Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Multiculturalism and Sex

In college I of course noticed things that never happened in high school. For one, Asian women (of which there were not that many in college) clearly preferred white guys. Most of the ones I saw were with blond guys.

Years later NOWAG was created - No One Wants Asian Guys. They're not masculine. Think of Elliot Rogers going all NOWAG - the first ones he murdered were some Asian guys. That's some self-hate.

I also met some good-looking black women who would only date white guys. The few white women I saw with black guys were horrors - bottom of the barrel, the cast offs no white man would be seen with in public with. And the black guys had looks of pride on their face, not realizing how ridiculous they looked.

By the way, we are not going to end up in the future being some mocha mess. Speaking of messes, that's what multiculturalism is - a mess. And some of it has to do with relationships and sex.

Asian men and black women are the least desirable partners. No one wants them. You'd think they'd end up together, but that's not going to happen in a million years. A 250-pound ratchet and a 5'4" dickless nerd? Sure.

I don't really understand why whites are considered the most desirable partners. I'd had more than one Asian woman tell me white men are the best-looking - taller, bigger, stronger than Asian men, many of whom are very nerdish, lacking much of a personality.

I've had more than one comment about the "bridge in the nose." What? But's it's true. (I once had a five-year-old Chinese girl tell me, "You have erephant nose." She didn't have a nose at all, just a little button).

Then, of course, there is the Asian micro-penis - and believe me, I'd heard complaints about that, too.

Funny that those who support multiculturalism never talk about these things. I wonder why?

I'd hate to be an Asian guy in the West - or even half-Asian. What are they supposed to do - go to work, go home, watch TV? All their lives? Their women prefer white guys - it must drive them crazy.

Some year ago I was standing in a small store. The female clerk was clearly a high-yellow half-breed (she made one than one comment about my "blue eyes"). Not surprisingly she had a little girl by a white man, who passed for white.

In front of me in line there was a black man, and he was as rude as hell to this woman. I knew why. He couldn't get her no matter what, but she would have slept with me on the first night (she vaguely suggested this to me).

That black man was as envious as Hell of her, and so was filled with hate.

Envy and hate. That ultimately is what multiculturalism is about. That means, ultimately, attempts at genocide. That's what happens when different tribe collide. Or perhaps I should say clash.


  1. White European racial homogeneity and majority in a society and culture are crucial for Western Civilization. It has been shown repeatedly throughout history that once white racial homogeneity and majority are lost in a society by whatever reason, such as by war, migration and replacement, mixed-race intermarriage and breeding, that society will degrade and diminish or perish totally. Outbreeding (mixed-race intermarriage and breeding) is just as harmful as inbreeding.

    “The March of the Titans: The Complete History of the White Race” by Arthur Kemp.



  2. Check out this youtube channel: Eurasian Writer


    Mixed half-asian males produced from white male and asian female couples apparently have it worse than full asian males.

  3. The European Union was supposed to herald the change of society into this blissful mixing of the races.

    Seems it aint working eh?

  4. The profit/prophet Abuvia? Cool!


  5. Richard Edmonds: 'The Shape of Things to Come' (from the London Forum):


  6. "White European racial homogeneity and majority in a society and culture are crucial for Western Civilization."

    That's patently false. Western Civilization is dependent upon people making their own decisions when it comes procreating.

    "It has been shown repeatedly throughout history that once white racial homogeneity and majority are lost in a society by whatever reason, such as by war, migration and replacement, mixed-race intermarriage and breeding, that society will degrade and diminish or perish totally."

    That's patently false. The United States, despite its pattern of mixed-ethnic and mixed-race intermarriage, has thrived because individuals choose who they want to marry.

    Why do you hate humanity?

  7. ^ You're as ignorant as hell of history.

  8. Bobby, you do realize that back in the 1500 and 1600's Europeans erroneously viewed one another as "races" and believed that inter-ethnic marriage was only for monarchs and aristocrats. Of course, when America was founded, people there shared those same views. Slowly, however, that changed. English men married Dutch women and had children. French men married German women and had kids. Southern slave owners, from their hospitable and charitable nature, sired offspring with their "property", despite being commanded by their ministers that the mixing of the races was sinful.

    See, in the end, it doesn't matter what you or what whites who are opposed to miscegenation. Because it is THEIR decision, not yours. And if someone demands that white people only marry white people and only have white children, that demand is anti-liberty, dare I say even fascist.

  9. ^ It's not smart to ignore the immutable laws of nature and biology.


  10. Brazil is a third world, dysfunctional basket case hell hole. This is what happens when the white man disappears from most societies:


    Brazil is a very racially mixed society with a tiny white population.

    The same thing is happening in South Africa.

  11. "Bobby, you do realize that back in the 1500 and 1600's Europeans erroneously viewed one another as "races""

    I've forgotten more than you'll ever know and you're still as ignorant as hell.

  12. "By the way, we are not going to end up in the future being some mocha mess. "

    What do you think will happen?

  13. "What do you think will happen?"

    To find out - and it most probably will not be good, read Arthur Kemp's book: "March of the Titans" cited above.

    Uncle Bob insisted that Europe is the "Killer Continent" and eventually white Europeans will wake up and defend themselves and reclaim their countries. I hope he is right, but white societies and their civilizations have perished in the past, and there is nothing to indicate that it can't happen again. It's not ordained by God or anything that White European civilization should survive.

    The US is turning into a third world country like Mexico with the massive importation of hispanics and non-white third world peoples and low white marriage and birth rates - it's inevitable with current immigration policies that don't appear to be changing anytime soon. The most precious asset that a country has is its people. When the US has the demographics similar to Mexico, do you really think the US will still be an economic, military and cultural superpower? Is Mexico today a superpower? Mexico is a fairly large country with ample natural resources, with over 100 million people, and it's even an oil exporter, but it's still a corrupt, crime-infested, third world shit hole and it can't even retain massive numbers of it's own people. Is there a Mexican version of Steve Jobs, Henry Ford or Thomas Edison? You can kiss Silicon Valley goodbye.

    The same thing is happening in Europe with the massive importation of Black Africans, Arabs and Turks that will never integrate successfully into their host country's societies and cultures.



    At the International Court of Justice The Hague on June 23rd 1965, evidence was given relating to the impact of diverse ethnic groups upon each other. At this session Professor Van den Haag of New York University stated unequivocally before the Court that it was a fact of history that unregulated contact between ethnic groups resulted in social disorganisation and an increase in the crime rate. Needless to say, this warning placed before the World Court made the professor extremely unpopular and received little publicity.
    There is in fact clear evidence from history that the mixing of different ethnic groups and alien elements with an established pure-bred population played a part in the decline and eventual fall of all the great empires and civilisations of history, one of the most recent examples being that of Portugal. In the 15th and 16th centuries the Portuguese were a race of navigators, explorers and adventurers. They established colonies in Asia, Africa and South America. As a result, Portugal become one of the wealthiest and most powerful nations in all Europe. However in 1441, after the voyages of discovery down the coast of Africa, the first Black slaves were imported into Portugal and within 100 years ten percent of the population was Black. In the 1911 edition of The Encyclopaedia Britannica—before the Jewish distorters of history had really intervened—is the following entry: “The Portuguese inter-married freely with their slaves and this infusion of alien blood profoundly modified the character and physique of the nation. It may be said without exaggeration that the Portuguese of the 17th and later centuries were two different races”.
    The Portugal of today is backward and impoverished; it is a living testimony to what happens to a White country when its population is decimated by Blacks. This crucial due to an understanding of Portuguese history has been blotted out of all modern history books. No modern encyclopaedia or history book mentions the impact of race-mixing on the nation of Portugal. History is not only being distorted, it is being obliterated in order to hide from us the consequences of Coloured Immigration.


  15. "It's not smart to ignore the immutable laws of nature and biology."

    I agree that it is unnatural to prohibit a human being from following through with their instinct to physically and emotional attach themselves to another human being regardless of their race.

    "It's not ordained by God or anything that White European civilization should survive."

    It's actually ordained that human civilization should survive and thrive. Why do you despise humanity?

    "The same thing is happening in Europe with the massive importation of Black Africans, Arabs and Turks that will never integrate successfully into their host country's societies and cultures."

    Actually, many different groups here have integrated successfully. Pro-race is code for anti-humanity.

    "When the US has the demographics similar to Mexico, do you really think the US will still be an economic, military and cultural superpower?"

    It is highly improbable that the United States will have the same demographics as Mexico since the two countries have observably different groups of people living there. Do you even understand Census data?

    "The Portugal of today is backward and impoverished; it is a living testimony to what happens to a White country when its population is decimated by Blacks."

    First, the Portuguese, who are white, willingly chose to engage in black slavery. Second, Christianity commanded them to convert heathens. Third, Portuguese men were compelled to "rut" with their slaves to sire offspring--they were NOT ignoring the immutable laws of nature and biology.

    " In the 1911 edition of The Encyclopaedia Britannica—before the Jewish distorters of history had really intervened—is the following entry..."

    Yes, those filthy Jews, how dare they "intervene" with their race mixing ideology. Except race mixing had been going on for centuries all across the globe. That is an immutable law of nature and biology.

    "No modern encyclopaedia or history book mentions the impact of race-mixing on the nation of Portugal."

    You are a liar.

  16. "Actually, many different groups here have integrated successfully. Pro-race is code for anti-humanity."

    You're the liar.

    Africans have an IQ of 70, Mexicans and Muslims 89. They have never integrated into white society and never will.

    Why do you hate the race that created and discovered everything in the world?


  17. Germany has allowed Turkish guest workers for decades, yet these Turks still failed to integrate with German society:


  18. "Africans have an IQ of 70, Mexicans and Muslims 89."

    The fascination with estimated IQ scores based on works from a decade ago is thin gruel, considering the average IQ for white Europeans who immigrated to the Thirteen Colonies was similar.

    "They have never integrated into white society and never will."

    IQ scores matter little when it comes to integrating. Besides, Africans, Mexicans, and Muslims have integrated. Saying they never have and never will only displays stupidity of an unimaginable magnitude?

    "Why do you hate the race that created and discovered everything in the world"

    The human race created and discovered everything.

  19. White people are born racist and therefore should feel bad about it:


    It's apparently racist now for whites to be proud of their heritage.

  20. "Besides, Africans, Mexicans, and Muslims have integrated"

    You're out of your mind.

  21. "It's apparently racist now for whites to be proud of their heritage."

    Actually, whites are quite proud of their heritage. They certainly don't need elites such as yourself telling them HOW to go about appreciating their nationality or culture or country or race or other peoples nationality or culture or race or other peoples.

  22. ^What the fuck are you talking about? Read the cited article dumb ass.

  23. "The human race created and discovered everything."

    Leftist whackjob. Blacks have done nothing except be athletes and entertainers. Whites created/discovered about 98 percent of everything.

  24. "Whites created/discovered about 98 percent of everything."

    I didn't realize that Egyptians and Mesopotamians and the Chinese were white.
