Saturday, July 30, 2016

The Manosphere and Blasphemy

"Since madness is very often a combination of cold reason with a fantasy severed from all reality, we are faced here with madness in a pure form." - Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn

“Faith in a holy cause is to a considerable extent a substitute for the lost faith in ourselves.” – Eric Hoffer, The True Believer

I’ve pointed out before, more than once, that the Manosphere is pretty much facts-free. The True Believers – what I call the Lost Boys of the Manosphere – will do everything in their power to prove that everything and everyone fits into their deluded little boxes of “Game,” “negs,” Alpha/Beta/Whatever. Including engaging in blasphemy.

I’ll post some of the article.

The Redeemed Societal Ranks of Men

The societal or sociosexual ranks of men, namely alpha, beta, delta, gamma, sigma, and omega, are in themselves non-moral aspects of men. Although we place societal value on each, since a man does not fully choose his rank but is subject to it by nature, he cannot be morally judged on account of it. Like the sexes, each one has its own peculiar strengths and weaknesses that must actively be cultivated or suppressed.

Naturally, every man falls and is dragged into sin, and normally into the sins of his rank. But in Christ a man is redeemed, and redeemed according to the godly aspects of his own nature. The question posed is what redemption looks like in each rank, what a man in Christ ought to strive for in the knowledge of his placement in the Body. A sinful gamma will not be a redeemed alpha male in the church, but will be a redeemed gamma who will fulfill his role and his own manliness as it is reflected in Jesus Christ.

As we believe Jesus is fully God and fully Man, I also believe him to have fully exhibited the redeemed traits of every rank of men. In the Teacher we each see our own place in his Kingdom and our own wavelength of light to the world, forming together as his Body now on earth the same pure light that shone through his flesh many years ago.

α: Christ was the alpha male when he overturned the tables in the Temple and drove out his enemies with a whip. He as the alpha male when he rebuked the Pharisees to their face in public, demolishing their power and credibility in the most humiliating way possible.

The glory of the alpha male, redeemed, is the power he exerts over immoral and weak leaders. When he asserts his dominance over the corrupt he brings justice to the world as no other can, and he provides upright leadership and inspiration that other men and women thirst for without even realizing it. The alpha has the power and energy to inspire in his followers the best of themselves for his cause.

β: Christ was a beta when he claimed two witnesses to validate his judgments, including himself. “If I do judge, my decisions are right, because I am not alone. I stand with the Father.” His fanatical loyalty to the Alpha God, and his supreme confidence in their solidarity, left crowds breathless as he walked through them untouched, though they were full of enemies. He was beta when he planted his feet before heaven and irrevocably declared, “No one comes to the Father except through me.” He possessed the absurd confidence of the wingman of the Almighty, and when it was time, he followed his Alpha to the death. The bond between Jesus and the Father was beyond unbreakable; it was even beyond comprehension. He did exactly what the Father desired him to do, and the Father glorified him above every creature and every power in heaven and on earth.

The glory of the beta is the unshakable confidence that comes from his loyalty to God and to a godly alpha. His self assurance makes his team seem impenetrable from the outside, and he is a credit to the faith he espouses. He is the right man to have around when someone is spouting insolence toward God or toward a fellow Christian. He is a defender and an encourager, a Barnabas, who perpetuates the divine spark among men and fuels the Spirit’s fire. He draws out of men the best that is in themselves, and in so doing exhibits the best in himself.

δ: Christ was a delta when he turned away the stones from the adulteress, when he comforted as a daughter the woman who touched his cloak, when he lifted Mary from her wretched state into his blessed ministry, and when through her he unveiled the secret hidden through all ages, his resurrection from the dead, to the world.

The glory of the delta, the White Knight, is to find in a humble woman the beauty she can become, and through his vision of her lead her through a transformation. She, no matter what wretched state or rank of women she inhabits in the world, becomes in his eyes a daughter of the King, and the true potential that lies in her can be realized in Christ.

γ: Christ was a gamma when he declared his Kingdom not of this world, the one true Secret King. He knew what power lay in himself, while the world only saw his ordinary flesh from a mundane family of some small town. He hinted at his origins and his authority, but shunned the crown and the worship, and would not even stand to be called “good.” Ten thousand legions of angels at his command, he died without unleashing his power, and in his restraint he revealed a power even greater than was ever imagined, the power of humility to redeem the world.

The glory of the gamma is to embrace the humility of his low status in the flesh, even knowing the power of God that inhabits him through Christ. He is content to be recognized by God and hated by the world, thus storing up treasure in heaven. He rises to the challenge among men only when the occasion absolutely demands it, and then returns to his humble state. It is his restraint that allows other men receive their glory and teaches them the humility to temper it.

σ: Christ was a sigma when he ditched the crowds and his own apostles, and appeared later likes a ghost on the stormy sea, walking on the water without a care in the world. He was pure sigma when his brothers dared him to appear in Jerusalem to challenge the Pharisees and he declined, humiliating them in their cozy unbelief, then showing up anyways to change the world when he invited all who are thirsty to come to him and drink. Jesus was a sigma when he prayed alone in Gethsemane, and spat at his disciples for falling asleep in the midst of battle. Sigma was his most consistent role; he was a complete mystery to all around him, a wild card who played by his own rules and beat the world at its own game, even in death.

The glory of the sigma, the loner, the wild card, when truly redeemed, is to leave the world alone in order to pray. When he seeks God alone he attains wisdom and strength that other men do not understand. He is a visionary unbound by the limits of culture and societal status, thus his words have an unexpected depth that command attention. His strength does not come from his social standing but emanates from his experiences with God. In this way he fulfills a priestly role.

ω: Christ was an omega when he died on the cross. Denied by God the cup to pass from him, he endured the show trial, the humiliating slap, the utter torture of the flail tearing his flesh apart piece by piece. He wore the purple robe, felt the pricks on his brow from the crown of thorns, heard his enemies worship him with mockery dripping from their tongues. He carried his own cross. The entire world turned its back on him, even those closest to him; they denied his name like it was a plague. The crowd embraced a rioter and a murderer over him. Uplifted on the cross to the lowest state attainable by a man, marred beyond the appearance of a man, he looked down on the world with mercy, and forgave it.

The glory of the omega is to receive his lot in life, the lowest of the low, and then extend to the world the hands of forgiveness. In this way he carries the heaviest burden, and also receives from God the most handsome reward. He also is rewarded in the church, the realm where the low are exalted, the weak are indispensable, and the unpresentable are treated with special modesty. The omega is honored by his low status in the world, and the community learns from him as from no other the power and blessing unleashed by washing his dirty feet, and the unexpected strength God can reveal in those the world has overlooked.

This is blasphemy. And does the nut who wrote this really believe it? Can you imagine this crap being taught in church to children? “Wingman of the Almighty?” What the hell is wrong with this fool’s mind?

This is someone making up his own religion. This is someone proclaiming, “I know more than St. Paul, St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas and everyone else. It’s not just claiming, “I know what Jesus really meant” but that “I know the thoughts of God.”

Here’s some more blasphemy:

The attempt to trace the origins of Game are the most clear refutations of the pretentions of Game itself. Some have traced it to Jung, to Byron, to Shakespeare. Nope, way too shallow. Game was invented by Jesus. You think I'm joking? I'm not. Of course, it wasn't Game that Jesus taught, he taught us how to be men (the principles of positive masculinity), and how to deal with women. Read on:

Jesus, master of the neg (as recorded in Mark 7): Greek woman approaches Jesus, "Please heal my daughter." Jesus replies, "You are not worthy, you little dog." Jesus's neg gets the proper response too, leading the woman to grovel further: "Even the dogs get a scrap of bread." Happy with her full submission stated out loud, Jesus provides the requested healing.

(I’m going to interrupt here. The word Jesus used can be translated as “puppies,” as in puppies which beg at the table. She responded that even the puppies get scraps. She bested Jesus with her wit and He was clearly amused by it, which is why He said, “If you can give me an answer like that…” This is what happens when you try to shove everything into those pathetic Alpha/Beta/ “Game”/”neg” boxes - you completely miss the truth.)

Jesus, master of the alpha demand and validation (as recorded in John 4): Coming upon a strange woman at a well, Jesus starts off by straight up ordering her to fetch him a drink. The woman gives him a shit test, throwing up some religious bullshit excuse not to do it for him. Jesus responds by elevating his own status: "If you knew who was asking this request, you would do that and more, because I give the living water." The woman continues her shit test, asking him to prove it.

Jesus then negs the girl, shifting the subject, demanding "Where is your husband?" This begins to break her down, shifting the ground to her uncomfortable zone, as she admits she has no husband. Jesus drives the woman down even harder: "Darn right you don't have a husband, you are a little slut [five previous husbands, living with man currently]." The woman is totally owned by this, and sees to it that Jesus is fed and housed for the next couple days in her village.

Jesus refuses any woman's attempt to order him around, even his mother (recorded in John 2): Jesus is at a wedding party when his mother tells him, "We are out of wine." Jesus replies, and I quote, "Don't tell me what to do". His mom, being put in her place, then turns to the servants, and validates Jesus, to them, "Do what he tells you." Jesus then orders the servants about, and creates some high quality wine for the party.

When you start perverting religion what you have is a cult. And throughout history cult after cult has been squashed because they have been very destructive. And yet they keep popping up over and over and over.

I’ve pointed out before, more than once, if you truly believe in that Alpha/Beta babble you have to believe in polygamy – “alphas” get all the women and everyone else gets none. And 1000 women would rather share one “alpha” than touch a disgusting “beta.”

Does anyone believe any of this stuff is new? There is nothing new in the Manosphere. A lot of it is old worthless crap that was dismissed a thousand years ago.

Probably when I was about 20 years old I read an interview with a now-deceased polygamist named Alex Joseph. Mormon, of course (and if anyone knows about the history of the Mormon Church they know the violence and even homicide that followed this cult and, which is why it was forced all the way into Utah.

Joseph swore that Jesus had a bunch of wives and that it said so in the Bible. He actually convinced several women to marry him. And he was no “alpha,” just a nut.

Today the Lost Boys would claim Joseph was “Red Pill” and an “alpha” who had “Game” and was the master of the “neg” rather than some sociopath targeting screwy, weak-minded women and founding a cult – which is what sociopaths do. They’re into power, domination and control, which they do to cover up their weaknesses and self-hate.

The Manosphere is overwhelming about covering up your weakness because you hate yourself. Not changing yourself, not being the best you can be, but instead covering it up.

Including up to engaging in blasphemy.

“Fantasy and cold reason” indeed!

“For the character and destiny of a group are often determined by its most inferior elements.” – Eric Hoffer, The True Believer

”For men to plunge headlong into an undertaking of vast change, they must be intensely discontented yet not destitute, and they must have the feeling that by the possession of some new doctrine , infallible leader or some new technique they have access to a source of irresistible power.” – Eric Hoffer, The True Believer


  1. We've taken the position that Game is a full-blown religious cult. It doesn't have a single leader like the Reverend Moon or Ron Hubbard (that we know of anyway), but seems to be more like a confederation of various bands of leaders, all saying much the same thing. This is a unique feature of cults in the Internet Age; they operate in a more decentralized way, as we see with other cults like Satanists and some of the extremist Islamic sects are doing.

  2. Hubris always begets Nemesis, don't it, Bob?

    Looky here:

  3. The Gamesters arrived en masse on the internet about a decade ago, and made a calculated effort to take over the "men's movement". PUA/Game is their New Religion, although the Christians aligned with the gamers try to assert they are still honoring and following God. Instead, they are honoring and following The Group -- Forney, Ted Beale (the Great Dark Lord), that homo kid Milo that runs around the world promoting himself, Roosh-the-Doosh, Mike Cernovich, Rossy (Heartiste), so on.

    They yammer about Saving Western Civilization but they are far more interested in promoting themselves. Round and round the ole circus planet goes! Disagree with them and they collectivize and attack, just like the Fem-Herd, with passive-aggressive cowardice and censorship.

    They want celebrity and manhood to be awarded to them without risk or suffering, and they want men with more experience or wisdom than themselves to STFU so the spotlight can be on, hm, guess who. lol

    Wannabees and petty thugs, full of resentment stemming from their inferiority (and their lack of strong and present fathers, obviously). They jumped on a bus that already was running, pretending not only that they are the drivers, but that they built the bus. Tell them the truth and they HATE HATE HATES you! :O)

    These punks aren't gonna restore anything except their own bank accounts.

  4. "Neomasculinity."

    Now there's a word going exactly nowhere.

  5. The thing about Game is that requires you to be in a manipulative state of mind in all of your dealings with women and ultimately other men. In other words, you spend your entire waking life lying and manipulating your way with others. This is definitely psychologically unhealthy in the long run.

    With regards to starting new religions, new institutions are started all the time, new businesses, new countries (especially once seasteading and space colonization get underway. I see no reason why this would be any different for religions, as a class of institutions. Religions, like all other institutions and world-views, have come and gone throughout history. I see no reason to believe this will ever stop.

    Memes (religions, philosophies, ideologies) are "products" that compete in the open marketplace of ideas.

  6. Uncabob writes:

    This is blasphemy. And does the nut who wrote this really believe it? Can you imagine this crap being taught in church to children? “Wingman of the Almighty?” What the hell is wrong with this fool’s mind?

    As a former Christian fundamentalist, I can tell the person who wrote this is a Christian fundamentalist who is trying to "witness" to the Gamesters. Whether he actually believes it or not is beside the point, all he is trying to do is persuade people, the gamesters in this instance, to "Accept Jesus as their personal savior" or "Confess Jesus as Lord and Savior." That is all that's happening here.

    People like this who "Know Jesus as their personal Savior" are unwilling to interact with others outside their belief system on a human level. All they do is "witness." In their argot that means persuade others to "Accept Jesus as their personal Savior." In practice, it simply means persuade people to join their movement. Everything they say to others outside the "fold" is pure advertising; it isn't supposed to make sense, but only influence.

    The fundies do take an approach to dealing with everybody that the gamesters do in dealing with women.

  7. "The fundies do take an approach to dealing with everybody that the gamesters do in dealing with women." Nice bro, I'm stealing that. Everything I learned about game I learned it from the pastor at church.

  8. Bob this manosphere is no cult. True some are atheists and even homosexuals, but these heretics are everywhere since the previous generations did not expel them from polite society when they had the chance. The manosphere didn't create them , it was the Godless schools all of you abandoned to the "experts". They have warped many minds with their twisted sophistry and penchant for buggery.
    The manosphere is merely a realization by men of the lunacy of this gay, egalitarian feel good hippie dippie kumbaya crapola that was foisted upon us all. It isn't heresy at all. Its the biological hierarchy of males in Nature. The enemy has flat out denied Biological Reality. First with race and now even with sex. These lunatics do not like reality because it conflicts with their delusions.
    You may find some of the manosphere distasteful and rather crude, but don't be an old lady about it. These men are simply rediscovering the pecking order of Nature. Nature is a Hierarchy. Some are leaders and some are followers. Equality is the warm smothering blanket of losers. God made the World into a hierarchy. It should be a hierarchy. Men are rediscovering that hierarchy that the enemy has denied and hidden to push their farce of unisexual interchangeable conformity.

  9. @ Andrew
    I read Vox Day on a regular basis. While I find this Jesus and Game stuff to be off the mark, I do not consider Vox to be a fundamentalist - far from it. He as a self-confessed IQ of 180; so give him credit where credit is due. I don't know his full Christian beliefs and I do not know if he has ever stated all of them over the years.

    That being said, my point of view is that he has fallen into a trap many philosophers, psychologists, and scientists fall into: he has found his hammer and now everything is a nail; that is, he has found a concept or set of concepts which seem to answer most of the questions about modern male/female relationships and he has extended it to other areas.

  10. Joshua, whatever the Natural hierarchy is, one thing it is not is a hierarchy wherein the cads, bounders, and seducers are at the top.

  11. "This is someone making up his own religion."

    Every religious person does that. They all get these amazing flashes of "insight".

  12. 'He as a self-confessed IQ of 180; so give him credit where credit is due.'

    There's a reason why it is 'self-confessed'.

    It's either one of two things...he's telling the truth and is descending into neuorsis (or perhaps psychosis) , or he's lying and his whole ethos is to manipulate others into thinking he's intelligent.

    Basically he's trying to take the Gospel of Jesus and fit it into his make believe greek letter land...instead of taking the Gospel for what it is, the story of Jesus redeeming mankind to the Father.

  13. speakeasyx, I wouldn't be relying on Return Of Kings articles as an authority of about religion. Neomasculinity is a cult.

    Hey, Josh, what is your progress thus far in becoming the new Holy Roman Emperor?

    So, dienw, do you call Vox out on his bullshit?

  14. dienw@9:57

    I beg to disagree. In general most leaders historically have acted much like Vox's Greek letter "Alphas" generally more hedonistic, have enough social competence to get people to follow them and so on.

    Its the bog standard Homo Sapiens leader class and competency is not a requirement

    The big open example is Trump, ambitious, natural leader, strong sex drive , very successful with women though not conventionally handsome

    The Gammas, heterosexual men with a feminine social outlook exist as well. Mostly this is a modern, raised by Mom not enough male figures product of society though.

    Now I am not as sure about Beta males being a separate class or just less socially adroit Alphas or if Sigma males exist which I doubt or of Omegas being subdivided as well (low Omegas, typically dregs and High Omegas, social outcasts disinterested in sexual hierarchy)

    Vix can get carried away at times but a human social sexual hierarchy with public face mitigated by society , think Leader, Worker. Outcast (Alpha Delta Omega) almost certainly does exist .

  15. @ Anon July 30, 2016 at 11:10 PM

    "Do I call out Vox on his BS?"

    Not everything he writes is BS. He is correct about rhetoric vs dialectic, nationalism, the proposition nation and magic dirt; his writing skills and his business acumen is not to be denied; nor is his ability gather and motivate and organize followers to be belittled. He also has an ability to predict and plan for the reactions of his opponents, especially in the SF profession.

    As I commented on Unca Bob's blog months ago, I consider him to be an intelligence asset put in place to be a minder of what is becoming the Alt-Right.

    There are two things that I find to be humorous:
    1. While most of those who comment on his blog correctly deny "Magic Dirt," the same lot believe in "Magic Blog IQ."
    2. The Southrons. These folks think that if the South had successfully seceded that the CSA would have held together as an independent nation. Some of the states would have sought their own independence creating a group of independent "nations" on the U.S.'s southern border; These soon would have become client states of Great Britain ( who, BTW, stirred up the slavery issue in order to break apart the U.S.), Spain, Russia, and France: can you say colonies? Teh U.S. would have been engaged in wars on its southern border for decades fighting the influence and empire building of the great 19th century powers.

    And these Southrons still suffer from the illusion that the South will rise again! and finally secede! despite the massive shit in population since the nineteenth century.

  16. Hey, A.B. Prosper, who ultimately determines that “Gammas are heterosexual men with a feminine social outlook”? How do you know they are a product of a lack of male role models?

And, yes, there is a social hierarchy that exists, as you stated, “leader”, “worker”, “outcast”. Except the problem with Vox is that he and he alone determines the criteria for the hierarchy and he and he alone labels those who meet his definitions.


    “He is correct about rhetoric vs dialectic”


    “nationalism, the proposition nation and magic dirt”

    No, he is decidedly wrong in those aspects.

    “his writing skills and his business acumen is not to be denied;”


    “nor is his ability gather and motivate and organize followers to be belittled”


    “I consider him to be an intelligence asset put in place to be a minder of what is becoming the Alt-Right.”

The nuts and bolts of the Alt-Right are conservative. They want to put a spin on things. More power to them.

  17. Anonymous:

    Nations possess an innate right to exist; for God made the nations and set their limits.

    The concept of a proposition nation means that a nation is centered around a set of ideas; so then, if this is true, then the nation created under the Declaration of Independence and which was modified under the Constitution was one nation; the next nation was formed via the Civil War; this nation lasted until Wilson under whom a democratic nation was formed; then, since F.D.R. this nation has existed as a Marxist/Socialist nation. It is the latter nation which is rigorously taught from kindergarten to post-graduate school and enforced upon the population by federal and state governments; therefore, to seek to return to the propositions of the Declaration and the Constitution is to seek the overthrow of the current nation.

    Can an Hottentot can come out of deepest Africa and upon uttering an oath of allegiance to the current set of propositions (under Obama, the oath has been discontinued: does this still mean immigrants are American?) and be considered to be American?
    In fact, under the proposition nation concept, an immigrant can migrate from socialist Venezuela, still hold to his socialist propositions and be more American than than I who was born in 1949 because he adheres more closely to the Marxism being rigorously indoctrinated.

    "Magic Dirt" means a migrant arrives in the United States and over time he becomes American just by osmosis.

    Both the concept of the proposition-nation and "Magic Dirt" are falsehoods.

  18. A spectacular post Bob - and some equally superb comments! Good work, men!

    i shall be following this one with interest!

  19. "Basically he's trying to take the Gospel of Jesus and fit it into his make believe greek letter land...instead of taking the Gospel for what it is, the story of Jesus redeeming mankind to the Father."

    Men seek to re-make the wheel and call it the "beale" intead. It's a tiresome but consistent trait. Ted is less interested in glorifying Christ than in glorifying Dark Lord Vox. Ted considers himself a master manipulator, and imagines himself a kind of fine medieval lord whose natural magnificence rightly rules over his converts, etc. Other men are not fellow brothers in Christ, but threats to the dominance of Ted.

    This is the Time of the Self for all Earth. It'll continue thataway until the Parousia.

  20. I suspect too that many of these Game Cultists are homosexual---or at least have strong tendencies towards it. Their contempt for all women; their obsession with being the perfect Alpha male; their social male exclusivity; and their 'white-knighting' for their leaders, etc. Their attitudes and behaviors really seem to indicate something other than normal heterosexual male society. In the past, it was also not uncommon that latent homosexuals were PUA-types. They would never get deeply involved with women, but have frequent casual sex to convince themselves or others that they were not what they really were.

  21. dienw...

    “Nations possess an innate right to exist; for God made the nations and set their limits.”

    The people who created a nation have the liberty to set their limits as to who is and who is not part of that nation. Considering that there are different religions in a nation, and that God is viewed upon differently in this regard, i.e. the making of nations, there is assuredly latitude afforded. A nation is God’s creation. He gave us free will as to who is part of that nation.

    “The concept of a proposition nation means that a nation is centered around a set of ideas”

    The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, which are universal human ideals. People from around the globe are able to grasp, embrace, and put into practice those principles.

    “this nation lasted until Wilson under whom a democratic nation was formed; then, since F.D.R. this nation has existed as a Marxist/Socialist nation.”

    No, our nation has been and continues to remain a representative democracy and a capitalist country.

    “It is the latter nation which is rigorously taught from kindergarten to post-graduate school and enforced upon the population by federal and state governments...”

    The population consisting of Americans who, in positions elected by citizens and reflecting the will of the people, that representative democracy and capitalism are the underpinnings of our political and economic system.

    “therefore, to seek to return to the propositions of the Declaration and the Constitution is to seek the overthrow of the current nation.”


Those propositions have remained constant; it is the application and by which who is subject to them that have changed, as outlined by our Founding Fathers.

    “Can an Hottentot can come out of deepest Africa and upon uttering an oath of allegiance to the current set of propositions (under Obama, the oath has been discontinued: does this still mean immigrants are American?) and be considered to be American? “

    Absolutely, given the observable fact that life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are universal. Remember, the Germans and Irish in the 1840‘s and 1850‘s were deemed by nativists as being ill-equipped as alien ethnic groups to comprehend American ideas. They, along with the Italians and the Assyrians and the Vietnamese, among others, have immersed themselves into what is an American.

    “In fact, under the proposition nation concept, an immigrant can migrate from socialist Venezuela, still hold to his socialist propositions and be more American than than I who was born in 1949 because he adheres more closely to the Marxism being rigorously indoctrinated.”

    You assume that the Venezuelan emigrated here was adhering to socialist propositions. Moreover, there is observably no such thing as being “more American”, just “American”. And there is no “Marxist indoctrination” taking place currently. It's part of your imagination.

    “"Magic Dirt" means a migrant arrives in the United States and over time he becomes American just by osmosis.”


No, the migrant arrives in the United States already equipped with the proposition of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” and thus is pliable and malleable, ready to become part of the American fabric, just like your ancestors. Are you denying that your past family members did not engage in, nor fully believe in, this process?

    “Both the concept of the proposition-nation and "Magic Dirt" are falsehoods.”


No, you are in error and complete denial.

  22. The United States is not a proposition nation and Third Worlders believe in the Magic Dirt theory. If the white man disappeared the Magic Dirt would imbue them with the White Man's magic powers.

  23. Anon a2 11:29
    You are an illiterate ignorant twit.

  24. Me? Har har! The United States is not a propositional nation. The Founding Fathers were white male British Protestants - and that's what they wanted to move here.

    As for Third World lowlifes, they think if the white man disappeared all the White Man Magic would remain here, apparently in the dirt, and if they possess the dirt the White Man Magic rubs off on them.

  25. dienw...

    "You are an illiterate ignorant twit."

    You're going to have to better than a standard SJW retort. Try again with solid rhetoric. Or up your game with dialectic.


    "Me? Har har! The United States is not a propositional nation. The Founding Fathers were white male British Protestants - and that's what they wanted to move here."

    Nope. Had that been their objective, they would have specified it exactly in that fashion. They granted Congress with the power to determine citizenship. You lose.

    "As for Third World lowlifes, they think if the white man disappeared all the White Man Magic would remain here, apparently in the dirt, and if they possess the dirt the White Man Magic rubs off on them."

    It's not magic to become an American citizen. It's hard work and sacrifice and common sense, something you lack.

  26. "Had that been their objective, they would have specified it exactly in that fashion"

    You're a liar and have never read what Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin wrote about their disdain for blacks and their desire to feel this country only with white people.

    You lose, which I suspect is a lifelong problem with you.

  27. "As I commented on Unca Bob's blog months ago, I consider him to be an intelligence asset put in place to be a minder of what is becoming the Alt-Right."

    Ted has announced himself as leader of the Alt-Right. So little world, yet so much to rule for Ted, the Great Dark Lord. :O)

    When the Gamers/PUAs came onto the scene, I also expected that the core of them were intelligence operatives; after all, the only REAL threat to the Western gynocracies was a (very) small, rag-tag bunch of men on the internet, sitting in front of computers . . . and acting individually, not in concert. There is a 100 percent probability that the US government planted some moles in the "men's movement".

    The Gamers arrived in organized mass, with networks amongst themselves already established -- we see this now in the Group I identified above. Suddenly, just as the men's movement was taking off in the mid-oughts, the focus was shifted to 'banging Europe' and 'picking up chicks" with self-appointed geniuses already in place to 'lead' the rest of us. Hey, forget that fatherhood and masculinity are being destroyed . . . come on and Bang The Ukraine with us!

    It only takes a few intelligence plants in key places to re-direct the movement, which the Gubbermint Gamers certainly did. Mission accomplished. Now some dork living in France (of all places) dictates to the 'minions' what The Group's policies are going to be . . . centralized power instead of individual voices.

    Most gamer/PUA bloggers are not intelligence assets, of course. And obviously, real assets can't be identified directly. Yet we see Team Ted acting in support of Trump, and acting in concert with other agencies of the Western corporate matriarchies to maintain the status quo. The proof is in their works and ways.

    There is a definite and strong intelligence presence in the general "men's movement" and so far, they've successfully manipulated collective opinion/thought to concentrate power in the hands of those either directly employed, or acting as proxies in exchange for notoriety and influence. Whether Ted Beale is an agent or not, I dunno. But I do know that he and his buddies are scheming, cowardly bitches. The Alt-Right is attractive politically and emotionally, but requires that adherents accept Ted and Milo and Rossy (etc.) as leaders and guiding lights. Paradise is promised, if we'll just make a little deal with the devil. He's an Alpha, after all! :O)

  28. "[W]hatever the Natural hierarchy is, one thing it is not is a hierarchy wherein the cads, bounders, and seducers are at the top."

    In a truly natural hierarchy, men who devote their lives to seducing women eventually find themselves swinging from a rope, or running from the outskirts of town covered in tar and feathers. The lucky ones get marched to the altar at shotgun-point.

  29. "You're a liar and have never read what Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin wrote about their disdain for blacks and their desire to feel this country only with white people."

    This is why you are an idiot, Roberta. It's all about context and being a product of the times.

    "[Franklin] spoke of liberty and was a key contributor to the Declaration of Independence ("All men are created equal"), yet he owned slaves for more than 40 years. He sought to prove to Britain that his nation was the land of freedom, yet accepted - and even profited from - chattel slavery as a matter of course. He blamed his hypocrisy on the Brits: "British traders bring the slave to us and tempt us to purchase them," he wrote. ". . . I do not justify our falling into temptation." Franklin gradually came to believe that African Americans should be treated as equals by their government. In 1787, at the age of 81, he was named president of the country's first abolitionist group, the Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery and the Relief of Free Negroes Unlawfully Held in Bondage (now known as the Pennsylvania Abolition Society)."

    "We can be forgiven if we interrogate Jefferson posthumously about slavery. It is not judging him by today’s standards to do so. Many people of his own time, taking Jefferson at his word and seeing him as the embodiment of the country’s highest ideals, appealed to him. When he evaded and rationalized, his admirers were frustrated and mystified; it felt like praying to a stone. The Virginia abolitionist Moncure Conway, noting Jefferson’s enduring reputation as a would-be emancipator, remarked scornfully, “Never did a man achieve more fame for what he did not do.”

  30. "This is why you are an idiot, Roberta."

    I'm a lot of a lot smarter than you, troll.

  31. "I'm a lot of a lot smarter than you, troll."

    You keep convincing yourself of that.

  32. I don't have to convince myself of it. The truth is the truth, and you're clearly mentally ill.

  33. Europe like America is quickly balkanising. Thats what this invasion is about, to dilute the White vote to elect idiots like Hillary or Little Jebbie. There's not a dimes worth of difference between those two insiders. They're all Ivy League indoctrinated soulless sellouts. Whether its Skull and Bones, Freemason, Shriner, Mormon, Scientologist, or even Moonie, they're all just sold out shills. There is no "proposition" in America. Its a Western European Anglo Saxon Colony that went rogue when King George III went mad. "All men are created equal" has SHIT to do with other races. Its a swipe at the King and his "Blue Blooded" "Divine Right" to rule the commoners.
    America must have a War. This SHIT HAS TO STOP. They won't stop, and need to be STOPPED. War is better than the alternative of becoming Brazil or Zimbabwe. After America falls to the White men and what was ours before becomes ours again, we can TRULY LIBERATE EUROPE. THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE is Europe's destiny. The EU must die.

  34. Ray @ 5:03 PM
    I do not think Trump was Intelligence's desired choice. It was only after it became obvious that Trump was going to overwhelmingly win the nomination did the Intelligence assets start coming around to get ahead of the voters: Coulter, Hannity, and Limbaugh are assets who came around late in the campaign in order to stay relevant.

    One of the best blogs out there who has an inside track on what is going on is Lame Cherry; but if you are able to do contribute as she/he is poverty ridden. Lame Cherry once wrote for WND.

    BTW, I use the word "intelligence" in the same manner as Miles Mathis.

  35. dienw -- I didn't mean to imply that Trump is an intel plant. Certainly possible but, due to factors I'll skip here, unlikely I think. I was making a point about the groupism of Ted Beale's followers, and used Trump as an example of Ted's obsequiousness, and the lack of individual thought amongst Teddie's sycophants. Love how the Dark Lord calls Donald "Mr. Trump"! :O) Ted is only an asshole to those he believes he doesn't need, those lower than his Greatness. That kinda stuff comes back around.

    Appreciate the lead on Lame Cherry. I will check that site out.
