Monday, August 22, 2016

The Head-Exploding Rage of the Leftist

A raving feminist lunatic!


  1. I'm 6 ft, 200 lbs. If a woman ever looked at me like that, I'd smash her face in. Any woman who gives a man that look should have her face smashed in. This country would get back on the right track in two weeks if men stopped fooling around and straightened out these disrespectful women.

  2. The eyes are the window of the soul, as well as the lack of it.

  3. That skank (and the millions like her) need to on the next slow boat to Saudi Arabia or Yemen, where the first screech out of their privileged cakeholes will get them ten years in a cage.

    Want to be a patriot? Start with that.

  4. Minor disagreements cause leftists to rage dump. It's what happens when a person is an emotional tyrant.
