Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Polygamous Societies Bring Crime, Violence and Poverty

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become.”- Guatama Buddha

"For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he" - Proverbs 23:7

I've had people tell me polygamy is coming to the U.S. and sooner or later will be made legal. Supposedly women are "hypergamous" and want "Alphas" and hate "Betas" and would rather share an "Alpha" than even touch a "Beta." And because of this, the top 20% of men (or whatever percentage) would get all the women, leaving nothing for the dopes. To that, too: nope. Additionally,supposedly all women are involuntarily attracted to the richest, best-looking men. Again, nope.

Only the young and inexperienced believe life is that simple.

Many people lack critical and analytic ability and since they lack them, they are reduced to imitating other people's ideas, for good or bad. Those ideas get inside their heads and then they can't get them out. They really believe they're true. As you think, so you become.

I realized long ago (like when I was 21) polygamous societies would be catastrophes and could only be enforced by the power of the State, because they are not natural. People have an instinct for monogamy (some races more than others, apparently - the successful ones are monogamous).

When you look at polygamous societies - say Africa or the Islamic Middle East - where polygamy is institutionalized - would you want to live there? Of course not. Even many of the inhabitants don't want to live there - that's why half the world wants to move to the U.S.

Researcher have found that polygamous marriage in a culture leads to higher levels of crime, violence, poverty, homosexuality and rape. It's because the intrasexual competition for wives. Monogamy creates far fewer social problems than polygamy.

Concerning studies of monogamous and polygamous cultures: "Our goal was to understand why monogamous marriage has become standard in most developed nations in recent centuries, when most recorded cultures have practiced polygyny," says UBC Prof. Joseph Henrich, a cultural anthropologist, referring to the form of polygamy that permits multiple wives, which continues to be practiced in some parts of Africa, Asia, the Middle East and North America.

"The emergence of monogamous marriage is also puzzling for some as the very people who most benefit from polygyny -- wealthy, powerful men -- were best positioned to reject it," says Henrich, lead author of the study that was recently published in the journal "Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society." "Our findings suggest that that institutionalized monogamous marriage provides greater net benefits for society at large by reducing social problems that are inherent in polygynous societies."

The most comprehensive studies have found significantly higher levels of rape, kidnapping, murder, assault, robbery and fraud in polygynous cultures. These crimes are caused primarily by pools of unmarried men, which result when other men take multiple wives. These studies have also found monogamous marriage also results in significant improvements in child welfare, including lower rates of child neglect, abuse, accidental death, homicide and intra-household conflict.

To me these things are just common sense. Yet apparently for some, it's not, mostly because their minds have been infected by the worst ideas of the Manosphere (whose time is almost over, since it's being absorbed by the Alt Right - the former "Dark Enlightenment"). For some, it's thinking outside the box to understand these things.

Here's something else that comes from thinking outside the box: polyandry is one woman with more than one man. That, in many cases, is what we have today. Many women marry the State (one "man") and then marry an actual, corporeal man (and sometimes engage in serial monogamy). This happens because of the interference of the State, just as polygamy only happens because of the interference of the State in society.

So even if women want "Alphas" (who are cuckolds but can't seem to figure it out) they still marry the State through Affirmative Action ("White Men Need Not Apply") and various forms of welfare. So polygamy is not coming - we already have a form of polyandry that is enshrined in law. Many cannot see this because they have the wrong ideas in their heads and cannot get around them.

We can see the effects of polyandry - deluded single mothers who believe they can make it on their own, their children who turn into "failure to launch" adults, the destruction of marriage...do I need to go on? The problems are obvious and everyone know what they are. They are about the same as exist in polygamous cultures. And again, both polygamy and polyandry only exist when the State interferes in society and the relationships between men and women. And the results, of course, are catastrophes.

Perhaps what we really have is a depressing combination of monogamy, polygamy and polyandry...the future is going to be interesting indeed.


  1. I do not believe polygamy, or any sort of polyamory will become legal in this country for one simple reason- it is not in the best interests of the divorce industry. Multiple spouses mean multiple claimants to whatever assets there are, which results in less for the lawyers.
    Gay marriage happened precisely because it is a field day for the divorce industry. Gays tend to be upper middle class, and, of course, the men are extremely promiscuous.

    I am not sure that polygamy itself causes the problems you allude to. The I.Q. levels of all those countries speak more directly to the problems. Post War England, for example, may have benefited tremendously from polygamy, given that there were very few males left. Colleges with high numbers of women in it tend to be more into hook-up culture, whereas long term relationships are more of the norm in colleges where the men and women are closer to parity.

    In some cases polygamy, by shifting the women's focus from dating to motherhood, could actually stabilize things. But I would not consider it ideal, and as soon as conditions changed to where there were once again enough men around, I would want a general return to monogamy to keep those men invested in the community.

  2. The problem with Polygamy in a long term scenario is that it tends to create the conditions that in time will reduce IQ points of the populace. In a society where at least 40% of men are not to find a partner since the Kings, politicians, nobles, aristocrats and successful business hoard all the beautiful and not so pretty marriageable women, the options typically were war (either die or grab your hottie from the enemy nations), live like a Lothario and beget some bastard without dying trying or try to find a young niece from a successful brother or sister or some young cousin and have an arranged marriage with her no matter the age difference (20, 30, 40...). In the worst cases resort to homosexuality and abuse young boys.

    Try a few thousand years this system and the results are not to be pretty. Let alone all the problems Bob described.

    However Bob is wrong in some important aspects because he believes that everyone is born equal (despite his racialism) and ignores human nature. Most women would prefer this arrangement. Most men dream of such an arrangement consequences be damned but very few would attain it. Most women would rather be the 30th wife of Brad Pitt or some successful member of the UFC than the humble wife of Joe the plumber. That's a reality but he chooses to ignore it.


  3. ^You're delusional. Are you 15 years old? You really need to take a break from the Manosphere, seriously. Humans are not chimps or baboons.

    There are a plethora of insidious tales of epic jealousy, intrigue, mischief, backstabbing and murder and among wives in polygomous cultures, from China, the middle east, Japan and elsewhere throughout history. Polygamy is never optimal or conducive to a healthy, advanced society anywhere.

    To have a peaceful, healthy, advanced, modern society, children require massive and intensive parental investment. That's why polygamy is rarely found in first-world modern civilizations. Monogamy is required for modern civilization.

    And I don't think Bob thinks that everyone is born equal from what I've read.

  4. Human beings are not rational beings, they are rationalizing beings. If you don't grasp that there is no understanding of the human condition. Moreover I never said it was optimal, I just said it's the natural default, just like infanticide, murder and many other horrible things are. Civilization, probably the greatest human achievement is not natural by any means. It requires sacrifice, it requires courage, forward thinking and continuous, eternal effort. It's far easier to just relax, hunt, shag, sleep, eat, and repeat.

    And since humans are not rational beings, women will flock to men they say they hate, but inwardly they have fallen in love with. Women will become jealous, disregarding the fact that they chose to mate with man who had 30 wives and many children born of them. Women are even less rational than men and are guided by their emotions. The very fact that there are few monogamous societies today just makes my case. Were it not for the rise and spread of the European-Christian culture, most of the world would still be in darkness, including Europe itself.

  5. "Most women would rather be the 30th wife of Brad Pitt or some successful member of the UFC than the humble wife of Joe the plumber. That's a reality but he chooses to ignore it.'

    When one man has 30 wives they are stuck in harems and not allowed any rights. And usually they are guarded by eunuchs.

    Osama bin Laden was turned in by one of his wives because she was tired to being cooped up with no life. She got him killed.

    Polygamy is unnatural because imposed by force. It's a Manosphere delusion hundreds of women will share one "alpha."

  6. "Most women would prefer this arrangement. Most women would rather be the 30th wife of Brad Pitt or some successful member of the UFC than the humble wife of Joe the plumber."

    J.M., exactly who are these women? Where does one meet such women who prefer to be shared by one man? I'm calling out your bullshit. Show me some data, some facts, some actual information to prove this claim, considering men lament about today's modern female as being a slut careerist.

  7. This is my 2-cents thinking about a woman who would rather be wife #30 of Brad Pitt:

    A woman like that is basically a common whore.

    A woman like that seems to think that her self and sexuality are worth very little - so she attempts to "gift" it to a powerful man in the "hope" of a few crumbs of attention/value.

    This is a very warped and confused mindset. Which I have seen some pretty warped and confused mindsets out there - generally in the lower-class, 3rd-world types of situations (ie the poorest sectors of society). Though I've seen some pretty warped and confused mindsets amongst the "upper-class" and "rich" types too.

    Widespread? I cannot comment. I haven't checked out every woman on the planet.

    Now, the manosphere being absorbed into the Dark Enlightenment? Probably a good thing. There's certainly a lot of mixed up thinking out here. (Some of my own thinking can be included in that. I'm not delusional enough to imagine that everything I think is going to be 100% correct. That would be hubris.)

  8. @Bob
    Osama bin Laden was turned in by one of his wives because she was tired to being cooped up with no life. She got him killed.

    Yeah and countless men have been led to their untimely deaths by their "one and true" love for millennia, please tell us something we don't know. What is your point? Given the rate of polygamy, it's a wonder their women haven't literally backstabbed their men by the millions.

    Polygamy is unnatural because imposed by force. It's a Manosphere delusion hundreds of women will share one "alpha."

    Polygamy is regrettably the default when the conditions are perfect, men desire to "spread the seed" and women the best men they can get within their possibilities. That is something proven again and again.

    J.M., exactly who are these women? Where does one meet such women who prefer to be shared by one man? I'm calling out your bullshit. Show me some data, some facts, some actual information to prove this claim, considering men lament about today's modern female as being a slut careerist.

    Maybe the millions that have chosen to blow up the institution of marriage and knowingly chasing men that are married or known cads only to be crying later when those men don't take them seriously/abandon them and their bastards. Or the millions in the west that participate in orgies as one of the girls or even worse, as the one woman with 2 or more males...

    Monogamy was the creation of men in order to foster a sane civilization, a divine miracle indeed and maybe the proof that humans are not only material beings. Women want a wedding (a party of me me me me me) not a marriage and the stats prove it. Our mothers.grandmothers and our female ancestors may have been different but they were indoctrinated in a whole different creed, far and away from the "Me" generation, a totally different civilization indeed. One doesn't need silly words like Alpha to see the truth before our very eyes.

  9. J.M., where are the facts and data that supports your contention that most women today would rather be wife # of Brad Pitt. A direct quote from a female on this topic would even lend you credibility. Rather, you double down on idiocy.

    "Maybe the millions that have chosen to blow up the institution of marriage and knowingly chasing men that are married or known cads only to be crying later when those men don't take them seriously/abandon them and their bastards."

    [Laughs] maybe. You got caught with your pants down. Furthermore, the institution of marriage hasn't "blown up" due to the machinations of women. The institution of marriage, like ANY institution, experiences changes reflective of the times. It's not just women chasing married men or "cads", it's also men chasing married women or "sluts".

    "Or the millions in the west that participate in orgies as one of the girls or even worse, as the one woman with 2 or more males..."

    The horror!

    "Monogamy was the creation of men in order to foster a sane civilization, a divine miracle indeed and maybe the proof that humans are not only material beings."

    Monogamy was the creation of God for men and women to ensure that a civilization would grow and prosper.

    "Women want a wedding (a party of me me me me me) not a marriage and the stats prove it."

    Your track record of stats is significantly lacking. But, indulge me.

    "Our mothers.grandmothers and our female ancestors may have been different but they were indoctrinated in a whole different creed, far and away from the "Me" generation, a totally different civilization indeed."

    Technology and globalization are bitches. As a result, institutions reinvent themselves. That is a fact found in history.
