taken the Red Pill, metaphor or not."
Maybe they so believe. But the question then is; do these people's new (red pill - different matrix, if you will) understanding of human relationship dynamics better explain their observed circumstance.
A more congruent understanding of their circumstance, may not be entirely accurate, but if it better fits their perception of reality - compared with the blue pill feminine matrix, if that leads to happier better adjusted men. That is a good thing, perhaps?
I never said that. I do it myself. But I don't pretend I know the Absolute Truth. Concepts can always be refined and improved.
There is a world of difference between hard science (physics) and the concepts in the Manosphere.
Seeing women as loveless disloyal hypergamous whores - which I see an enormous amount of in the Manosphere - is not the path to well-being.
Had this flash up on my FB wall recently - "Love like you've never been hurt"
I like this one.
"Seeing women as loveless disloyal hypergamous whores - which I see an enormous amount of in the Manosphere - is not the path to well-being."
A good point.
I think the question is, do grown women have a predisposition to be disloyal and hypergamous. I think there is a chance that without the conditioning that society used to apply to little girls in the West, the answer is, yes.
Then, for the man who wants a long term relationship with a woman, what strategies might he employ to inspire loyalty and fidelity in his mate.
He can no longer rely on the law, he can no longer rely on societal opprobrium.
And yes, some men will abuse this knowledge if it has any value. If it doesn't then, they are not much worse off.
@Bob Wallace
"The Manosphere operates overwhelmingly on what is called Naive Realism - which is so simplistic that no philosopher takes it seriously. Unfortunately the most rabid supporters of the Manosphere don't even know what they're doing."
A little while back I wrote some posts about female best intentions, female doublethink, and lies that females tell themselves. It makes sense that the Manosphere (as well as the Femi-sphere) would be vulnerable to similar mental doublethink and hoop-jumping and distortions.
Most men haven't been taught the philosophy that you were. Most probably aren't interested in learning it either. Many of us are generally simple and prefer simple explanations that seem to fit, a one-size-fits-all.
Occam's Razor, applied simplistically?
"Seeing women as loveless disloyal hypergamous whores - which I see an enormous amount of in the Manosphere - is not the path to well-being."
Not a good path, no.
Women loveless? It might be more accurate to state that her love probably has a built-in expiry-date. Especially if the man doesn't know how to keep tickling that love-bump on an ongoing basis.
Hypergamous? A better concept might simply be: self-interested. People will jump ship from one job to a "better" one. Why not the same with a relationship?
Especially when there appears to be minimal to no downside for one party. Many people do not see the consequences further down the line, or how far-reaching society-wise they might be.
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