Thursday, December 29, 2016

On Carrie Fisher

I never liked Carrie Fisher as an actress. I thought Princess Leia wasn't funny and was abrasive and unfeminine. And there wasn't any chemistry at all between her and Harrison Ford.

But in real life Carrie was very witty and smart - and I've always been attracted to smart,witty women. Her being bipolar didn't bother me - much (I actually had a girlfriend once who was schizophrenic, and as long as she on her medication she was often very funny, although she really had no filters to speak of).

I'm sure I would have adored Carrie if I knew her. From a distance, of course (when you're that nutty relationships never work out - and I know that from personal experience).

I've never read any of her books, although some day I'll get around to it.

The first time I heard her interviewed was on the Diane Rehm show, in which she talked about her father, Eddie Fisher, "consoling" Elizabeth Taylor with "his penis." That one made me snicker.

And she also had a French bulldog as a pet (Robin Williams had a pug, the only dogs I've ever owned. Pugs are the comedians of the dog world, with the Frenchies in second place, although both are notorious for catastrophic gaseous emissions.).

A French bulldog, smart, witty...oh my. Good thing I never met her. I would have fallen right on the spot. Not that I would have ever stood a chance.

I once fell in love with a woman who turned out to be bipolar - and she was smart and witty. I have no idea why I'm like this except like is attracted to like. So I figure I'm not wrapped all that tight myself.

I've also found people with no sense of humor to some of the scariest people in the world. Along with people who don't like dogs. All of them also stupid, which is also a scary thing.


  1. Being wrapped tight and humorless really is the worst thing in the world, isn't it? People like that really are scary. I much prefer the cracked, the broken, the dysfunctional. At least they're human and all those cracks are where life and love have gotten in.

    2016 sure took away a lot of our memories and cultural icons. I keep thinking of it as having lost our childhood. So many of the people, the music, the legends of our youth left us in 2016.

  2. The cracked are at least be funny and smart, which is something the stupid and humorless lack completely.

  3. The only anecdotal observations I will offer on "bi-polar" are these. I was involved with a woman that was diagnosed as such. Historically she was very promiscuous and did a lot of hard drugs. Basically she was good entertainment value - but batshit crazy. The mother of our current prime-minister is also diagnosed with said condition - and she has exhibited the same behaviour. So, I see a lot of these promiscuous women that have done a lot of drugs, championing mental illness (giving them purpose, and feeding what I see as their narcissism), as opposed to looking at their own conduct and the consequences. In High School, I had a male friend that was on lithium - musician, funny and smart, but when he was off his meds parties were thrown, couches were tossed out of windows etc.

  4. She was a pioneer of the social justice warrior's 'strong, powerful woman trope'. In that light... she wasn't that bad. Some women could do it as Sigourny Weaver did with the Alien creep shows.

    Of course too much of anything is a bad thing and today's movie heroines come across as bitchy, unlikeable and irritating. I might rent a star wars movie but will never go see one again. The franchise has been whored out and gutted for political correctness.

  5. I don't know...humorless pyschopaths or the flip side of bi-polar (the batshit crazy), can be equally scary.

    I worked with a guy who is bi-polar, great talent when he was on...scary out of control emotionally when he was off.

  6. 'So, I see a lot of these promiscuous women that have done a lot of drugs, championing mental illness (giving them purpose, and feeding what I see as their narcissism), as opposed to looking at their own conduct and the consequences.'

    I'm willing to bet that type of lifestyle feeds bi-polar disorder in women. They seek the thrills of dangerous behavior and take anyone down who becomes one with that. If there is a virgin, drug-free woman who flips from crazy to normal that extreme, I'll take my words back.

  7. "I'm willing to bet that type of lifestyle feeds bi-polar disorder in women. They seek the thrills of dangerous behavior and take anyone down who becomes one with that..."

    I think there's ample reason to believe that both hormonal birth control and recreational drugs take a real toll on women emotionally. Often it's hard to sort out what is mental illness and what is self inflicted harm.

  8. "I thought Princess Leia wasn't funny and was abrasive and unfeminine. And there wasn't any chemistry at all between her and Harrison Ford."

    Millions of fans of Star Wars say otherwise.

  9. "Millions of fans of Star Wars say otherwise."

    No, they don't.
