Friday, December 9, 2016

The Immigration Laws are Finally Being Enforced

I know a bunch of Mexicans in the U.S. One of them, who has a work permit but not a Green Card, told me his work permit was not renewed so he has to move back to Mexico. He also said a lock was put on his bank account, which I expect to be taken off once he gives the government some money.

He also told me he got his full paycheck because nothing was taken out. I have to pay federal, state, Medicare and Social Security. He paid nothing. In fact, none of the Mexicans I know pays anything, contrary to the lies of the media.

Actually, this guy told me all the Mexicans at the warehouse he works at are being fired because none of them pays anything. He said it was about 25 workers out of about 150 altogether. None of them has an SS card.

The only reason any foreigner is in the U.S. is to undercut American wages. It's been like that for a long time.

Everyone knows that Chinese built the railroads. Not quite. They built the railroads out West but the Irish built them in the East. Both groups were imported to undercut American wages. (The Chinese were described as "servile workers" and it took the Irish to strike and get better pay.)

Disney, for example, fired a bunch of Americans who wrote software and replaced them with people from India. And they had the Americans train their replacements to get their severance pay.

There are already a bunch of anti-immigration laws on the books. They've never been enforced. Why? More money for the wealthy.

This Mexican told me one Mexican at the warehouse muttered, "Trump." It was about the only word he knew because he apparently knows about as much English as I know Spanish.

None of this is Trump's doing. He's not even President yet. It's the doing of the Republican majority in Congress, which is finally enforcing the laws.

The more the laws are enforced, the more I expect wages for Americans to rise. The fewer workers, the higher the wages.

That's what supply-and-demand does.


  1. Now if the Republican's in congress would recognize that the continued invasion of America by central american indians was part of their 4GW war on us they might declare war and build that wall fast while having the border patrolled by armed soldiers with phaser's set to automatic deportation mode.

    I don't see it happening though, Washington is in serious denial about what is really going on.

  2. Why do you think they're self-deporting? Because the Trump administration is serious about the invasion.

  3. We need to stop all immigration to the US. Immigration does nothing but shaft the American worker, increase our taxes, and increase crime traffic congestion pollution loss of farmlands/forest, and increase the needs for schools hospitals and water treatment plants. It has been a bad deal for our country since 1965. Every day, everything becomes more automated and it's harder to find productive things for people to do. Unemployment is 20%. We have no use for one, single immigrant. End it ALL

  4. An interesting perspective about Trump's labor secretary appointment:

    The Dept. of Homeland Security now has the responsibility for telling employers how to scrutinize hiring documents; as you can see below DHS doesn’t want employers being critical.

    In short, to avoid running afoul of EEO laws (ie avoiding lawsuits, fines, penalties), and because DHS essentially discourages critique, most businesses don’t even check Social Security Numbers – and if the eligibility documents look legit, DHS guidance says “accept them”.

  5. @Bob...

    I believe Trump is serious about doing something. I would just like them to take it to a higher level by calling it was it is. War not illegal immigration.

    If I may echo Farm Boy's sentiment as well, we need a 10 to 20 year moratorium on immigration as well. Lets give the immigrants already here a generation to assimilate before allowing another single one in. At the very least they need to end the H1B visa program.

    Of course if wishes were chocolate Hershey Inc. would be beating down my door for the best chocolate in the world. Still, a man can dream.

  6. 'Immigration' as recently practiced is anti-American. What does that make it's proponents, profiteers, and pulpit-eers? I'll leave to you.

    Deconstructive Immigration was a key element in the U.S. Transformatrix. Essentially to destroy Christian white males, their culture, and their God, to be replaced by Team Diversity. Stimulates the Market! No more Yahweh, we obey Oprah. Detroit, Planned Parenthood, and Obamacare.

    Immigration -- Nobody else in, except at demonstrated and stringent AMERICAN need, just like all the OTHER nations do it. You know, the ones not self-destructing out of spite. A bunch of the scumbags recently let in by B. Hussein, out. Free transport back to Wherever. If they get mouthy dump all their asses in Capetown harbor at three a.m.

    Visa exceptions for certain Christian foreign nationals under demonstrated persecution. Sends a message to enemies.

    Long-time and proven workers -- all good, no hassles, no paperwork. Stay as long as you like.

  7. "In short, to avoid running afoul of EEO laws (ie avoiding lawsuits, fines, penalties), and because DHS essentially discourages critique, most businesses don’t even check Social Security Numbers – and if the eligibility documents look legit, DHS guidance says “accept them”."


    Disband DHS, EEOCs, and a pile of other control-freek and leech agencies/orgs. Four-month employee severance pay, six-month deadline for data transfers and protocols into acceptable extant agencies.

    It's useless to toss trillions at infrastructure, you've got to hit the entrenched bureaucracies in their moneybags and power lairs, where PC is law and the feminized female rules. So, eventually that'll mean bringing civil service to heel, otherwise, you ain't getting anywhere. They'll just wait you out and grow another head.

    No engineer lays down foundation or structure until the swamp is drained and dry. Get rid of what's wrong before putting in what's right.

  8. The Chinese were described as "servile workers" and it took the Irish to strike and get better pay.

    Irish workers building the Erie Canal in upstate New York got so fed up with being owed back-pay that they looted the explosives used for construction and threatened to blow up the newly-built earthworks if they didn't get their money. Access to large quantities of both whiskey and high explosives does not make for a compliant workforce.
