Wednesday, September 14, 2016

I Don't Think Hillary has Parkinson's

I've dealt with Parkinson's. There are two kinds: with tremors and without. Without, you can't move very much.

The Hildebeast has something very wrong with her but it's not Parkinson's. Looks like some sort of progressive palsy.


  1. Agreed. Nothing in her demeanor resembles Parkinsons.

    It doesn't really matter, she's a Democrat. They're allowed to vote when they're dead.


  2. Well, see here:

  3. I agree. I worked for a guy who had parkison's. There are three symptoms; the tremors, the particular gait when walking, and the facial "mask" caused by a loss of control of the facial muscles. Hillary has none of these as far as I can tell. She has something serious. But it is not parkinson's.

  4. Concur with insanitybytes2. In the end, all that matters to the Dems is a chalk mark in the win column. They'll brace her up like Steven Hawking to get her up the ramp on inaugural day if they have to.

  5. Well Bob you may be right, I dunno. I've seen 'experts' on the net saying that it has to be Parkinson's because they are health workers and they know what Parkinson's is. For the record though, my FIL developed Parkinsons and didn't display any of the symptoms Hillary does either.

    Whatever though, it's not even funny anymore. CW over at the Daily Time Waster has a GIF of her hawking up a big loogie or clot into a glass... and apparently it's not a photoshop. Yecccht!!! I just don't see how anyone can take either of the Clintons seriously anymore. They are both just too old and disconnected to do the job.

    That Trumpslide you are predicting is a done deal now...

  6. I thought "palsy" was simply the old-timey name for parkinsons.

  7. Nope. It was a generic name for all kinds of disorders.

  8. "That Trumpslide you are predicting is a done deal now..."

    Don't be so sure. The Dems massively over-reached with Hillary. She is a PR disaster, and absolutely un-electable at this point. There is no coming back for her. I now fully expect Hillary to drop out of the race at the VERY last moment possible, and then they move Bernie Sanders to the front.

    Bernie has a huge cult following among Dems. Trump would most certainly win in a landslide against Hillary, but Bernie is a much different story. It would be neck and neck, and then Diebold machines would take care of the rest.

    Don't ever underestimate the Dem's luck, or penchant for fraud and scheming.

    For all we know, this may have been the plan all along. Notice how the Dems have not played the gender card with Hillary? Even in this most desperate moment, they are not crying sexism. They have yet to drag out that "first women prez" bullshit. Something to think about...

  9. No one is going to vote for some 74-year-old bobble-headed Jew commie, and as for "the Diebold machines," there are 6000 independent voting districts. Most use punch ballets.

  10. If or when the Dems bring Bernie Sanders back, they will have a distinct advantage over Trump. Trump is attracting blacks, Hispanics, women, and many others who would NEVER consider voting for Trump. Hillary is just so revolting to human beings in general that her very presence drives people to Trump. I'm not saying that to be funny, it's just simply the truth. Again, this was a MASSIVE tactical miscalculation by the DNC. But, it's not one that they cannot come back from.

    Although Bernie is most certainly an avowed Socialist, he appears quite moderate to the general population. Even the most hard-core Dems I know are fearful of Hillary. Even some of the wackiest Dems I know can feel the palpable sense of danger that Hillary represents to them personally. Many argue that liberalism is a death cult, but that's not always true. It's more of virtue-signaling cult. When push comes to shove, and those weenies (lifelong Dem voters) feel the heat of true danger breathing down their necks, they will eventually act in their best interests. And they all know what Hillary is about.

    I think bringing back Bernie is the only way for the Dems to salvage this thing. And I think that it'll be a slam dunk for them if they do. The demographics of this nation are undeniable. Demographically, the US is "ready" for socialism. The white male political resistance has been completely marginalized. The eyes of Blacks, Hispanics, and women will light up with FREE $$$ signs once they see Bernie return to the scene. After that, It's just business as usual for the Dems.

  11. "The demographics of this nation are undeniable. Demographically, the US is "ready" for socialism. The white male political resistance has been completely marginalized."

    These demographics will destroy the US.

    The March of the Titans by Arthur Kemp.
