Saturday, November 12, 2016

Unattractive Women Should be Sterilized

One of the delusions of the Manosphere is that attractive women are bitches. That hasn't been my experience. I've never had an attractive woman be unpleasant to me.

Every woman who had been unpleasant to me has been unattractive. Sometimes they've been butterfaces - nice bodies, catastrophes in the face. Mostly they've been chubby and plain.

I've always thought it was an attempt at revenge on men. "I've divorced or never-married! IT'S MEN'S FAULT!!"

Hell hath no fury like an ugly woman.

The only cure for this, that I can see, is to sterilize them.

I think it might have been in Germany, over a thousand years ago, that men bid to marry the most attractive women. Then the money that has left over was given to men to marry the left-overs.

You can forget that, at least for me.

The least wanted are fat ugly black women and Asian men. Deportation is an option. If not that - fix 'em so they can't reproduce!!!

In the long run, you'll thank me.


  1. I have a theory that birth control causes women to become more unattractive and unpleasant. Considering all the physical and emotional side effects taking pills to make their body think they are pregnant and studies they've found about how all those hormones affect the brain. So perhaps pseudo-sterlization of them causes them to go unattractive.

    And then I've alos noticed where feminist mothers tend to pass on their crummy attitude to their daughters. Take those two things out and I bet the number of unappealing women goes down 50%.

  2. "One of the delusions of the Manosphere is that attractive women are bitches. That hasn't been my experience. I've never had an attractive woman be unpleasant to me."

    I respectfully disagree here. You're wrong on this one Bob. If you're an ugly man, both pretty and ugly women can be very mean and unpleasant to you then. Attractive women can very well be bitches to unattractive men.

  3. Women who work in the sex industry should be sterilized as well. That includes your average Hooters waitress and PR cunts for big corporate business.

  4. Hi Bob, I admire your passion, but I think a broader perspective here may perhaps yield some fruit.

    Not only attractive women have attractive children--there are times when unattractive women do.

    And call me old-fashioned, but I think there is value in people besides physical appearance or race. To think otherwise is to take too surface a view of things imho.

    In addition, Asian males, at least in relation to raw numbers (1.3 billion total population in India, 1.4 billion in China, give or take), have been generally successful at reproduction. So I think your pronouncing them abhorrent may not be quite spot on. Moreover, it has been said that Asians can help augment the average IQ of a population.

    just some thoughts,


  5. I put forth your same idea when I used to post on the Roosh Forum. I had the same experience.

    On that forum, I noted that when I go into shops, gas stations, or grocery stores, it's always the fat, ugly female clerks who give me a hard time. The cute girls are always sweet and helpful -- and smiling.

    Now take that out of the business environment and into our personal lives. Do people really think that these fat, nasty pieces of work suddenly change into Polly Purebread when they're on a date? And do they think the good-looking nice girls suddenly become evil? If they do, they shouldn't.

    Where men go wrong is that they remember girls in cliques from high school and how nasty they could be. Well, everyone is a shithead in a crowd. Guys included.

    I also think Hollywood plays up the cute-girl-as-witch stereotype because they know their primary audience is older, unattractive women and these women need their revenge fantasies.

  6. "Anonymous said...
    ...If you're an ugly man, both pretty and ugly women can be very mean and unpleasant to you then. Attractive women can very well be bitches to unattractive men."

    Women -- pretty, Plain Janes, and ugly -- can be bitches to ANY man, particularly if she thinks he's 'beneath' her in looks, finances, or social standing (IOW, one of the 80% of men who aren't handsome or "successful", or have (or have access to) wealth or power).
    I've noticed that the only time a woman feels regret for rejecting a man is when she later finds out that he now has a high-status job, has become wealthy or powerful or otherwise "successful"/"attractive" -- particularly if he then wants nothing to do with her.

  7. Problem you've got is, assuming what is deemed attractive mates with another attractive, in theory you've got attractive.
    In practice the male appearance shines through, so that Super masculine jaw that looks great on a man, also appears on his daughters.
    By virtue of my original statement, the children of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore should be gorgeous, but each one of them looks more like Bruce than Demi.
    Unless you want to argue that Bruce isn't good looking.
    Their children are relatively good looking, but they're not supermodels.


  8. Men who are famous wealthy celebrities, but who are not attractive (e.g., Mick Jagger, Kevin Smith, Seal (the black singer)), can usually get attractive women, but whether or not their kids are attractive is a crap shoot. Often their kids can still be just as unattractive or plain.

  9. Wow, this thread is nuts. Not surprising given the commentators here.


    “I have a theory that birth control causes women to become more unattractive and unpleasant. Considering all the physical and emotional side effects taking pills to make their body think they are pregnant and studies they've found about how all those hormones affect the brain. So perhaps pseudo-sterlization of them causes them to go unattractive.”

    Why don’t you list the studies and actually offer into evidence how your theory holds water, rather than fling bullshit.

    “And then I've alos noticed where feminist mothers tend to pass on their crummy attitude to their daughters. Take those two things out and I bet the number of unappealing women goes down 50%.”

    I’ll take that bet. Find the information that lends credence to your theory. Go!


    “Women who work in the sex industry should be sterilized as well. That includes your average Hooters waitress and PR cunts for big corporate business.”

    Looks like we have a sore loser here. Listen, read ROK, take roids, and then you will become noticed by the ladies.

    Take The Red Pill…

    “I've noticed that the only time a woman feels regret for rejecting a man is when she later finds out that he now has a high-status job, has become wealthy or powerful or otherwise "successful"/"attractive" -- particularly if he then wants nothing to do with her.”

    I’ve noticed that the only time a man feels regret for rejecting a woman is when he later finds out that she comes from a decent family and has morals, but he was way too focused on looks.

  10. "Unattractive women should be sterilized."

    I concur. Lets start with the anonymous troll above @Nov. 16, 2016 at 4:58 PM.

  11. "I concur. Lets start with the anonymous troll above @Nov. 16, 2016 at 4:58 PM."

    Ignore my last statement at 12:12. I was being a typical bitch again after my drinking episode.
