Friday, December 2, 2016

Let's Keep the Electoral College

We're going to be hearing crying about getting rid of the Electoral College since it appears the Hildabeast won the popular vote (or maybe not, once you take out the dead people voting and the illegal aliens in Cook County (Chicago), various "sanctuary cities" and California).

Even if she did win the popular vote it doesn't matter. This country was not founded as a democracy but a republic. The Founding Fathers despised democracy and knew their history. Democracy always collapsed into horrible bloodshed and the collapse of both government and society (one of my trolls was babbling the Electoral College existed only because there was no telegraph poles or modern communications back then. This is utterly wrong, but the essence of being a troll is not knowing what you are talking about).

The purpose of the Electoral College was (and is) to prevent direct democratic election of the President, and to prevent more populated states vote from having more power than smaller ones.

Here's an example. If we had direct democratic election of the President just about the only four places Presidential candidates would campaign would be California, Florida, Texas and New York. And when elected they'd have to enact policies to please those four states and ignore just about everyone else.

The Electoral College prevents those things.

I also think certain very populous states should be chopped up. For a long time I've thought California should be chopped up into six different states and Illinois (where I am originally from) three (southern Illinois and northern Illinois might as well be different planets).

After all the East coast has some tiny states such as Rhode Island. All the original states aren't very big. They didn't start to get big until you got out to the Midwest.

The Founding Fathers, again, knew their history and knew what they were doing.

If we had direct democratic election of the President it would be a bad thing and contribute more to the splitting up of this country than probably anything else.

I'm sure people in Tennessee and Kentucky don't want to have laws enacted by leftist goofs from California.


  1. Wouldn't it take a change to the Constitution? I don't think it could be done by legislation or executive order.

  2. Absolutely,let's keep the electoral college. It's a good design. Without it, a couple of big cities could effectively shut out everyone living in the other 48 states. The electoral college decentralizes power and allows everyone a voice in the process.

    On the olden days being a faithless elector came with a real price. If you wanted to circumvent the will of the people, you could lose your fortune, be thrown in prison, or maybe even hung. Today, at least in my state, it's just a thousand dollar fine.

  3. It's gratifying to see how the Founding Fathers had the foresight to create the Electoral College, which -- in a sense -- makes all of the states "equal" in the process of electing the president: i.e.,("The purpose of the Electoral College was (and is) to prevent direct democratic election of the President, and to prevent more populated states from having more power than smaller ones."). Considering how the leftist hypocrites of the Democratic Party screech all the time about "EQUALITY", it's ironic (but not surprising) how some of them want to do away with it*.

    "I'm sure people in Tennessee and Kentucky don't want to have laws enacted by leftist goofs from California."
    Believe me, it's not just the people in Tennessee and Kentucky; I'm from the Midwest currently residing in the Mid Atlantic, and those of us who have to actually work for a living don't like the laws made and/or supported by the leftist goofballs in California, NYC, or Seattle, either.

    * I'm sure that when Trump starts writing Executive Orders -- just like Obama did so freely, and had the chutzpah and arrogance to brag about it -- that the Democrat Party hypocrites will start screeching about it, as well as want to either curb its power or do away with it altogether.

  4. Question: if it was the reverse where Clinton won the electoral vote while Trump won the popular vote, do you think the Democrats would still be whining about the "unfairness" of it all?

  5. But Bob, "rational" people are calling for the elimination of the electoral college:
