I did meet some in college - but not the way you think.
Starting in college I'd met some women on whom men went MGTOW - at least according to the women. There were two kinds - the unattractive (generally thick-featured), pudgy, unpleasant women. The kind who expected to get men out of their league, and were in a rage they didn't. The men they wanted had gone MGOW on them - and no wonder.
These women were full of hate and anger - and took it out on men, since they blamed their problems on men.
The other kind were middle-aged, never-married, divorced women who never had or had lost home and husband. Since they had hit the Wall and lost male attention, they again were full of hate and anger.
Women hit the Wall a lot harder and faster than men, although some women pretend this isn't true.
It wasn't so much that men had really gone MGTOW on them, but these women perceived that they had.
There are some men I know who really have gone MGTOW. They tend to be former PUAs, who, never liking women in the first place, finally quit having much to do with them. Once the got to be middle-aged, their contempt for women turned into disgust, so they withdrew.
I am reminded of the actor Omar Sharif, who said he's essentially given up on women and become an expert at bridge.
There is such a thing as too much experience with women. You end up running into a lot of terrible ones.
Then there are the ones today who consciously have gone MGTOW. This appears to be a new phenomenon. A fair number of women today are so unpleasant - and don't even know it - that some men have consciously decided not so much to not have anything to do with them, but not to get married. After all, it is a raw deal.
They see no reason to court them, or pay their way on dates - any of the things men have traditionally done. They have no intention of getting serious with them. There is too much to lose.
These types of MGTOWs are a response to the women created by feminism. The women deserted have gone hysterical - that's what the lack of home, husband and children have done to them. "Career" is a poor substitute for those things.
Even the churches have jumped in on the act, telling men to "man up." And nitwits like William Bennett, too.
None of them appears to have any clue what they problem is.
Feminism wouldn't exist if it wasn't supported by the government and media. And the only reason they do it is because they are leftist. And leftism is based on hate and destroying - which is what the are doing to men and women and the relationships between them.
None of this can last, of course. But things are going to get worse before they get better.
The bizarre thing about all of this is that in many ways we have a world of abundance and peace - depending on where you live, of course. And every day, it could get better (that fact it is so good, and life so easy, is why some make up problems such as "microaggressions").
Yet there are some who are doing their damnedest to ruin all of it. Just remember what they old saying tells us - "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions."
You could make the case that feminism is the female version of going her own way. Choosing a career and promiscuity over her natural tendencies of marriage, family, and home.
And the ones that choose the incorrect path unleash their hatred on men and women who choose to have kids and be a wife.
It's not natural for women to do these things and it's not natural for men to be alone. Feminism is widespread state sponsored disorder.
The Battle Of The Sexes was something we laughed about back in the 70's. Back then women were saying (seriously) that they could do EVERYTHING better than men: they handled stress better, they handled conflict better, they were better team builders, etc etc. They won battle after battle after battle...and lost the war.
Today's woman is a rancid cnut, often getting by on anti-depressants, junk food and mommy-porn like 50 Shades. If you look at women as a group, 50% of them, right off the top - can't even MAKE a decent sammich, never mind run a clean house! Fuck 'em.
BUT - that is no reason to give up on them all as the MGTOWS do. Men that adopt MGTOW as a long term life strategy like that 'Sand Man' fella do not evoke 'rage' or 'hate' in me because of his life choices - it is his tone and attitude that tick me off - the guy sounds like a sanctimonious twink, and being a real man, I have better things to do than listening to some self righteous flimp bloviate about his ideas of sexuality.
The Battle Of The Sexes is now a full blown war, nobody is winning and everyone is losing. It is a fight for stupid people, IMHO, and fit only for the MGTOWS and feminists. I myself have a great wife and 30 years in life is great. That is what the game is all about.
Women have liberated themselves from their traditional roles but expected men to keep to theirs. Imagine their shock when men started liberating themselves from theirs.
"The kind who expected to get men out of their league, and were in a rage they didn't."
This is one reason that promiscuity is so destructive for women: Many young women, even if they are plain looking or not too ugly, can get their 10 minutes in bed with a young guy who is more attractive then they are. Most young guys with a lot of time on their hands, no job, in college, and a high sex drive that comes with being young wouldn't pass up the opportunity with these women just for some fun. Now these women get it fixed in their head that they can actually get a more attractive man than them like this for commitment and for marriage, which is most likely not going to happen. Of course these women look worse as they age, get fatter, and their appeal to any man gets worse. These women go through life thinking that they can get men for relationships that they really can't.
' Now these women get it fixed in their head that they can actually get a more attractive man than them like this for commitment and for marriage, which is most likely not going to happen.'
Well the dirty little secret that they don't tell people anymore is that sex is the physical act of marriage. If you don't have the actual commitment behind it you have nothing but a delusional memory in your head.
Which is why everyone should keep it in marriage ideally...but it is a powerful force that tends to override reality sometimes.
I field tested MGTOW. Out of 62 dudes at four local bars, only 4 heard of MGTOW. Out of these 4, 2 agreed with its premise. The other two scoffed at this concept and said “More chicks for me”. The majority of these men (46 out of 62) were simply out to fuck girls. The other 16 were out to hang out with their buddies. If a relationship was borne out of the one night stand or two day fling, they said great. These same men agreed that SOME women, not ALL, have issues that give the guys pause to pursue the chicks in the bedroom or as dating material.
Now, there are two types of MGTOW’s. The first group are men in their 20’s and 30’s who feel they are entitled to a woman who must fit their desired checkboxes, had attempted to entice such a prospect, but were so heavy handed or ham fisted in their approach they repeatedly experienced abject failure. As a result of their dismal rates of securing a completely one-sided relationship, they chose to “opt out”, as if they methods were observably going to net them a subservient women. Some of these men have looks and decent jobs, but the majority have significant mental health issues. The second group of men are men from a wide age range, who are generally unattractive, lazy, insolent, entitled pricks who are claim they are professional victims of feminism. They tend to blog about how all women are bitches and whores without delving into and attempting to fix their own hang-ups and flaws.
^ Har, har, har.
Such high expectations:
- not obese,
- not a feminist,
- not a 'cnut' (but I'm repeating myself),
- no visible deformity
And no unilateral no-fault divorce.
Cross these checkboxes and there would be no MGTOWs.
Laugh O' LIMPics, Snaggletooth.
Crossing checkboxes is EXACTLY what feminazis, manchild manospherists, and libertarian Christians have in common.
Which one are YOU?
Breathing is what all people have in common. Breathing is wrong!
It's you again, demagogue.
"Such high expectations:
- not obese,
- not a feminist,
- not a 'cnut' (but I'm repeating myself),
- no visible deformity
And no unilateral no-fault divorce."
You're down to <20% of American women before you even get to no-fault divorce which of course exists in all 50 states. I'd also add "young enough to have kids" to your list. But just for fun, what are the base floor requirements that those ~20% of American women are likely to want from a potential spouse?
Typical American woman's list:
-college diploma
-high paying white collar job
-late model car
-home owner in a nice area
-not bald
-under 30
-no prenup because "it's not romantic"
Have I missed anything? I think there are typically several more financial/social requirements but let's call that a working list.
All of this before we can even consider personal compatibility. It's takes an above average man all of his youth, a small fortune and a little luck to hit all those boxes these days. Should he risk it when 50% of marriages end in divorce with 80% of divorces initiated by women?
Personally, I can even live with no fault divorce. It's the possibility of being sent to prison for failure to pay alimony that spooks me.
“Typical American woman's list…”
You just described the wish list of VERY attractive women—8’s, 9’s, 10’s—not the average female. Seriously, lay off the bong. But, I’ll play along.
Typical American male’s list:
-better exclusively cook
-better exclusively clean
-better be experienced at sex, and give it whenever and wherever (even though they should
be virgins)
-be extremely fit and very attractive, at least an 8 and maintain those looks at all times
-must meet any and all demands, no questions asked
-have decent job to help defray costs
Yep, exactly what women ought to be! /sarcasm
“Should he risk it when 50% of marriages end in divorce with 80% of divorces initiated by women?”
Then don’t risk it. Be a perpetual adolescent. The real men will marry and procreate and carry on with civilization.
"It's you again, demagogue."
Everyone's a demagogue :)
Dusty/cheech/etc., are you coming out as a woman here? Can we at least stop with the fucking drag act already?
"Then don’t risk it. Be a perpetual adolescent. The real men will marry and procreate and carry on with civilization."
Why are you constantly cursing me to bachelorhood and childlessness, you crazy bitch? I'm going to get married and will likely have kids. Just not with an American woman.
"Dusty/cheech/etc., are you coming out as a woman here? Can we at least stop with the fucking drag act already? "
[Laughs] Why? It's worth the price of admission to see your knickers in a twist.
"I'm going to get married and will likely have kids. Just not with an American woman."
Wonderful news. Hopefully it's a white woman. Can't be mixin' the races, you know :)
And, certainly, you can't be importin' her sorry ass here. Already too many immigrants :)
Typical American male’s list:
-better exclusively cook
-better exclusively clean
-better be experienced at sex, and give it whenever and wherever (even though they should
be virgins)
-be extremely fit and very attractive, at least an 8 and maintain those looks at all times
-must meet any and all demands, no questions asked
-have decent job to help defray costs
Umm, no. I don't know of any guys these days who expect any of that.
I can only guess about who or what you are, to have come up with such a bizarre list.
“I can only guess about who or what you are, to have come up with such a bizarre list.”
Patriarchial men. [Laughs] REAL men.
How much of MGTOW comes from serious despair about finding a decent woman, and how much is just a convenient excuse to be antisocial and self-absorbed? I really don't know; I'm not that connected to these kinds of things. If you really don't want to have anything to do with women, that's all well and good, but I'd still recommend joining a fraternal order or some other all-male social & charitable institution, if only to give you an excuse to get out of the house.
I will say, anecdotally, that I was in the dating market until not too many years ago, and I didn't feel that decent women were utterly impossible to find- it only took me about 2-3 years of looking around before I found my wife, and most of the other women I met and dated seemed basically decent, pleasant and non-insane (though there were one or two head cases, sure). On the other hand, I mostly dated women from a small subculture of relatively devout and traditional Catholics, so the average notch count amongst women in my dating pool was probably drastically lower than it was in the general female population. Most women are naturally pleasant when they're virginal or nearly so; it's sexual promiscuity (supercharged by feminist cheerleading and misandry) that turns them into nasty shrews. If you're serious about finding a woman, then, your best bet is probably to convert to some traditionalist religious sect that frowns strongly on extramarital sex- I'll bet most Amish women aren't shrewish, man-hating harpies, for example.
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