Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Nationalism Trumps Globalism Every Time

"Economic nationalism is the future." - Patrick J. Buchanan

I understand what globalism is supposed to be about: when countries are bound together by trade there is little reason to go to war. That's been noticed as far back as Frederic Bastiat. And it's worked pretty well.

It's also about enriching the 1%. And increasing their power - but those are a bit different of a story.

But as for the first paragraph...a different kind of war has sprung up.

Here are some examples. The Chinese and the Russians, for whatever reasons, very much lack innovation. On the other hand, the U.S. leads the world and is so far ahead of everyone else it's leaving every other country in the dust.

So what are China and Russia doing? Stealing everything they can from us.

Why? Nationalism.

Seems like every time some naive American company hires Chinese nationals they steal software and millions of dollars and get back to China as fast as they can. The last one I read about was about a married couple that stole ten million dollars from a scientific company in southern Missouri and zipped right back to China.

God knows how many Chinese and Russians and Israelis are spying in the U.S.

I gave up the belief in "free trade" a long time ago. We've sent trillions of dollars to the Middle East for their oil. And what did they do? The Saudis stabbed us in the back by funding the Wahabis who pulled off 9-11 (don't try that remote-controlled airplanes/bombs in the towers/Bush-Cheney did it/Jews did it crap on me – I refer to such people as Conspironuts).

We've sent trillions of dollars to China and they're using it to build up their military, which is not a threat to us but every Asian nation anywhere near China - Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines.

The U.S. finally figured out what to do: in a few years we will be energy self-sufficient (the reason you never hear of OPEC anymore is because we destroyed it). It's been estimated we've only used one to two percent of all the oil in the world.

As I've mentioned before, why is there any Chinese steel in the U.S.? I was raised in a steel mill town and the mill is having problems staying in business and is currently not hiring at all - and these are jobs that paid very good starting wages...with a high-school diploma!

Now we're involved in a cyberwar with foreign nations who are trying to, again, steal everything they can from us.

I knew Brexit was going to pass. Actually it's the first warning shot signaling the end of globalism as we know it. And why did it pass? Nationalism.

I have a fair understanding of cybersecurity, which is why I know the Internet is fundamentally insecure, and there are about four million open IT jobs in the U.S. Especially cybersecurity.

I call cybersecurity people Warrior Geeks, because it's all about offense and defense against other counties continually probing our defenses. It's a lot better than World War III but it's still war.

Foreign geeks could probably screw up our power grids pretty bad if they wanted. But we can screw up theirs even worse. It’s “You attack me and I’ll attack you ten times as bad.”

Obviously the free flow of goods and people is not working. France has found that out hard way, more than once. Germany and northern Europe has found out the hard way, too, with all their Muslim rapists and pedophiles.

I don't have any problems with a trading bloc consisting of Canada, the U.S. and Mexico (the more jobs in Mexico the more those 87 IQ Mexicans will stay in Mexico).

Every country is trying to do the best it can for itself. Except the U.S. and Europe - both of which created about 98% of everything in the world. A lot of which we’ve given the world and now they’re trying to steal the rest.

But that's starting to change. No matter how hard our traitorous "elites" howl and fight against it, nationalism is starting to assert itself again.

Nations – which are just tribes writ large – have been around a lot longer that globalism.

That’s why America first - and for Americans. And that is why "globalism" is circling the drain.


  1. Regarding trade, I've always wondered if every country were on a commodity backed money system whether the wage and price disparities would still be there. It seems a lot of the problem is currency manipulation by other countries and no fiat currency is really anchored to anything.

    But we also shoot ourselves in the foot with over regulation and non competitive corporate tax rates.

  2. @sth_txs - the disparities would still be there. You can see it in the EU. When East and West Germany were united, it basically screwed over Germany's economy for a very long time.

    The people of West Germany didn't want it, because they knew they were a buttload better off without their Eastern counterparts. Call them "poor as churchmice" and they were a drag on the reunited economy.
