Tuesday, March 10, 2015

"Why Women Hate MGTOW"

I once had a woman ask me what my "relationship status" was. I told her I was seeing two women (I wasn't) - and she never spoke to me again.

By the way, I'm not MGTOW - and never have been.


Anonymous said...

I'd wager there are few women who even know what MGTOW is, much less hate it.

Unknown said...

I've seen several women, never married or divorced, who are full of hate and rage toward men - because, stated or not, men have gone MGTOW on them. They no longer get male attention. They just about hate all men because of it.

Anonymous said...

A woman may hate a particular man for not giving them attention, but that's something much older and different; a woman scorned.

Women full of hate and rage towards men in general isn't because of anything men did or didn't do. It's because they were sold a line of BS about their lives, believed it and followed it, and are now suffering the consequences. Hell really hath no fury like a woman who has to face consequences for her actions.

Anonymous said...

Regarding these never married or divorced, hateful women, their problems are due to feminist teachings. These women were given bad advice by feminists. Women are not men, and they cannot conduct their lives like men.

I think that many young women these days are not being given helpful or prudent advice from their mothers, grandmothers, aunts, older sisters, etc., about forming healthy relationships with men and how the courting process, and the world really works. Many of their mothers are probably feminists raised and educated in the 60's and 70's.

Women in my opinion should get married young, like before 24. Like it or not, the main things men are attracted to are youth, looks and personality. A womans' degrees or achievements never gave a man a chubby, but women think it does (projection). Many young women seem to be waiting until they are around 30 to start looking for a husband. But most women at 30 cannot attract the same men that she did at 20 due to aging and hitting The Wall. Young women seem to be oblivious to the fact that their physical attractiveness - their main asset and appeal to men - is fleeting and temporary, maybe from age 18 - 26. Even at age 26, she will be competing with younger, more attractive 21 year old women for desirable men.

When a woman decides to find a husband at 30, she won't be able to appeal to the same men that she did when she was about a decade younger - it may not sound like much, but a decade can take a big bite out of a woman looks. At 30, she will have to "settle" for a man, rather than being able to get the better man when she was younger. She most likely will wind up resenting her husband for not being as good as the better guys that she got when she was younger. This makes her a divorce time bomb waiting to go off, then her husband and any children suffer.

Unknown said...

We've seen enough of the hardships men go through because of feminism...but it truly is more destructive to women.

It takes the few assets young women have and they are stolen by older lesbian witches telling them they don't need men.

Jeff said...

Hi Bob,

What is your perspective on MGTOW?

Here's my brief take:

I'm in mid-30s and rarely date anymore although I did more frequently in the past. It's not really what I want, but it's a challenge to find a decent dating or marriage candidate.

My belief is that most men & women are built for relationship with one another. But, there is a sense that MGTOW is a rational response to the dominant feminist culture.

Ultimately I think this is not healthy, but many of us will be de facto MGTOW in the end because of a lack of viable marriage partners.

Or am I just being too picky?

Unknown said...

MGTOW is a response to the unpleasant women created by feminism, even if they claim they aren't feminists. Women are been infected by the dominant culture.

Anonymous said...

@Bob: What do you think about Rollo Tamassis's books: The Rational Male volumes? Men on his web site run their lives with his advice. It looks like women are really mean these days.

Marriage is very dangerous these days for men with the current marriage/divorce laws and family courts being so much in favor of women and their whims from my understanding. I keep reading that the divorce rate is like 50-60%, and even worse for 2nd and third remarriages. This is very depressing.

MGTOW'd Out said...

“Women in my opinion should get married young, like before 24.”

Men and women ought to make their decisions regarding when to marry and whom to marry.

“Like it or not, the main things men are attracted to are youth, looks and personality.”

Likewise, women. Your point?

“But most women at 30 cannot attract the same men that she did at 20 due to aging and hitting The Wall.”

The exact same thing can be said about men, unless they have status and money. Regarding this “wall”, men also hit it...hard.

“Even at age 26, she will be competing with younger, more attractive 21 year old women for desirable men.”

There is a major difference between women age 21 and women age 26. It’s called maturity. Moreover, it is observably true that there are more females age 26 that are more attractive than females age 21.

“but a decade can take a big bite out of a woman looks.”

And so can ten years off of a man’s life.

“rather than being able to get the better man when she was younger.”

Actually, this really depends on a host of factors.

“Marriage is very dangerous these days for men...”

POTENTIALLY dangerous.

Anonymous said...

“Marriage is very dangerous these days for men...”

"POTENTIALLY dangerous."

Ok, with a divorce rate of 50%+, would you likewise:

Eat at a restaurant with a 50% chance of getting food poisoning and dying?

Fly on an airplane that had a 50% chance of crashing?

Cross a bridge with a 50% chance of collapsing?

Anonymous said...

Response, Part 1:

I don't really think women hate MGTOW per se. From my point of view, I think most women consider most men that don't serve women as losers in general.

MGTOW is really just a deep, deep rethinking by men of society and, as a result of that rethinking, a growing desire for "confirmed bachelorhood". Can you blame them? It's honestly kind of surprising that men didn't wake up to their disposability sooner.

There is nothing more damaging to the vast majority of men than the patriarchy and white knight/chivalrous men. These men are extremely naive, ignorant and self-serving. Men in power will gladly throw the majority of men under the bus to gain favor with the gynocracy, to keep their jobs (get re-elected) and to maintain the status quo (see '1 in 5' and 'yes means yes').

Alimony, child support and default maternal custody are constructs of men and constructs of a time when women could not support themselves financially. This is American patriarchy. Men made these rules, which have, through divorce, destroyed countless millions of men's lives. Though feminists did milk it for all it was worth, the patriarchy made men the disposable gender, not feminists.

It was mandated by society that men be providers and protectors of their families, just like women were mandated by society to be homemakers and caregivers. It was mandated that men go to war and sacrifice their lives for women and children. Those men that refused were branded cowards and ostracized socially and financially. Men and women that didn't play ball were demonized by both patriarchs and matriarchs. In the past, for a man to get a top-level job, he had to be married with kids. This social rule still exists today - enforced by both the patriarchy and the matriarchy.

The patriarchal structure was designed to benefit women and those men at the top - and to make the majority of men disposable. This is how we arrived at male-only selective service and the male only draft. Feminists distort the real truth when they paint all men as evil oppressors. Why do they still do it? Because it's served them well for many, many decades. Now, as things are backfiring, you can smell the desperation. The patriarchy and gynocracy are seeing the err in their ways. Naive white knights and misandric feminists are getting their just due. Better late than never.

Anonymous said...

Response, Part 2:

The single most misandric institution is marriage. Men give all of their power over to their wives when they marry, which is why men should never marry. It is the patriarchy that gave women this power over men though marriage, not feminists. If you look deeply into the agendas of major women's groups, you'll find them fighting to hold onto this anti-male power.

What men really need to understand is that both the patriarchy and feminism are working against the vast majority of men; hence the debunked rape, wage and domestic violence statistics. That feminists and many male world leaders continue to run with the deeply flawed statistics tells you everything you need to know about their agenda. Why do they keep using the debunked wage, rape and DV stats? Men are now and have always been the disposable gender. This fact has never been more clear than today. The powerful, cowardly, white knights of the patriarchy will continue to throw men under the bus to appease the gynocracy. I guarantee.

Our future is Sweden's present. High out of wedlock births, low marriage rate, low indigenous birth rate, mass immigration, feminist movie censors, males made to pee sitting down, the redefinition of speech against feminism as hate speech, sky high taxes and misandric government leaders. Our future leaders will be split between feminists and their cowardly white knight lap dogs.

Expect to see more and more policies and laws that shift men's assets over to women in the relatively near future. Of course, these policies won't be called "Bachelor Taxes" outright. Instead, men's wealth will be shifted under the guise of equality and fairness, with a clear bias against the evil men and in favor of the poor, poor women. If you look carefully, many such laws and policies are now/have been in place for decades.

MGTOW are a good thing. They shake up the status quo. I've read posts by women that think MGTOW - minus the sometimes deep hatred for women - is a positive mindset for men. The MGTOW mindset is an anti-doormat mindset, which is very healthy for men.

Unknown said...

"The exact same thing can be said about men, unless they have status and money. Regarding this “wall”, men also hit it...hard."

Most women hit the Wall a lot harder and faster than men, contrary to the desperate protestations of women.

I've never seen a man I didn't recognize at 35, but I've seen many women who I didn't recognize at all and basically looked terrible.

Unknown said...

"What do you think about Rollo Tamassis's books: The Rational Male volumes?"

Rollo has swallowed every ridiculous concept in the Manosphere fish, hook, line, sinker, rod, reel and boat. I wouldn't pay too much attention to him.

Alex said...

It's not "Why women hate MGTOW" but do men even give a shit anymore about women's opinions, or needs?

I regularly have young women half my age follow me around trying to initiate conversation(only 1 a week, sometimes 2, but week after week) and I can only assume it's due to the likelyhood that young men are pumping and dumping them with such callous disregard that they're hoping older men would treat them differently, or maybe it's daddy issues, but there can't be that many with those issues.

I could be off base since I don't know any early 20's men to discuss this with, but I don't see any other reason for it, and I do hear women constantly, constantly bitching that men want only one thing and then they're gone - it must be even worse for younger women. Think Jersey Shore where they're getting used by a different man every night.

Unknown said...

I also get younger women initiating conservations with me. I could easily be their father. I find this more than a little disturbing.

Unknown said...

'I do hear women constantly, constantly bitching that men want only one thing and then they're gone - it must be even worse for younger women.'

I hear it too. These snowflakes don't realize that they also keep giving away that one thing to any passing playboy that tickles their fancy instead of saving it for their husband.

Anonymous said...

"Regarding this “wall”, men also hit it...hard."

Sure men can look worse as they age, but in general, men if they don't let themselves go have it easier than women. Men need to take care of themselves and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Regarding just appearance, look at George Clooney and Sean Connery - these are handsome older guys, don't you think that they still appeal to younger women? And that is not considering their status and achievements, which would also make them appealing to younger, attractive women. Older age, increased maturity and wisdom is seen as a plus for men with women. But with women, its a negative factor to their appeal. Also, with age most men tend to increase their wealth, social and job status, and income, which women tend to find attractive as well.

The notion that significant physical degeneration is inevitable for a man as he ages is not accurate and doesn't have to happen. One needs to maintain an appropriate diet. See Weston Prices' book: "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" for example - it's very enlightening and I encourage everyone to read it. The development of organized agriculture and diet has actually had bad effects on humans. The fact is humans can actually stay fit and relatively robust into later age with an appropriate diet and physical activity. Diet has a very profound effect on the body as it ages.

I've seen men in their 70's and 80's into bodybuilding who were in better physical shape than most 20 year old guys. They were very muscular and lean. I didn't believe how old they were until they showed me their drivers license. This completely changed my perspective on aging.

In the long run, it's better to be born an average man, than a beautiful woman in my opinion. Women essentially have just their looks to appeal to the opposite sex, no matter how much else they accomplish. Whereas men, with even below or average looks, with good performance and achievement can attract women above them in looks, even when men get older, they can still appeal to younger women.

Unknown said...

"Sure men can look worse as they age, but in general, men if they don't let themselves go have it easier than women."

Many women are eaten alive by envy and cannot stand the fact most men look better than women their age. Women, on the other hand, can't cover their age, no matter what they do. So they pretend the average man hits the Wall just as bad as women do. All must be equal!

LosAngelesKing said...

"Many women are eaten alive by envy and cannot stand the fact most men look better than women their age. Women, on the other hand, can't cover their age, no matter what they do."

It's even worse for those who spend all their youthful years getting plunged like a backed up toilet by guys who wouldn't offer them commitment. Promiscuity isn't physically flattering on a woman. I've seen the effects of this on women in their late 20's and it isn't pretty...the hatred in their eyes makes them look even worse. And go fuck yourself Cheech & Chong Found God/Dusty Meckelford/MGTOW'd Out if you have a problem with that.

Unknown said...

"Cheech & Chong Found God/Dusty Meckelford/MGTOW'd"

People cannot change their style of writing.

LosAngelesKing said...

"People cannot change their style of writing."

You got that right Bob. It's the same ass hurt, sanctimonious style that is synonymous with bitchy manginas. I'm just curious as to what sock puppet that mangina will come up with next.

I Dream of Hanna Rosin perhaps?

Anonymous said...

The comments by MGTOW'd appear to be from a bitter, possibly older woman in my opinion.

“Like it or not, the main things men are attracted to are youth, looks and personality.”

"Likewise, women. Your point?"

Anybody with half a brain knows that woman are more mercenary than men regarding relationships - a mans' status, wealth, income are critical factors in determining if she'll be interested in him. These factors typically increase in men as they become older and progress in their career and life.

And obviously, aging impacts women and men quite differently regarding their appeal to each other. Men have a better chance of maintaining themselves regarding appearance compared to women. Men can stay handsome a lot longer than women can stay cute and sexually appealing as they age in general.

MGTOW'd Out said...

“Ok, with a divorce rate of 50%+, would you likewise…”

You offered examples of false equivalences.

“Can you blame them? It's honestly kind of surprising that men didn't wake up to their disposability sooner.”

It’s called being an immature brat and a biological dead-end. The gene pool is better off without them.

“These men are extremely naive, ignorant and self-serving”

These men know how to play the game, get married, tame their women, and have children. Seriously, stay far away from women and let the professionals handle matters.

“It was mandated by society that men be providers and protectors of their families, just like women were mandated by society to be homemakers and caregivers.”

Mandated by the males of society, not society itself, who at the time held exclusive political and economic power. Men and women have the liberty to make changes in their society as how they see fit.

“Men give all of their power over to their wives when they marry, which is why men should never marry.”

[Laughs] Your statement is observably false. The law recognizes the marriage on equal terms. Whether or not men give SOCIAL power to women in the relationship is an entirely different manner.

“Sure men can look worse as they age, but in general, men if they don't let themselves go have it easier than women.”

You render your entire statement as meaningless using the qualifier “if”. Regardless, over 66 million adults in U.S. are obese (30 million men and 36 million women) and 74 million are overweight (42 million men and 32 million women).

“Regarding just appearance, look at George Clooney and Sean Connery - these are handsome older guys, don't you think that they still appeal to younger women?”

You are using Hollywood leading men, with their personal trainers and chefs and age defying genetics, as examples of the norm? Get real, dude.

“But with women, its a negative factor to their appeal.”

Wisdom is a negative trait for women? Have you ever been with a hot older female, 30-35—they do exist—who demonstrates the art of seduction using the Kama Sutra? Wait, wait, no you haven’t. My bad.

“The notion that significant physical degeneration is inevitable for a man as he ages is not accurate and doesn't have to happen. One needs to maintain an appropriate diet.”

Replace “for a man” with “for men and women” and your statement is observably true.

“‘I've seen men in their 70's and 80's into bodybuilding who were in better physical shape than most 20 year old guys.”

You are using exceptions to the rule again. Perhaps you ought to open up your own business being a personal trainer for these 20-something guys. You know, be their big brother. Show them the ropes. You have so much knowledge to dispense.

“Whereas men, with even below or average looks, with good performance and achievement can attract women above them in looks…”

Good performance and achievement = money

“So they pretend the average man hits the Wall just as bad as women do.”

Yoda says, “Delusional, are we”.

“I Dream of Hanna Rosin perhaps?”

That would fit your definition of hotness, yes.

“The comments by MGTOW'd appear to be from a bitter, possibly older woman in my opinion.”

No, a bitchy mangina.

“Anybody with half a brain knows that woman are more mercenary than men regarding relationships”

You mean missionary, as in position.

“Men have a better chance of maintaining themselves regarding appearance compared to women. Men can stay handsome a lot longer than women can stay cute and sexually appealing as they age in general.”

SOME men, yes. ALL? No. MOST? Prove it.

Rusty Shackleford said...

Going away (preferably running)from American women? That's just sensible. Going away from women? That I personally don't agree with. Look, the economic prospects of American men have been deteriorating while the expectations of American women have been growing. At the same time the value of American women as wives and mothers has been declining as evidenced by the divorce rate and percentage of divorces initiated by women (80%). Can anyone argue with any of this? Anyone who has spent anytime out there just knows that this is the way it is.

MGTOW is obviously a response to the modern American women and the current dating and marriage marketplace from men who can't or aren't willing to compete under ever more stringent conditions and risks. Is it a good one? No, because it is usually emotional and irrational. Anyone who has spent time with women from other countries knows that they are very different from American women. Shunning all women because American women are a bad representation of their gender is cutting your nose off to spite your face.

Even if you live in a small town and don't see this inflow of foreign women, there is still skype, email, about a billion language exchange and other websites to meet women from any country who want to meet american men and cheap international travel. 5 out of 6 nations in this world are poorer than Mexico. The average American is globally among the wealthiest 5%, so there is no reason beyond social stigma why he should be without a wife or significant other if he wants one. If free trade, immigration and outsourcing are good for the American economy, well, they should be good then for the american dating market as well. All of this was pointed out almost a decade ago by computer scientist Ilkka Kokkarinen in a post titled "The rich always eat first" but the culture still hasn't caught up with the technology.

Rusty Shackleford said...

Flubbed the html link in the post above. Here is the post by Kokkarinen.

Rusty Shackleford said...

"Sure men can look worse as they age, but in general, men if they don't let themselves go have it easier than women. "

Even the top .0001% percent of women have smacked that wall hard at an age where many men are still in their prime. See Cindy Crawford's gruesome untouched photo. Any forum where this is displayed has hoards of women posters cooing defensively about how beautiful she looks.

The real issue, though, is fertility. Let's say just for the sake of argument that there are women in their 40s who I'd hit, on a given day, if looks are all we're talking about. For a 38 year old women to have a kid, though, takes all the miracles science can muster. The window in which a woman can become a wife and mother is miniscule compared to the time a man has to settle down and become a father.

Anonymous said...

“Men give all of their power over to their wives when they marry, which is why men should never marry.”

"[Laughs] Your statement is observably false. The law recognizes the marriage on equal terms. Whether or not men give SOCIAL power to women in the relationship is an entirely different manner."

@MGTOW'd out: The law does not recognize and treat men and women in equal terms in the U.S. Are you aware of the reality of family courts biased against men, divorce, VAWA?

LosAngelesKing said...

Your dick envy is really starting to show there Cheechy Boy/MGTOW'd out.

"That would fit your definition of hotness, yes."

That's the best you can come with?

You clearly had to invent another sock puppet for having to clear up your ass hurt period from your Dusty Meckelford sock puppet. You should really call up Hanna Rosin and beg for that pegging you desire so much. It might make you less of a bitch made troll.

MGTOW'd Out said...

"where many men are still in their prime."

For every Cindy Crawford, there is a Mickey Rourke.

"Going away (preferably running)from American women? That's just sensible."

That's just nuts. But, fine, stay away from them. Far, far away. Means less competition.

"The window in which a woman can become a wife and mother is miniscule compared to the time a man has to settle down and become a father."

Sorry, pal, not your decision to make. Men and women can decide whether or not to become parents whenever they hell they want. Besides, how does it personally affect you?

"Are you aware of the reality of family courts biased against men, divorce, VAWA?"

The majority of child custody cases are NOT decided by the courts.

In 51 percent of custody cases, both parents agreed -- on their own -- that mom become the custodial parent.

In 29 percent of custody cases, the decision was made without any third party involvement.

In 11 percent of custody cases, the decision for mom to have custody was made during mediation.

In 5 percent of custody cases, the issue was resolved after a custody evaluation.

Only 4 percent of custody cases went to trial and of that 4 percent, only 1.5 percent completed custody litigation.

IF there is bias in those cases that do make it to court, those decisions are being made by male judges who, as a product of patriarchy, believe that women are most suited for raising children. That bias is based on being raised in a traditional household, one in which the mother would rear the child, as dictated by the father. Blame those male judges who were taught that women are suited for this responsibility.

MGTOW'd Out said...

Thanks for the kind words, LosAngelesKing. Not much for dialectic, I see.

Rusty Shackleford said...

"The notion that significant physical degeneration is inevitable for a man as he ages is not accurate and doesn't have to happen. One needs to maintain an appropriate diet. See Weston Prices' book: "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" for example - it's very enlightening and I encourage everyone to read it. The development of organized agriculture and diet has actually had bad effects on humans. The fact is humans can actually stay fit and relatively robust into later age with an appropriate diet and physical activity. Diet has a very profound effect on the body as it ages."

Thanks, btw, for the book recommendation. I'll be checking that out. I've been fencing on and off since college, and I've noticed something similar in that sport. Every club I've belonged to has had a contingent of men in their 70's and 80's who can win easily against men at the novice/early intermediate level of the sport who are a third or even a quarter of their age. And it's never even close. I'm saying that if they fenced for an hour, the score would literally be several hundred to 0. They never fence for that long though because the younger man always quits from sheer physical exhaustion first. And fencing has more technique than a lot of sports, but it's still very physically demanding. For men, I think that giving up and giving in is the larger factor in when they hit the wall than the years themselves.

Rusty Shackleford said...

Describing the attributes of the average american white girl and then attributing them to all women is kind of like using gang bangers from E. St. Louis as a model to explain and predict the behaviour of all men. Namely, it's somewhere between unfair and libelous. This is sort of my major issue with MGTOW theorists.

Anonymous said...

"You offered examples of false equivalences."

This statement doesn't make sense. These were just hypothetical examples to make a point: Is one willing to take the risk despite the probabliity of a bad outcome?

They all were stated to have the same probability of occurring: Different scenarios, but all having the equivalent chance for a negative outcome. Please explain how these are "false equivalences."

Rusty Shackleford said...

"This statement doesn't make sense. .."

Making sense wasn't the point. You're assuming that she read, understood and is attempting to make a reasoned response to what you wrote. In fact it's just random bullshit that she writes as a way of expressing disapproval that something you wrote doesn't agree with her view of herself and the world as she sees it.

Disengage. Pull back. Walk away.

MGTOW'd Out said...

“This statement doesn't make sense. These were just hypothetical examples to make a point: Is one willing to take the risk despite the probabliity of a bad outcome?”

Except the events are NOT on the same plane from a cause/effect standpoint. Yes, the probabilities are 50%, but HOW and WHY those probabilities occur is the issue. That is, each situation have their own metrics involved how and why they occur. The variables are different. That is why you would have to take two similar events to make the proper comparison. Moreover, when people do take risks by marrying, they are the adults in the room.

Anonymous said...

"... when people do take risks by marrying, they are the adults in the room."

Men are the adults.

Women are not mature "adults." (see Schopenhauer cited below).

By marrying, a man is literally giving the power of life and death over him to a lesser psychologically mature woman, susceptible to her demands, whims, lack of empathy, vindictiveness, envy, greed, lack of remorse or conscience, and a host of other malevolent contrivances directed at him by her should she ever be dissatisfied with him, for whatever reason, real or imaginary, with the help of the government.

This commenter apparently does not understand women nor has much experience dealing with them.

Schopenhauer recognized that women remain children all of their lives.


"Woman: The Most Responsible Teenager In The House"


If the commenter is a man, and actually believes what he writes, I pity him.

If the commenter is a woman, well, what can one expect? This is just a woman being a woman.

MGTOW'd Out said...

Without a doubt, Arthur Schopenhauer, an atheist, contributed mightily to the world of philosophy. He did agree that "women are decidedly more sober in their judgment than men are" and "are more sympathetic to the suffering of others." In addition, Schopenhauer thought people inherited their level of intellect through their mother.

So, anony, if you are going to worship Schopenhauer for his belief that "women remain children all of their lives", then I would imagine you are also on board with his other thoughts on women that I pointed out.

The Obvious said...

"So, anony, if you are going to worship Schopenhauer for his belief that "women remain children all of their lives", then I would imagine you are also on board with his other thoughts on women that I pointed out."

That's a cute double bind, Cheechy boy.

Anonymous said...

Regarding Schopenhauer on women:

"He opined that women are deficient in artistic faculties and sense of justice, and expressed opposition to monogamy. He claimed that "woman is by nature meant to obey". The essay does give some compliments, however: that "women are decidedly more sober in their judgment than [men] are" and are more sympathetic to the suffering of others."

Context is important in understanding what is being meant, so the full works would have to be read. I'm sure that women aren't all that bad (I hope), but there is a lot to think about.

These quotes are from the wikipedia article:


Also keep in mind that anyone can edit wikipedia articles, so there can be inaccuracies, incomplete and false information.

Anonymous said...

"Also keep in mind that anyone can edit wikipedia articles, so there can be inaccuracies, incomplete and false information."

With wikipedia articles on stuff unflattering, but accurate, to women, I suspect feminists and other PC and social justice warriors made their perogative to delete or falsify these entries.

MGTOW'd Out said...

"That's a cute double bind, Cheechy boy."

The Obvious is like that little kid in the W.C. Fields movies, always bothering the adults in the room with nothing noteworthy to say.

"With wikipedia articles on stuff unflattering, but accurate, to women, I suspect feminists and other PC and social justice warriors made their perogative to delete or falsify these entries."

IF true, then conversely, I imagine manospherists made it their objective to delete or falsify these entries as well to maintain their own narrative.

"Context is important in understanding what is being meant..."

Indeed, context. Arthur Schopenhauer generally represents outdated views. He was a product of the times. Now, when it came to women having "more sober in their judgment than [men]", he was stating that men see the long view, while women see the short view, and can use this strength compared to men to focus on tasks one at a time.

Anonymous said...

"I've seen several women, never married or divorced, who are full of hate and rage toward men - because, stated or not, men have gone MGTOW on them. They no longer get male attention. They just about hate all men because of it."

These women wasted their youth and best attractive years screwing around when they should have been finding a husband. Young attractive women get treated like celebrities by men and everyone else and they think its going to last forever. Most women do not age well. Have you ever tried finding some attractive women that you knew in high school on Facebook? Did you even recognize them when you found them?

MGTOW'd Out said...

Corrected for accuracy—men and women do not age well.

“Have you ever tried finding some attractive women that you knew in high school on Facebook? Did you even recognize them when you found them?”

In some cases, yes. In other cases, no.

Unknown said...

Wow I find it especially amusing that scorned men need to result to a whole movement. I want to add that I am a woman who does believe men and women are not equal. Physiologically, we are different. We each have our unique roles and there is no need to be like the other gender- we should embrace our respective genders. That being said-
These men are a bunch of vunerable underachievers who had low self-esteem, attached themselves to the one girl who breathed their way and got dumped. Albeit- some women are "princesses" and not worth a damn! but all this is completely stupid. Firstly, "going on your own" is not unique to men. Many woman are practicing the same exact thing after leaving an abusive or neglectful spouse. And i really hate the term "cock carousel". You all love to disrespect a woman who sleeps around- What about the pussy wheel? Many men sleep around with more women than vise versa. Many mgtoes or maggots or whatever socially destructive group you aspire to be. This whole theory isfull of bogus double standards. You equate a woman's worth to her beauty but get offended if your worth is in dollars. Lets all face it- you're the rejects of society- no woman wants you because you want to sit in front of a game, while we hand u a sandwich. You never wanted a relationship just servitude. I personally am grateful you don't want to marry and procreate! That means this nonsense movement will die! Mgtows add nothing to society. The reason that feminism came into play is because women said f-this i aint gonna work for a guy who cant appreciate me. Now that the shoes is on the other foot for less than a few decades, ya'll want to pout! Have fun with that when the blue pilled men still have their dotting wives caring for them at old age and you gotta change your own bedpan!

Hey- maybe you should try treating women with respect and demanding they do the same to you. You teach people how they treat or mistreat you. Then maybe you'll find your teammate instead of an undeserving "queen".

Anonymous said...

Amuz, you are the typical hater that resorts to name calling and spewing nonsense about MGTOW men. Calling all men in MGTOW losers, shame on you. Do you have any facts to support this? Of course not. MGTOW get the milk for free when they want it. They are telling their sons and brothers about this scam, so we are really just at the dawn of the movement. It will not die out, but sadly as women turn to single parenting the facts point to their poor sons, without a male role model, ending up in prison or worse. Tell your sorry story walking.

Unknown said...

That's a lot of hate I'm seeing from you, Amuz Zing. Let's put it this way: 70% of men 20 to 34 are not married. But in the minds of certain women, that's the men's fault, not the women's. And I meet quite a few women, never-married or divorced, who are just full of hate toward men.

Anonymous said...

Don't feel the trolls guys. Amuz Zing and MGTOW'd out are just bitter, insecure feminists who have their eyes open to the damage that their movement has done and the fact that more and more men are becoming MGTOW on a daily basis. As we all know, this makes women uneasy because if more and more men become MGTOW, more and more free meal tickets won't exist in society anymore. What does a woman do when any pressure builds? She simply reacts in a temper tantrum like an immature child. Let these women who hit the wall rant and realize it's all out of fear that their prized power is dwindling more and more every day :). Don't even bother responding to be honest - you are just helping them refuel their drama tanks anyway.

Anonymous said...

Remember - men enjoy commitment and regular sexual intercourse, but have zero problems doing their own thing. Women NEED commitment in order to feel useful in society.

Anonymous said...

Just 3 quick questions for members of mgthow? Do any of you have daughters? If so, would you let her read any material that is present MGTOW blogs and radio. One final question, would you let your daughter "date/see/see (whatever)" a mgthow member?

Anonymous said...

one last question. If one of your daughters were "dating.sexing,seeing" a mgthow member, how would you react?

Anonymous said...

One commenter posted "men in my opinion should get married young, like before 24. Like it or not, the main things men are attracted to are youth, looks and personality. A womans' degrees or achievements never gave a man a chubby, but women think it does (projection). Many young women seem to be waiting until they are around 30 to start looking for a husband. But most women at 30 cannot attract the same men that she did at 20 due to aging and hitting The Wall. Young women seem to be oblivious to the fact that their physical attractiveness - their main asset and appeal to men - is fleeting and temporary, maybe from age 18 - 26. Even at age 26, she will be competing with younger, more attractive 21 year old women for desirable men.

You don't get it do you men. The reason why the feminist movement started is because of this logic. Men left their long time wives for younger women, and left them without anything. The modern woman today entering a relationship in their 30's with another 30 year old male, understand that he is most likely interested in her for more than just beauty/age. DO YOU GET IT NOW GUYS? Geeze. Why do I bother explaining things to the opposite sex.

Unknown said...

"Men left their long time wives for younger women, and left them without anything."

Urban legends. Those are very rare.

It's women who initiate the vast majority of divorces. And do you think in the women's minds it's their fault or the men's?

Anonymous said...

Bob, I don't know much about other people's marriage so I can't really comment. My husband left me but I still remained faithful to him. I wish it could've worked out.

Unknown said...

I've said this many times,good hit BoB! You Da man!

Anonymous said...

As a female, I am very supportive of MGTOW, and often encourage my friends to inform themselves on it. Men and women alike need to be more informed as to the mentality that defines MGTOW. I understand it to be one of true independence, and a transcendence of the normal societal expectations imposed on men and women alike.

There are many feminist blogs which try to replicate the MGTOW experience for women and often fail too which is why I follow MGTOW blogs closely ~ they have a certain clarity, and lack of BS that I appreciate thoroughly.

Before anyone makes hasty assumptions about me:
-I do not hate men
-I am not currently in a relationship, but understand the unfair dynamics that plague a relationship

Finally, as a person who unfortunately has a Mangina for a brother, I sincerely hope word spreads regarding MGTOW. More men, and people in general, need to be informed. We all need that red pill.

Anonymous said...

Marriage = Slavery


Unknown said...

Why in the world should any man be so desperate as to look for a mail order bride type? When will we as men stop being desperate and say screw this?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Why are you on this site if you keep defending the other side? Why the need to attack the men on this side? Stop trolling.

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous on daughters: MGTOWs opt out of children and family, so majority of them don't have daughters. As for those who had families and then got financially and emotionally raped in divorce courts, there is nothing their daughters will see on the MGTOW website that comes close to the atrocities their fathers have gone through during divorce.

Pat Riarchy said...

What can a female offer me other than a 75% chance she will ruin my life?

Unknown said...

You know, I don't have a problem with women...I've dated plenty of them and could've been married at some point if that is what I wanted. What I don't want is a divorce. As the child of a divorce (mom split the coop when I was 5), I see how horrible it is and how it really messes up a kid's mind. For years I tried to get close to girls, because I had never really known what a woman was like. I realized that I could talk to them easily and date and screw and all of that. I'm a college graduate, Summa Cum Laude (Art School, don't mean shit 'cept I graduated and handed in assignments on time), I like to have deep conversations. The deepest conversations I have had have always been with my dad or my best friend (known him since I was 3 and he was 2). All those lady friends I had in college have disappeared back to wherever women go. Only the men I have known actually try to contact me and why would I want to call someone else's wife? To talk about their kids? Isn't there enough of that on facebook?

Half of all marriages end in divorce, which means a whole lot of people who are making vows in front of God and everyone and then ignoring said vows. Divorce hurt my dad, tremendously, and he never went back to another woman; he's probably still in love with my mother which is the most pitiful thing ever. Don't be surprised to realize that I have a half sister and my mother is living with a different guy altogether. I will never get married, because while I can be sure of my 100% level of commitment, I cannot be sure of any potential woman's level of commitment. Also, I've had enough sex to realize that I don't need it. What I would like to have is children, but I hate the public schools, hate the PC culture, misandry, misogyny, and racism and all of that anti-religious rhetoric. In my opinion, bringing any potential child I could have to this world would be akin to sentencing said child to a hell of 72+ years. No thanks.

Unknown said...

Hello Everyone, who still care about his/her ex-lover/husband or wife. I am from United Kingdom I never though my husband will come back to me again, I am very happy at last that my husband came back to me, my husband came back when i came across Dr mack who help me in bring back my husband, i am grateful and happier than never before, Thank You Doctor for helping me, contact him via; (dr_mack@yahoo.com) if you still love or want your ex-lover and happy marriage with children

Unknown said...

And the 50% that stay married 25% are miserable