Friday, January 2, 2015

We Need to Genetically Engineer Some Leftist-Eating Predators

"With no natural predators to thin the herd..."

We don't have any natural predators anymore than kill off the stupid and lazy. So they are exploding in population. And we especially need some to kill off leftists, because leftists are destroyers who murder millions and destroy civilizations.

Think Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao Tse Tung, Hitler (and yes, contrary to the delusions of his supporters, Hitler was a leftist). Hundreds of millions dead.

Some years ago I read a novel by F. Paul Wilson, The Tomb, which had some creatures in it called the Rakoshi. They were sort of genetically engineered, and the first person they killed was an absolutely worthless mugger who attacked old ladies.

Liberals don't have any sense, anyway. I am reminded of the middle-aged white liberal male who marched with those supporting Michael Brown and got his head knocked. They appear to lack a common-sense gene that keeps them out of trouble.

I thought, what an idea. A leftist-munching predator! What with the coming genetic engineering, create a creature which only attacks leftists. After all, it's either them or us.


Cheech And Chong Found God said...

"We don't have any natural predators anymore than kill off the stupid and lazy. So they are exploding in population."

Listen, Harry Houghlin, what you are advocating, even if in jest, is no different than the Josef Stalin's and Pol Pot's of the world or the abortionist crowd.

Please, how do you define "stupid and lazy"? How do you propose to carry out your plan? Is it not the liberty of people to procreate, even those you consider to be have these traits?

Bob said...

Good idea.

Since leftists, due to their large numbers today, consume vast quantities of vital resources that could be far better used by the sane and rational, having them vanish forever would benefit all humanity.

Not only would there be more resources for the above mentioned sane and rational, consider the vast amount of bodily waste these societal leeches emit daily. Not having to absorb their hundreds of tons of daily waste matter would be a huge benefit to our natural environment, and remove much of the present strain on our public services such as water, power and sewage.

Problem is... that's exactly what they have planned for us.

But who will do all their work (real work) for then should they succeed? It does take more than a bunch of desk-bound office drones meeting sic times a day to provide our daily needs. Somebody has to shovel the coal and clean out the septic tank, and none of them would ever stoop to such menial tasks.

What a dilemma they face if they succeed, self-imposed suicide.

It's actually quite amusing.

Anonymous said...

Debt. Their predator is debt. It may stalk them for years, but it eventually overtakes and consumes them.

Anders said...

The vibrant diversity they pretend to love are their natural predators. Nature will have its due in time.

Cheech And Chong Found God said...

Bob, you do realize you are advocating genocide under the pretext of carrying out God's work.

So, do you begin with the parents of leftists or their children?

Because, contrary to what you state, it is really disturbing what you are promoting.

"having them vanish forever would benefit all humanity."

Matthew 7:15--Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.

"The vibrant diversity they pretend to love are their natural predators."

Only about 1 percent of African Americans — and no more than 2 percent of black males — will commit a violent crime in a given year;

Whites are 6 times as likely to be murdered by another white person as by a black person; and overall, the percentage of white Americans who will be murdered by a black offender in a given year is only 2/10,000ths of 1 percent (0.0002)

Unknown said...

"Only about 1 percent of African Americans — and no more than 2 percent of black males — will commit a violent crime in a given year;

"Whites are 6 times as likely to be murdered by another white person as by a black person; and overall, the percentage of white Americans who will be murdered by a black offender in a given year is only 2/10,000ths of 1 percent (0.0002)"

Oh, please.

Cheech And Chong Found God said...

"Oh, please."

That's your comeback. [Laughs]

The fact remains that most murders are intraracial, i.e. committed by friends or acquaintances of the victim. Stranger homicides are indeed likely to be interracial, with a lower rate of white-on-black murders than black-on-white murders.

The 2013 FBI Uniform Crime Report shows that 83 percent of white victims were killed by white offenders and 90 percent of black victims were killed by black offenders, with 14 percent of white victims were killed by black offenders and nearly 8 percent of black victims were killed by white offenders.

It is statistically true to say that it is more likely that a white person will be murdered by a white person than a black person.

Unknown said...

The only time I pulled a pistol on anyone was when I was attacked by six blacks on the street.

Try it sometime. You'll enjoy it.

sth_txs said...

I have to agree with UncaBob here. Vox Day and others are right; give them no quarter and no help whenever possible.

They choose to willfully support evil all the time.

Granted, conservaturds are not much better, but at least they will listen to some of what you have to say and can be reasoned with to a point.

Robert What? said...


It is not immoral to advocate the destruction of those who are trying to destroy you.

Cheech And Chong Found God said...

"The only time I pulled a pistol on anyone was when I was attacked by six blacks on the street."

And I used my street fighting skills to knock four southron white dudes who tried to take my wallet.

"They choose to willfully support evil all the time."

"It is not immoral to advocate the destruction of those who are trying to destroy you."

Yes, subjectively label someone as "evil" and use the Bible as the moral authority, as the justification to wipe out one's enemies. Exactly the playbook employed by radical Christians.

So, who are go to murder first? Elderly leftists, or the children of leftists?

Robert What? said...


Exactly the playbook employed by radical Christians.

lol! You are suffering from delusions. Which "radical Christians" are you referring to? The Christians being beheaded in Iraq and Afghanistan? The Christians having their churches burned down in Egypt? Or maybe you mean the Christians being jailed in Saudi Arabia and China for having prayer meetings? The Christians who flew the jets into the World Trade Center? Or are you are talking about the Christians who are having their businesses taken away in the US for harmlessly trying to live by their religious principals? Oh I get it - you are referring to the conservative Christian organizations being targeted by the IRS. Yes, you are right - gotta watch out for those "radical Christians".

Robert What? said...

"Bob, you do realize you are advocating genocide under the pretext of carrying out God's work."

Continuing on the lines of delusion. Bob is not saying he is going to go out and kill Leftists. He is not even advocating that others go out and kill Leftists. He is engaging in some wistful flights of fancy.

Since Leftists are not able to distinguish between fantasy and reality (I suspect there is a step in the maturing process that they missed as children), I can see you would have a problem with telling the difference.

earl said...

Heh in that video...for a woman who has an IQ of 141 she doesn't seem to know how reproduction works.

It isn't sperm count honey. Even the most effeminate of man can shoot out millions of only have a certain amount of eggs.

IQ another worthless number that makes people feel special.

Mindstorm said...

@C&C Found God

Try providing some objective measurements of risk. Like (the numbers below are an ass pull of mine) this:

An average white man has on average 1 in 7559 chance per year of being a victim of white criminal violence and 1 in 43562 chance per year of being a victim of black criminal violence in the US.

A white woman...

A black man...

A black woman...

No, you won't? Then prepare to be ridiculed (I don't live in the US, so I don't care). Partial knowledge is usually as bad as ignorance, and sometimes worse.

Mindstorm said...


For a script in a low-brow comedy, she is as ignorant as expected.

Cheech And Chong Found God said...

"He is engaging in some wistful flights of fancy."

Philippians 4:8 says to think about things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, and praiseworthy. This fantasy clearly does NOT align with that biblical standard.

"Partial knowledge is usually as bad as ignorance, and sometimes worse."

Blah, blah, blah. Are you able to dispute the statistics I offered?

Cheech And Chong Found God said...

"You are suffering from delusions."

Come again?

Not that Muslims would ever come to the assistance of Christians. Oh, wait...

Listen, radical Christians, Muslims, and Jews EQUALLY pervert the faith. Either you are on the right side or the wrong side on this matter.

Anonymous said...

"And I used my street fighting skills to knock four southron white dudes who tried to take my wallet."

Ooooh.. internet tough guy. Were these southrons you knocked wearing confederate flag belt buckles? Maybe they made also made some racial slurs before they tried to take your wallet? It all sounds very Billy Jack. And did they come at you one at a time like in a Steven Segal movie or did you take them at all at once with your helicopter kick? You should probably be using such deadly "street fighting skills" in the octagon, if you're not already..

Cheech And Chong Found God said...

"Ooooh.. internet tough guy."

Sarcasm escapes you.

And let us remember who FIRST talked about brandishing their pistol on some vibrants.

Robert What? said...


Notice that the one instance you site is of the extremely rare instance of Christians taking revenge after being pushed to the brink. Notice that the article points out that the Muslim minority "terrorised the majority Christian population, killing men, women and children."

Maybe you feel differently, but if someone was coming after my family, I'd do everything I needed to to stop them.

In any case, for every Christian "atrocity" I can point to 100 Muslim atrocities. The thing is that the mainstream media generally do not report on the former, but get orgasmic over the latter.

" Either you are on the right side or the wrong side on this matter"

You mean like, "You are either for us or against us"?

Unknown said...

"And let us remember who FIRST talked about brandishing their pistol on some vibrants."

That would be me. I had seven rounds and there were six of them.

Robert What? said...

Correction, I meant:

The thing is that the mainstream media generally do not report on the latter, but get orgasmic over the former.

Robert What? said...


@Cheech - "And I used my street fighting skills to knock four southron white dudes who tried to take my wallet."

"Ooooh.. internet tough guy."

Anon - I am certain Cheech's entire episode is a complete fabrication.

The Ace said...

"Cheech And Chong Found God" is sea-lioning us:

Cheech And Chong Found God said...

"Anon - I am certain Cheech's entire episode is a complete fabrication."

Just as made up as our dear host.

"Notice that the one instance you site is of the extremely rare instance of Christians taking revenge"

You are clueless. Do you as a Christian denounce any and all unsolicited acts of violence?

"Cheech And Chong Found God" is sea-lioning us"

[Laughs] And kicking your rhetoric *** in the process.

The Ace said...

"[Laughs] And kicking your rhetoric *** in the process."

That's cute Cheechy boy.

vonbock said...

"And I used my street fighting skills to knock four southron white dudes who tried to take my wallet."
More like a "rough trade" episode gone bad in some Frisco back alley.
The hardest part of being a SJW must be the unnatural acts that are expected in order to stay in good stead...........

Cheech And Chong Found God said...

Have "The Ace" and "Vonbock" brought up anything useful to challenge my assertions?

Nope. As a Christian man, I forgive you.