Friday, January 30, 2015

Women Have No Idea What It's Like to be a Man

This is about a woman who spent a year-and-a-half pretending to be a man (she ultimately cracked up). Even before I saw this I believed that the normal man's life would create mental illness in women. And since today so many women are trying to live a man's life...well, now, what will that lead to?

Women truly are the weaker vessel.


Unknown said...

'And since today so many women are trying to live a man's life...well, now, what will that lead to?'

Depression, self-mutilation, mental breakdowns, etc.

From 15 minutes on it's REALLY eye opening the accurate description about what happens to a person living a lie.

Robert What? said...

It's a good thing that men are generally less emotional than women. To go through your average man's life too "in touch" with your emotions would be hell.

cecilhenry said...

I find it very telling that the media sees a woman choose to dress up, live as a man and want to understand men in this way and NOT see the obvious connection to her lesbianism.

But its always STOPTHINK with the PC left media.

This expose by ABC was not pro-male, it was just apologetic and explaining women's assumptions about reality.

Funny to watch sometimes actually. Media is pathetic.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if her being a lesbian affected her experience? Do lesbians have part male brains?

Black Poison Soul said...

Not surprised she cracked up. I sometimes think that women identify themselves by the pain they can take. Thus strange stuff like self-mutilation and cutting - and perhaps the whole body-piercing and over-tattooing craze going on amongst women these days.

"Identity is not something to play around with." Which puts the nail in the whole fuckin' "gender is a social construct" thing don't it.

"I really like it more (being a woman) now. Because I think it's more privileged." Yes, she now has her vagina-card back.

I'll have some more thoughts about this when I'm more awake.

Unknown said...

'This expose by ABC was not pro-male, it was just apologetic and explaining women's assumptions about reality.'

Like her mental breakdown was due to living as a lesbian...and then hit a breaking point when she went male?

I could certainly see that. It's not like lesbians are high on the mental stability list.

Unknown said...

I, too, had wondered about her being unstable because she was a lesbian, but I wondered even more why she spent 18 months with this charade. Six months would have been enough. Maybe even three.

Anonymous said...

She did it for 18 months because that was the max. She couldn't do it forever and anymore and she'd never be able to sell it as an experiment.

She didn't do less because in a way she liked it. She was accepted without trying; something she doesn't get in the real world.

DeNihilist said...

Great pick up Bob. Thought it was a rather interesting insight, from the female perspective.

Her take on the difference in men and women sexuality should be standard teaching in all women's courses. Yes ladies, for most of our adult lives we BREATH SEX!

cecilhenry said...

Something else that is very telling in the video and really disrespectful to living the experience of being male.

She often didnt live it for more than a few minutes--then she escapes again.

Where? For example when she tries to talk up a woman at a bar. She does it, then immediately disowns the experience, consequences and even apologizes to the woman she approaches for 'being a man'.

She disowned the psychological experience and responsibility after a few minutes. Then she jokes about. NOT really taking on being a man-just playing at it.

deti said...

Here's what being a man is like.

1. Take a woman's sex drive and magnify it by a factor of 20. Then leave it on so that it runs constantly from the moment you wake up until the moment you fall asleep. All day. Every day. For 50 years.

2. You have to prove yourself to everyone in everything you are and do. In your schooling, your work, your jobs, your earning power, your pastimes -- everywhere you go you are constantly being evaluated on how you measure up to everyone else on your own personal performance.

3. Unless you are in the top 20% or so of men, you are not going to select women. Women will select you, and you take what you can get.

4. You do not get to have "bad days". You will not be excused because you don't feel well or you are depressed or anxious or fearful. No one will help you, defend you, excuse you or explain for you. You still have to perform.

5. You are not allowed to feel anything, especially not in public.

6. No one, male or female, gives even one shit about any of this.

deti said...

I forgot:

Take that insanely turned up sex drive, and leave it unsatisfied 98% of the time. At the same time, bombard that man all day, every day, with images, real and in media, of attractive women he would like to have sex with but never, ever will.

Anders said...

Men live in hell and dream of a heaven. Women live in a heaven and think they're goddesses.

Anonymous said...

"Take that insanely turned up sex drive, and leave it unsatisfied 98% of the time. At the same time, bombard that man all day, every day, with images, real and in media, of attractive women he would like to have sex with but never, ever will."


Escorts (prostitutes) are legal in plenty of places in Europe, South America, and Southeast asia. For about $150 USD (even much less in many places), a man can get a hot, sexy, experienced chick to turn him into jello, and toss his salad.

Problem solved. Jesus Christ people, this isn't rocket science.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter anyway, women can just stay women and not needing men anymore for anything apparently, since we now live in a matriarchy in which women reign supreme and they can take care of everything themselves ( least until they need the next oil change for their car) :p

"The End of Men and the Rise of Women" by Hanna Rosin:

TroperA said...

I have Fibromyalgia, and it's my theory that the reason it has spiked in recent years is because women are trying to act like men and are frying their endocrine systems in the process:

It's said that the type of woman most likely to get this are women who are ambitious, hardworking, and stress-ridden. (Of course, it could also be that men are getting this disease at the same rate--they're just not crying about it as loudly...)

Mindstorm said...

Bob, as a SF fan, you might appreciate the implications of this mostly theoretical exercise:
A food for thought, isn't it?

Unknown said...

I've read about theory before. I think Fred Hoyle believed in for a while. Maybe he never gave it up. I don't remember.

Unknown said...


I've wondered what diseases we got from not living in accordance with our natures. Personally I'm intrigued by the fact about one-quarter of women are on psychiatric medication.

Unknown said...

I saw this PSA about how strong empowered women broke the 'barriers' and now they are better at dying from heart disease and stroke.