Friday, April 17, 2015

Mother Instinct? Har Har!

The biggest threat to a baby during the first year of life is the mother herself (look up Paula Sims, who was from the area I was raised in). Want more proof? Think of the tens of millions of abortions on demand...which they want others to pay for. Moloch lives even today - except the infants are being sacrificed to themselves and not some pagan god.


  1. Dear Mr Bob Wallace ,
    I was searching for a specific topic on google, and one of your posts from a couple of years ago, was very useful and vital to me . How can I message you privately? To ask you a few questions on this topic , or to ask you if you know a professional who can answer some questions online . Thank you so so much .

  2. My email address is at the bottom on the right side. I should move it up.

  3. thanks so much for replying so soon.

    is it the link where you configure an email? it doesn't work for me ,and hasn't in the past either, with other people ! i will tell you why later ..

    may i contact you through google plus , or facebook or something else ?

  4. I can't get the link to work yet but it's

  5. ok; thanks!! so i will email you tomorrow , as it is late at night, where i live .
    thank you .
    have a good afternoon.

  6. weaker than your usual argument I'm afraid.

    There isn't much real difference in outcomes between abortion on demand before the fetus is viable. birth control or just plain deciding you don't want a child and either abstaining or using non reproductive sex acts.

    The end result is the same, a child is not born that could have been.

    Also considering 75% of abortions are among lower class mostly non Whites, why on Earth would anyone want to reduce abortion at least before the fetus can survive with ordinary palliative care.

    As you said, the mothering instinct isn't there and the State would just end up picking up the bill.

  7. "Also considering 75% of abortions are among lower class mostly non Whites, why on Earth would anyone want to reduce abortion at least before the fetus can survive with ordinary palliative care."

    I remember hearing this argument a lot on white nationalist websites. Whites and blacks are not really in competition, though. Whites win all the time, everytime in every way that matters. The only real competition that whites have is intraracial. One group of whites may use blacks as pawns against other groups of whites, but on the whole it is not some sort of score for the white race every time a black man gets killed in a car crash or falls out a window.

    "There isn't much real difference in outcomes between abortion on demand before the fetus is viable. birth control or just plain deciding you don't want a child and either abstaining or using non reproductive sex acts.

    The end result is the same, a child is not born that could have been."

    It's not 1998, and I have 0 interest in having an internet abortion debate. Obviously, though, that's doing a lot of question begging for people with views that differ from your own on what constitutes the beginning of human life. From a pro-life perspective you might as well say that it doesn't matter whether an adult man has a heart attack, dies in a plane crash or has his skull smashed open and brains sucked out because in any even he is dead.

  8. Rusty I don't blame you for not wanting to debate the issue.

    This is kin do for everyone else.

    The argument you are making is a little false since a heart attack or an accident is by nature accidental whereas the other method unless it happens accidentally is not.

    On the birth control topic, none of the methods are accidental. In every case its a conscious effort to prevent a birth.

    Some pro-life types abhor birth control but an abortion ban is a no-sell and I can't imagine banning the pill or rubbers.

    Also 100% of all abortions stopped tomorrow it would result in at most 300,000 more White births, that's its and that is using Operation Rescue figures

    A 15% increase in White Birth Rates (roughly) almost all to a single mother who does not want a child is not going to help the White race much and at best will only slow the decline or maybe help it hold the line, maybe.

    If I did the math right it would still be below Hispanic and Black figures and just below replacement hitting 2.0 and change.

    That doesn't include a 750,000 child increase increase in non whites.

    I think a lot of the non religious rhetoric on the issue is arguing from 1970's abortion but the boat on that has long sailed. The new abortion is quite different

    So basically with White immigration and a major law change you can at best get replacement or slight growth.

    Given differential fertility rates and especially immigration, whites will still lose their countries to foreign invasion.

    The only way to reverse that is either an dramatic increase of white natalism combined with immigration cessation or an actual expulsion of non Whites.

    And before anyone talks about birth rates , they won't go up much for decades no matter what policy is implemented,

    Its not possible to implement an actual pro-natal economic policy especially among the pro-life crowd who are all economic and while feminism will reverse in time, it will not happen immediately

    However given time and removal of non Whites or at the very least limiting them, we will get stable populations and a recovery

    However we can do that with or without abortion and given the differentials and the political costs we are better off with it.

  9. Purely as a curiosity, Rusty:

    Even if a human life starts at conception, that does not necessarily mean the same about human identity.

    If taken hypothetically, Rusty, what would you advise to do with prenatally diagnosed cases of neuronal migration disorders?

    I can't speak for others, but I would prefer to be aborted than suffer the lifetime with this kind of disability.

  10. Women have effectively replaced God in our society. It seems to be a case of Woman = God these days.

  11. Mindstorm, no offense, but I'm just not interested in debating the subject, and I don't see any point fielding OBGYN "what if" questions when we live in a country that permits late term, elective abortion. From my point of view, if you can not accept it on some axiomatic level that breaking open the skull and vacuuming out the brains of a healthy baby is wrong, I don't have anything else to say to you on the subject. There is no way to reason someone to the position that murder, theft, arson, etc are wrong. These are positions that we reason from rather than to. This is why abortion debates inevitably involve 2 people talking over each other.
