Monday, May 2, 2016

Politicians Who Hold Dual Israeli/American Citizenship

From here.

1. Attorney General – Michael Mukasey
2. Head of Homeland Security – Michael Chertoff
3. Chairman Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – Richard Perle
4. Deputy Defense Secretary (Former) – Paul Wolfowitz
5. Under Secretary of Defense – Douglas Feith
6. National Security Council Advisor – Elliott Abrams
7. Vice President Dick Cheney’s Chief of Staff (Former) – “Scooter” Libby
8. White House Deputy Chief of Staff – Joshua Bolten
9. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs – Marc Grossman
10. Director of Policy Planning at the State Department – Richard Haass
11. U.S. Trade Representative (Cabinet-level Position) – Robert Zoellick
12. Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – James Schlesinger
13. UN Representative (Former) – John Bolton
14. Under Secretary for Arms Control – David Wurmser
15. Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – Eliot Cohen
16. Senior Advisor to the President – Steve Goldsmith
17. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary – Christopher Gersten
18. Assistant Secretary of State – Lincoln Bloomfield
19. Deputy Assistant to the President – Jay Lefkowitz
20. White House Political Director – Ken Melman
21. National Security Study Group – Edward Luttwak
22. Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – Kenneth Adelman
23. Defense Intelligence Agency Analyst (Former) – Lawrence (Larry) Franklin
24. National Security Council Advisor – Robert Satloff
25. President Export-Import Bank U.S. – Mel Sembler
26. Deputy Assistant Secretary, Administration for Children and Families – Christopher Gersten
27. Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Public Affairs – Mark Weinberger
28. White House Speechwriter – David Frum
29. White House Spokesman (Former) – Ari Fleischer
31. Deputy Secretary of Commerce – Samuel Bodman
32. Under Secretary of State for Management – Bonnie Cohen
33. Director of Foreign Service Institute – Ruth Davis
34. Federal Reserve Chair – Janet Yellen
35. Federal Reserve Vice-Chair – Stanley Fischer

Current (and past) Members of Senate:

Representative Gary Ackerman (New York)
Representative John H. Adler (New Jersey)
Representative Shelley Berkley (Nevada)
Representative Howard Berman (California)
Representative Steve Cohen (Tennessee)
Representative Susan Davis (California)
Representative Eliot Engel (New York)
Representative Bob Filner (California)
Representative Barney Frank (Former) (Massachusetts)
Representative Gabrielle Giffords (Arizona)
Representative Jane Harman (California)
Representative Paul Hodes (New Hampshire)
Representative Steve Israel (New York)
Representative Steve Kagen (Wisconsin)
Representative Ronald Klein (Florida)
Representative Sander Levin (Michigan)
Representative Nita Lowey (New York)
Representative Jerry Nadler (New York)
Representative Jared Polis (Colorado)
Representative Steve Rothman (New Jersey)
Representative Jan Schakowsky (Illinois)
Representative Adam Schiff (California)
Representative Arlen Specter (Pennsylvania)
Representative Allyson Schwartz (Pennsylvania)
Representative Brad Sherman (California)
Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Florida)
Representative Henry Waxman (California)
Representative Anthony Weiner (New York)
Representative John Yarmuth (Kentucky)

House of Representatives:

Representative Gary Ackerman (New York)
Representative John H. Adler (New Jersey)
Representative Shelley Berkley (Nevada)
Representative Howard Berman (California)
Representative Steve Cohen (Tennessee)
Representative Susan Davis (California)
Representative Eliot Engel (New York)
Representative Bob Filner (California)
Representative Barney Frank (Massachusetts)
Representative Gabrielle Giffords (Arizona)
Representative Alan Grayson (Florida)
Representative Jane Harman (California)
Representative Paul Hodes (New Hampshire)
Representative Steve Israel (New York)
Representative Steve Kagen (Wisconsin)
Representative Ronald Klein (Florida)
Representative Sander Levin (Michigan)
Representative Nita Lowey (New York)
Representative Jerry Nadler (New York)
Representative Jared Polis (Colorado)
Representative Steve Rothman (New Jersey)
Representative Jan Schakowsky (Illinois)
Representative Adam Schiff (California)
Representative Allyson Schwartz (Pennsylvania)
Representative Brad Sherman (California)
Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Florida)
Representative Henry Waxman (California)
Representative Anthony Weiner (New York)
Representative John Yarmuth (Kentucky)


  1. Bob, you just blew my mind. I had (naively) assumed that US citizenship only was required of all elected office holders (both State and Federal). Not good. Even though Israel is a close ally, having these dual citizens in such high positions ought to be a scandal.


  2. I'm actually shocked at this. I also thought that Americans in office and in sensitive government positions had to be full U.S. citizens.

  3. Israel has more spies in the U.S. than any other country. China, for another example, is stealing our secrets left and right.

  4. Your list does not show Senators. Needs a re-release. I beleive in California, both our Senators are Israeli/ US citizens. Thanks for the post. More people need to understand why and who we fight is not necessarily in the interest of the United States.


  5. Hitler and the NSDAP party recognized the real threat the certain Jews and jewish groups posed to Germany. Jews actually declared war and economic boycotts on Germany - this is well documented (in newspapers and such at the time), but almost never mentioned.

    It boggles my mind that people today don't bother to think and ask: "Well, Gee, what were the jews doing to piss off the Germans so much?" The narrative that we are indoctrinated with is that the jews were these completely innocent special little snowflakes who were harmless and devoid of any malice towards the Germans - nothing could be further from the truth. These jewish groups were actively working to destroy the German economy, if they could not control it. Communist takeover was also a real threat to Germany at the time.

    The Americans interned Japanese families during World War II, and likewise the Germans interned these Jews and their families in internment camps as well (No, they weren't "concentration" or "death" camps as the Allies and jewish propaganda asserts - not to say that nothing bad happened- bad things happen on both sides, but the true circumstances are not accurately being told). The only difference is that these jews were a real threat to Germany, the American japanese did not actually pose a real genuine threat as far as I understand. It so happens that most of the communists/Bolsheviks causing the problems for Germany were in fact Jews - you never hear about that little nugget of information in the history books. Hitler actually wanted to deport the german jews, along with their wealth to other countries, and even Palestine, but the other countries, the British and even the Americans would not accept jewish immigrants.

    Does it make any sense that a society and culture like Germany (see the book: The German Genius) would up and decide one day to become a murderous horde bent on destruction and world domination, killing masses of innocent people? No way. People need to think and question what we have been told - It's a real tragedy of epic, biblical proportions.

    The more I read and learn about Hitler, the more I think he is the closest to a genuine, decent, altruistic, competent leader a country could have (Hitler was indeed elected in a genuine democratic election - the Germans wanted and loved this man, (Germany needed a man like this at this critical time in their history) - even to the very end, which confounds historians who don't bother to know the truth) - I'm dead serious, and I'm not a nut. The characterization of Hitler and Germany during this time is completely off and needs to be reexamined.

  6. Isn't this person just claiming that all Jews in the US Goverment are automatic Israeli citizens just by virtue of being jewish (not true) and then claiming they are "dual citizens" just for being Jewish? Just being born Jewish in US doesn't make you an Israeli citizen, you still have to "make aliyah" and go through the process. I don't think this list is true

  7. I've always believed that if you work in government that the only citizenship one should hole is American. And that America comes first. Additionally, the higher rank and more power a government agent holds, the more they should be surveilled and scrutinized. For instance, executive secretaries would practically have no privacy until their term is over.


  8. Learn the truth about the Jews (It ain't pretty) - Check out Brother Nathanael's youtube channel:

  9. The requirement of "one citizenship for government officials" should also apply to Roman Catholics. Vatican City is a state.

  10. "I don't think this list is true"

    There is a reason why Jews have been expelled over 100 times in over 2000 years, and that list is why. They've been expelled long before Christianity, so it can't be blamed on it.

  11. There is a reason why Jews have been expelled over 100 times in over 2000 years, and that list is why. They've been expelled long before Christianity, so it can't be blamed on it.

    there are lot's of reasons, but that doesn't make it true that one is an Israeli citizen just for being born Jewish. It's simply not TRUE. John Bolton isn't even Jewish--where is there any evidence he is an Israeli citizen? If you want to say there are too many Jews in US politics and that Israel has way too much sway, sure fine, but this "Israeli citizen" thing is just false and makes you look like a fool

  12. 1% mistakes doesn't invalidate the rest, and the fools are those who do not realize how many times Jews have been expelled, and for what reasons - they're always the same.

  13. " ... there are too many Jews in US politics and that Israel has way too much sway,..."

    This is the same thing that happened in Germany during the Weimar republic, Jews overwhelmingly influenced and controlled the government bureaucracy, banking, finance, media - and they were destroying Germany for their short-term gain. Germany had every right to contain, intern, and deport these subversive individuals and groups, who happened to be overwhelmingly Jewish. Jews are for Jews, and nobody else. The rest of non-Jewish humankind is meant to be their servants and to be treated like workhorses and donkeys to be exploited.

    The Talmud actually permits and encourages Jews to lie and deceive non-Jews in their everyday lives. Jews are expert at manipulation, and playing the victim to get the upper hand.

  14. "Isn't this person just claiming that all Jews in the US Goverment are automatic Israeli citizens just by virtue of being jewish (not true) and then claiming they are "dual citizens" just for being Jewish? Just being born Jewish in US doesn't make you an Israeli citizen, you still have to "make aliyah" and go through the process. I don't think this list is true."

    I'm likewise suspicious, and for the same reason. I know several people with dual citizenship (not Israeli), and there's a big difference between being a potential dual-national, and actually going through hours of paperwork and hundreds of dollars in government fees to make it official and get a valid passport. Dual loyalties can sometimes pose a real problem, but criticism should always be backed by solid fact-checking. The anti-Dreyfusards may or may not have had legitimate criticisms of French Jewry, but they were thrust from power and influence for being spectacularly wrong about the facts.

    "The more I read and learn about Hitler, the more I think he is the closest to a genuine, decent, altruistic, competent leader a country could have..."

    You're reading the wrong books. Mainstream historians have a lot of ideological blinders that make them write stupidly on this subject, but that doesn't mean that fawning, adulatory tomes by whacked-out crank websites are superior. If you want to know what contemporary non-leftist men of high character, accomplishment, and perceptiveness thought of the Fuehrer, study the opinions of Francisco Franco, Carl Mannerheim, J.R.R. Tolkien, Eugenio Pacelli, Claus von Stauffenberg, D.A. Binchy, Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, and Friedrich Reck-Malleczewen. Most of these men were right-wingers, some were great statesmen or scholars, several were ardent German patriots, and all of them- even his own allies- considered the mustachioed gefreiter a thuggish, fraudulent low-life insanely leading his country to abject ruin. Pius XII suspected Hitler was demonically possessed, and it's hard to disagree from the evidence. The Night of the Long Knives was not the act of a conscientious statesman, it was the act of a cut-throat gangster double-crossing his too-powerful underlings.

  15. "You're reading the wrong books."

    I see that the pro-Jewish/israel lobby reads Bob's blog.

    Every leader, no matter what good they do, will have their haters and critics.

  16. Anonymous 2:40 PMMay 3, 2016 at 3:58 PM

    "I see that the pro-Jewish/israel lobby reads Bob's blog. Every leader, no matter what good they do, will have their haters and critics."

    Yes, all the eminent men listed above were transparent shills for International Jewry, who only criticized Hitler because they were in the pay of the Rothschilds- especially General Franco, that notorious Jew-lover. In fact, I'm probably on their payroll, too. And even though Germany in 1945 was utterly devastated, her women raped and her best men dead, divided as the spoils of war between hostile conquerors, her people expelled from lands they had occupied for centuries, her name accursed amongst civilized nations, and destined to remain oppressed for nearly another half-century- certainly, one can't blame the Fuehrer, that great military and diplomatic genius, for any part of that. Instead, he should be judged on all the good he did- especially since the decision to invade the USSR and fight a suicidal two-front war was a Jewish plot launched entirely without Hitler's knowledge.

  17. I, too have read Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, who was Austrian, and he considered Hitler (as did Franco, a policeman) a thug.


  18. Nobody is perfect. Just because somebody thinks Hitler was a thug (this is more of a personality quirk if true or matter of opinion) does not diminish his great achievements and importance. Anybody can have a bad day. We are all flawed. Actually being a thug can be a positive thing, like being a politician in the tumultuous, violent times of post-world war I, Weimar Germany, or being a rapper or MMA cage fighter. Also, how is "thug" being defined here? Maybe Hitler was just seen by these critics as being very passionate, loud and assertive, which are actually positive qualities in a leader for a country such as Germany at the time which was under threat.

    Why Hitler wasn't evil:

    How to identify a Jew:

    The Myth of Germany Villainy by Benton Bradberry:

  19. The Rise of the Jewish Policy Elite: Meritocracy, Myth and Power:

    "From our discussion it is clear that there is a profound disparity between the stellar academic achievements of Israel-First officials in the US government and the disastrous consequences of their public policies in office."

    Jews are for Jews, and nobody else. The Talmud permits and encourages Jews to lie to, deceive and exploit non-Jews.

  20. Bob's right as always -- It's the Joos. The Joos did it and the Joos are behind it.

    Then Bob expounds at endless length about his hero Rene Girard and Scapegoat Theory, how wrong it is to scapegoat and how only lesser, inferior being give in to the urge to scapegoat.

    Then Bob goes out back of the house and kicks his scapegoat awhile. Whilst calling it a cat.


    Then he writes another erudite essay about Rene Girard.


  21. Truths about Judaism:
