Friday, April 10, 2015

Human Rabbits

All leftists are liars and have no honor. They remind me of the human version of rabbits or cats.


  1. Personally, all the cats and rabbits I've known have caused alot less trouble than leftists.

  2. That's being too cruel to rabbits...and even cats.

    Leftist are more like mice and rats...they come in, chew up everything, spread disease, and turn your place into their bathroom. The minute they spot you...they run and hide.

  3. The average Democrat would probably be a lot happier after emasculation...

  4. Cats kill vermin, keep people company and can even genuinely care if their human is sick or well. Once in a while they even protect people from fire or injury.

    They aren't dogs but they are at least useful members of a household in moderation.

    Rabbits are cuddly and tasty and make nice coats. The neighbors rabbits help trim my lawn.

    Either of these critters are miles about hu-bunnies and leftists.

  5. Leftists are probably closer to mice - parasites and vermin.

  6. I agree with Earl Thomas -- but I think that leftists are more like cockroaches for the same reasons as his.
    At least rats and mice can be useful as experimental lab animals; you can't say the same for leftists.

  7. OT:

    You might find this article of interest:
