Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Libertarian Loons

I've already across articles claiming if those faggots had pistols the massacre would have never happened. Yet at the same time they ignore the fact some 87-IQ sand kaffir should have never been born in the U.S.

Then you get those saying the solution is more gun control and "mental health counseling."

Jesus, the blue-collar people I know, who've never read a book in their lives, make more sense than that.

I guess that sometimes the higher the IQ the less common sense you have.

"Intellectuals"? HAHAHA!!!


  1. The higher our IQ, the more effectively we can fuel our delusions.
    Look at vegans on youtube, for instance. They start out looking pretty good, and sounding pretty sane, and then end up looking like skeletons, and completely insane.

  2. The point about immigration is understandable...but if those gays had been armed the body count would've been way down whether you like it or not. It's common sense just like the fact that had no business there in your country.

  3. Sure, a bunch of drunken, half-naked faggots dancing and having sex in a nightclub are going to be carrying handguns. Those are the facts, whether you like it or not.

  4. IQ is nothing without experience. Because our lawmakers are sheltered, pampered, protected tofts - they can't possibly understand life on 'the wrong side of the tracks'. Hillary Clinton only deals with polished, white washed negroes like Barak Obama. If she had to deal with ghetto niggers on a regular basis I strongly doubt she would take the political decisions she has. Likewise, these phony 'small c' conservatives that embrace and celebrate faggotry: they have no idea what goes on in a gay bath house, and wouldn't believe it if you told them. They've never done menial jobs like driving a cab, for instance - so they accept a sanitized politically correct version of homosexuality that they really shouldn't. I laughed like hell when this shooting first hit the news: first thing out of Vox Day's mouth was "this is either our friendly neighbourhood moslem vibrants, or a jilted queer...". Now they're saying the shooter was a fudge packer himself - and ol' Vox is hitting two for two! HAR HAR HAR! Say what ya want - but that retard was bang on the money!

    Being an intellectual today is synonymous for being out of touch. That is why intellectualism should be confined to the driest academic subjects where there are no dynamic forces in play as their are with the social sciences.


  5. Looked at one country at a time, immigration and assimilation is a policy. Looked at globally, it is White genocide.

    If a non-white country cut off all immigration, no one would object. If a white country did that, anti-whites would scream “Racist Nazi!”

    I work in the a clinic as a health care provider:

    'Well, with 25000 Syrians refugees you'll be nice and busy.!! Lots of ODSP (WHITE tax payer funded welfare) 'demand' for sure!!'

    Translation: I get to work an extra day (probably over a week now) to pay the taxes which are stolen from me in order to work another day serving 'refugees'

    Meanwhile my Father notices (but never makes the connection) that his increasingly 'diverse' area now:

    Has a lot of horrible rude drivers; disrespectful service; has to lock doors and have security LOCKS; grandkids seem to be 'outnumbered' at school!!!

    Still making jokes though!!

    But one promising point: When I explain White Genocide is a crime, he responds 'YOu sound just like your nephew!!!'

    I had never directly spoken about White Genocide with my 12 year old nephew. But that changed last month.

  6. Political partisans of every stripe don't give a damn about facts - they are just peddling a point of view.

    I understand the feminists are blaming it all on "toxic masculinity".

  7. I think the intellectuals are more responsible for these incidents than anybody else.

    If we look at the majority of the mass-murderers who've appeared since Obama took office; along with the Anarchist street-rioters, Black-Lives-Matter, Code Pink, and La Raza, we notice a distinct pattern. Nearly all of them are roughly the same age, nearly all of them were educated in US public schools, and nearly all were products of the current Left-Wing media atmosphere.

    Basically when you take kids and stuff them full of Ritalin; teach them that Christianity is stupid and America sucks; teach them they're victims of some oppressive culture; that might-makes-right and all values are relative---eventually these kids start to grow up. When they do, things like Ferguson and Orlando are the result.

  8. "I had never directly spoken about White Genocide with my 12 year old nephew. But that changed last month."

    Great, straight up lie, considering that white genocide is observably not occurring.

  9. "Great, straight up lie, considering that white genocide is observably not occurring."

    That's incorrect. It's definitely is occurring.

    Check out this:



    Just google and search on youtube: white genocide, and one can easily find a plethora of credible information that white genocide is indeed occurring.

    When the white European males go down, civilization goes down with them. Non-whites could not, and cannot, create and build the level of civilization that European males attained, nor maintain such a civilization. European men created 99% of all of the culture and technology in our modern civilization today. White European men have that creative, imaginative and inventive trait that other races don't have or have very sparingly. Regarding East Asians, although they can have high IQ's, they don't seem to be any nearly as good as white European men when it comes to creativity, inventiveness and abstract thinking. Where do these non-whites think all of the technological goodies come from that make their lives so safe, comfortable, enjoyable and easy? - these things originate from the brains of white European men. Even mixed-race and mullattos can't do it. Women certainly can't do it. Once the DNA dies or gets degraded by interbreeding, it's gone forever.

    See also the book:

    "The German Genius" by Peter Watson (2011).

  10. "Just google and search on youtube: white genocide, and one can easily find a plethora of credible information that white genocide is indeed occurring."

    Not credible, but INcredible. As in unbelievable.

    This is the definition of genocide--the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.

    This is NOT happening.

    "When the white European males go down, civilization goes down with them."

    Define civilization.

    "Non-whites could not, and cannot, create and build the level of civilization that European males attained, nor maintain such a civilization."

    Aztecs and Mayans did.

    "European men created 99% of all of the culture and technology in our modern civilization today."

    Asians did.

    "White European men have that creative, imaginative and inventive trait that other races don't have or have very sparingly."

    Creative, imaginative, and inventive are SUBJECTIVE characteristics. You will need to clearly define them objectively.

    "Regarding East Asians, although they can have high IQ's, they don't seem to be any nearly as good as white European men when it comes to creativity, inventiveness and abstract thinking."

    Refer to the Han Dynasty.

    "Where do these non-whites think all of the technological goodies come from that make their lives so safe, comfortable, enjoyable and easy?"

    From human beings.

    "Even mixed-race and mullattos can't do it. Women certainly can't do it. Once the DNA dies or gets degraded by interbreeding, it's gone forever."

    Not really.

  11. "This is the definition of genocide--the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation."

    Genocide can happen either directly or indirectly.

    Direct genocide is simply outright killing of people of a specific ethnic group.

    Indirect genocide can occur by various ways:

    Such as by promoting massive immigration into one country to make the original ethnic group a minority in their own country (like Arab Muslims and Black Africans into western Europe).

    Making biased marriage and divorce laws that render relationships between women and men potentially toxic, favoring women over men. Marriage failure and divorce can be catastrophic and lethal to men's lives, and not just financially, in many western countries. There is a 50% or greater divorce rate in many western countries, and to think that this issue would not affect marriage, family formation and birthrates is irrational and naive. Third world, non-white minorities tend to be stupider and poorer than whites and still get married and/or have children regardless of the legal and economic environment.


  12. Watch some of Jared Taylor's youtube videos on race:


  13. Something you scoffed at is happening now.


    Maybe they'll vote for Trump. I hope so. My wish is for a Trump landslide along the lines of 1980.

  14. "Genocide can happen either directly or indirectly."

    You're full of shit, as Bob said. There is no such thing as direct or indirect genocide. Just genocide. Massive immigration does NOT equate to genocide. That's the lie white nationalists project and must protect at all costs.

    "Making biased marriage and divorce laws that render relationships between women and men potentially toxic, favoring women over men."

    In 95% of legal cases involving divorce, it is amicable.

    "Marriage failure and divorce can be catastrophic and lethal to men's lives, and not just financially, in many western countries."

    Looks like you've been butt hurt in a marriage. No wonder why you are bitter.


  15. "I’ve run across those who hope for the elimination of white people. What do they think is going to happen? That all the wealth created by us will just stay there for them to enjoy? No, it’ll disappear, and they’ll be shocked beyond belief.

    They’ll die. They are dependents, like children. As parasites, without a host, they will die.

    If you want the fruit, you’ve gotta tend the tree.
    If you want White Culture, Technology and Money, you’d better keep the golden geese alive."


  16. "There is no such thing as direct or indirect genocide."

    You've got me confused with another poster.
