Thursday, July 21, 2016

Trump, His Kids and his Wife

Compare to the Homosexual Half-Breed, his "wife," and his kids (whom you will never see interviewed because I suspect they're appalling ignorant, if not downright stupid), Trump and his family came across an All-American family.

How many people are going to think, "I hope my kids turn out like Trump's" as compared to those thinking, "I hope my kids turn out like Obama's."

The answer is as clear as can be.

I'm sure Trump waited until the convention to introduce his family.

As for the plagiarism accusation again Melanie's going exactly nowhere.


  1. There are no pictures from B and O's wedding and no one seems to have attended said ceremony. There is no public record of the girls' birth certificates. When and where did B and O get married, exactly? Who was BO's best man? Now please excuse me, I am going off to smooth some wrinkles out of my tinfoil hat, it's been working overtime trying to keep up with all of B's and O's escapades.

  2. His children will no doubt still attend Ivy league college on full scholarships for their minority status.
    Those poor struggling millionaires...

  3. His children will no doubt still attend Ivy league college on full scholarships for their minority status.
    Those poor struggling millionaires...

  4. "There are no pictures from B and O's wedding"

    A simple google search for "Barack Obama wedding" turns up wedding photos. Farm Boy is welcome to insist (with no evidence) that they are faked, if he wishes.

    A person who confidently assets a thing with no evidence for it is a liar.
