Actually, men can manipulate women by lying to them and telling them what they want to hear. That's how successful PUAs work.
Generally, though, men prefer to manipulate things. For an example, I rarely take my cars to the shop since I can repair most of the things that go wrong myself.
I and one of my friends have had women claim we were sexually harassing them because we did not want to get involved with them. Remember: "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."
This article is from Angry Harry.
Men's brains are designed to spend their time figuring out how to get objects in the environment to do their bidding.
Women's brains are designed to spend their time figuring out how to get **men** to do their bidding.
Men manipulate the environment. Women manipulate men.
This is why, for example, men devote so much of their time to fiddling around with gadgets, solving problems and playing games, whereas women spend much of their time and money altering the way that they look and 'chatting about relationships'.
This is, of course, a sweeping generalisation. But from my own observations, it is a pretty good one!
Indeed, within 48 hours of being born, female babies are more likely to spend their time gawping at human faces while male babies tend to be attracted by just about everything else.
Even baby chimps prefer toys more appropriate for their gender.
And you cannot blame the 'patriarchy' for that!
Most men would be staggered if they understood the lengths to which women normally go in order to manipulate them. But they seem to be completely blind to it.
And the reason is that, for the most part, men are just not operating in the same realm.
And this, for example, explains why women are apt to get so uptight and make false accusations against men (e.g. 'date rape') when the relationship does not go according to their plan the following day.
They see such an event as a 'failure to manipulate the man successfully' and this goes right to the very core of their egos. Whereas the men involved in such situations were not usually thinking about 'meaningful' relationships at all.
(It is a bit like saying that somebody is hopeless when it comes to dealing with children. Saying this to a man is not likely to be quite as devastating to the ego as is saying this to a woman.)
Feminism and political correctness have hidden from view the truly manipulative natures of women.
Indeed, if you look closely at the details surrounding much of the inter-gender disharmony that takes place these days (e.g. domestic violence) you will usually see therein a woman who failed to get what she wanted out of the man involved - rather than the other way round.
For example, he whacks her not so much because he wants to control her, or because he wants to achieve something, but because she persists in going on and on and on and on about something that she wants. And in doing so, she is well-trained in the art of using the verbal knife in order to hurt him and to drive him crazy.
Indeed, if you study the court cases, it transpires that many men have killed their partners because they could no longer stand the sound of "her voice going on and on and on".
50 years ago, if a man slapped his wife, BOTH MEN AND WOMEN were usually of the view that she deserved it in some way. And the reason that they usually thought this was because they knew how easy it was for women to manipulate men and they also knew how hard it was to provoke normal men into assaulting women.
In fact, most societies - and religions - seem to have been aware of this for thousands of years. (Remember the ducking stool!)
In the west, however, the astonishing ability that women have to manipulate men has been hidden from view.
In the west, however, the astonishing ability that women have to manipulate men has been hidden from view. And so when there is some kind of inter-gender conflict taking place, the only focus is on the behavioural actions of the men involved. The women are purposely portrayed as passive dummies who are completely innocent. And yet nothing could be further from the truth.
When a man is watching a football match, he sees strategies, angles, tactics, formations, combinations etc to do with the game. A woman sees a group of men wasting their time, pointlessly kicking a spherical object around a field.
When a woman is watching a soap opera, however, she sees strategies, angles, tactics, formations, combinations etc to do with the manipulation of relationships. A man simply sees a story unfolding.
It is fundamental gender differences such as this that feminists and their politically-corrected drones have managed to hide to the detriment of us all.
"I and one of my friends have had women claim we were sexually harassing them because we did not want to get involved with them. Remember: "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.""
Bingo. Truer words have never said. Good Lord, I've probably gotten into more trouble with women with their gossip, antics and such, by trying to avoid and reject them, then actually being involved with them. Many women cannot just leave others alone and get on with their own lives.
It was a huuuugggeee mistake to get rid of the Ducking-stools.
Life may have been better with them in place.
I say bring back the Ducking-stools and the reasons for which they are used.
@Quartermain - to bring back ducking-stools and the like would be nearly impossible.
"In the west, however, the astonishing ability that women have to manipulate men has been hidden from view. And so when there is some kind of inter-gender conflict taking place, the only focus is on the behavioural actions of the men involved. The women are purposely portrayed as passive dummies who are completely innocent. And yet nothing could be further from the truth."
First you would have to change the entire societal view to bring back the original common-sense that we used to have for such things.
I note that the ducking-stool was also a punishment for the Common Scold: a woman who broke the public peace by habitually arguing and quarreling with her neighbors.
@ Black Poison Soul- I know it would be nearly impossible but hey, a feller can dream can't he?
Well manipulation of men is one of those things that can go one of two ways:
Encouraging and building him up...or competing and beating him down. So it's not necessarily a bad thing but we all have a pretty good idea how women manipulate men today.
If I see a football match, I see a pointless distraction. Nothing to gain by watching it except fleeting warm fuzzies if the team one is kibitzing for wins.
Check out this film, "Marriage Slaves":
How would you fit ideas from this lecture into your two-sided schema of feminine/masculine opposition, Bob?
It would be interesting to consider it in the relation to the scale between psychosis and autism, with neurotypical psychology in the middle.
Ah, the credit for pointing me to the above video goes to some commentator at xenosystemsDOTnet.
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