It's all about power, domination and control. There are popular sites that deal with the men who fall for these women, such as A Shrink 4 Men.
This was written by Cane Caldo and is from the site, Things We Have Know and Heard.
Generally speaking: The male form of sexual abuse is when a man abuses his power (usually some combination of money, respect, or strength), against a woman, to gratify his sexual desires. This is well-noted and agreed upon by everyone.
The female form of sexual abuse is: When a woman abuses her sexuality, against a man, to gratify her desire for power (usually some combination of money, respect, or strength). This is not usually acknowledged, and never fully.
I say it is not fully acknowledged because while it is sometimes frowned upon, the incidents are treated lightly. “Well, she shouldn’t have done so,” we tsk, “but he should have known better.” Which is a good bit different from the fiery condemnation that is heaped on male transgressors. Where is the movement to outlaw gold-digging? Who is creating a safe space from women?
Which church advocates custody of the eyes as a wardrobe selection strategy for women to employ rather than as a stick with which to beat men into being blind of their surroundings??
Every so often a female will imitate male patterns of sexual abuse. Those incidents don’t rise above the level of talking points. The occasion of a female teacher seducing a male student causes us to ask, “What is going on with that woman?”, as if she’s diseased or ensorcelled; rather than acknowledging that she chose evil because she liked it. A college op-ed about a man who surrenders to the protestations and physical manipulations of a college woman is a mere thought experiment. Crichton’s book Disclosure was a fictionalized story, but it was based on true events which failed to make the news and outraged no one. Why? Because we don’t get emotionally involved. Well why is that? Because our experience tells us that it’s not a pattern of which to be wary.
The first reason these thought experiment stories are ever reported are the novelty of “man bites dog”. But the important reason is that they give cover to the idea that we are striving for equality under the law; that our laws against males forms of sexual abuse constitute a full spectrum of justice to which men and woman can be held.
It's a lie.
A sensible man need only get burned once by a BPD/NPD type to get the picture. If it keeps happening then he's got mental issues which make him repeat the pattern/cycle of abuse.
'(amusing that some deluded men think all women are attracted to the Dark Triad in men, but men are completely blindsided and outraged when they get involved with Dark Triad women and find themselves manipulated and abused. And it's much more common than you think)'
Some men find the Dark Triad traits because that is exactly who their mothers are.
Then they think they are in control when they finally possess it and that's what women want because that the only way they've ever seen things. They seem to attract women just like their mother.
"Some men find the Dark Triad traits because that is exactly who their mothers are."
They're trying to repeat it and fix it.
Now what does that say about Roissy and Vox Day that they think nearly all women are attracted to these sick, heartless men? Or that men are supposed to imitate the Dark Triad when it's not natural with them? what kind of women are they going to attract?
They do tend to think all women are like this. All women are capable of it...but not all women willingly engage in those behaviors or are attracted to men who display those behaviors.
For example...if she has a strong father as an example to go off of she's going to see through these Dark Triad boys act pretty quickly.
Many women mistake appearance for reality...some men do, too. And as far as I'm concerned, the Dark Triad is just confidence without all the bad stuff.
I wouldn't even concern myself with the Dark Triad anymore.
It's better to work on honest confidence or even better...humility and throw out the lack of morality and the manipulation of reality to feed your delusions.
Well it turns out you were right about Vox and I was wrong. If you're smarter than he is, he'll ban you from his blog and assign a greek letter to you faster than a homosexual social justice warrior can, HAR HAR HAR!
And yeah...he is a pretty crappy turns out that perhaps you know him better than I thought I did.
But aside from his obvious value as a comical poseur as he struggles to assume phoney airs of manliness - he does understand feral women and he is entirely correct in his advice on how to deal with them. That, of course can be summed up thusly: the modern feminist woman at best can be considered nothing more than a sperm receptacle for a quick Pump-N-Dump; and under no circumstances do you emotionally engage with one or become involved with them.
There are no victims, really. Everything in life is a choice and the only way a woman can abuse you is if you let her. And - like children - if you let them get away with it they will only push you harder until they either destroy their relationship with you or you set some limits and enforce them.
Don't seek out a woman like your mother, fellas. You are looking for a woman that is more like your grandmother or great grandmother. Most modern North American women are sluts and shrews.
The worst advice floating around is pumping and dumping a feminist. Why would you invest your very being into someone like that? Besides once they get their claws into's very hard to just 'dump' them.
Have some self-control. There is no orgasm out there worth doing that with a feminist.
"Everything in life is a choice and the only way a woman can abuse you is if you let her."
What a lie. I've seen females abuse males in across the board environments and contexts -- usually to gain some momentary power/money advantage, but often merely to show the Evil Male who is boss in the land.
And they are backed up by the full power of the State (castrati) and of the false churches. I've watched females single-out and persecute/prosecute males just for the enjoyment of watching the guy get his 'deserved' beatdown. But here you are, telling us that doesn't happen, and when it does, it's because the guy LET HER?
LOL you are the whitest of white knights aintcha? Do you live in an arctic igloo with your fishwife and thirty daughters?
"Everything in life is a choice and the only way a woman can abuse you is if you let her."
Surprisingly spot on. It is observably true when a man puts his foot down repeatedly, either the woman will cave or she will resist temporarily, then relent.
"And they are backed up by the full power of the State (castrati) and of the false churches."
The State consists of those citizens, men and women, who pass laws they deem necessary. You come across as if The State is an entity unto itself.
"I've watched females single-out and persecute/prosecute males just for the enjoyment of watching the guy get his 'deserved' beatdown"
And I've borne witness to males purposely use and abuse women for the mere fun of it, compliments of the anti-Christian manosphere.
“The modern feminist woman at best can be considered nothing more than a sperm receptacle for a quick Pump-N-Dump; and under no circumstances do you emotionally engage with one or become involved with them.”
[Laughs] If one follows your keen “advice”, then they are no different than the alpha males hocking their wares to the male masses. And, assuredly, if you are a Christian male, your “insight” is an abomination to Christ and what He stands for.
“Most modern North American women are sluts and shrews.”
The ones YOU have met, perhaps.
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