Thursday, March 2, 2017

“My God, They Don’t Understand Anything!”

I have a friend of mine who started out who started out with a B.S in Economics but ended up with a PhD in History.

When Dubya and the other incompetents in his administration invaded Iraq and Afghanistan he told me, “My God, they don’t understand anything!

Every country that has invaded the Middle East has pulled out after massive loss of life and wealth. The Romans pulled out, the French, the English. And even empires before the Romans withdrew.

We’re going to pull out, too. We can do it now or we can do it later after much more death and destruction and loss of wealth.

I’m not a professional historian but after reading about 100 history books I might as well be.

The last country that conquered the Middle East was England. It was there 30 years and then pulled out during the founding of Israel in 1948. One Scottish soldier said, “We accomplished nothing.”

None of the “countries” in the Middle East are even countries with the exception of Iran – which used to be called Persia.

The rest of the artificial borders were drawn by England and France for political and economic reasons. The people over there support their tribes, not their “countries.”

I’ve known since I was 17 that Iraq was never a country but three tribes. Recently it was held together by Saddam Hussein, whose brutality was the only thing keeping this temporary, artificial country together.

Dubya Shrub, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, (Douglas Feith), (Richard Perle), (Paul Wolfowitz)…none of them had a clue. None of them had any understanding of history at all. That made them utter incompetents.

There has been war in the Middle East for 4000 years. And we’re not going to put a stop to it. Not the catastrophically incompetent Shrub, not Barak Obama, not Donald Trump.

The Founding Fathers had it right: trade with other countries but have nothing to do with them politically.

Fortunately the United States is protected by two vast oceans and has an economically and militarily incompetent country to the south of us. No one is going to be invading us for the next 2000 years. We’re not the Middle East – or Europe.

Richard Maybury refers to the entire world except the West as “Chaostan.” He’s right – that’s why I use that Biblical comment about Satan “walking to and fro up and down” the world. And no one - not the United States – is going to put an end to this walking to and fro.

The U.S. is an empire of military bases. Someday, they will too collapse. It has been the history of the world without exception.

What’s that old definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result?

Again, someday the United States will withdraw and the Middle East can go back to screwing their goats and sodomizing teenage boys.

The Chickenhawk coward Dubya Shrub – and Barak Obama – have been utterly repudiated by the American people. And thank God for that.

I hope that Donald Trump has enough sense not to have this happen to him. At least he’s a patriot – which Shrub and the catastrophes in his administration never were.


  1. How's the trolling today, Bob? Fish're bitin'...?


  2. The Founding Fathers had it right: trade with other countries but have nothing to do with them politically.

    Why don't we get BACK to that?!

  3. Glenn, the village idiot, as usual, knows nothing about war, death, or human nature.

  4. glenn is all pumped up and drooling all over his keyboard because his hero Shrub is trashing Donald Trump and making a damned fool of himself in the process. Trump wants secure borders, lower taxes, lower immigration, and better trade deals. Shrub is an elitist country clubber chicken hawk globalist, and of course he wants none of these things. He also is sore b/c Trump mopped the floor with his equally stupid sister jeb! Trump in one month already is making Shrub look like the moronic idiot stupid incompetent useless pretender president that he was and Shrub, moron that he is, walks right into it leading with his nose right up faggot Matt Lauer's backside. Whatta man. Heckuva job Shrubbie!

  5. glenn have you seen your numbers lately? you are polling down around the level of Congress on this site. We notice that it doesn't stop you from blindly plowing forward and digging deeper into your self-inflicted pit.

  6. "No one is going to be invading us for the next 2000 years."

    What about invasion by illegal immigration and migrant non-white invaders? Racial displacement of a countries' founding native people (white Europeans that founded America) by another race (nonwhite Mexicans, Africans, middle easterners) can be just as damaging to American society as invasion by war. America is gradually becoming less white European - America will probably be a much different place in 50 to 100 years from now. Maybe Trump can help stop it, but maybe not. The declining birthrate of white Americans does not look good either.

  7. Yep.

    What about the way the eeeeeevil whiteman invaded America?

    Where did you and your buddy study history, Bob? Berkley? HAR HAR HAR!!! You're aware, girls, that modern mathematics, science, agriculture and civilization itself - arose in the middle east? You're aware that prior to the rise of Ayatollah Khomeni - that Iran was very much the most advanced nation in the area? HAR HAR HAR - you guys can't handle modern history, never mind ancient history. Bush ran record tax surpluses during his terms, despite those wars abroad. Barkie Obutthole inherited a defeated Iraq and Afghanistan - and STILL managed to lose them and increased deficit spending by 400%.

    Certain farm girls and effeminate Texans of indeterminate gender are reminded that their historians are no better than their journalists. This is why you idiots constantly wail and sob about there being no WMD's in Iraq, and then go on to idiotic chanting: "Bush lied, people died!!!!" HAR HAR HAR! You're entitled to your own opinions, girls, but not your own 'facts'.

    I'm hoping the first moslem nuke that goes off in America is in New York. It would do the country good to cull the Democrats a bit, HAR HAR HAR! And - when America inevitably gets drawn back to the middle east - that Iran gets pounded next.

    I suppose in the long run that if some idiots think America can be made great again by bailing out on it's allies, abdicating it's responsibilities, and not defending its markets - it won't change things much. I am stocking up on ammo, beer and popcorn. The age of comedy is almost upon us.

  8. "What about invasion by illegal immigration and migrant non-white invaders? Racial displacement of a countries' founding native people (white Europeans that founded America) by another race (nonwhite Mexicans, Africans, middle easterners) can be just as damaging to American society as invasion by war."

    Indeed, just ask the Native Americans. So, why don't you pack up and leave?

    "America is gradually becoming less white European - America will probably be a much different place in 50 to 100 years from now. Maybe Trump can help stop it, but maybe not. The declining birthrate of white Americans does not look good either."

    How many white kids do you have? Better be more than 5.

  9. Does anyone know what glenn is trying to say?

  10. My God! They don't understand anything, HAR HAR HAR!!!

  11. "I'm hoping the first moslem nuke that goes off in America is in New York."

    Never happen.

    I know all about the history of the Middle East and civilization - and that was long before Islam destroyed the cultures.

    America can made "great again" by dumping Israel, kicking out Jews and Muslims, cutting taxes and regulations and closing down the American empire.

    By the way, google about the Liberty, Israel's attack on it, and the POS father of the senile war criminal John McCain.

  12. By the way I went to a Midwestern College and we had some dumbass Canadians there who didn't know shit. And anyone who doesn't know that all empires fall doesn't know anything.

  13. I will say a more accurate definition of insanity is simply believing a lie. I would agree that Canadians aren't the brightest types.

  14. Most of the problems in the arc of the Islamic world can be defined with, "this is what happens when cousins marry."

  15. "Strangely, the collapse of most major Empires from the Western world has been because of alliances and entanglements with Israel, in one form or another. It is something that needs to be acknowledged, otherwise we face a calamity of biblical proportions":

  16. Anony 5:34 p.m., thanks for your daily dose of Jew bashing.

  17. The original name of Communism was "Jewish Bolshevism."

  18. Bomb Canada now. You never know. We'll lose 10-20 million Canadians, tops, and save 300 million American lives. Run the numbers and the Glen-illogic on that one. Get the ICBMs warming up in the bullpens!
