Saturday, July 2, 2016

Shakes Head, Rolls Eyes Up

For a while there was a commercial on TV in which about four teenagers were running from a serial killer. They run past a running car, refusing to get in it. Then they run past a barn full of chainsaws and run into the nearest house, thinking they'll be safe.

The camera cuts to some scary-looking guy with a hockey mask on the top of his head and a chainsaw in his hand.

He shakes his head and rolls his eyes up, exasperated at the stupidity of these kids.

I do that a lot. Not the hockey mask and chainsaw, but the exasperated shake and eye roll. And often I'm thinking of what Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn wrote: "Leftists don't merely misunderstand human nature. They don't understand it at all."

A few months ago I read an article by an incompetent "economist" (not surprisingly, Jewish) who claimed if we had open borders and all the people in world were allowed to move freely, "World GNP will double."


On the contrary, we'd have war and economic collapse. I've experienced the wonders of Third Worlders, and it has been bad - every crime imaginable, especially rape and murder.

The same applies to those goofy-brained open-borders "libertarians" (who are leftists but too ignorant to know it) who think that a strict application of "libertarian" theory is just what the world needs. In reality it's exactly what the world doesn't need.

The average African IQ is about 70. That's horrifying. The U.S. (and Europe) doesn't need any of them. Muslims? About 87. Same with Mexicans. About 87-89 (my IQ is 126 and I don't feel smart at all).

I've met people with IQs that low. They're functionally illiterate and are too stupid to learn to read. They can't do simple math, such as what is five take away seven. They have no idea what that means.

Years ago I once walked by the swimming pool in an apartment complex I lived in and an African woman grabbed me and wanted me to walk her by the pool. I saw a black cat sitting by the diving board. She was scared of it. Stupid superstitious African, I thought. What, she was afraid it was a werecat and would turn into a tiger since it was night? So I walked her by the pool. Perhaps she thought the white man was immune to voodoo. I am, that's for sure.

I'd walk my dog (a ridiculous stupid pug) to potty. Sometimes this incredibly ugly Muslim woman, wrapped up in her black shroud, would be sitting on a curb. When she'd see my dog she'd jump up and flee, since Muslims think dogs are unclean.

By the way, these Third Worders are not going to turn into Americans, nor their kids. That's more leftist nonsense. A lot of culture is an expression of our genetics.

I was once sitting in my car at night in a suburb when I saw a car weaving down the road. It pulled into a parking lot and two dead-drunk Mexicans got out and staggered into their welfare housing apartment. It was also amazing the empty cars I saw wrapped around telephone poles, since the driver had fled. For some unknown reason (snicker) the drivers were always illegal alien Mexicans with no driver's licenses and certainly no insurance.

I occasionally (like every day) read my hometown newspaper online. Recently a young woman (Mexican) got life in prison for stabbing to death another young Mexican woman who "belonged to a another gang."

Gang? When I grew up in that area there were no Mexicans and certainly no gangs. When I was 12-16 I used to walk the hell all over the place and never had a problem.

Now there are such news items as a black man who got life in prison for beating his own three-month-old daughter to death (the cops shoot a lot of these people - and when I was a kid the cops shot no one, just yelled at the most ignorant). And in my hometown there were no blacks and they dare not even come into town because the police would be all over them.

When I was kid I used to sell Christmas cards door-to-door. At night, walking around by myself (I got an electric football game, the kind where the board shook and the little plastic players crashed into each other). That kind of walking-around-at-night-by-when-you're-a-kid stopped a long time ago.

We're not going to end up some inbred brown-skinned mess. We're going to end up with a multi-cultural checkerboard where everyone lives with their own kind - whites on top, Mexicans at the bottom, blacks even farther down than the bottom.

It didn't surprise me at all when some inbred Afghan pederast blew away a bunch of beaner poofters. I didn't predict that one specifically, but the part about the mass shootings by a Muslim, yes.

And it didn't surprise when when the Left tried to blame it on "white surpremacy" - or Trump.

Oh, I almost forgot - the "model minority." The Chinese. Sure. They (and the Russians) try to steal everything the U.S. has created. They lack innovation (I read an article recently about how a business in Missouri, of all places, had some Chinese workers steal about ten million dollars and flee to China). Imagine my surprise that the Chinese are liars and thieves, lacking guilt and only afraid of being shamed - which means being caught. Yet at the same time they are docile, easy to control nerds confused by the Bill of Rights.

This will at least for a little while longer. These multicultural horrors always fail (especially when they turn into murder) - soon, there will be deportations and immigration will be stopped. We had these problems in the past and we solved them then, just the way we'll solve them today.

It's not going to be any fun, though. Not in the slightest.


  1. 7 countries have an average IQ lower than what the USA considers mentally retarded: est-average-iq/

    1 Equatorial Guinea 59
    2 Ethiopia 63
    3 Sierra Leone 64
    4 Democratic Republic of the Congo 65
    5 Zimbabwe 66
    5 Guinea 66
    7 Nigeria 67

  2. Bob, every time you mention or describe your hometown, it encourages me to write about my hometown. Just last night I blogged about some of the misfits that I once reconnected with via social media. And the interesting aspect about social media is that you can see people's psychology unfold.

  3. Hold up, Bob.

    I hate Turd Worlders and vibrants too - but let us examine the limitations of IQ.

    When I was a kid I scored out as genius on kids IQ tests. Most of my friends did too. Fact is we were blowing older kids like yourself out of the water and the eggheads were flummoxed. What in hell was going on with this new generations of super-smart kids?

    Well...TV. We had the world right in the living room, we had educational programming and the measure used to measure you kids wasn't made to measure us. The same thing happened again with the internet.

    Most of those mudflaps and turdies would be astounded by a flush toilet. When you measure their IQ you have to allow for cultural and social factors in order for your testing to be accurate.

  4. Anonymous July 2, 4:00 p.m. here.

    One must take into account regarding IQ about the significance of heritability estimates and the mechanisms of inheritance. Moreover, those countries listed are rough estimates given the fact that formal schooling here, compared to other places, is significantly lacking for a host of reasons.

    Oh, and Glen, "mudflaps" and "turdies" know what is a flush toilet and are able to operate one. Perhaps you should get your own family in order before you start mouthing off about other people.

  5. @2:14 I've had to clean up human waste in the store restroom from South Asian immigrants who were unable to operate a flush toilet or figure out how they worked.

    In any case the issue is not whether they can learn to use a toilet, a house cat can be taught that or even if they will which most do in time.

    The issue is "Do they belong here?"

    Simply, no.

  6. "I've had to clean up human waste in the store restroom from South Asian immigrants who were unable to operate a flush toilet or figure out how they worked."

    Wow, an anecdotal story used to generalize an entire group of people. What's the next trick up your sleave?"

    "The issue is "Do they belong here?" Simply, no."

    Native Americans would say the same thing to white Europeans. You probably should adhere to their request. Better pack your bags.

  7. I'm the Anonymous at 10:37 AM, please forgive my ramblings as I have toxic shock from the tampon stuck too far up my vagina.

    I honestly forgot it was there, my vagina is like a yawning abyss lol.

    I will make all of you a virtual sandwich to make up for it :-)


  8. If the White Europeans never arrived in North and South America, and the native Americans were left on their own, where do you think they would be today compared to Europe? They would still be living in their primitive teepees and huts and living their primitive, short lives like they always did for thousands of years before.

  9. "... whites on top,"

    @Bob, have you ever heard of South Africa? Whites, a minority there, were on top, and rightfully so, but after apartheid, whites are not just on the bottom now, but white genocide is a very real threat. South Africa used to be the most advanced and prosperous nation in Africa because of the white Europeans. South Africa is essentially a shit hole now because the black Africans are in control.

    And don't think that whites can't disappear, check out this book:

    "The March of the Titans" by Arthur Kemp.

  10. Well, when you read Bob you've read Em all.

    Bob, what gives you the right to America? Your "superior" IQ? Your teenie weenie? Yeah right.

  11. I have the right to America the way every tribe has the right to anything - they take it by force.

  12. "If the White Europeans never arrived in North and South America, and the native Americans were left on their own, where do you think they would be today compared to Europe?"

    Happy as fuck.

    "They would still be living in their primitive teepees and huts and living their primitive, short lives like they always did for thousands of years before."

    Maybe. Regardless, they wouldn't have been slaughtered by Europeans.


  13. The whole of humanity benefits from the white European Race.

    Who invented the modern world and essentially everything (or about 99%) in it? The answer is White European men and their descendent diaspora all around the world.

    "The March of the Titans" by Arthur Kemp.

    "The German Genius" by Peter Watson.

    "Human Accomplishment" by Charles Murray.

  14. "they wouldn't have been slaughtered by Europeans."

    You're a historical ignoramus. About 2000 died on each side in fighting, and most of the Indians died from European diseases to which they had no immunity. For that matter the number of Europeans who died in Europe from diseases was astronomical.

  15. "The whole of humanity benefits from the white European Race."

    Actually, the whole of humanity benefits from those who are human and humane.

    Pro-race is code for anti-humanity.

    "Who invented the modern world and essentially everything (or about 99%) in it? The answer is White European men and their descendent diaspora all around the world."

    Who destroyed the cultures of the Americas and Africa in the 1500 and 1600's by imposing Christianity and slavery upon them? Europeans.

    "You're a historical ignoramus. About 2000 died on each side in fighting, and most of the Indians died from European diseases to which they had no immunity."

    I'm not the one who is historically inept, Bobby. The United States Census Bureau (1894) offered an estimate of deaths due specifically to war from 1789-1891. Roughly 8,500 Indians and 5,000 whites were killed. That same report summarily dismissed assertions that millions of Native Americans once inhabited what is now the United States, estimating that that aboriginal populations "could not have exceeded much over 500,000".

  16. "slavery"

    You are a historical ignoramus.

    Africans were enslaving Africans and Muslims enslaving Africans and Slavs long before the white man was in Africa.

    You're not American, are you? "Eurotrash" comes to mind.


  17. Didn't George Washington Carver invent the peanut?
