Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Make America Great Again!

Trump is clearly no "intellectual" (he actually belongs to the Merchant class) but he's got good instincts. He's certainly not stupid and has great persuasion skills. And he talks about issues, not ideology (an interest in ideology is for people like me).

When he talks about "making America great again" he's echoing, whether he knows it or not, what the Greeks (and I have written about this several times) referred to as arete (excellence) leading to eudamonia (flourishing, well-being).

He wants excellence and well-being, flourishing, in America again. And he understands one of the ways to do that is to get rid of certain people - Mexicans and Muslims, for two, neither of whom has contributed anything to this country except crime.

Most everything in the world has come out of Europe, and after that, the U.S. Actually, it's simply astonishing what came out of Europe. Africa? Nothing. Islam had a brief "Golden Age" but most of it came from Christians, Jews, Persians and the least devout of Arab Muslims.

India? Some math. China? China pulled some gems out of the world and did nothing with them. Paper and fireworks? When was that? Two thousand years ago? Why do we need anybody from those cultures? Answer: we don't. If anything they need us.

That buffoon Barry Sotero, who has made sure we will never have a black (or in his case, half-breed) President ever again, is apparently trying to destroy this country - not that he knows it. There is a good chance the Hildebeast will follow Barry's policies.

The U.S. is breaking up internally among racial and ethnic lines. That was clearly evident in the attacks in San Jose on Trump supporters by 89-IQ nitwits flying the Mexican flag.

Such people are too stupid to realize the more the act like this the more people are going to vote for Trump.

These things are why I think Trump to going to take 40 to 50 states. He's already put an end to political aspirations of the Bush crime family (Punchable Wimp Face and "White Hispanic" Jeb! was completely repudicated by the American people) and if Trump wins, also an end to the aspirations of the Clinton crime family.

I recently heard a 51-year-old black man on talk radio claim that Trump appealed to the "worst instincts" of some white people. I smiled.

Trump appeals to the best in people - getting rid of Political Correctness, of "multiculturalism," of the people who hate this country and want to destroy it out of envy and hate.

The American people are using Trump as a tool to enforce their will. And the idiots are blaming the problem on Trump and now are trying to say bad things about the people who support him, like the guy on talk radio.

It's all just words, which is all the Talking Heads/Chattering Classes can do. No one takes them seriously, and that is driving them crazy.

I'm smiling about the whole thing. I'm having a lot of fun watching this circus.


  1. Aryan Insights: Lee Rogers – From Third World to First World:


  2. The islamic golden age myth:


  3. There was a very brief Islamic Golden Age but then Islam reasserted itself and that was the end of it. It will never come again.

    Muslims suffer from horrible inbreeding.

  4. I'll probably vote for Trump just on his standing up to the PC crap and hopefully getting the immigration problem resolved in some way.

    I do wish someone would sit with him and explain Nabisco and Lifesavers went elsewhere because of the sugar lobby. No need for the US to be growing sugar when it is way cheaper to do elsewhere.


  5. Sugar is actually bad for health:


  6. Sugar bad for health? That's been known for several hundred years.

  7. islam did not have a "golden age" ..rape and pillage is not golden.


  8. In addition to intelligence, it's attitude towards life: Many cultures (like followers of Islam and Buddhism) also have fatalistic attitudes towards life which leads to a lack of intellectual curiosity and inventiveness and abstract thinking. They tend to think that their life circumstances cannot be changed and just accept life the way it is. That's why there is no Tibetan Henry Ford, no Islamic Arab Andrew Carnegie, no Laotian Wernher von Braun, no Nigerian Johannes Gutenberg, no Mexican Carl Bosch, no Namibian Wright Brothers, no Mongolian Werner Heisenberg. Europeans seem to dominate the inventive and curious attitude that leads to invention, discovering and building that can improve life.

  9. "Europeans seem to dominate the inventive and curious attitude that leads to invention, discovering and building that can improve life."

    You know, after thinking about it, Europeans also seem to ruthlessly pursue improving their life by jackbooting anyone who was deemed inferior, as if in direct opposition to what the Bible says about loving thy neighbor. Imagine that...

  10. "You know, after thinking about it, Europeans also seem to ruthlessly pursue improving their life by jackbooting anyone who was deemed inferior, as if in direct opposition to what the Bible says about loving thy neighbor. Imagine that..."

    I'm always amused by those ignorant of history.

  11. As an aside, there is a very good likelihood that Soweto is not a "half breed" but is in fact the first black President. There was a story out of the UK a couple of years ago - quickly memory-holed - that a childhood friend claimed that the white woman Obama claims is his mother is not his biological mother.

  12. Trump is appealing to people's instincts of self-preservation. Many elites don't like that. The Democrat Party wants to turn the U.S. into a third-world plantation state and some in the Republican Party's elite want a different version of the same thing.

  13. Damn, I forgot, Trump is an elite. And he also supported Democrats in the past. Shit, America is and always will remain a first-world nation. Why do I say stupid stuff, it sounds so good at the time I type it out.
