Thursday, February 16, 2017

Living Through Five Wars

The first “war” I remember is Vietnam (which was a Presidential action and never declared – the last war declared was WWII), which started when I was seven and ended when I was 17. Ten years! I was raised on that war – every day, from second grade to a senior in high school.

The next one was Grenada, which started when I was 27.

Then there was Panama, the years of which I don’t remember.

Then there was Daddy’s Bush’s first Middle East war.

Then there was his son’s war in Iraq and Afghanistan, still going on. Sixteen years so far – longer than WWI, WWII and Korea combined (and some of Vietnam too).

Of course I’ve met a lot of wounded soldiers – some catastrophically - and some killed, including one I went to high school with who basically got his head blown off while piloting a helicopter in Grenada. That’s what happens when you are an American – you experience things like that. Too bad.

When I got older I realized that every soldier killed and wounded, and every citizen “collateral damage” killed and wounded (old men, old women, children, babies, pregnant women) - in every one of those wars died for nothing. It was a complete waste of health and life and wealth, all of it.

There is a good reason there exists that Biblical saying about Satan “walking to and fro and down and down” the world.

I still know men who were not only horribly wounded – brain-damaged – not only from Korea but World War II. They were so badly wounded they have no meaningful lives, not when the one from Korea can’t form any new memories and still thinks it’s 1951 (he still thinks he’s 21 years old) and the one from WWII is about ten years old mentally (of course the historically ignorant are going to say, “But-but-but Hitler and the Commies were going to conquer the world!”)

I forgot – I still know one blinded in Korea.

I’ve also found that every Chickenhawk I’ve met was never in combat or even in the military – being cowards they avoided both on purpose. All they can do is give worthless advice on how wars should be conducted but they no intention whatsoever of putting their money where their mouth is. These days they’re keyboard warriors. That’s ball-less cowardice pure and simple. They think that running their mouths makes them brave.

Every combat veteran Ive’ met considers Dubya Shrub a coward. Every one of them. They’re right: he is a coward who when asked if he wanted to serve as a fighter pilot in Vietnam, responded, “No.”

A coward is not someone who’s afraid. A coward is someone who brags about how tough they are – like Shrub howling “Bring it on!” – but has nothing personally to back it up (like Dubya declining to fly in Vietnam). As I’ve said before, “The cheaper the punk the gaudier the patter.”

One of my friends, who had a B.S. in Economics and a PhD in History, recently asked me, “Did Bush do anything right?”

I’ve had people tell me we shouldn’t listen to people who’ve been in combat “because their minds aren’t right.” Such people are incredibly stupid because they don’t realize the answer is, “You mean your mind is right because you’re a coward?” They can’t say they’re not a coward otherwise they would have volunteered for combat. When you’re stupid you are always getting yourself caught between a rock and a hard place.

If I had my way I’d bring back the draft – but only for Chickenhawks. I’d put them in the front lines so they’d be the first killed. It’d make it a better world, genetically much improved.

Chickenhawks think their minds are right even though they are cowards. That’s actually very funny.

There is an ancient observation – “Mars takes the best.” Mars, meaning the Roman god of war. It’s the Roman version of the Greek god of war, Ares.

No more Mars taking the best. Mars can take the worst, the worthless. Big-mouth cowards. Chickenhawks. I wouldn’t even treat them when they’re wounded, just shoot them. It’s what soldiers used to do to other horribly wounded soldiers when they were going to die anyway.

We can’t do anything less for Chickenhawks. If they’re so brave and war-loving they wouldn’t mind being killed or horribly wounded or shot and put out of their misery. They should want to die or be catastrophically wounded for cowardly politicians and their meaningless wars.


  1. Good post Bob.

    I was thinking of posting a personal anecdote regarding some bullshit from my own life.,but nah, whats the point.

    Life sucks and their will always be dipshits on the sidelines who think they know everything and won't take a lesson from others who've seen worse, or at least can empathize with those who have.

  2. Ever heard of Smedley Butler? He won TWO Congressional Medals of Honor. Marine Corps general officer that basically said all of the wars the US ever fought in was about money and maintaining the moneyed. That was in the '20s.


  3. "War is a Racket" by Major General Smedley Butler:

    I still have the opinion that the only genuinely necessary war that America had to fight was the War of Independence from Britain (and maybe the wars and conflicts with the indians on the north American continent) - All the others were total bullsh*t. All of the others were for nefarious reasons that benefited those in power.

  4. "I wouldn’t even treat them when they’re wounded, just shoot them. It’s what soldiers used to do to other horribly wounded soldiers when they were going to die anyway."

    That is too much mercy for the cowards. Let them live in the street or in VA asylums blind, dumb or crippled as physically wrecked as they are morally bankrupt.

    Lil Stevie Crowder makes my stomach turn. He loved to cheerlead for Bush the Lesser's wars, but he never had the guts to sign his name on enlistment papers.

  5. "I still have the opinion that the only genuinely necessary war that America had to fight was the War of Independence from Britain (and maybe the wars and conflicts with the indians on the north American continent) - All the others were total bullsh*t".

    The South's self-defense in the War of Northern Aggression was definitely necessary. The North was definitely for nefarious reasons that benefited those in power.

  6. You hang around too many baby boomer fags and peaceniks like Alan Alda. Maybe watched a few too many episodes of M*A*S*H too.

    Even your buddies at CNN couldn't hide it. When Bush visited the squaddies he got mobbed by fans. (But I suppose all those Marines and soldiers with their boots on the ground, cheering and welcoming their CIC were cowards too, huh?)

    One of my greatest heroes was Stormin' Norman. Even he was a fan of George Bush even though he disagreed with him.

    Kinda lame there, Bob: it's just like the queers. Remember how if you disagreed with anything some fudge packing idiot said - it was only because 'you were a queer in denial? So ya had to agree with them or the poofters and their degenerate enablers would call ya gay. Likewise - I gotta agree with you or be called craven.

    As my other hero, Ralph Klein said: "Oh well, I've been called worse by better people," HAR HAR HAR!

    Seriously though - sorry about your friends.


  7. Glen. Did you go to war?

    I sure didn't which is why you don't see me out there cheerleading the waste of blood and treasure all at someone else's expense

    Lemme ask benefit does the average American get from all this war mongering? It sure as heck isn't security , its not better wages, its not better technology

    If you want to say money, well we could just hire people to break open landfills for recycling or any one of a hundred things instead. Pay them to guard our border instead of invading a bunch of people , keep people out and you know actually have kept this country safe

    But the elite want to export our peculiar brand of stupid on the world and to keep them rich with the blood of mostly Conservative Americans

    want to go to war? Fine make sure its worth our time and that we come out ahead and especially that we win, unlike the last five wars

    Bob's right, the troops may live the commander is chief but they are being lead astray and fed into a meat grinder for someone else's benefit

    And GF while I share some of your disdain for the peaceniks and the boomers , being opposed to pointless war is one of the few things they are right on.

  8. "Even your buddies at CNN couldn't hide it. When Bush visited the squaddies he got mobbed by fans"

    All of them have turned against him. I see it all the time - in the U.S.

  9. I still know men who were not only horribly wounded – brain-damaged – not only from Korea but World War II. They were so badly wounded they have no meaningful lives, not when the one from Korea can’t form any new memories and still thinks it’s 1951 (he still thinks he’s 21 years old) and the one from WWII is about ten years old mentally (of course the historically ignorant are going to say, “But-but-but Hitler and the Commies were going to conquer the world!”)

    Which was Hitler's objective, and the Axis objective: Rule the world. Thank the Lord they lost.

    My father, my family, and many of my neighbors that I knew while I was growing up served in WWII. None of them liked it, but they did their job. As a result, the Allies won and we, the Great Unwashed, are not saluting a Nazi flag. It might interest you to know that when refought in simulation, the Allies often lose.
    These days the culmination of WWII is often disputed by ignorant SJWs as being a crime against humanity, yet the unrefutable facts remain: When the enemy refused to surrender, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima. When the enemy still refused to surrender, the United States justifiably dropped a second atomic bomb, this time on Nagasaki. The enemy surrendered and ultimately everyone went home.
    My own opinion is that given the Rape of Nanking and the fiendish atrocities commited by Unit 731, I would cheerfully advocate dropping a third atomic bomb on Japan just on general principles.

    A coward is not someone who’s afraid. A coward is someone who brags about how tough they are – like Shrub howling “Bring it on!” – but has nothing personally to back it up (like Dubya declining to fly in Vietnam). As I’ve said before, “The cheaper the punk the gaudier the patter.”

    You didn't say it. You're quoting it. The phase was originated by the character Sam Spade (played by Humphrey Bogart) in The Maltese Falcon, “The cheaper the punk, the gaudier the patter.”

    Check The Maltese Falcon (novel) by Dashiell Hammett, and The Maltese Falcon (1941 film) by John Huston

    As for President George Bush, the fact that the United States Navy entrusted him with a multi-million dollar high performance aircraft proves that the man is both highly intelligent, very well educated, and in top physical condition. Now think. I know it's painful, but try. Would the U.S. Navy actually entrust a high performance combat aircraft to someone who is as sub-par as you claim he is? I'll help you out with this one. The answer is No, they would not. The road to the pilot seat of an aircraft like that one weeds out everyone who is not highly intelligent, exceptionally well educated, and in top physical condition.

  10. "Which was Hitler's objective, and the Axis objective: Rule the world"

    The National Socialists didn't want to rule the world. The International Socialists did - and the U.S. was stupid to arm and fund the International Socialists against the National Socialists.

    "As for President George Bush, the fact that the United States Navy entrusted him with a multi-million dollar high performance aircraft proves that the man is both highly intelligent, very well educated, and in top physical condition."

    When Bush was asked if he wanted to volunteer to fly in Vietnam he said no, because he's a coward. I have a friend of mine who flies passenger aircraft. It doesn't means he should be President. Neither should the Chickenhawk alcoholic Dubya.

  11. "You didn't say it. You're quoting it. The phase was originated by the character Sam Spade (played by Humphrey Bogart) in The Maltese Falcon, “The cheaper the punk, the gaudier the patter.”"

    I've said many times that where I got it from. I guess you're not paying attention just they way you're not paying attention to the Bush Crime Family.

  12. At the end of the day, there is no difference between National Socialists and International Socialists. Both are fascist totalitarian regimes. The people serve the State, and you'll do as you're told or be reeducated, so to speak.

    As to your statement about President Bush being a coward, I'd like to see some evidence of that - but you don't have any. You are not omnipotent and cannot possibly know another man's motivations for any decision he might make.

    You have a friend who flies a passenger aircraft. How nice for you. You've done nothing to refute my observation about President Bush's intelligence, education, and physical condition - because you can't. Unless you resort to the age old SJW tactic of lying, that is. I suspect that the facts that gall you the most are that President Bush has been, and continues to be, several admirable things that you are not and never will be. President of the United States, for openers.

    Your reluctance to credit a direct quote does nothing more than serve to boost your own ego. Again, I suspect that you're a bit bitter because you can't have what you desperately want - to be able to write like Dashiell Hammett.

    You've failed to refute anything. Your arguments are spurious personal opinion, no more.

  13. "As to your statement about President Bush being a coward, I'd like to see some evidence of that - but you don't have any. You are not omnipotent and cannot possibly know another man's motivations for any decision he might make."

    Bush REFUSED to fly a fighter jet in Vietnam then started two wars to prove he had a dick. You obviously don't understand human nature at all. Shrub is a coward with a big mouth - and all cowards have big mouths. Don't you know anything?
