Monday, July 25, 2016

Men Do All the Hard, Dangerous Work, Then Women Follow and Whine, "Give All of Good Stuff to Me"

I've pointed out before, more than once, that you can feel envy or gratitude, but not both at the same time. That’s been noticed for thousands of years.

I've also pointed out before, again more than once, that leftism (feminism is leftist) is about the murder of the archetypical Father. And that leftism (and therefore feminism) is based on envy. Which means there is no gratitude or appreciation whatsoever.

Envy, more than anything else, wants to overthrow and destroy. And that is why you get such concepts as Dead White Males and "patriarchy" - destroy them! Overthrow them! Give it all to me! I should rule!

I've been thinking about this for decades, long before the Internet and certainly long before the Manosphere (which is why I know so much of it is adolescent nonsense).

Ingratitude is one of the worst vices in the world. It's a species of envy: "You've got it, now give it to me."

Men invented everything in the world. Okay, maybe not everything. Just 99.99% of it. Women did invent some things (who has ever heard of Grace Hopper?) but those women are extreme outliers.

And it's not because of "oppression" and "patriarchy." It's because men and women have different brains. Hell, different everything.

Not only was it men, it was specifically white men (specifically Western European), who created/discovered/invented about 98% of everything in the world. Of course the envious are going to say they stole it and did it on the backs of those they “oppressed” and “enslaved” - or destroyed all those wonderful ancient societies that had jet airplanes and advanced brain surgery 50,000 years ago. But again, that's what the envious claim, and again, it's easy to tell who the envious are - they consistently, chronically, put down those who are better than they are – who've done a lot more than they have.

Men invent, discover, create (sometimes losing their lives in the process), then many women follow, feel sorry for their selves, start whining about a non-existent "oppression" and "patriarchy," then howl, "Since you've done all the hard, dangerous work and now that things are easy with air conditioning and cars and airplanes, give me my cut! No, wait! Give all of it to me because I can run it just as well as men! No, wait! Better!"


Why should men give women a say in anything when men created everything? Would I give a child a say in running society and civilization?

It didn't surprise me decades ago when I found both Schopenhauer and Lord Chesterfield referred to women as big children. I've seen it myself, as have all my friends.

I've had women tell me, "Men are responsible for all the problems in the world" (what is this, 1967?) All of them were unmarried, middle-aged, and made about $45,000 a year from jobs created by men. Gratitude? Appreciation? What are those? But envy? Certainly.

Women would be up shit creek if men didn't love them – and many women are doing their damndest to screw that up. Those goofy evo-psych/Manosphere hallucinations about it all being about sex - goofy as hell. It's about love - and if love didn't exist we'd be on the same level as cats and dogs. Both men and women.

I've mentioned before about "The Little House on the Prairie Books," which everyone should read. There is a scene in which Laura Ingalls Wilder's father ("Pa") builds a house basically with an ax. He chops down trees, has the horses haul them to the site, makes logs out of them, builds a house, then splits logs lengthwise, smoothes the insides, then uses them for the floor. Then he builds the furniture!

This is what he did for his wife and children. And bulldog, for that matter.

His wife ("Ma") did the cooking, cleaning, canning, etc. Could she have built the house? BWAHAHA!!! Could he do the cooking, canning. etc.? I’d rather build the house!

And I don't think Pa was as big or strong as I am. I know what he went through, since my father was a general contractor and I started building houses when I was 12. It was pretty horrible at times. I almost got killed once and hurt myself several times - smashing your thumb with a hammer is not funny, no matter what the cartoons tell us.

I once found the tip of a guy's finger when he fell off of a ladder and grabbed the wrong thing. I've also seen guys run power saws over their hands and fingers and shoot themselves in the foot with nail guns.

I occasionally ask women what would happen to them if men withdrew from running and maintaining the world. No more water or electricity or food. Poof! Just like that.

Now what have I done to create/discover/invent? Nothing! But guess what? I can maintain civilization – which women cannot do. And there are hundreds of millions of me!

One woman told me, "Men wouldn't get paid," to which I responded, "You just don't get it at all, do you? Men invented everything in the world. And 'getting paid' is a concept men discovered. Just like they discovered economics."

Carl Jung understood this. Men are culturally indispensible since they created everything and women are biologically indispensable since they have the babies. Until we create artificial wombs and sexbots!

I've mentioned before about the wisdom of the story of the Garden of Eden. Women's greatest flaw is envy (the "serpent" is a symbol of envy) and men's greatest flaw is listening to envious women - and apparently being unable to perceive that they are envious!

Envy wants to drag people down. It shows no gratitude and appreciation. So when women put men down and demand things from them (especially without giving anything in return), those are the main signs of envy.

Take Hillary Clinton, for an example. She got everything she's gotten on the coat tails of her husband. Without him where would she be? A second-rate lawyer fixing traffic tickets?

This envy of women, with men unable to recognize it, is part of the Battle of the Sexes, which has now apparently taken on the dimensions of a war!

Marriage rates have collapsed, which of course women blame on men - since they refuse to look in the mirror. And babies being born? Not so much anymore.

Why should men get married and have children? What's in it for them anymore? Being the object of envious attacks and having every problem in the world blamed on them? Who needs that?

These problems have happened in the past, which is one of the reasons all past societies have collapsed.

Yet people don't learn from history. In fact, if there is one lesson from history everyone should know, it's that people don't learn from it.


  1. Another recent example of this me too mentality:

    The Tour de France now has a 'Women's tour de France race' on the last day in Paris to giver a spotlight to women's cycling when the men role in from the greatest cycling race on earth.

    Why put this on when the men's race is the event?? Oh yeah-- women must have what the men have.

    If women understood honor, they would be embarrassed by this cringe worthy mentality.

  2. I said this before on here, but one of the biggest fallacies of PUA if not the biggest fallacy besides the greek alphabet hierarchy is the abundance mentality of having perpetual opportunities to get attractive women as if all of western society exists in a vacuum. There exists a real scarcity of attractive women, otherwise women would not be able to monetize their looks if there were a true abundance of them. More often than not, these super alpha PUA's are getting their fill of plain janes with caked on makeup and dumpster diving for fatties when there aren't even enough plain janes either. Those of us with standards typically go without if we cannot get what we want.

  3. The fallacy of the pickup artist is that they completely ignore "love" - as they can't love and just use people for pleasure. Their pursuits are to fill that bottomless insatiable well that will never be satisfied. The consequences ain't pretty.

  4. Sorry Shaun, but love cannot exist when the culture and laws go out of their way to stab a man in the back while ensuring women have no consequences for their actions. No one needs to be a PUA to see that.

  5. The very long-standing social contract between men and women in the Western World has disintegrated over the last 30 years or so. There are many causes for this breakdown, technology being one of the major factors. However, there are other, more insidious causes as well. I will not go into those causes, as they are too numerous for a single post.

    From my standpoint as a man, collectively women have foolishly overplayed their hand. As a group, they are making societal-wide demands upon the male population that are absolutely ridiculous. Women are helpless weaklings without men, yet huge segments of entire generations of women act as if men are disposable and unnecessary.

    It matters not. Long term war and chaos seem to be in the West's immediate future. Women have a VERY limited role during total war. They are either sex slaves or prostitutes for the local war lord and his militia, or they completely stay out of sight. And please, do not reference women in the US during WW2, or Female Russian snipers ( extremely high casualty rate) during the same war. Those were entirely isolated examples and will not be representative of the 21st Century at all. A better example would be Germany right after WW2.

    A little tidbit to keep in mind about modern women; 1 in 4 women in the Western World are currently using some kind of mind-altering anti-depression medication. That speaks volumes about the caliber of females we currently have. When the shooting starts, the vast majority of these women will be on their own. Truly dystopian times ahead.

  6. "The very long-standing social contract between men and women in the Western World has disintegrated over the last 30 years or so."

    It has changed, but not disintegrated.

    "There are many causes for this breakdown, technology being one of the major factors. However, there are other, more insidious causes as well. I will not go into those causes, as they are too numerous for a single post."

    We're familiar with your same tired lines.

    "Women are helpless weaklings without men, yet huge segments of entire generations of women act as if men are disposable and unnecessary."

    Some women act in this manner. Why are you butt hurt?

    "It matters not. Long term war and chaos seem to be in the West's immediate future."

    Seem to be. In other words, you have no clue. No doubt you will be seeking shelter if and when this "storm" materializes.

    "That speaks volumes about the caliber of females we currently have. When the shooting starts, the vast majority of these women will be on their own."

    No, not quite on both accounts.

  7. Why not simply let women compete in the one and only real Tour de France?

    jk, of course. There's no question that if a woman actually made the cut, she'd be in the race.

    If they must have a special women's race, let then run the men's and the women's at the same time. Have them all line up on the starting line together and race under the same rules. Award women's-only prizes as well as the prizes anyone can compete for. Have them wear the yellow jersey with a hot pink stripe.

    It would be as instructive as all hell.

  8. "One woman told me, "Men wouldn't get paid,"..."

    Which shows what she cares about (and the majority of women care about) most: not a man, but his money. Same ol', same ol'.

  9. "Why are you butt hurt?"

    Why do you think you can read people's minds?

  10. "Why do you think you can read people's minds?"

    You do it all the time in your blog postings. Just thought I would take a page from your playbook.

  11. It seems that in the Western World, women have seriously overestimated their value to the average man. Men are walking away from Western women in droves, straight into the arms and beds of Asian, Latin, and Eastern European women.

    The quality of women in the West has plummeted. The men have certainly taken notice. The women seem oblivious. The younger women seem to just get fatter and more tatted-up.

    Sadly, it is a two way street. The younger males I've noticed tend to be very soft and passive for the most part. Can't really blame the women for not wanting them.

    It's a big world, and the sexual market place is very honest. Few winners and plenty of losers.

  12. "You do it all the time in your blog postings. Just thought I would take a page from your playbook."

    Now you're lying.

  13. Amen on the comment about declining quality of western women. They are not very competent, are spoiled and have a massive entitlement mentality, and run their mouths incessantly (get to the point......). They aren't worth much and for the most part are no fun to be around, as their MO is to listen to men and tell men they are wrong and stupid, complain, and demand things. Never satisfied. Overexposure to feminism, and liberalism. Even Ivanka Trump, whom I like, has to tell us last week that women don't get paid as much as men. Well most women are not Ivanka and they b***ch and are late with their work and want to telework and on and on. They think they can do anything men can do, until the toilet overflows or someone needs to go up on the roof. Agreed on E European, Latino, and Asian women, they are not like this. and aren't their tattoos me, it makes them look demented and like beings from a different world.

  14. To follow up, women are indeed very good at those things that are traditionally women's work and roles. They know how to manage a household, interior design, and to be mothers to their kids. Some are good writers, accountants, and finance managers. The problem is when they reject these roles and decide they are going into engineering or hard sciences or politics or corporate management or computer programming. They usually are over their heads and like fish out of water in these roles, and it shows. They make life miserable for those who have to supervise, work with, or work under them. It does not go unnoticed that they want not a thing to do with real work, like carpentry, mining, plumbing, etc. They are happy to let men do the dirty work that needs doing, and of which they are incapable (but they never would acknowledge that). They complain b/c they think they are disrespected and that the full value of their awesomeness just is not appreciated. Lots of generalizations I will admit, but I've seen enough of it to draw these conclusions.

  15. "Now you're lying".

    Truth hurts, Bobby. Just employing your rhetoric tactics against you.

    "Amen on the comment about declining quality of western women. They are not very competent, are spoiled and have a massive entitlement mentality, and run their mouths incessantly (get to the point......)."

    Butthurt men make these observations all of the time. Today's men are dating and marrying and having children with women. There's nothing "western" about it.

    "The problem is when they reject these roles and decide they are going into engineering or hard sciences or politics or corporate management or computer programming. They usually are over their heads and like fish out of water in these roles, and it shows."

    Thankfully, you don't get to make the decisions for men or women and how they operate their lives.

    "They make life miserable for those who have to supervise, work with, or work under them."

    Miserable for YOU.

  16. You're a liar, and a mental case. And I see can the butthurt all over your comments.

  17. "You're a liar, and a mental case. And I see can the butthurt all over your comments."

    All cowards are liars Bob. Cheechy can't even stick to one name when posting. Hell, now he's resorting to anonymous postings thinking everyone here isn't wise to his act. Don't bother projecting your own lies and sock puppeting onto me because the only identity I use is the one posted here. You're just crying like the mangina you are that numerous people here would have the temerity to actually disagree with you and your high powered perception of yourself. Bob has done numerous posts on narcissists, and they fit you to a T. Perhaps you should look one up sometime.

    "Thankfully, you don't get to make the decisions for men or women and how they operate their lives."

    Corrected for accuracy, thankfully Cheechy doesn't get to make decisions for men and how they operate their lives. Man up and marry those sluts and single mothers! Or else. I can see the ass hurt all over your comments too Cheechy, all that white knighting, and attempted pussy polishing hasn't helped with your love life has it? I'm starting to worry about everyone you're surrounded by. I hope you don't go on a sexually frustrated murder spree. There is help you know.

  18. You know, after thinking about it, these aren't Cheechys postings. My fault.

  19. the true horror of of women in modern western society is that they occupy many of the top positions in governments and bureaucracies.

    they apply their logic to society and the results are very negative and damaging.

    I don't see any solution until complete anarchy reverts us back to the previous human condition which is strong man rule.

  20. "I don't see any solution until complete anarchy reverts us back to the previous human condition which is strong man rule."

    Which is a fool's errand, so why be a fool.
