Thursday, January 12, 2017

Criminals I Would Hang or Imprison

To be hanged for war crimes, treason and spying:

George "Dubya Shrub" Bush.

Dick Cheney.

Donald Rumsfeld.

(Richard Perle.)

(Paul Wolfowitz).

(Douglas Feith.)


Bill and Hillary Clinton.


Unknown said...

You could toss W's daddy in there too.

Quartermain said...

I trust that's the shorter abridged list.

Anonymous said...

That's a good start. I'm sure there are many others that could be added to the list.

A Texan said...

Bill Kristol

Most of Congress from both parties that have been there too long

Leon Penetta

George Fagnopolis, Chuck Todd, Eleanor Cliff, Ben Shapiro, Rush Limbaugh, most other journalist in print and TV.

ATF agents that participated in Waco, Ruby Ridge, Fast and Furious

Glen Filthie said...

Take the medals The Black Baboon just pinned on himself and his drunken VP - and give them to Dubya and Rummy.

LOL - anyone that would hang Dubya and spare the Clintons probably should be dancing at the end of a rope too - and their rotting corpses used for bayonet practice by laughing conservatives.

Any last words, Bob? HAR HAR HAR!

I'm intrigued though - why do ya hate Dubya so much? Every time you rant about him you just say how much you hate him but you never say why, really. What is your biggest beef with him Bob?

A Texan said...

The Bush family is a crime family that needs to be exterminated.

Only a moron like you Glenn could believe the Iraq war had anything to with justice. The money and lives wasted and generational issues created is disgusting. Those troops should have returned and invaded DC.

cecilhenry said...

Every politician past and present, and head bureaucrats, who have been complicit in White Genocide and the facilitated invasion of every Western nation for the past 40 years. Here is Canada, Justin Trudeau and his Father are unabashedly leading the way.

Anonymous said...

It's not just politicians and bureaucrats that are the problem:

“A people that [knowingly] elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims... but accomplices.”
-George Orwell.

Note the revised quote.

kurt9 said...

I agree with who the criminals are and the appropriate punishments.

Quartermain said...

I would throw in George Soros. Henry Kissinger, Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, Rahm Emmanuel, Gloria Steinem, and I'm just getting warmed up.

Quartermain said...

I would like to throw in the $PLC, BLM and other anti-White groups. + Anyone still alive who promotes the Black anger/White guilt paradigm to children in the past and present. + Anyone who aided and encouraged the invasion of illegal aliens.

Quartermain said...

Not to mention the Bildebergs, Trilateral Commission, and the Council on Foreign Relation.

Unknown said...

Oh Bob, you're a fantasist. How can a corrupt system be trusted to indict and convict? Sure a Court of Justice after a Second Civil War and Liberated Europe could do it. I've always thought it might be fitting after the Sons of The Confederacy are avenged and a new Liberation of Europe occurs that another War Crimes Court could be convened at Nuremberg. However, you have to realize that the "judges" that kangaroo our courts have all been installed by Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama. Those kinds of corrupticrats would hardly go after the benefactors that handed justice to such grasping paws of legalistic obstruction of justice.

Glen Filthie said...

Well Tex... You guys set Saddam up, the least Ya could do would be to take him out.

You sure you're from Texas? You sound like a gay hipster from New York...HAR HAR HAR!

Unknown said...

If you are going to imprison Hillary, shouldn't she be tortured for the remainder of her life? I'm think having a 24 hour news feed into her cell describing how she is a scumbag.

Farm Boy said...

colon powell for lying at the UN about WMDs.
karl rove.
All WH press secretaries for lying through their teeth weekly if not daily
the evil Val Jar

Glengarry said...

For enabling, underwriting and supporting the muslim invasion of Europe via Serbia, Kosovo, Syria and Libya: Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, burning.

Hecil Cenry said...

"Every politician past and present, and head bureaucrats, who have been complicit in White Genocide and the facilitated invasion of every Western nation for the past 40 years. Here is Canada, Justin Trudeau and his Father are unabashedly leading the way."

White genocide is a False News Story. There is no invasion taking place.

Pro-race is code for anti-humanity.

a Texan said...

"Well Tex... You guys set Saddam up, the least Ya could do would be to take him out.

You sure you're from Texas? You sound like a gay hipster from New York...HAR HAR HAR!"

Only the most digusting puke of a human being could defend the Iraq war. Thanks for showing what side of humanity you are on Glenn. But hey, it's not you with the scarred psyches or blown off limbs from a pointless and costly endeavor. Too bad you get to vote and participate in civil society.

And as a native Texan, the Bush family were merely north eastern carpetbaggers who had to find some gullible suckers to put them into office. The Kennedy criminal clan had it wrapped up in the northeast, so the Bush's had to find some hick city to ingratiate themselves into high society. You might check up on grandaddy Bush trading with the enemies during WWII.

Robert What? said...

Definitely prison for Obama.