Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Tribe, the Outsider and the Scapegoat

The leftist Mommy-State now growing like a cancer in the U.S. wants to force all the boys and girls to share and get along. That may sort of work with five-year-olds, although not very well as any parent will attest, but it doesn't work at all with adults.

These days, forcing the boys and girls to "share" and "get along" is called "multiculturalism." It has never worked in the past, anywhere. It doesn't work now, anywhere, and it won't in the future, ever. There are many reasons why it doesn't work, but I think the simplest is what I will call the Tribe, the Outsider and the Scapegoat.

Human nature is such that people instinctively gather into tribes. Every living creature, from ants to elephants, does it; why should people be any different?

This tribalism is a problem that will never go away, so there is no way around its existence. People want community, and that community usually involves being with people like them, or whom they like. This has to be dealt with, which is something most libertarians rarely do because of their obsession with "the individual."

"Tribes" may be a primitive term, but it was applicable not only in the past but also certainly today. You might want to call them "ethnic groups" or "nations" instead. It doesn't matter. They're still tribes, whether they're big or little, powerful or weak.

Problems arise because every tribe in the past has, with monotonous regularity, because of our inborn narcissism, grandiosely called themselves “the People" or "the Humans." Anyone outside the tribe was, obviously, devalued into being non-People and non-Human. That gives a foot in the door to murdering them.

All tribes today still consider themselves "the Humans," even though they use different words. No country today is going to call itself "the United States of All Humans" or "The Union of All People, and Everyone Outside Isn't," but all countries will say God has chosen them and is on their side, which logically means the Other Guy is on the Other Side. That's pretty much saying the same thing as "We're human, and you ain't."

During World War II, for example, the Russians spoke of "Holy Mother Russia," which implied that God had chosen Russia. Their opponents, necessarily, had to have the Devil on theirs. We're the People; you're the Unpeople!

Their opponents, the Germans, did the same thing the Russians did, when they talked of the “Fatherland” (and today, for us, ominously, it’s the “Homeland”).

German soldiers used to march into battle with “Gott mit uns” on their belt buckles. I suppose it was a magic talisman to stop bullets. The question is: on whose side was God during the battle of Stalingrad, where both sides lost, combined, more soldiers than America has lost in all of its wars? The answer: neither.

It's painfully obvious that a grandiose certainty that God is on your side does not equal God being on your side, even if nutcases Jerry Falwell believed it. Neither does it mean your tribe is human and the other is not, even if you think God told you that. A movie example that comes to mind: I remember watching a Japanese officer, in The Last Emperor, exclaim, "The Japanese are the only divine race!" Later, when Russian soldiers closed in on him, he scrambled his brains with a pistol bullet. Self-proclaimed divinity always has a price, never a good one.

People in the U.S., cultural differences aside, are in some essential ways no different than people anywhere else. All people have a shared human nature.

People ask, "God bless America." It's never, God bless another country; it's always, God bless America. God should keep America's soldiers safe, but never any other country's. Our soldiers should be saved by God; their soldiers should die. Is that any different than those German soldiers with their talismans? Why should God bless America if America does not follow God's laws? It should be so simply because we, in our magical thinking, believe it should be so?

It's all pretty grandiose. It's assuming Americans are the Chosen, just as every tribe in the past has thought it was the Chosen. They weren't, and neither are we. Other tribes are full of humans, even if we pretend they aren't and act as if their deaths mean nothing and are just the "collateral damage" that always happens in war.

The biggest problem, though, is that every tribe projects its problems onto the outsider. There are, not surprisingly, two archetypes in literature called the Scapegoat and the Outsider. Often - in fact, maybe always - they are the one and the same.

The most famous, or maybe infamous, story about the Outsider and the Scapegoat is Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery," which everyone in the recent past had to read in middle school. Every year, someone was chosen as a scapegoat, which made them an outsider, then stoned to death. It was an example of scapegoating always leading to human sacrifice, of projecting "badness" on someone and then killing them, in order to "save" the tribe.

The human sacrifice in Jackson’s story was a fertility rite, which scapegoating and sacrifice always are: once we kill them, our culture will be renewed and reborn, since the “evil ones” will have been eradicated. This is why to the Greeks Dionysius was a fertility god, or why the Aztecs ripped the hearts out of hundreds of thousands of people. They thought it made sure the sun would continue to rise.

Since every tribe grandiosely considers itself "good," all "evil" must be projected elsewhere. If one tribe considers itself human and good and chosen by God, then the other tribe, the outsider, must necessarily be evil, sub-human, and of the Devil.

Maybe we don't consciously believe it, but emotionally we do. It why most people don't care - indeed sometimes even cheer - if foreigners die in wars. Then we act shocked when foreigners cheer when we die, the way some cheered about 9-11. How dare they act like us! Since we are good, they must be evil!

It was horrible that nearly 3000 innocent people were murdered on 9-11, but was it was a good thing the federal government murdered all those people in Vietnam, Panama, Serbia, Afghanistan and Iraq? But since they were outside our tribe, they don't really count, and sacrificing and killing them doesn't matter because it was to "liberate" them.

Today in the U.S. you can see our tribe projecting certain of its problems on the outsider. The U.S. attacked Iraq twice ago when it didn't attack us, then blockaded the country and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people, then placed troops in Saudi Arabia, and supported Israel uncritically no matter what it did. We did this because we are "good," at least in our tribe's collective groupthink mind, if not in the mind of other tribes.

And since scapegoating and human sacrifice are always fertility rites, bombing and destroying other countries is of course supposed to make them be reborn and “grow” right – usually by trying to seed them with democracy and feminism.

When resentment, envy, anger and hate sent blowback our way on 9-11, we denied the bad things we had done to others, and instead claimed our attackers had to be "evil," and attacked us because we are "good." Maybe things are that simple in the childish, black-and-white fantasy of Bizarro World, but certainly not in reality.

It's bad enough to have different tribes in different countries get into wars, but when tribes in the same country war, that is a prescription for national suicide. And multiculturalism, if it is anything, is several ethnically-different tribes fighting over the same land and for political power, which is power over others. It is therefore an attempt at national suicide.

Each tribe is going to grandiosely call itself "the Humans" in some form, then deny its flaws and instead project them onto the devalued other, which it will want to remove or murder. Each tribe will also try to use other tribes as fertilizer, to make their own tribe and its culture grow and prosper.

Every empire in the past has fallen not because of attacks from the outside, but because of attacks from the inside. Once the barbarians are inside the gate it's harder to remove them. They may claim they're not barbarians, but apparently the Greek story of the Trojan Horse isn't taught to Americans in school anymore.

Some examples of tribal warfare? How about "Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan," whose motto is "Por La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada." It translates as, "Everything for the race. Everything outside the race, nothing." That's clearly grandiose, and fits exactly the idea of one tribe denying its flaws and projecting them onto a devalued other. It is projection/scapegoating leading to human sacrifice. They're the cause of our problems, not us. Remove them or rub them out!

Another example in the U.S.? In the original teachings of the Nation of Islam (related to Islam in name only) blacks are gods, the original men, and whites are devils. Guess who's completely to blame for the problems of the former? You've got it. It's just another example of "Since we are good, you must be evil and the cause of our problems, so we must eradicate you." Denial and projection. Lies (to oneself and to others) followed by scapegoating and human sacrifice.

People will always define themselves not just as individuals but as part of family, nation, religion. If large enough different groups of people try to share the same land and vie for political power, each is going to define itself as good, the others as bad, then deny its own flaws and instead project their problems on those defined as outsiders. Leftists, who support multiculturalism, don’t merely misunderstand human nature but instead don’t understand it at all, not when they believe several large tribes can co-exist peacefully on the same land.

The only way that different tribes can occupy the same land is if one is tribe is 95% of the population, and the other tribe is five percent. But three tribes that are each one-third of the population? There has never been a society in the history of the world that has survived such an attempt.

The problem is made far worse when the State gets involved, because each group will fight for political power to protect itself and hurt the other. Each group will try to capture the State to use for its own purposes, which involves removing the others, or, ultimately, killing them.

State-sponsored "multiculturalism," a misguided attempt to force different tribes to get along on the same land, will, as it always does when the State gets involved, have the exact opposite effect: it will make them fight even more, to the detriment of those involved, and, ultimately, the nation. Not only are the boys and girls not going to share and get along, they're going to get into constant vicious, bloody, murderous brawls.


  1. "It's always, God bless America".

    Not so much as a "please". That's how certain we are. "Hey, Dad. Bless us. Chop chop". I remember Steve Harvey talking about the difference between the way blacks talk to God and how Whites talk to God. Blacks are like, "Oh Holy God! The Alpha and Omega! Lord of the Universe!, etc." Whites are, "Dear Father."

    The "human" and "non-human" thing is accurate. The Old Testament refers to the Beast of the Field. These are beasts with hands, voices, and capable of worshipping God. So, instead of the Greeks referring to non-Greeks as Barbarians, they could have just called them Beasts.

  2. Blacks will never hit that 33%. They hit their high water mark back in 1810, at 19%. They dropped to under 10% in 1940 and have hovered between 12 and 13% for the last 20 years. Barring a major change, whites and blacks both will probably drop as a percentage of US population. Hispanics and Asians will grow. I don't see any group getting the advantage over whites. Blacks, Asians and Hispanics all hate each other and are already involved in low level open conflict on the West Coast with a few instances in the urban areas of the East.

  3. "... [blacks] hovered between 12 and 13% for the last 20 years..."

    That's still plenty enough of blacks to cause a lot of damage to the U.S.

    Watching media, sports, movies, music and entertainment in the U.S., one can quite easily get the impression that blacks are 90% or more of the U.S. population. Blacks may be only 12% of the U.S. population, but they dominate American culture it seems (of course with the help of Jewish-owned media - the Nation-Wreckers).

  4. I've known blacks who prayed to God for success in their crimes.

  5. I like this and I agree. We people are very tribal and very loyal to our tribes. That is human nature and sure enough we will dehumanize our enemies...before killing them. Forced multiculturism,the ignoring of tribal instincts never ends well. Communism comes to mind.

    However, I'm going to say that Christianity offers humankind the best solution for living in peace,the the least likelihood of people being dehumanized and mistreated. Two reasons for that, the idea that people are made in the image of God and the tenet to protect the weak and powerless. The US as a manifestation of Christianity is obviously deeply flawed, but I'm still going to proclaim American exceptionalism. We have still managed to bring the largest number of people out of abject poverty and into opportunity, than any other country. We are far from perfect, but our wars actually cost us money, often because we are rebuilding whatever country we have broken. Compare that to many countries who simply seize the land, harvest the resources, and enslave the people. Reading British history can be helpful, those guys actually go to war to make money and to colonize the whole world.

  6. "... [blacks] hovered between 12 and 13% for the last 20 years..."

    That's still plenty enough of blacks to cause a lot of damage to the U.S.

    Also, look at the crime statistics: Blacks also commit a disproportionate amount of crime far greater than whites

  7. Nations are not about tribes, but they are about different groups of people who share a common vision for the land they reside in, who develop certain rules for that area they agree to abide by, and who create a common culture while maintaining their own unique customs. That is observable reality. Take Great Britain for example. It was NEVER homogenous. Different groups of people fought, then came together, then intermarried, then created their culture. The Romans, the Britons, the Angles, the Saxons, the Jutes, the Gaelic tribes, the Picts...this is a multi-cultural stew.

    "Blacks, Asians and Hispanics all hate each other and are already involved in low level open conflict on the West Coast with a few instances in the urban areas of the East."

    No, they don't all hate each other, and some are involved in open conflict.

    "However, I'm going to say that Christianity offers humankind the best solution for living in peace,the the least likelihood of people being dehumanized and mistreated. "

    I would say whatever faith a person believes in offers humankind the best solution for living in peace. It could be Christianity, or Judaism, or Islam, or Buddhism.

  8. "Nations are not about tribes, but they are about different groups of people who share a common vision for the land they reside in, who develop certain rules for that area they agree to abide by, and who create a common culture while maintaining their own unique customs. That is observable reality. Take Great Britain for example. It was NEVER homogenous. Different groups of people fought, then came together, then intermarried, then created their culture. The Romans, the Britons, the Angles, the Saxons, the Jutes, the Gaelic tribes, the Picts...this is a multi-cultural stew"

    You live in a fantasy land.

  9. Another mental-case anonymous troll deleted and banned.

  10. Bobby, if that's all you can do, you know you lost the argument.

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  13. I'm guessing Bob was close to death when he wrote this crap, which is why it's basically a screed of insane rambling.
