Thursday, April 16, 2015

Depression, Anxiety and Hostility

One quarter of American women are on psychiatric medication. I have found they get this way this way when they lack husband, home, and children - then they blame their lack on men. Then the men run because of the attacks on them. The problem gets worse. This feedback system can be broken by attacking the weakest link only I don't know what it is.


  1. By drastically simplifying society maybe, but then what do I know, for all I know most normals like this complex shit society.

  2. The system is nothing but weak links. The problem isn't finding weak links to attack. The problem is that everyone knows what has to change and everyone knows they will drastically affected personally; thus they are unwilling to be the start of the change and are simply hoping to hang on long enough that someone else will be the change.

    This shit will the fan suddenly and won't be resisted. The change will be accepted surprisingly well, I think, because everyone knows it's coming.

  3. It's way deeper than that IMO, Bob.

    I think this is a function of the new family unit and the Expendable/Disposable Husband.

    Traditionally we have always cared for the 'women and children'. They got extra protection and dispensation during war and natural disasters. They got the seats on the life boats when the Titanic sank.

    Back then we understood that women are not meant to head up families, much less lead men in the working world. They aren't meant to be Marines, trailblazers, cops, or CEO's. Sure, some of them CAN be those things...but most cannot and need special exception to standards and medication to deal with the stresses they encounter.

    The modern woman can't handle the freedoms she has, or the responsibilities that go with them. It can only get worse too because if we don't look after them nobody else will.

  4. Why would you want to break this cycle? Assuming you're right, and assuming you find these women mates, do you think all will be well?

    These women may be marginally happier, but in order for that to happen, a man has to throw himself on a grenade and sacrifice his own wellbeing, because she'll still be pissed much of the time that she didn't get the Christian Grey character, which she deserved.

    The pudgy accountant that threw himself on the grenade will be treated like a retarded child much of the time, with a cold disdain for the rest of the time. Every blue moon, she will appreciate him, for about 36 hours, before returning to her default state. I've seen it growing up and heard of it from other adult men when I grew up.

    Maybe medicating these women to elevate their moods is better than destroying men to do the same.

  5. That's the problem with things like depression.
    Depression is the human body trying to tell the owner that whatever you're doing, it's making me feel bad.
    Instead of depressed people standing up and saying "I'm going to change my life" because of it, they do less with their life and get more depressed when things get worse.
    Same deal with women. I read somewhere that one in five middle aged women cries themself to sleep most nights.
    Unfortunately people today are too proud to take advice and every woman thinks she deserves better than the guy next door.
    Well, the guy next door will only wait so long before he marries someone else or goes his own way.
    There may be plenty of fish in the sea, but there's only so many bicycles.

  6. Let’s properly put this 25% statistic, from 2011 (!) into perspective. The study had analyzed prescription claims data from 2.5 million insured Americans from 2001 to 2010. It is from this group that 25% of women seek prescription drugs, compared to 15% of men. In general, we know women tend to seek treatment and see the doctor more frequently than men. The distinct possibility exists that men who exhibit signs of major depression simply try to work things out for themselves. In addition, major depressive disorders is biological in nature, and women compared to men are at a higher risk.

    In the future, offer context to the statistic.

  7. Nearly every woman I know has been or still is on psychiatric medication.

  8. Somewhat off-topic, but possibly relevant (found via xenosystemsDOTnet):
    I wonder, is it possible for some vaccines (or adjuvants used in their creation) to cause autoimmune reaction in unusually sensitive individuals?
    would allow such possibility....

    comes to mind.

  10. "Nearly every woman I know has been or still is on psychiatric medication."

    Irrelevant to my argument, Bobby. Perhaps you need new women in your life.

  11. Trade in my niece and sister? Or is that irrevelant?

  12. Your anecdote is absolutely irrelevant to the point that you made that I offered context. Care to triple down on stupid?

  13. I suspect your whole life is irrelevant, judging by your attitude and how many names you've used here.

  14. [Sigh] You're off topic yet again.

  15. From the WHO: America's State of Mind: A Report by Medco goes up to 2010.

    From "End of the American Dream" (fact-checking not necessarily reliable): 30 Million Americans on Antidepressants.

    From Scientific American (this one is particularly worrying): The Rise of All-Purpose Antidepressants

  16. You just proved my earlier point, thank you. The first source you linked to discusses the people who were on medication for mental illness. Bobby was trying to make a whole generalization without offering the context. Indeed, in your source, women ages 45 and older showed the highest use of these drugs overall.  Yet surprisingly, it was younger men (ages 20 to 44) who experienced the greatest increase in their numbers, rising 43 percent from 2001 to 2010. Because shaming. Because white male guilt.

    From your third source, “Doctors commonly use antidepressants to treat many maladies they are not approved for. In fact, studies show that between 25 and 60 percent of prescribed antidepressants are actually used to treat nonpsychological conditions.”

  17. On the contrary, you've proved all my points about you.

  18. “On the contrary, you've proved all my points about you.”

    Bobby, you don’t have to flatter yourself. We know rhetoric is your strong suit. Dialectic? Nope.

  19. If you know the difference, you got it from me.
