Saturday, April 11, 2015

How to Deal With Bad Cops

Any cop who shoots a dog, automatic termination.

Any cop who shoots anyone from behind, prison.

Any cop who beats anyone, prison.

Any cop who prevents anyone from filming them, automatic termination.

Fire 90% of the police and arm all the citizens and crime will drop 90%.

Cops should be forbidden to issue traffic tickets, which are nothing but an attempt to steal you money.

Killing a Dalit should be a $5 mail-in fine.


  1. "Killing a Dalit should be a $5 mail-in fine."

    I don't understand this last one.

  2. All being correct,even modest proposals.

  3. A Dalit is a term from India used by some Americans. It means the criminal class. Citizens shooting people are ruled far more justified the police.

  4. Bullshit.

    Take the blacks for example- if these sub-85 IQ idiots would throw their hands up, and say "don't shoot!"...they wouldn't get shot! the vast majority of these vibrants getting shot are being killed after trying to beat the hell out of a cop who is giving them lawful orders. Screw them and their riots.

    As for your dogs - if they are menacing cops or interfering with their activities - then yeah, your dog is going to get shot. That is the owners fault and if your dog attacked me I would shoot him too- and probably you as well.

    The vast majority of cop kills are legit. The elderly hippies and the childish libertarians are well advised to deal with it and grow up.

  5. Permanently recording lapel cams while on duty. Blinded only in the bathroom/privies, but with the sound still being recorded.

  6. Get rid of cops completely and bring in citizen militias instead.

  7. OK, I had to look up Dalit.

    It's an Indian class considered as untouchable in the Indian caste system.

    Not sure what it means here.

  8. The American version means criminal, drug sellers, welfare. The bottom of society.

  9. Glen, you need to buy some mouthwash, your breath smells like cop. Wipe your chin, Officer Friendly left a little on you.

  10. I'm surprised you can type with Sharpton's dick up your ass too, Chris.

    Truly , this best cops for stupid liberals and libertarians are the Bobbies of Britain. Those twits will stand idly by while innocent citizens are beaten to death by feral chavs and vibrants. That is the kind of police you will get if Bob has his way.

    the best police force today belongs to sheriff Joe Arpio in Arizona. He knows how to treat violent vibrants and other failed liberal social experiments.

  11. Bob sort of gets it, but the lefties who usually gripe about "out-of-control cops" are totally uncomprehending. They don't understand that the problem they're upset over is a problem that they themselves asked to have created- e.g., Eric Garner would still be alive if the Nanny State Progs in NY hadn't jacked up cigarette taxes. Lefties love controlling everyone's life with petty regulations, but they're shocked and appalled when the laws they ask their elected officials to pass have to be enforced with violence.

    How many of the crybabies up in arms about police shootings also support strict gun control laws? It doesn't occur to them that the only way to enforce a gun control law is by sending out a cop with a gun to (if necessary) shoot people who don't comply. It's like they think the police can enforce arbitrary statues just by asking politely.

    It also doesn't occur to them that anti-discrimination laws and affirmative action make cops worse, by encouraging departments to hire deadwood and third-rate job candidates. A heavily g-loaded hiring exam would improve any department, but that has disparate racial impact, so it's a no-go. Lefties gripe about racist white cops racistly beating minorities because racism, but police brutality is typically worse in majority-black departments.

    Ultimately, the behavior of front-line employees in any organization always reflects the management above them- if they're acting badly, it's because somebody much higher up the food chain is not doing his job, which includes proper hiring, training, and setting incentives. Management, in this case, is the politicians who control the department and the voters who elect the politicians. If a district has bad cops, it's because the voters asked for bad cops, whether they realize it or not.

    In theory, solving the problem is easy- shall-issue laws for concealed carry, legal protections for people who make good-faith citizen's arrests, stand-your-ground bills, repeal the laws against just about everything but murder, rape, arson, robbery, theft, assault, fraud, and other "real crimes", and no more taxpayer money doled out to support welfare mothers' bastards. The remaining rump police force of 10% can spend their time investigating actual crime (most cops I know would rather be doing that anyway), and since we only hire 10% as many, we can be more selective and only choose the very best candidates. But who, outside of Bob Wallace and his readers, will vote for this platform?

  12. @Glen,

    Do you think that the number of rogue cops is increasing? What do you think could have been going through the mind of the South Carolina cop?

  13. Or what to do about a bad judge:

  14. “Eric Garner would still be alive if the Nanny State Progs in NY hadn't jacked up cigarette taxes.”

Completely far fetched. Garner would be alive had he simply complied with the instructions by the police and laid off of starchy foods.

    “It also doesn't occur to them that anti-discrimination laws and affirmative action make cops worse, by encouraging departments to hire deadwood and third-rate job candidates.”

    Any data to support your assertion?

    “Ultimately, the behavior of front-line employees in any organization always reflects the management above them.”

    Replaces “always” with “sometimes” and you would be spot-on.

    “repeal the laws against just about everything but murder, rape, arson, robbery, theft, assault, fraud, and other "real crimes",

    Do you live in a fantasy land?

  15. Do you live in a fantasy land?

    That's hilarious comin' from you Cheechy boy.

    I see you've added another head to your sockpuppet Hydra ha ha ha!

  16. Obliviously ObviousApril 14, 2015 at 6:51 PM

    [Laughs] Add one more. Do you even know how to engage in conversation? Or are you here just for the free snacks?

  17. I'm as oblivious as you are honest.

  18. Glen, once again you show your idiocy. I have never said anything defending Sharpton or other vibrants.
    I don't need a government thug to protect me from "feral chavs and vibrants". See Glen, I am a free man who bears arms in my own defense.

    You might quake in fear at the sight of a vibrant, but I don't. You might enjoy bowing before one of the King's men, but I don't bow to any man. Now run along and polish some more badges.

  19. When I was being raised, shooting a man in the back was considered the most cowardly thing another man could do. Now we have so called "conservatives" rallying to defend a back shooting coward.

  20. Pbbbfbffft. You know where dinner hangs too, Chris. Libertarians and liberals are the same type of idiot.

    I don't bow and scrape before the 'King's Men' either. Nor do I antagonize them as our vibrants like to do.

    And, if they are going to punch out our cops and then run away giggling about it as they do with white women and seniors when they play the Knock Out Game...I am just peachy with the cops shooting them.

  21. Shooting someone in the back during the commission of a felony has always been legal. Shooting someone for a misdemeanor isn't, especially when the person is lying face down on the ground, which got a fat female cop charged with homicide recently.
