Monday, May 2, 2016

The Coming of the End of the American Empire - Thank God!

"Human lives are burned up like coals in a furnace." - World's Greatest War, 1915, Charles Maxwell

Trump has been talking about ending the American Empire and putting America first - and thank God for that! Finally, a politician who's making sense!

All empires fall. All of them. And ours is going to fall, too. If we have any sense, we'll start pulling back now. Or else we'll wait until we're forced back, by the countries we've invaded. Or until we run out of money, which is starting to happen. And men, too, for that matter.

How long will the Legions put up with this crap? History has been replete with examples of the military overthrowing the cowards and traitors in the government. Is that what we're in for, sooner or later?

I was raised during the Vietnam Non-War (it was a "presidential action" and never declared as a war, to the tune of 58,000 Americans dead). I saw what happened when the U.S. murdered (genocide, actually) two-and-one-half-million Southeast Asians, thinking if we kill enough of them somehow the rest would turn into Americans. Those are the only things that occurred - death and destruction. Nothing else.

You can correctly see these things as human sacrifice/fertility rites, like rolling babies into the burning belly of Moloch - burned up like coals in a furnace. And people think that shit stopped thousands of years ago. HAR HAR!! Instead we now use cruise missiles!

That inbred idiot Dubya "Hid in a Champaign Unit During Vietnam" Shrub (who should be spending the rest of his life in prison as a traitor and war criminal) believed the same thing - if we just kill enough Muslims (while of course letting them into our country to murder more Americans) then their countries will become "democracies" (democracy is not an American value - the Founding Fathers hated democracy, knowing that all them fell and usually turn into tyrannies).

The biggest supporters of these wars were the neo-cons, who were originally leftist Democrats who left the party but kept the same beliefs. They are in no way conservative and most of them have Israeli citizenship, which as far as I'm concerned means automatic permanent deportation (with only a suitcase and the clothes on their backs).

Our invasions of the Middle East have done no good whatsoever and now the whole place is a lot worse off than before Duyba Shrub invaded it.

The reason the neo-cons (who are traitors to everything the United States stands for) are so viciously opposed to Trump is that he puts America first - not Israel.

If Trump is telling the truth (and I believe he is) then he is exactly what this country needs - an American president. Not a sleazy, lying sack of shit like Hillary Clinton or Ted Cruz.

I've never understood the hubris and arrogance and conceit and blindness of those who think we can squish people like Play-Doh and mold them into our image - if we cane the wogs enough they'll become just like us!

People who believe that believe they are gods, even if the don't know it. And when Man thinks he is God, he always finds out the hard way that he is not.

Because hubris is always followed by nemesis, and people who always think they are God end up worshiping Satan - who is always walking to and fro up and down in the world and having his version of a damn good time.

"Death and agony inconceivable, and no man can truly say why the killing or why the war." - World's Greatest War


  1. Take The Red PillMay 2, 2016 at 1:01 PM

    "Or until we run out of money..."

    Don't forget that the Leftist loonies in and out of the government don't have a bit of economic sense and REFUSE to understand that the pieces of paper that the government prints don't have any ACTUAL value in and of themselves (since the government stopped backing those pieces of paper with any actual thing of value -- like gold and silver).
    They have the same economic sense of a stereotypical empty-headed spendthrift: "I can't be overdrawn -- I STILL have checks!" Their attitude is, "We can't be out of money -- the presses are still running!"

  2. 'You can correctly see these things as human sacrifice/fertility rites, like rolling babies into the burning belly of Moloch - burned up like coals in a furnace. And people think that shit stopped thousands of years ago. HAR HAR!! Instead we now use cruise missiles!'

    Well there's that...also in America that's called the big business Planned Parenthood.

  3. "The biggest supporters of these wars were the neo-cons, who were originally leftist Democrats who left the party but kept the same beliefs. They are in no way conservative and most of them have Israeli citizenship, which as far as I'm concerned means automatic permanent deportation"

    Bob, you are seriously asserting that most American neo-cons hold Israeli citizenship?

    That's the problem with hate-the-joos rightism. All explanations for Everything Bad must be funneled through The Jew Conspiracy. And you're the guy who doesn't believe in Conspiracy Theories! Except, you know, for your own, including that stuff about how most American neo-cons have Israeli citizenship.

    Heck you don't even believe it. You just WANT it to be true. And at your age you haven't learned those two ain't the same.

  4. Most of the neo-cons who are Jewish have Israeli citizenship (dual American/Israeli) including the ones in government.

    Douglas Feith, who has Undersecretary of Defense, had a Israeli flag in his office, right next
    to the American one.

  5. The number one reason why I want Trump as our next president is because he say (we'll see if he actually follows through) he wants to end the interventionist foreign policy BS. This alone makes him being president worth it (even if everything else about him is bad).

  6. "Douglas Feith, who has Undersecretary of Defense, had a Israeli flag in his office, right next
    to the American one."

    Didn't the America's founding fathers warn of foreign entanglements?

  7. No no, they were slaveholders and Dead White Males! Must ignore them!

  8. "No no, they were slaveholders and Dead White Males! Must ignore them!"

    And everybody "knows" that dead white males caused all of the problems in the world, but they don't bother to recognize or mention that dead white males created 99% of everything in the modern world. Dead white males were also the first to abolish slavery.
