The Bushes are RINOs (Republicans in Name Only). They're closer to the worst aspects of Democrats - liberals.
It was the first Bush - father of the moron war criminal Dubya Shrub - who came up with the concept of the New World Order - America as the world's policeman. Globalism. Imperialism.
The American people have always been of a non-interventionist bent. The U.S. government has been interventionist for a long time - probably since 1898, when we obtained the Philippines after the Spanish-American War.
Before World War II there was an organization in America known as America First. It's most well-known member was Charles Lindbergh. They wanted the U.S. to stay out of World War II, which was a European war. As was World War I, for that matter.
Obviously, "America First" is not original with Trump. Now as to whether or not he knows about the first America First I do not know.
Americans are tired of a war that has gone on for 15 years and only made things worse in the Middle East, they're tired of the several thousand American soldiers dead and wounded, tired of soldiers' suicide (20 a day last I heard), tired of jobs being exported, tired of bad trade deals, tired of the trillions spent on foreign countries that spend their time trying to wreak havoc on us. Tired of resentful 85-IQ minorities murdering eight police officers in about a week (one in my area was recently shot in the throat and paralyzed from the neck down).
And those in government and the media tell us, "Your opinion doesn't matter. Just let us handle things, because we are morally and intellectually superior to you. Just suck it up because you're just cannon fodder anyway. And if you're poor because we've exported your job and flooded the country with Third Worlders? Well, just suck that up too."
It didn't surprise me that none of the Bushes showed up at the Republican National Convention because Trump was the nominee. Clearly they're pissed off that the White Hispanic Jeb! was completely and utterly repudiated by the American people. The whole family is composed of spoiled children!
Apparently the Bush crime family does not realize there will never be another Bush in the White House. And apparently they think the office belongs to them.
If I had my way all of them spend the rest of their lives in prison.
All empires fall, without exception. And ours is going to fall, too. It's going to come home. That's one of the things the coming Presidential election is about.
We can wait until we're forced home or we can be smart and start closing down the mess now.
Good lord. Unca Bob: Japan?
The problem with isolationism is exactly what got us into WW2: the ethical world powers sit on their hands while gangster govts arise and grow in power to the point where they are strong enough to cut your throat - as they did in WW2! Had it not been for The Bomb and the Ultra-Secret... America WOULD have fallen in WW2.
Fools that don't learn from history are damned and doomed to repeat it. America does not have a big enough domestic market to consume it's own output. It MUST have access to foreign markets or even MORE jobs will be lost. Had it not been for America and Dubya, Iraq would probably be swapping nukes with Iran and Israel by now. That is serious chit and only a fool would think America could stay neutral in something like that.
Trump is not going to change global geopolitics. He can't - not if he wants to put America back to work again.
You nailed it Bob (again). It is time to shut down the foolishly destructive and expensive military (or are they Peace Corps, I get confused) ventures in the Middle East. Bring all the boys and girls home. The idea once was that this was necessary to secure the Saudi petroleum exports to the US. We don't need that any more. Get the troops out of Europe and let's leave NATO, too. All these things do is get us heartbreak, dead and wounded soldiers, and crushing debt. These ventures are monumentally stupid. I think President Trump will feel the same way. We need to make a sea change in numerous US policies. This includes immigration, which needs to be entirely shut down, I mean zero. Full moratorium and vigorous deportation of illegals. We have 20% unemployment and are more mechanized and automated every day, and there really is nothing for immigrants to do here. Many Americans understand this, and some of the sheeple are waking up. I believe that Trump is going to lay a whuppin on hilLIARy of epic proportion.
Yeah, without the lie of WWII we would have been so bad off.
I'm sure we could have stayed out of that one and been better off longterm. Besides, Ford, GM, and IBM had some significant business interests in Germany. When you get money for a bombed car plant in enemy territory from your 'own' government, what more do you need to know what a scam the whole thing was and innocent people died for a lie? Or how Standard Oil subsidiaries sold diesel fuel for Nazi naval vessels. No, let us talk about that part.
"The problem with isolationism is exactly what got us into WWII"
We had been attacking Japan for ten years, cutting off their oil and sending the Flying Tigers against them in China. FDR was spoiling for a fight. Our blood, not his.
Glen, B.W is of course correct re: Japan. In any case the US did fine with Isolationism .Closed borders, a modest military, strong navy , a heavily armed civilian population and nukes is plenty to keep the US safe from enemy attack.
Anyway re: production, you are sort of correct but fact is there is a global production surplus. Everyone can't be a net exporter. its a zero sum game anyway. better to stack the deck for Americans
however lets say after repatriation, the US has 270 million people in it . are you really saying that such an economy with limited trade and non intervention cannot support a wealthy society?
Of course it can. They key is simply if there is a production surplus to produce less, lower the work week to 28 hours , add more holidays. have policies that support one wage earner push up wages as GDP.
It been done before and if somehow things are different and say automation simply renders the industrial economy moot, fine. Move to a high tax social democracy and a basic wage. it sucks but so be it , you make your bed and you lie in it. No one gets to opt out of paying for the cost of society.
Its going to grate on people, the US was in good part formed by people who didn't want to pay for the costs of British civilization but so be it.
And in the case of economic regulation, isn't remotely new. The medieval economy had roughly a 40 hour work week do to mandated holidays. This was a core component of dealing with the labor surplus and material limits of the culture along with wage controls It worked quite well within limits as has often been noted that a medieval peasant was wealthier than many modern Africans.
Glen, you don't know shit about history. I'm so glad you have absolutely zero power in deciding American national policy.
U.S. foreign policy has been like this:
Let's go into another country and wreck it.
Let's take in refugees to compete with the citizens for jobs and depress wages.
Rinse and repeat.
I am going to send 1,000 Somali immigrants to Glen's house so that he can feed and house them. What, no? Don't tell us Glen that you are one of those "isolationists." I suppose you have a front door on your house. Dude, get rid of that you xenophobe, you. Build a bridge out to the sidewalk and invite the world into your house. Open your house, open your mind. Don't be so hateful. Your house will blossom with the influx of diversity and you will rise above all the bigoted commenters here and shame us with your awesome moral superiority.
The Bush family are a bunch of spoiled elitist RINO traitors. They despise the run-of-the-mill every day working man and family in this nation. They think they know better than the American people what is good for the US, and they think they should be in charge of all foreign and domestic policy. They are useless LOSERS and other than the old man's service in WWII, don't have a single accomplishment that impresses me. Dubya and low-energy Jeb are coddled bonehead morons, and without the family $$ and name would be stocking shelves at Wal-Mart on third shift (with due respect to the honest hard workers stocking shelves for a living @ Wal Mart on third shift). Dubya was the worst president ever until obama came along.
"We had been attacking Japan for ten years, cutting off their oil and sending the Flying Tigers against them in China. FDR was spoiling for a fight. Our blood, not his."
Yes and no, Bob. Imperialism was the order of the day back then. America, Britain, Germany and half a dozen other Euros were doing it. If America gave up it's presence in the area - the Japs were more than happy to move in - and they did unspeakable things to the locals when they did. From a morality perspective the identity of the good guys is only in doubt with stupid people that don't know history.
"Glen, B.W is of course correct re: Japan. In any case the US did fine with Isolationism .Closed borders, a modest military, strong navy..."
Until the Japs bombed the shit out of it on December 7th. Everybody has nukes now, fellas, and more than a few of these moslem mudflaps are stupid enough to use them.
As for the rest of it, AB:
- Do you seriously think you are going to deport 30 million people? I see race and civil wars happening first...
- the rest of that is very, very far fetched too. What are you going to do with all the homegrown morons that are products of common core and the public school system? (I'm lookin' at you, Farm Boy). I see plenty of opportunity for economic and cultural suicide in what you advocate. Hell, getting China out of our markets could set the stage for WW3 and mass mutiny at home. People like their cheap shit. How many of you boys are going to pay $15.00 for a plain white tee shirt made in America...when Taiwan will give you four for $7.00? Hope you like flop houses and soup kitchens boys - because that is exactly where you're headed.
For the record I AM against mass immigration and closing off the borders. Immigration at a time with unemployment like it is? Only a hare lipped retard or a democrat would advocate that.
The same morons bashing Dubya were beaking off about Reagan 20 years ago. Today Reagan stands in the history books as a visionary and Bush will too.
The US didn't start assuming the 'World Policeman' role until the Eisenhower Administration. Grandfather Prescott Bush was in tight with Ike and Nixon, and that is where the Bush Crime Family really got its start.
The US became a world power around 1898, but that was a war pushed on us, like the Boxer Rebellion in 1900. We were late entrants into WW1 and WW2 and only went to Korea as part of a UN force.
> Had it not been for The Bomb and the Ultra-Secret... America WOULD have fallen in WW2.
Don't be ridiculous. Find a world globe somewhere and educate yourself. The USA is a) big, and b) a long way from anywhere else.
That's why it needs a big navy, and that's why the Japs bombed it, dumb ass.
You have to wonder about these presidents of corporations and whether they even talk to each other though they may share board membership at other corporations.
You would think the CEO of Ford or KB Homes for example would discuss how to employ Americans at some reasonable wages so someone can buy those damn $60k Ford King Ranch editions or the $250k plus cardboard houses constructed all across the land.
I don't make enough so count me out unless I win the lotto. I guess they will have to take that stuff stick up their a___.
Glen, You're sort of all over the place bro', but I'll grant you the issues are complicated and easy answers not at hand. We're always going to have the lower-skilled among us. I am from the sticks in flyover country, not that this makes me a hero, but I grew up among these people. Most have an excellent work ethic. They also have a sense of fair play, and can be trusted and are loyal. I will add that many are/were not "book smart" but excellent mechanics, auto techs, welders, carpenters, and plumbers, and we'll always need these important and underappreciated trades. Now many of them are unemployed/ underemployed and it grates my gears. High-trust societies are valuable and rare, and this gets watered down when you swamp their communities with third world savages. I also will note, maybe this adds to your argument, that I saw a lot of overpaid union laborers making $40/hr with a h.s. degree years ago, and that they overplayed their hand and sort of outsourced themselves out of work. I also observe the massive welfare system and refugee settlement ripoff that sucks x millions out our social / welfare systems (in fairness Glen it sounds like you agree that this is pretty stupid). I also observe crimes and rapes and jihad blow ups like San Bernardino, Fort Hood, Seattle (looooong list). We also have outsourced our semiconductor and steel and other industries, and the good-paying jobs that go with them, where the homegrown morons USED to work. Those folks don't wet their pants over big screen TVs for <$1K when they are unemployed. If I was in charge, there would be a steady exodus of illegals, believe me. We know how to do this, not that hard (stop paying your taxes, see how long it takes the IRS to "round you up"). and we don't need to "get China out of our markets" c'mon dude, that is a strawman. We need to make sure they are not ripping us off by artificially manipulating their currency etc. We'll probably have to agree to disagree about "Big Amnesty" Dubya, but I have a lot of friends and people I respect who think he was awesome (damn sight better than the current occupant). I don't see how invading Iraq was anything but a heartache and $2 Trillion, and worse, right down a rathole. What has it gotten us. A huge foreign policy blunder, on Dubya's watch. BTW I am a huge jerk, but a much bigger jerk behind my moniker and on the posting board, and I'm guessing you are an OK dude that would be good to knock back a few with -- you make your points well and I find myself agreeing w some of them. Since you're vs big immigration I am going to call off the Somali party at your house this weekend :)
"Had it not been for The Bomb and the Ultra-Secret... America WOULD have fallen in WW2."
Nope. Do know what the Russians called WWII? "The Great Patriotic War.' The Eastern Front was a horror beyond belief. In the Battle of Stalingrad one million to two million were killed. No one know the exact number. Russians will tell you THEY won WWII. America was a minor player.
BTW, more were killed in the Battle of Stalingrad than the U.S. has lost in all of its wars combined.
So who exactly was going to beat us?
"Russians will tell you THEY won WWII. America was a minor player."
Russia needed weapons and supplies from America in WWII. Russia would have been defeated without this outside material support.
I know that. We sent Russia vehicles and over a billion dollars. Then stabbed us in the back. Patton wanted to team up with the Germans and go after the Soviet Union.
But Russia still thinks they won the war on their own and the U.S. was a minor player.
Glen, no the mud-flaps aren't going to be nuking us at least if we take basic precautions. Nor are the Norks
The main people in the Middle East smart enough to do it are the Iranians who are rather quickly undergoing European level fertility and despite the crazies in that country, don't want Armageddon.
Non interventionism and isolationism don't preclude espionage or acting in self defense, besides our invasion of the Middle east makes this more probable, not less.
As for a race/civil war. Its nearly inevitable in any case. Without extreme luck and astonishingly good leadership the US will collapse, as in current form it cannot be salvaged
There are actions that can be taken to prevent it though and the first is treating illegal immigration for what it is, war and invasion
Errr... Japan, Bob?
Sheesh. Have you been raiding my liquor stash again? Had America had to take the home islands by force your death tolls would have gone through the roof.
"Without extreme luck and astonishingly good leadership the US will collapse, as in current form it cannot be salvaged"
I think the U.S will transform into something like what Brazil or Mexico is today: a majority non-white, mixed-race, third-world economic and social basket case.
Read Arthur Kemp's book: The March of the Titans.
"As for a race/civil war. Its nearly inevitable in any case. Without extreme luck and astonishingly good leadership the US will collapse, as in current form it cannot be salvaged."
No, it's not inevitable. It's not even on the majority of white people's radar. And do you really think the elites are going to allow the United States to fall? Nigga, please.
"There are actions that can be taken to prevent it though and the first is treating illegal immigration for what it is, war and invasion"
Illegal immigration is invasion, sure. War? No. Legal immigration as invasion and war? No.
"I think the U.S will transform into something like what Brazil or Mexico is today: a majority non-white, mixed-race, third-world economic and social basket case."
You can think that way all you want. The problem is that you and A.B. are content to let it happen, it it actually does occur. Why not be an alpha male and go Anders Breivik for Christ' sake.
1:18 I don't listen to advice from seeming agent provocateurs or people who don't
Now as for immigration,. yes it is war,Nations are a hell of a lot less likely to push their problems onto others if they face heavy consequences,
And while yes its true neither 2:54 nor I plan to do much about it beyond voting for Trump and educating and complaining why would we want too?
Its an election year. Trump is running and may win and address some of our issues. Soap Box? Check. Ballot Box ? Check? cartridge Box? Not needed. Its not the point where action should be taken and no matter how much zugswang the Right thinks they have, its best sometimes not to move. A certain Nevada rancher and his family learned that too their collective dismay.
A lot of people are sympathetic to his plight and his ideas but they won't go to war for him since they don't have a clue what he wants and he is a Mormon on top of that. Beyond the divides, its not like the .alt right even has an idea of how to govern, how to use power or what to use it for anyway. To have power, you must want power which the Right doesn't and you must use power which the Right is afraid of since more than a few of its wealthier members are looters not patriots
Still this election is the first I've seen in which the Country Club, "muh Constitution" Ghost Dancers and the Endless Culture war people aren't in charge. Its quite refreshing since neither of those groups is fit to be dogcatcher much less form a new Republic. A Gay silicon valley guy was a guest speaker and it was awesome. Trump now is like having Pat Buchanan without Catholic Social Conservative baggage
Why fight when you still have hope? And yes he could lose, fail or betray, it doesn't matter. Change is here and it leads either to collapse and civil war/partition, renewal or maybe Brazil but with a crippled state that is much less bothersome. Not right away but soon. I'm patient and I'm enjoying the proverbial decline.
Now if folks, Anon or Nom De Plume want change, first they have to be the change. And yes its a Leftist stereotype but any movement that doesn't have a plan, will fail. Unless a general consensus on how the nation needs to be run or what chunks of land are to be run in what ways can be reached, the Cathedral deserves to run the show. I'd back them any day since they are good at getting and using power and mostly in the early years used its for good ends
Hell had the Cathedral been a bit less Cultural Marxist, less mass immigration and a bit more pro civic I'd say they deserve to run things and its only the immigration and CM issues and the ignoring infrastructure that put me off them in the first place However they can't reform and well the Gods of the Copybook headings explains everything we need to know,
As I see I until a few years ago with the rise the .alt right, the Republicans a party that conserves very little and is mostly the slaves of some defunct economist (usually Claude Frédéric Bastiat ) or want but won't admit to wanting a religious state or are Tikkum Olam practicing Neo Cons I don't want any of those things they want The attitudes and the ideas are coming around to new ways
Its not just Trump or Pat Buchanan as back in his day, its millions of people and its a good thing. Doesn't means we won't have a collapse but a mitigated one is fine, doesn't means we won't have Brazil. armed White enclaves left alone are fine, doesn't means we won't recover either. But until something worth having shows up, we have no reason to do much of anything but rant and vote.Right now the internet is a good thing , Trump is a good thing and enjoying life is a good thing. No action required or warranted
“Now as for immigration,. yes it is war,Nations are a hell of a lot less likely to push their problems onto others if they face heavy consequences.”
It is decidedly NOT war. Immigration is embedded n America’s history. People have willingly chosen to enable other groups of people to enter the country provided they meet specific criteria. Obviously, the system is broken. If the American people decide collectively that a wall is needed, that immigration overall should be significantly restricted or outright banned, that is their prerogative. However, make no mistake about it, it is radical Muslims, not Muslims themselves, that are the root of the problem, considering that America allowed Muslims to enter our country first as black slaves in the 1600’s, and later in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s without much fanfare.
”And while yes its true neither 2:54 nor I plan to do much about it beyond voting for Trump and educating and complaining why would we want too?”
Because that is your duty as an American citizen if threats are imminent.
“Beyond the divides, its not like the .alt right even has an idea of how to govern, how to use power or what to use it for anyway.”
Finally, you make some sense. There is this false belief that America’s rot from its inner core will spread outward and eventually will collapse due to its excessive weight of Jew-control cultural marxism and bankster shysterism, along with this lack of moral compass by the Cathedral. These boogeymen are no different and no worse than other periods in our history (e.g. the “Robber Baron” Age, the Great Depression). Pundits during those worse of times also stated that the United States would cease to exist after a couple decades of internal turmoil. It didn’t materialize. Perhaps the Jews and the Rothschilds of the world, after all, have the wherewithal to pull the strings and keep themselves in firm control. Then, you have the neoreactionary crowd with giddy excitement believing that there will be an impending race war, with white Christian males regaining control in a second Reconquista, creating absolute monarchies dominated by alpha males. That is assuming, of course, that in the impending gloom and doom scenario the common folk will buy into their agenda. Why should they? Technology and materialism and democratic ideals rule their day and rule their world. There is no turning back here. Neoreactionaries are great at philosophizing their plans, but to actually carry them out, they are clueless. All it takes is some basic rhetoric and their ideas fall flat on their face.
“Trump now is like having Pat Buchanan without Catholic Social Conservative baggage.”
Assuming that it is baggage in the first place. Trump is not a politician, he can say what he wants when he wants. Those who will vote for him have desperately sought out a candidate like him. However, there is only one Trump. Unless he clones himself, his supporters will still vote for establishment types, still vote for “cucks” and “Churchians”.
“Change is here and it leads either to collapse and civil war/partition, renewal or maybe Brazil but with a crippled state that is much less bothersome. Not right away but soon.”
This is where you and others are overestimating the “change is here” meme. We will only know a year into the Trump presidency, and four years after his first term--provided he gets elected, and he has to overcome major obstacles along the way--necessitates the desired changes by those who will vote for him. It has changed only in this regard--the GOP is fractured. How and when Humpty Dumpty puts himself together again remains to be seen. Collapse and civil war/partition are longshots. Renewal is more likely given our nation’s nine lives and rise of the Phoenix mentality. Brazil? Nigger, please.
“Hell had the Cathedral been a bit less Cultural Marxist, less mass immigration and a bit more pro civic...”
That’s called embracing paranoid. This Cathedral, Cultural Marxist, mass immigration troika is something that has been completely blown out of proportion.
@3:00 PM
Immigration has often been bad for America. In any case the demographic transition for a massively European nation to a mixed race, heavily Mestizo one is national suicide
The US circa 1950, 90% White European, now 66% . This dropped California from top tier to bottom in education as its majority Black and Mexican youth.
As for duty, this is not the same country I grew up socially or ethnically as such the claim it had to duties owed is gone. New country, new social contract.
They failed to defend our border, support a strong economy or defend the core ideas of our Constitution
As Townhall put it here http://townhall.com/columnists/kurtschlichter/2016/07/04/you-owe-them-nothing--not-respect-not-loyalty-not-obedience-n2186865
We owe them nothing - not respect, not loyalty, not obedience.
Also the robber barons caused very bit as much as harm as people expected of them up to including the immigration from that period . It only stopped when it was checked by the Government
Ass for FDR, he was also a huge part of the current rot and did in fact as much harm as his critics said he would. He wasn't all bad mind you but yes FDR was generally the wrong medicine. Tailgunner Joe was also correct in case you ask.
That said, its not Trump that is the change. He is the start of the change, pushing the Overton window to real change . we fully accept the possibility of betrayal as well. He might succeed he might not. In any case a person winning as a nationalist and a populist such as Trump is a potential victory
"Immigration has often been bad for America."
"In any case the demographic transition for a massively European nation to a mixed race, heavily Mestizo one is national suicide."
The British thought the same way when the Irish, the Scotch-Irish, the Dutch, and the Swedish "invaded" their territory. They didn't think in terms of white, they looked at it in terms of ethnicity. And these groups were eventually assimilated.
These groups as nativists felt the same way when the Irish and Germans "invaded" in the 1850's. But they assimilated.
These groups as nativists felt the same way when the Chinese "invaded" in the 1860's and 1870', and when Italians "invaded" in the 1890's. But they assimilated.
These groups as nativists felt the same way when the Assyrians "invaded". But they assimilated.
These groups as nativists felt the same way when Southeast Asians "invaded". But they assimilated.
"The US circa 1950, 90% White European, now 66% ."
Americans generally don't view it in that manner.
"As for duty, this is not the same country I grew up socially or ethnically as such the claim it had to duties owed is gone. New country, new social contract."
Nope. Same country, same social contract. Southrons felt the same way I'm sure when slavey was eradicated and when Jim Crow laws were eradicated.
"They failed to defend our border, support a strong economy or defend the core ideas of our Constitution."
I can see your point here, but there are a number of factors in play.
"We owe them nothing - not respect, not loyalty, not obedience."
Actually, we owe our ancestors who came here--you know, immigrants--to ensure the success for future generations.
"Also the robber barons caused very bit as much as harm as people expected of them up to including the immigration from that period . It only stopped when it was checked by the Government."
Without that immigrant labor, America would have significantly lagged behind European industry.
"Ass for FDR, he was also a huge part of the current rot and did in fact as much harm as his critics said he would. He wasn't all bad mind you but yes FDR was generally the wrong medicine."
"Tailgunner Joe was also correct in case you ask."
When he observably shit on the Constitution?
"He is the start of the change, pushing the Overton window to real change . we fully accept the possibility of betrayal as well. He might succeed he might not. In any case a person winning as a nationalist and a populist such as Trump is a potential victory."
Again, we will only know one year into his presidency and after his first term.
Mestizos aren't the same or interchangeable with Whites at all. If you don't understand this you are either a universalist, a cuck or a globalist and are part of the problem
As such I owe my White ancestors loyalty . The other "native" group descendants of slaves (Black) are mostly a problem but they are "my" people as are the Amerinds . I'm OK with small number of fully assimilated immigrants from all kind of places as well but the mob, the last 50 million or so are invaders.
The newcomers are not my people and anyone who philosophically supports them is no longer my countryman, I owe him/her/it nothing
Now :re Mestizos have around 10-15 IQ points deviation less IQ than Whites (105 for IQ's , 95 or lower IQ for Hispanics including Criolo/Peninsular Whites ) adjusted for the Flynn effect . Its probably one standard deviation (15 points IQ) leaving out the Whites
They also allowing for violent crime and homicide rates around 3x White average (half of Black) and thus have less impulse control and all of this is strongly at the genetic level
And while yes not all Whites are identical, you could make an argument that Irish under perform by maybe 5 points in Appalachia , an IQ of 100 is average vs 105 elsewhere, the overall crime rate is quite low and as such any impulse deficit or IQ is manageable.
My personal suspicion is that it is mostly related to a genetic susceptibility to alcoholism (shared by Amerinds) and if there was a vaccine given at you for it and heroin, we'd all better learn Gaelic
However the "gains" we get from mass immigration are basically entirely gained by the upper class who again are the problem.
As for McCarthy, when your society is being subverted as our was, you do what it takes. The problem is the upper class were Red sympathizers and such what needed to be done, lawfully, a declaration of martial law and a careful general purge of Communists and Leftists was impossible
Again its not all about the short term economic growth, had we limited cheap labor (not skilled labor where you are correct) and immigration , the natural population growth rate would have made up for it and the US would have grown richer, probably than it is now,
The only reason the US had any prosperity is because of a near economic stranglehold after WW2 (our competitors were all blown up) and a freeze in immigration
Given we have 45 million people on food stamps now and high unemployment, if we froze immigration and deported a lot of people , as many as plausible, our unemployment rate would be lower and our need for social services smaller. Wages would go up and crime down.
No downside i can see, unless you are afraid of paying decent wages and hate paying the actual cost for a functional civilization which is understandable since the country was in part founded by these sort of men. It has to stop though or the US won't have a future.
"Mestizos aren't the same or interchangeable with Whites at all."
Talk to Spain. Their men fucked Central and South American natives, then created a racial caste system to recognize the apparent differences.
However, times have changed. It is more about humanity, the essence of being human.
"If you don't understand this you are either a universalist, a cuck or a globalist and are part of the problem"
Cuck is a made up term that observably means nothing.
"As such I owe my White ancestors loyalty . The other "native" group descendants of slaves (Black) are mostly a problem but they are "my" people as are the Amerind ."
Not all whites agree. Can they not make their own decisions regarding race and culture, or must all whites think and act alike?
"I'm OK with small number of fully assimilated immigrants from all kind of places as well but the mob, the last 50 million or so are invaders."
The illegal immigrants could be considered invaders, but not those who legally came here, as provisions had been made by native people to enable them to come here and reside.
"The newcomers are not my people and anyone who philosophically supports them is no longer my countryman, I owe him/her/it nothing"
You can feel that way, but it doesn't mean what you feel is necessarily true.
"Now :re Mestizos have around 10-15 IQ points deviation less IQ than Whites (105 for IQ's , 95 or lower IQ for Hispanics including Criolo/Peninsular Whites ) adjusted for the Flynn effect . Its probably one standard deviation (15 points IQ) leaving out the Whites."
IQ is vastly overrated.
"They also allowing for violent crime and homicide rates around 3x White average (half of Black) and thus have less impulse control and all of this is strongly at the genetic level."
Yes, SOME immigrants have aggressive tendencies, but all immigrant groups who have arrived here to the States have their lowlifes. Genetic level? That has yet to be determined. For example, the results of any study regarding the 2-repeat allele of the MAOA gene should be interpreted with caution in light of a number of limitations that need to be addressed in
replication studies. First, the measures of psychopathic personality traits, ever arrested, and ever incarcerated were based on self reports, not official data. Although self-reports have been shown to be reliable and valid instruments for assessing antisocial phenotypes (Krueger et al., 1994; Sutton, 2010), it is possible that official crime data would have produced differing results. Second, the measures of criminal justice outcomes did not delineate between different types of offenders, such as violent predatory offenders versus non-violent property offenders. Perhaps the 2-repeat allele would have varying effects on different subcategories of offenders. Third, the sample analyzed in the current study is the same as the one analyzed in Guo et al.’s (2008) study. While some studies examined different outcome measures and focused only on African-American males, it is important that future studies estimate the association between the 2-repeat allele and antisocial phenotypes in other samples. Last, although the frequency of the 2-repeat allele is similar to prior research, only about 5% of the final analytical sample carried the 2-repeat allele. Future research needs to examine much larger samples in order to include more 2-repeat allele carriers. Until these limitations are addressed, it would be premature to
hypothesize how the 2-repeat allele may impact criminal activity patterns in society.
"My personal suspicion is that it is mostly related to a genetic susceptibility to alcoholism (shared by Amerinds) and if there was a vaccine given at you for it and heroin, we'd all better learn Gaelic"
Who decidedly contributed to the alcoholism of "Amerinds"?
"However the "gains" we get from mass immigration are basically entirely gained by the upper class who again are the problem."
Do not the upper classes, in particular business owners, have the liberty to look out for their own well being? Do they not have the freedom to maximize profits and minimize costs? Moreover, mass immigration over the course of our history has benefitted our country politically, economically, and socially.
"As for McCarthy, when your society is being subverted as our was, you do what it takes."
Not by ripping up the Constitution in the process, and falsely accusing people and making up accusations without definitive evidence.
"Again its not all about the short term economic growth, had we limited cheap labor (not skilled labor where you are correct) and immigration , the natural population growth rate would have made up for it and the US would have grown richer, probably than it is now,"
The natural population growth rate COULD have made up for it. It is POSSIBLE the US COULD have grown richer.
"Given we have 45 million people on food stamps now and high unemployment, if we froze immigration and deported a lot of people , as many as plausible, our unemployment rate would be lower and our need for social services smaller. Wages would go up and crime down."
Deportation of illegals? Sure. Freezing immigration? Sure. But that does NOT equate to lower unemployment rates, less social services, wages rising, and murder/rape/thievery down.
"No downside i can see, unless you are afraid of paying decent wages and hate paying the actual cost for a functional civilization which is understandable since the country was in part founded by these sort of men. It has to stop though or the US won't have a future."
We have a functional civilization. They certainly is dysfunction.
"IQ is vastly overrated."
Visit Africa sometime, where the mean IQ is less than 70.
@5:47. Whatever Spain did or id not do is not my problem and I don't care.I don't do ethnic guilt. However the current states South of the US, active and in power now are at fault for failing to control their own borders and a healthy state would act accordingly. We aren't a healthy state.
As for as community of humanity, no such animal. Pretty much any person or higher animal on Earth is a potential competitor unless they are my kin. . There is some kinship among people with the same race but not all that much. Enough for me to have some common ground with some people who share my race and nation
And Cuck has a very specific meaning. Its short for cuckold, technically the term is Cukservative, a portmanteau of cuckold and conservative. basically a so called Conservative who is enthralled with liberal ideas and sells out Conserving his nation.
Use eGoogle if you want more details
As for IQ, if you want modernity. Its everything. As our host notes, to see what low IQ, poor impulse control society is like,. Visit Africa or try the opposite Japan . I know what I like.
As for business leaders having rights, no. A business here defined as an enterprise which has the legal ability to shield assets (i.e a corporation or partnership) has no rights of any kind other than those granted by the state. They like intellectual property rights serve the common good and only that. I actually think that a sole proprietorship or partnership may have some rights as a person though
As far as obligations, unless I agree to it, its coercion . It doesn't matter what anyone but me thinks . In any case where I am made to do as other say, its force . I don't have a problem with that on a philosophical level but understand I don't accept the idea of the state as the only legitimate user for force either .
And for not all Whites agreeing, certainly. We should have separate countries and separate borders. We did until the Left got in charge. Lincoln was round one and its gotten worse However I don't think anyone could divide up lands and resources equitably, one group or another will probably have to go
It would be sad if it was my preferred groups but oh well Power is ultimately truth
@5:48 we have a dying civilization functioning on the stores of the functional one
"Visit Africa sometime, where the mean IQ is less than 70."
Bobby, IQ and kindness are not linked. Africa has great people there. Again, IQ is overrated.
"@5:47. Whatever Spain did or id not do is not my problem and I don't care.I don't do ethnic guilt."
There is no ethnic guilt here, just the fact that whites have chosen over the centuries to intermingle with non-whites.
"However the current states South of the US, active and in power now are at fault for failing to control their own borders and a healthy state would act accordingly. We aren't a healthy state."
Assuming that the state is indeed other than healthy. Depends also how one defines a healthy state.
"As for as community of humanity, no such animal. Pretty much any person or higher animal on Earth is a potential competitor unless they are my kin. There is some kinship among people with the same race but not all that much. Enough for me to have some common ground with some people who share my race and nation."
This is where you are in error. Millions of people who are religious do not compete, but rather share and grow. This community of humanity has its roots in God. Whites and non-whites who are citizens of America do share kinship, do find common ground as the human race and as those who live, grow, and prosper in the United States.
"And Cuck has a very specific meaning. Its short for cuckold, technically the term is Cukservative, a portmanteau of cuckold and conservative. basically a so called Conservative who is enthralled with liberal ideas and sells out Conserving his nation."
Cuck is a bumper sticker. Lacks substance and teeth. Basically, it's slang.
"As for IQ, if you want modernity. Its everything. As our host notes, to see what low IQ, poor impulse control society is like,. Visit Africa or try the opposite Japan . I know what I like."
Assuming that impulse control is definitively and exclusively based on genetics.
"As for business leaders having rights, no. A business here defined as an enterprise which has the legal ability to shield assets (i.e a corporation or partnership) has no rights of any kind other than those granted by the state. They like intellectual property rights serve the common good and only that. I actually think that a sole proprietorship or partnership may have some rights as a person though."
Business leaders do have political and economic rights, as defined by the state via charters. They have the liberty to do what they want with their property. They live and die by the capitalist creed of maximizing profits and minimizing costs.
"As far as obligations, unless I agree to it, its coercion . It doesn't matter what anyone but me thinks . In any case where I am made to do as other say, its force . I don't have a problem with that on a philosophical level but understand I don't accept the idea of the state as the only legitimate user for force either."
In ANY society, its people decide collectively on rules. You agree to live in that society, you are willing to abide by those rules. There is no coercion or force here, especially since you don't have to follow those rules. But there are consequences for your choices.
"And for not all Whites agreeing, certainly. We should have separate countries and separate borders."
Which we do.
"We did until the Left got in charge. Lincoln was round one and its gotten worse"
The South got what it deserved.
"@5:48 we have a dying civilization functioning on the stores of the functional one"
Depends on how one defines "dying civilization".
"Bobby, IQ and kindness are not linked. Africa has great people there. Again, IQ is overrated."
Then you'll have an operation that will reduce your IQ to African levels? 70, perhaps?
You're floundering again, Bob.
Not even close.
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