Friday, June 24, 2016

Trump Will Win the Election Because...

...we are going to have the greatest male turnout in the history of the United States.

Because, women, as always, screw up everything they touch.

None of this clean-up would be necessary if women had never been allowed to vote.

Men who have not voted in 20 years are going to flood the polls.


  1. If I was American, Trump would be the only thing that would entice me to vote. Otherwise: meh.

  2. I really hope you're right.

    God help us and the rest of the planet if Hillary Clinton manages somehow to be President.

  3. Some optimism out there. The UK gave the EU the big finger and walked away. Maybe that'll be what happens to Hillary.

  4. Liberals and democrats have husbands, sons, brothers and fathers to. A lot of them are beginning to see what liberal political correctness and feminism have done to men...THEIR men... And are seeing the error of their ways. A lot of women will be voting against Hillary too.

    Men may think with their dinks from time to time, but contrary to the Manosphere, women seldom think with their vaginas. Hillary is in for a rude surprise...

  5. It is the electoral college, not the number of white men voting.

    "Some large states with significant nonwhite populations have been out of reach for Republican candidates for much of the last three decades; California, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Pennsylvania .. and Florida ... . Together those six states offer 166 of the 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency."

  6. The New York Times is horseshit.

    There is an old eastern European saying: "He lies like print."

  7. Women do some things very well. But not everything. They should not be able to vote, or drive, and they should stay out of politics, physics and most sciences/engineering, and anything regarding infrastructure or construction. They definitely should not be voting, ever. harumph

  8. and for every Marine le Pen and Ann Coulter there are 100 hard core hillary supporters

  9. Bob - I was not praising the N.Y Times. I was raising an interesting point. The N.Y. Times may well be "horseshit". But what has that to do with the fact that Trump will be elected by the Electoral College, not the common voter??

    "Some large states with significant nonwhite populations have been out of reach for Republican candidates for much of the last three decades; California, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Pennsylvania .. and Florida ... . Together those six states offer 166 of the 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency."

    How does Trump get around that? It is a relevant question that his campaign will need to answer if he is to be successful. Will there be enough men voting for Trump in those six states to overcome the record of the last 30 years? If not, it probably won't matter how many men are voting elsewhere. He won't get the Electoral College votes that he needs.

  10. I have cast nothing but third-party protest votes for the past several Presidential elections; this is the first time I'm seriously considering a vote for the GOP nominee. If I lived in a swing state, my mind would probably be 100% made-up at this point.
