Monday, August 1, 2016

The Envy of Western European Man

I’ll explain in a bit why I used “Western European Man.”

But before that I’ll again note that if you want to understand the worst about people all you need to understand is the Seven Deadly Sins: Pride (vainglory is probably more accurate), Envy and the rest.

Western European Man invented/discovered/created about 98% of everything in known history (the big indispensable four are Britain, France, Germany and Italy). You can’t even say “the white man,” not accurately. What has ever come out of Romania? Estonia? Latvia? Lithuania? Serbia? It all came out of that corner of the world known as Western Europe.

And how has the non-Western world responded?

Imitation, which I certainly understand (that’s really more admiration than anything else – and admiration is the benign form of envy). But otherwise just pure envy!

And envy is always immensely destructive.

That’s why you hear delusions about Dead White Males and “patriarchy” and slavery and how “the white man” oppressed and murdered everyone and stole everything. It’s an attempt to bring them down out of envy.

Envious people want to drag down the envied, even if they destroy themselves.

You can’t even quite accurately say “western Europe.” Northern Italy, with its Renaissance, created a great deal. Yet nothing came out of southern Italy.

Scotland had its Enlightenment, yet nothing came out of Ireland.

A great deal came out of Germany. But Portugal? Nothing.

Southern England (specifically Southwestern England)? A huge amount. Northern England? Hardly anything (as an aside, I once mentioned to a friend of mine I generally preferred the Beach Boys to the Beatles, to which he responded: “Would you rather live on the beach in southern California or Liverpool?”).

The United States was basically settled by the English and Scots-Irish and Germans, which is why I can be considered Celtic/Germanic. That’s my ancestry.

Even in the United States almost everything originally came from the East Coast, then state by state it runs over to Illinois (and slightly north of it) and Missouri, then it stops and picks up again in California.

But what has ever come out of Mississippi and Georgia and Alabama? Utah? Montana? Wyoming?

What has ever come out of Mexico and Central and South America? Nothing.

Funny that all these Third Worlders think they’re going to take over the United States. “Hispanics,” Muslims, Mexicans, whatever. None of them will be able to even maintain it and certainly not create or discover anything. They’ll turn it into a Third World hell.

I guess they think the White Man Magic is in the dirt and if the Third Worlders get the dirt they get the magic.

Why? Again, envy. Also funny is the fact that these are fantasies of, again, Third Worlders who can’t compete with us and instead beg for our scraps like dogs.

Not so long ago I met a German student who was attending an American college (incidentally he cracked me up when he mentioned how amused he was by American slang, such as “laughed my ass off” or “my dogs are barking”). He wanted to move to the United States and mentioned many Europeans wanted to do this. But he said the line to get in was astronomically long.

On the other hand, the U.S. government is allowing this country to be flooded with envious mass-murdering Muslims, envious drunken, raping, murdering Mexicans, envious stupid Africans, organized-crime Russians, thieving Chinese.

This is a recipe for a perfect storm of every crime imaginable.

Even women appear to be envious. After all, feminism is leftist, and leftism is based on envy. Are women biting the hand that feeds them? Sure looks like it, doesn’t it? And what is wrong with a culture that allows a corrupt, leftist woman to run for President?

As I’ve pointed out before, again more than once, in the story of the Garden of Eden women “bring evil” into the world through their envy (the “serpent” is a symbol of envy) and men help by listening to women (for that matter, in Greek mythology women bring evil into the world by meddling in that which is none of their business.

Leftists think everyone is equal, and those who aren’t are held back by “prejudice” and “oppression” (which means “the white man”) instead of their own genetic stupidity.

Imagine if Western Europe had never existed. Then imagine what the world would be like now. It wouldn’t be pretty.

Some people just can’t figure that out.


  1. Not that I'm disagreeing, Bob ... But how would you explain Russia?

    I think you MAY be a little hasty in writing off China and Japan too. The Japs, for example, independently developed the mathematics for calculus in the 17th century. They also went from feudal fiefdoms and horseback to a full nation state and aircraft carriers in 80 years. Had not the Americans cracked the enigma code and the bomb, they would have defeated you in WW2.

    I will agree any culture dominated by blacks and/or Browns will be a cultural wrte-off... but the yellows show promise... And these days white males are pretty much deserving of the contempt and ridicule they heap upon themselves...

  2. We had already defeated the Japanese before we dropped the bombs on them. They had been trying to surrender for six months but the U.S. demanded unconditional surrender, which the bombs convinced them to do.


    Errr...Bob, it's not a surrender when the loser imposes conditions on the victor. The moslems have been trying to teach that one to ya for 20 years now. (Actually, it's closer to 1400 years but who's counting?)

    Sigh. Next time you start lecturing on the fall of the white man ya might wanna look in the mirror! White men of old did not establish their superiority by shirking fights and dodging wars. They established it by closing with their enemies, and fighting with them eyeball to eyeball! HAR HAR HAR!!!

    It must be the time of year. I had to give Jim a spanking on his blog too! (Prolly because I'm a patriarchal alpha male dontchya know...!)

    So now the question is "are ya a beta, omega or gamma...?" Someone alert Vox Day!

  4. Hey Filthy -

    The Japanese were trying to surrender from February of 1945 on, and with earnest from May of 1945 to August. The one "condition" they brought to the table was that they be allowed to keep the Emperor. We refused. Millions more perished for nothing, and when the radioactive dust settled we allowed them to keeep the Emperor.

  5. "The Japanese were trying to surrender from February of 1945 on, and with earnest from May of 1945 to August. The one "condition" they brought to the table was that they be allowed to keep the Emperor. We refused. Millions more perished for nothing, and when the radioactive dust settled we allowed them to keep the Emperor."

    You're exactly right - and we allowed them to keep the Emperor anyway. All those dead and wounded - for nothing.

  6. Seriously ... source, please?

    I think you'll find that General MacArthur was more concerned with the Emperor's cabinet than with the Emporer himself. You can't learn from history if you can't grasp the details and context of the times. The Americans were correct to insist on the abdication and incarceration of those mongrels too. They were responsible for mass murder of hundreds of thousands.

    A penchant for Yellow journalism and yellow history are signs of unmanliness in my scholarly opinion. ;)

  7. "What has ever come out of Romania? Estonia? Latvia? Lithuania? Serbia?"

    Give the Serbs credit for Nikola Tesla. (This doesn't really affect your main point, though, since he had to go study in Austria, then move to the US to make full use of his potential).

    "A great deal came out of Germany. But Portugal? Nothing."

    The history of Portugal is exhibit #1 for why globe-spanning empires are usually worthless. They were at the cutting edge of the maritime navigation arts for a little while, but spending massive resources to rule over bankrupt tropical colonies for hundreds of years (all while running large sectors of the economy off of slave labor) just led to stagnation.


  8. The bad attitude that many non-whites (and white leftists and liberals) seem to have towards European white men, their culture and modern civilization is stupid and wrong-headed. Non-whites are thinking about it wrong. Non-whites BENEFIT greatly from the work and achievements of Western European white men through history, and these white men want to SHARE it with all of humanity (to non-whites: has a white guy ever prevented you from buying the newest iPad? (whites have to pay for it too by the way)). (I'm not saying or justifying that bad things didn't happen in the past, but we live in an imperfect world - both whites and non-whites did bad things.)

    Rather than trying to destroy, tear down and bad-mouth European white male achievements, non-whites should think: Wow, these guys did some really great things - Let's build on what they did! They did great things to make the world a better place to live.

  9. "The history of Portugal is exhibit #1 for why globe-spanning empires are usually worthless."

    The fall of Portugal was primarily a result of their loss in racial homogeneity as a people.

    The Portuguese intermarried and had children with the lesser developed colonial peoples, slaves and Africans that they colonized and brought back to Portugal - they became less white with each advancing generation. The modern Portuguese people are not of the same genetic stock as the Portuguese people that explored the world back at the height of their prominence. Google it. Spain and southern Italy appear to have had the same situation happen to them with their people through history as well.

    The reality is that white people, white men in particular, are the doers, thinkers, inventors, tinkerers, scholars, scientists, philosophers, explorers, discoverers, etc., of the human species (at least 98-99% of the time). Non-whites do have some capability and significant achievement, but it's rare and usually building on the achievements of white men (Asians are good at adopting Western technology, but not very creative as compared to white european men), and almost always in a white-male provided environment (America and Western Europe).

    Read "The March of the Titans" by Arthur Kemp; "Human Accomplishment" by Charles Murray; and "The German Genius" by Peter Watson.

    Due to all of the massive non-white immigration, promotion and acceptance of non-white culture and denigration of white culture by whites themselves, I believe that the USA, Canada, and Western Europe today are undeniably following the same demographic path as Portugal (becoming less white), which will eventually have the same result: These populations will have a decline in civilization, innovation and culture. It's very sad, but accurate I believe.

  10. "Rather than trying to destroy, tear down and bad-mouth European white male achievements, non-whites should think: Wow, these guys did some really great things - Let's build on what they did! They did great things to make the world a better place to live."

    Yep, by invading the world and inviting the world. Read about European slavery and imperialism.

  11. ^Europeans were the first to abolish slavery. African tribes enslaved each other before white colonization even started, so don't think that all non-whites were innocent. Bad things did indeed occur perpetrated by both whites and non-whites, not saying they didn't, but the NET effect of white European civilization has been an enormous benefit for humanity.

    What if primitive African, North and South American, and Asian tribes would have invaded and conquered Europe in the past history, what would the world be like today? Very bad I think.

  12. "Yep, by invading the world and inviting the world. Read about European slavery and imperialism."

    Europeans got rid of slavery. The rest of the world never did. And it was Africans selling other Africans to Muslim slavers.

    Learn your history, otherwise you come across as a historical ignoramus.

  13. "What if primitive African, North and South American, and Asian tribes would have invaded and conquered Europe in the past history, what would the world be like today? Very bad I think."

    You make no sense. If African, American, and Asian tribes conquered Europe, they wouldn't have been primitive. You're not very bright.

    "Europeans got rid of slavery."

    After a tremendous among of finagling. Mind you, it was a subset of liberal Christian Europeans that organized anti-slavery efforts.

    "The rest of the world never did."

    Actually, they did make the same efforts.

    "And it was Africans selling other Africans to Muslim slavers."

    Of course. But it was the greedy Europeans who expanded it for God, glory, and gold. You're not that bright, either.

  14. I'll explain some things to you because you're clearly stupid.

    The word "slave" comes from the word "slav," since it was Muslims who used them for slaves.

    The British sent warships to Brazil to put an end to the slave ships.

    The first known slavers were Africans who enslaved other Africans and sold them to Muslim slavers.

    Many of the slave ships were owned by Jews.

    Slavery only lasted in the U.S. for less than 200 years.

    Let's're either a leftist or Eurotrash. Same thing, actually.

    Good Lord, you are astonishingly ignorant. And you don't have a clue, do you>

  15. I just deleted another troll. All trolls will be deleted.

  16. > What if primitive African, North and South American, and Asian tribes would have invaded and conquered Europe in the past history, what would the world be like today? Very bad I think.

    What if moslems hadn't been able to destroy commerce in europe by piracy on the Mediterranean? Again, the world would be very different.

  17. Slave--late 14c., Sclave, from Medieval Latin Sclavus (c.800), from Byzantine Greek Sklabos (c.580), from Old Church Slavonic Sloveninu "a Slav," probably related to slovo "word, speech," which suggests the name originally identified a member of a speech community (compare Old Church Slavonic Nemici "Germans," related to nemu "dumb;" Greek heterophonos "foreign," literally "of different voice;" and Old English þeode, which meant both "race" and "language").

    Identical with the -slav in personal names (such as Russian Miroslav, literally "peaceful fame;" Mstislav "vengeful fame;" Jaroslav "famed for fury;" Czech Bohuslav "God's glory;" and see Wenceslas). Spelled Slave c. 1788-1866, influenced by French and German Slave. As an adjective from 1876.

    "The first known slavers were Africans who enslaved other Africans and sold them to Muslim slavers."

    Slavery can be traced back to the earliest records, such as the Code of Hammurabi (c. 1760 BC), which refers to it as an established institution.[2] Slavery is rare among hunter-gatherer populations, as it is developed as a system of social stratification. Slavery was known in civilizations as old as Sumer, as well as almost every other ancient civilization. The Byzantine-Ottoman wars and the Ottoman wars in Europe resulted in the taking of large numbers of Christian slaves. Slavery became common within the British Isles during the Middle Ages
