Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Truth About the Crusades in One Picture

Our high-yellow half-breed homo of a President almost makes me sick. He's doesn't know anything about history.


Glen Filthie said...

Well Bob - your nation voted for that black baboon and now you are living the socialist dream - good and hard. Propaganda is essential in controlling stupid people.

America is suffering from what I call an 'IQ Inversion'. It is an unnatural state much like the air inversions where warm air aloft sometimes gets trapped on the ground my masses of cold air. In America idiots like Obama are 'celebrated' and builders and businessmen like Joe The Plumber are treated with disdain and derision.

It's ironic because when the liberals came out against the church, morality and decency back in the 60's...the scientists and historians were their greatest allies. Today they are blood enemies as the liberal narrative goes horribly wrong.

But it serves you Americans right, I suppose. Every day I hear morons bleating that Jeb Bush is no alternative to what you have now. LOL. While I agree that the man isn't perfect, he is a damnsight better than the current simian moron in the Oval Office and light years ahead of Hillary.

Maybe it's time to break America up and let the socialist states go hang themselves rather than sticking along for the ride...?

The Obvious said...

It's worth pointing out Obama used a significant amount of Neuro Linguistic Programming in his campaign, there's a PDF on it somewhere.

Unknown said...

I'm familiar with NLP.

Black Poison Soul said...

I think that I know the documentary you got that from. It's bloody brilliant.

NLP has always been used for many purposes. IIRC it was even referenced in The Game.

Robert What? said...

As an aside I don't believe he is a "half breed". There is a guy in England claiming to know Obama and his family, and that the white woman he claims to be his mother is not his biological mother. What we have here is the first all-black President.

Black Poison Soul said...

@Robert What? - If he's actually not a "half-breed" then that shows some interesting mentality of the voters in the USA. I wonder what focus group decided that "half-breed" was more acceptable than a "full-breed"?

Robert What? said...

@BPS - that is a good question. What does he get from masquerading as half white? Maybe it was to appeal to guilty white liberals - who are actually extremely racist.

Again, assuming it is true - but it does seem entirely plausible. Obama never ever talks about his mother.

Mindstorm said...

This infographic ought to include at least one battle more:

Mindstorm said...

BTW, both Khotyn (1621 and 1673) and Kamianets-Podilskyi (1672) lie north of Moldova, past the map edge.

Anonymous said...

are there graphics like this of conflicts in modern era (say past 50 years) rather than pre-renaissance era?

Unknown said...

I'm sure there are but I have no idea how to find them.

Anonymous said...

Obama is the worst President in modern history and possibly the worst President in the nation's entire history, but that was a very poor choice of words. People might get the wrong idea about you.

Mindstorm said...

Bob, what would be Nietzsche's opinion about this story? Are we right trying to separate fact from fiction here?