I have pointed out before that back in college it seemed no one dated, not that men didn't want to, but the girls had too high standards, sat there like lumps, and when men asked them out it was often, "I have a boyfriend back home," which was a lie. And when a guy they wanted didn't want them, they went into a rage.
This article is from CNSNews and was written by Barbara Hollingsworth.
Seventy percent of American males between the ages of 20 and 34 are not married, and many live in a state of “perpetual adolescence” with ominous consequences for the nation’s future, says Janice Shaw Crouse, author of “Marriage Matters.”
“Far too many young men have failed to make a normal progression into adult roles of responsibility and self-sufficiency, roles generally associated with marriage and fatherhood,” Crouse, the former executive director of the Beverly LaHaye Institute, wrote in a recent Washington Times oped.
The high percentage of bachelors means bleak prospects for millions of young women who dream about a wedding day that may never come. “It’s very, very depressing,” Crouse told CNSNews.com. “They’re not understanding how important it is for the culture, for society, for the strength of the nation to have strong families.”
She pointed out that there’s “no data” to back up the common assertion that a lack of jobs during and after the Great Recession is the primary reason so many young men have been reluctant to tie the knot. “The problem with marriage was long before that,” she pointed out.
After decades of feminism, Crouse noted that young men are now the ones who set the parameters for intimate relationships, and those increasingly do not include a wedding ring.
“And I know the feminists just yell and scream if you say anything like this, but time was, girls set the cultural morays, the standards, the parameters for intimate activity. The girls were the ones that set those boundaries. And now it’s the guys who do,” Crouse told CNSNews.com.
“And it’s doubly terrible because the colleges now are predominantly female. So you have some – up to 60 percent of the student bodies are female. And almost all of them are more than 50 percent female. And so the ratio [of] male/female is out of sync.
“And that means the girls have to live by the guys’ demands. And that means less romance. They don’t date. The girls, I have talked to numerous young women, lament the fact that they don’t have the opportunity to dress up and go out for an event.”
Young women who adhere to a moral code and refuse to participate in the “hook up” culture are now considered social misfits, Crouse pointed out. And they face even more daunting odds of finding a husband than their promiscuous sisters.
“It’s really interesting, because Mark Regnerus and Jeremy Uecker wrote their book, “Premarital Sex in America,” what, three, four years ago. And even then, they were very concerned about the fact that young women today are not as likely to get married. And their prospects, if they are not sexually promiscuous, are really low because the guys, if they can sleep around, they’re not interested in going with the girls who don’t put out.
“The ones who are very serious get married early. And that leaves the majority of the girls, then, by the time they’re 25 and into their first jobs, the pickings are very, very slim for them. And Mark Regnerus was very, very clear that the quote ‘good girls’ are the ones who are at risk now in terms of not being able to get married.”
According to 2014 data from the U.S. Census Bureau, 7.9 million opposite sex couples in the U.S. live together but are not married. A 2014 study by Johns Hopkins University also found that 57 percent of children born to women aged 26 to 31 are out of wedlock.
Crouse says the decline in marriage and a corresponding rise in cohabitation is happening despite at least a decade of research demonstrating the societal benefits of two-parent families.
“Even researchers from the left are coming out very strongly for the family and for marriage, and saying the two-parent family is necessary for children to do their best," she told CNSNews.com. "It’s not just good for them, it’s the very best. It’s the gold standard. It’s essential for children to reach their potential. And that has to be communicated in the popular culture."
According to “projections based on census data, when today’s young adults reach their mid-40s to mid-50s, a record high share (25%) is likely to have never been married,” Pew Research noted in a 2014 study documenting the decline of marriage in the U.S.
But men are not entirely to blame for the steep decline in marriage, Crouse pointed out. “A lot of women fear marriage. While feminism is a spent force, the ultimate consequences of that philosophy is a whole generation of women who don’t want any man to tell them what to do, and don’t really understand the give and take that is necessary for a marriage relationship.”
However, the box office success of movies like American Sniper, which features a very masculine Navy SEAL, is an indication that women still respond to strong men, she said.
CNSNews.com asked Crouse if that means the cultural pendulum has finally swung back in the male direction after decades of feminism.
“That’s not certain yet,” she replied. “There’ still a lot of anti-male stuff out there.”
Feminism has largely achieved its goal of equality in the workplace, so the movement has “lost relevance” for young women who are now earning more college and professional degrees than men, she pointed out. However, feminism’s effects on the culture – including the historically low marriage rate - will linger for some time to come, she noted.
“Feminism was supposed to bring women happiness,” Crouse said. “But the research shows that women today are much more unhappy then they have been in the past. They’ve ended up with far more opportunities, but their personal happiness is way down.”
“A lot of women fear marriage. ... women who don’t want any man to tell them what to do, and don’t really understand the give and take that is necessary for a marriage relationship.”
I don't believe this. Women know damn well that marriage is for them and only for them, they get a slave. They know the legal system is in their favor. They know they have control. They know that men fall in love with them, and they exploit that. They know that men are hard-wired to want to care and provide for them.
Only the most naive and gullible women could possibly believe that marriage does not benefit them. Women benefit whether the marriage stays intact or not with divorce.
'And when a guy they wanted wasn't want them, they were into a rage.'
That's when you figure out the bloom off the rose with women. It's all about whether they are attracted to you or not at first. If they aren't there isn't anything you can do to make them become attracted to you.
I was burned many a times by this.
There is a shit storm of biblical proportions on the way.
Our women are rancid, shrieking skanks. Their children are shiftless, slothful and disengaged. They've turned the universities into intellectual wastelands, the media into a laughable, untrustworthy noise generator, and the courts into circuses.
Stupid people don't understand that if you hurt one gender, you hurt them both. Our idiotic women are surely going to get their comeuppance - but at the cost of our culture and society. I am seeing it in my own family: my nephews are wastrels and feckless. My daughter is a gay hipster 'following her dreams'. None of them are worried about a home or saving for retirement or even getting a decent job.
I have a question for the liberals, the cultural Marxists and the social justice wanks:
Who is going to take care of YOU when you're 65? In case you haven't noticed, Gen X isn't much better than the boomers, and the millenials are a bunch of gender addled clusterfucks.
There IS going to be social justice. It will be of the variety where stupid people are punished for being lazy and stupid and a lot of a-holes are going to get seriously hurt. I am going to enjoy watcing it too!
And because of how we've put women in this bubble of contraception, easy education, affirmative action, and higher pay...their pool of men they are attracted to shrinks and shrinks.
So again...it isn't men driving marriage rates down, it's women.
The biggest mistake most men make is looking into those big doe eyes, at that weaker frame, at that child like voice and then telling themselves they're loved for who they are.
The second biggest mistake men make is genuflecting on bended knee, with sword drawn, to protect that which would gladly destroy him for positive economic gain.
The third biggest mistake men make is in thinking they're more cunning and calculating than women. Men deeply underestimate the callousness and glee with which women will destroy men's lives for profit and/or entertainment.
If you want to understand why men aren't married, you can just go back sixty years to when most of them were married and then look at the societal differences between then and now. There was no welfare state then providing extensive beneits to poor single moms and not as much in the way of government jobs and affirmative action for middle class women. Women don't need a male economic provider as much now since they have a government economic provider. They can afford to be choosier and make less effort to please men. Dealing with picky and often unpleasant females makes it harder for men to get married.
Reply, Part One:
It was men who wrote, legislated and enacted all misandric legislation to date, including no-fault divorce. They did this at the behest of the gynocracy. The patriarchy does exist – and it’s filled with white knights, captain-save-a-hos and manginas – all of whom will gladly betray the majority of men to get a sniff, keep their jobs and get re-elected. Feminists are only half the battle. The other half of the battle are those that live on bended knee, with swords drawn, ready to sacrifice other men for a self esteem boost, ego stroking, gynocentric approval and a taste of tuna taco.
There is nothing more damaging to the vast majority of men than the patriarchy and white knight/chivalrous men. These men are extremely naive, ignorant and self-serving. Men in power will gladly throw the majority of men under the bus to gain favor with the gynocracy, to keep their jobs (get re-elected) and to maintain the status quo (see ‘1 in 5′ and ‘yes means yes’).
Alimony, child support and default maternal custody are constructs of men and constructs of a time when women could not support themselves financially. This is American patriarchy. Men made these rules, which have, through divorce, destroyed countless millions of men’s lives. Though feminists did milk it for all it was worth, the patriarchy made men the disposable gender, not feminists.
It was mandated by society that men be providers and protectors of their families, just like women were mandated by society to be homemakers and caregivers. It was mandated that men go to war and sacrifice their lives for women and children. Those men that refused were branded cowards and ostracized socially and financially. Men and women that didn’t play ball were demonized by both patriarchs and matriarchs. In the past, for a man to get a top-level job, he had to be married with kids. This social rule still exists today – enforced by both the patriarchy and the matriarchy.
The patriarchal structure was designed to benefit women and those men at the top – and to make the majority of men disposable. This is how we arrived at male-only selective service and the male only draft. Feminists distort the real truth when they paint all men as evil oppressors. Why do they still do it? Because it’s served them well for many, many decades. Now, as things are backfiring, you can smell the desperation. The patriarchy and gynocracy are seeing the err in their ways. Naive white knights and misandric feminists are getting their just due. Better late than never.
Reply, Part 2:
The single most misandric institution is marriage. Men give all of their power over to their wives when they marry, which is why men should never marry. It is the patriarchy that gave women this power over men though marriage, not feminists. If you look deeply into the agendas of major women’s groups, you’ll find them fighting to hold onto this anti-male power.
What men really need to understand is that both the patriarchy and feminism are working against the vast majority of men; hence the debunked rape, wage and domestic violence statistics. That feminists and many male world leaders continue to run with the deeply flawed statistics tells you everything you need to know about their agenda. Why do they keep using the debunked wage, rape and DV stats? Men are now and have always been the disposable gender. This fact has never been more clear than today. The powerful, cowardly, white knights of the patriarchy will continue to throw men under the bus to appease the gynocracy. I guarantee.
Our future is Sweden’s present. High out of wedlock births, low marriage rate, low indigenous birth rate, mass immigration, feminist movie censors, males made to pee sitting down, the redefinition of speech against feminism as hate speech, sky high taxes and misandric government leaders. Our future leaders will be split between feminists and their cowardly white knight lap dogs.
Expect to see more and more policies and laws that shift men’s assets over to women in the relatively near future. Of course, these policies won’t be called “Bachelor Taxes” outright. Instead, men’s wealth will be shifted under the guise of equality and fairness, with a clear bias against the evil men and in favor of the poor, poor women. If you look carefully, many such laws and policies are now/have been in place for decades.
Who can blame them? There is little in marriage for men.
Even if more women were decent and the system wasn't rigged they don't have much to offer anyway.
I guess in that sense the feminists got what they wanted, liberation for both genders as early feminists wanted . I hope they enjoy it.
Reminds me of a Star Trek episode: Bound. The Orions are green alien women that appear to be "slaves." However, the reverse is actually true: The green women are actually the masters of the men who are in fact the slaves:
"Even if more women were decent and the system wasn't rigged they don't have much to offer anyway."
Even if the marriage and divorce laws were changed to be fair and reasonable, I still wouldn't get married either. It's because of female nature, and its far from decent, but downright, cold, cruel and callous towards men.
What do women really think about men? I don't know how much of Esther Vilars' book (The Manipulated Man) is true or not, about how women think about men, but it really gave me the creeps (One chapter is actually titled: Women have no feelings). A lot of bad experiences that I have had with women made sense to me after reading her book, Are men nothing but workhorses to women?
"And when a guy they wanted didn't want them, they were into a rage."
Just as asking a woman to make you a sandwich is a test of her character, so is telling her no. I went out on a date with a woman one time, and took her home at the conclusion of the date, kissed her goodbye, she attempted to continue and wanted me to come in for some nookie. No, the answer was. I had to get up early for work the next morning. Besides, I didn't know this woman from a hole in the ground. That didn't end well. But guys never say no, she said. But what she really meant was that guys aren't supposed to say no. And shouldn't be allowed to say no either. She was shocked beyond words that she would be told no, and that it was meant. And she flew into a rage when turned down. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
Nothing good comes out of being led around by your dick. This is part of why the manosphere guys are such fools with all their talk of "shit tests" and the like. With the Domestic Violence Gestapo, the Social Justice Warrior media and pussy begging, panty sniffing manginas/white knights eager to do battle to the death on behalf of every jizz guzzling slut that cries "RAAPPE!", it should be us doing the shit testing and a hell of a lot more of it.
“I have pointed out before that back in college...they were into a rage.”
Since we are offering anecdotal evidence, I will offer my own experience—back in college (late 80’s, early 90’s), young men and women dated…a LOT! Some had unrealistic expectations, while others were reasonable in what they sought after in the opposite sex. These standards would depend upon the person, not gender. Now, guys did everything they could to bed every women they deemed hot. Sometimes females with coaxing—clever conversation, some drinks, a combination of both—obliged. Those girls who did fuck the guys did so willingly and with depravity. Hooray! Other females remained headstrong in saying no and meaning no. We guys certainly didn’t like it, and used every trick in the book to deflower them. Still, no go. Also, on a number of occasions, I witnessed guys intervening on behalf of women who were drunk and being hit on by a guy whose intention was to simply violate her. They told the dude to take a hike and walked the girl home. Their “reward”? Knowing that they did the RIGHT thing. When guys did ask girls out, and they said “No, thanks”, the guys weren’t flustered. Rather, they said “Ok, there’s tons of other chicks out there to date or bang”. Likewise, when the girls realized a certain guy they had their eye on would never give them the time of day, they didn’t get into a rage. Instead, they moved on.
"Bachelor Nation: 70% of Men Aged 20-34 Are Not Married"
[Sigh] This 70% figure is merely stating that men are not married. Nothing more, nothing less. Now, it does NOT offer insight into whether those men are 1) engaged, 2) seriously dating, 3) casually dating, or 4) MGTOW’ing it. Moreover, the author believes the primary factor is feminism and actually shames men to “step up” by marring and having children. The author even notes it is young men who set the criteria for intimate relationships, that the girls’ have to live by the guys’ demands, which means less romance and not offering a wedding ring as the ultimate prize.
There are several reasons as to why we, as men, are not taking up the responsibilities of job, wife, and family—maturity issues, caught up in the Return Of Kings lifestyle, lack job prospects, seek to focus on their own career, school debt, getting out of a long-term relationship and want to be single, etc.*** The “scourge of feminism” as the LEADING factor. Perhaps. I would venture to say it our culture rooted in materialism that plays more of a role, but in the end, it makes for great mental masturbation and water cooler conversation.
Thankfully, being married and having kids, and without any worries that my wife is going to cheat on me or “take me to the cleaners”, life is not good, it’s great. On the other hand, if a man chooses never to get married or a woman chooses to wait later in life to get married and/or have kids, it’s THEIR decision. I have my own life to lead. Do you?
“And because of how we've put women in this bubble of contraception, easy education, affirmative action, and higher pay...their pool of men they are attracted to shrinks and shrinks.”
Do men NOT have the liberty to make these decisions, which was observably the result of male authoritarianism? They have been historically in power. They have made the laws and rules in this regard. Why cannot men in our representative democracy enable birth control, college opportunities, and increased wages for women as the means to continue with that control by building their empires?
“The biggest mistake…”
is deluding yourself into thinking all or most [American] women are the devil incarnate. Grow up.
“you can just go back sixty years to when most of them were married and then look at the societal differences between then and now.”
Those societal differences actually have their antecedents in the late 1800’s, when women became increasingly part of the economy by working in factory or service jobs and gained political and economic opportunities…compliments of men. Did not these men have the authority and liberty to grant these opportunities in the name of capitalism?
"“The biggest mistake…”
is deluding yourself into thinking all or most [American] women are the devil incarnate. Grow up."
Of course not all women are malevolent and intent on taking advantage of men. I believe there are many women that want a normal, loving marriage and family with a man. These women suffer too with what feminism has brought to society and relationships.
The problem is a man doesn't really know what kind of woman he has. Women are notorious for changing after marriage, both physically (e.g., not maintaining weight and getting fat) and in personality for the worse. Women are also known to not show their true face when dating, only until after marriage are their true personalities unmasked. But, I know several divorces that were amicable, and the women did not take advantage of the system, and the split went fine and reasonable for both, but these cases are few unfortunately.
When you have this many people unmarried, this many people divorced, so many babies not being born, the economy this bad...there is a big problem.
"When you have this many people unmarried, this many people divorced, so many babies not being born, the economy this bad...there is a big problem."
Also, many of the babies that are being born are to unwed, single mothers, with no father present.
"When you have this many people unmarried, this many people divorced, so many babies not being born, the economy this bad...there is a big problem."
And this is why I keep climbing back up to Uncle Bob's Tree House. This man knows.
BTW, I'm:
"The biggest mistake..."
"Reply, Part One:" and ...
"Reply, Part 2:"
Thanks for all you do, Mr. Wallace. Thanks for creating this site. Many respect the open forum you've created.
Revised for accuracy.
The problem is a person sometimes really know what kind of husband/wife they have. Some people are notorious for changing after marriage, both physically (e.g., not maintaining weight and getting fat) and in personality for the worse. Some people are also known to not show their true face when dating, only until after marriage are their true personalities unmasked.
RICanuck says,
Neither the article nor any of the commenters here mentioned student debt. Any man willing to marry a woman with$50k to $100k debt is setting himself up for debt slavery and childlessness. Why bother?
The article did mention women's education, but not debt. But, if the authoress is so educated, how come she doesn't the difference between morays and mores? How come none of the 'educated' editors, proof readers, and fact checkers caught it either?
A young white American man with middle class and family aspirations has a choice. A deeply indebted uneducated but credentialed woman, or trailer park trash. Some choice.
New Report: 48% of First Children Born to Unwed Mothers
That is from 2013. Given that this somehow made it to the mainstream news back then, we can pretty-much figure that it was underreported at the time - the media does toe the line about some things. It being 2 years on, I do not for an instant believe that it is under 50% now.
These single mommies are whores, pure and simple. No, they may not get paid directly and upfront for their bodies in a simplistic transaction: no $100 love you long time here. They must maintain plausible deniability.
Instead they expect to be paid sub-rosa in the coin of: dinners, drinks, nights out, romantic escapes, vacations, and "I've come up a little short for X bill, can you help me?" With a fake-guilty look on her face.
When they get knocked up: government handouts and child-support, plus moral validation and ego-stroking for being a brave, battling single mommy. This appears to be the lifestyle of the modern long-term whore. There is no surprise that 70% of younger men are not married.
I find it bleakly amusing and ironic the furor about prostitution, in the face of this sub-rosa and very profitable long-term prostitution. The sub-rosa whores are upset about the more honest and upfront whores. If the men start using the more honest and upfront whores, the sub-rosa whores lose out.
I begin to think that the whole bushwa about how women "can't find a man" and the decline of men, etc is nothing more than a smokescreen. If a woman really wants a man and marriage - she'd get it. By throwing up a smokescreen and shedding crocodile tears they can maintain plausible deniability, play the victim card, and get their sub-rosa prostitution game-plan all at the same time.
Plus, women love any excuse for drama and bitching.
Honestly, fuck the USA.
Sex is a commodity.
Women used to know this, therefore they would only reserve it for
(a) Charismatic men who were good physical specimens (with presumably good sperm.)
(b) Not so charismatic men who were good providers.
Enter feminists and social engineers. Thanks to laws and social changes, women were freed from having to marry (b) men and could instead shack up with (a) men.
(b) men were still left to pay the bill for women's children, thanks to child support, alimony and transfer payments via taxes.
(b) men have gradually come to realize that they're getting the short end of the stick and so have opted out of marriage and the big-paying jobs they would have needed to support a big household. Why work 80 hours a week to support a family which you never get to see (and a wife who wouldn't give up sex to you if a gun were placed to her head?) Why not just live the way you did when you were in college? Things seemed to work out fine then (and video games are much nicer looking now to boot!)
Feminists and social engineers are finally stumbling upon the fatal flaw in their plan--that their utopian schemes relied on an army of schlubs paying the kind of taxes that propertied, workaholic married white men used to pay. The schlubs aren't "showing up for work" and no amount of shaming is going to make them.
The only recourse the government has is to imprison men and force them to work (something the government can only do now via Child Support.) But just you wait. Soon bachelorhood will be a crime and each of you men will be issued your own crayola-haired, tatted landwhale to provide for by the State...
"a) Charismatic men who were good physical specimens (with presumably good sperm.)"
It's been found that best sperm belongs to the most intelligent men, which, is one of the reasons this Alpha/Beta, "Alpha Fucks and Beta Beta Bucks" is nonsense, as I predicted a long time ago.
'Are men nothing but workhorses to women?'
It's probably the flip side question to where women ask if they are nothing but sex dolls to men.
This is what happens when you separate a person's humanity from their utility. The hearts of many grow cold.
"Revised for accuracy.
The problem is a person sometimes really know what kind of husband/wife they have."
I've never heard of a man deceiving a woman to get married. Men that do this are an anomaly. Many women play the chameleon all the time. It's their modus operandi.
"I've never heard of a man deceiving a woman to get married."
Then you haven't been paying close attention.
"Many women play the chameleon all the time. It's their modus operandi."
Ok, prove it. Offer data that decidedly proves that women compared to men are more prone to play "chameleon".
"Why not just live the way you did when you were in college? Things seemed to work out fine then (and video games are much nicer looking now to boot!)"
Thanks, TroperA, for contributing to the decline of civilization. But, hey, opting out is your choice.
"back in college (late 80’s, early 90’s)"
Dusty, why are you wasting your time commenting here? No family to care for, no cats to feed?
No amount of shaming would force anyone to touch you with a 6' pole.
"Why not just live the way you did when you were in college? Things seemed to work out fine then (and video games are much nicer looking now to boot!)"
This is just a rational response to the decline of civilization. You wouldn't be helping to maintain civilization by continuing to slave away making money that is then taxed away to support a bloated and ever increasing welfare state.
https://unterrorist.wordpress.com/2015/01/07/purpose-of-this-blog/ - the comic strip there illustrates what comes when women are given Animal Farm style 'equality' and freedom from being judged. The difference is that others suffer as well.
"The second biggest mistake men make is genuflecting on bended knee, ..."
Men supplicating to women is perverse in my opinion. It is women who should be qualifying themselves to, and proposing to men for relationships and marriage, not the other way around as it is thought of today.
It's a lot harder for a man to build himself up into an appealing man for women, than it is for women to be appealing to men. What women offer men and what they find appealing is pretty much fixed: Looks, youth, and pleasant personality, everything else is secondary (achievement, education, etc.) (e.g., Rosie O'Donnel having a masters degree from Harvard will not compensate for her shitty looks and personality and help give a man a chubby - at least to me).
I believe it is men, who have built themselves up through education and achievement, and have virtue, who are the actual "prize" and not women. The social problems today are due to that women are being pedastalized when it isn't warranted. Women tend to have big egos and are narcissistic, which is fed by this behavior.
I remember reading an article on dating where it talked about how in the past, the 1950's and before, where women were concerned and focused on finding and attracting a quality man, and getting him to choose her (the saying: "Women chase the man that she wants, then she lets him catch her.").
Young men should focus on their education and achievement rather than chasing women. Quality men don't need to chase women, the women chase him, and present themselves to the man for selecting. A quality man, if he has built himself up properly and has virtue, should have plenty of women interested in him. From my own experience, I find that when women learn about me, they seemingly "come-out-of-the-woodwork," so to speak, and come on to me. Every relationship that I have had so far, the woman was the initiator.
@Bob: Maybe this is a good topic for a blog article, if you did not already address it, and if your interested?
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