Monday, September 26, 2016

Murdering the Father

"When women and gays get access to the institution, it's no longer prestigious." - the Anti-Gnostic

"When an organization becomes feminized, focus shifts from the efficient production of goods and services to the establishment of rules for the comfort and security of women. Ossification and organizational death are inevitable." - Uncle Elmer

Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, in his magnum opus, Leftism Revisited, described leftism as "the overthrow of the Father." In other words, leftism is feminine.

So let's start with some basics: all societies are patriarchal. There have been no matriarchies. If there were in the past, they'd be leftist and immediately collapse.

Yet all societies and governments ultimately collapse. All societies ultimately become leftist and collapse. Patriarchies commit suicide. Why?

I think it is a misguided sense of fair play. Trying to "be fair" to women. Yet women, if there are too many in a field, always destroy it. Men, trying to be fair to women, allow them in enter fields in which they are not qualified, and so they destroy everything, including societies. (Additionally, when women take over a field, men leave. In other words, "empowering" women is the same thing as slowly destroying society.)

In leftism everyone is supposed to be equal, except, of course, for the rulers.

There is a way out of this, which of course will outrage feminists and leftists. Women have to be kept out of certain fields. No one is equal. The only way anyone can be equal is if they are identical, they way two nickels or two pennies are identical and therefore equal.

I have found the best way to keep women out a place is to smoke cigars. I have seen them enter a cigar store with cigars being smoked, cough, then turn around and walk out.

Even if there was a matriarchy it would still a hidden patriarchy, since men created everything in the world. Women ultimately have the choice of marrying a man or the State. There is nothing else available to them. Since men created everything, society would collapse without their accomplishments, and women would be living in grass huts.

To truly be fair to women - in the sense of the survival of society - means being "unfair" to them, in the sense of keeping them out of fields which is not their ken.

There will always be that tension between patriarchy and the destroying feminine, i.e. leftism. You can have liberty or equality, but you can't have both at the same time.

In a sentence, when women get hysterical and shriek, men should not listen to them.

"Men are naturally the stronger and superior sex, so it follows that women can only do what men grant them." - Samseau


  1. Cigars have never chased my woman away.

    As a matter of fact after she puts in a hard day of number crunching, my wife goes and picks me up cigars/tobacco at the cigar store and brings them home for me to smoke in the living room at my computer while she fries me up a meat-sandwich. (I know run-on sentence right?)

    I love my mid-west farmer's daughter.

  2. One need only look at this video about a Yale Student chimping out

    "Its not about an intellectual environment, its about creating a home."

  3. Women aren't even smart enough to build grass huts. If civilization depended on women to build anything, everyone would be dead.

  4. women's most narcissistic moments on Survivor:

  5. Reminds me of the line from The Godfather: Women and children can afford to be careless; men can't. That about sums it up...

  6. Modern women are such a bore. No wonder everyone is gay now.

  7. There is only one way left to deal with the modern femcnut, or the batshit crazy spinster, or the slut: walk away.

    As you've noted with associative mating, Bob - tire biters, skanks, and cankle blossoms will sink to their own level and find it with greasy pakies like Roosh, chads like Roissy or pasty faced gamma males like Vox Day. You can make such comments about their women and be bang on the money.

    But guys like us? I dunno about you, but as I've told Jim - I need a woman as smart and resourceful as I am. If all a woman can do is make sammiches and babies... I would give her the punt!

    You and Jim are the unfortunate victims of modern feminism. You let women off for acting like chicken heads and children - when they should get a gawddamned spanking instead! They should have their feet held to the fire and be told to grow up - and punished if they don't!

    They can't do EVERYTHING we can... but they can and should act like adults and care for children - not compete with them.

  8. "Reminds me of the line from The Godfather: Women and children can afford to be careless; men can't."

    Yeah Papa Vito himself said that. Lots of wisdom in those films, much more than commonly thought. And Pop Vito was right too, although modern life gives many males the illusion that they can live carelessly.

    Ironic, a post on an obscure 'deplorables' blog is more important than anything said in New York tonight. Unless America recognizes and overcomes its 'murdering fatherhood' agenda, nothing said in that debate will amount to sasquatch squat. All that populist yammering about immigration and race are backseat issues. Which is why such topics dominated the debate, while the U.S. campaign against fatherhood and masculinity never sniffed the agenda. Nation can't be fixed w/o restoration of fatherhood.

    So, Uncle Bob knows more than Hillary, Donald, and that horrible debate moderator, who sounded like he was on Hillary's Chinese Fund payroll. Zombies doin' they zombiethink.

  9. "Reminds me of the line from The Godfather: Women and children can afford to be careless; men can't. That about sums it up...Modern women are such a bore. No wonder everyone is gay now....Women aren't even smart enough to build grass huts. If civilization depended on women to build anything, everyone would be dead."

    Sounds like Anony has mommy issues. Why don't you grow a pair and strike it out on your like the rest of the men here rather than say over and over again that you hate women.

    "Which is why such topics dominated the debate, while the U.S. campaign against fatherhood and masculinity never sniffed the agenda."

    Probably because white fathers today are doing fine with being a man and raising their children. They certainly don't need your elitist advice.

  10. "Probably because white fathers today are doing fine with being a man and raising their children. They certainly don't need your elitist advice."

    White fathers are not doing fine in your fascist gynarchy, and neither are children 'doing fine' in here in Tittyland Central. Far as elitist goes, I definitely am one, given that the leaders installed by your skank-o-cracy (e.g., Hussein-boy and Hillary) have NO actual accomplishments in their lives, aside from being black and female, respectively. And neither one of them is even any good at that.

    You chumps can't even field decent trolls. Shit even putting you to work on lettuce farms is an insult to lettuce.

  11. "White fathers are not doing fine in your fascist gynarchy, and neither are children 'doing fine' in here in Tittyland Central."

    There is observably no such thing as a "fascist gynarchy". Second, white fathers and their offspring are absolutely content with their lives.

    "Far as elitist goes, I definitely am one, given that the leaders installed by your skank-o-cracy (e.g., Hussein-boy and Hillary) have NO actual accomplishments in their lives, aside from being black and female, respectively. And neither one of them is even any good at that."

    There is observably no such thing as a "skank-o-cracy" And, if Obama and Hillary have degrees and been elected, it is quite clear they have made "actual accomplishments".

    You make shit up. That's in your DNA. That's not surprising as a half-savage.

  12. "white fathers and their offspring are absolutely content with their lives"

    Tell us another one, genius.

    "There is observably no"

    Who taught you that phrase? You observably have no idea of what it means.

    Now go wash your sneakers. They stink.

  13. "Tell us another one, genius."

    You're not white.

    "Who taught you that phrase? You observably have no idea of what it means."

    Vox Day. Got a problem with high IQ, high time-preference types?

    "Now go wash your sneakers. They stink."

    I wear cowboy boots for curb stomping chumps like yourself.
