Saturday, June 18, 2016

It's the Fool, Not the Tool

How is the fact some sand kaffir murdered a bunch of beaner faggots my problem, except that it happened in my country?

The murder rate by whites in the United States is lower than it is in...Denmark. Now as for the murder rate (and crime rate in general) by those who are not white in the United States, that's a different story.

We need fool control, not tool control. That means Third Worlder control. That's what prisons are for, not to mention the death penalty, which is not a deterrent but those who are dead aren't going to ever kill again.

Firearms are just a tool, and all tools are amoral - they have no morals at because morality doesn't apply to tools. A pistol will lie there for a million years and never jump up and shoot anyone.

The now-obsolete phrase, "Saturday Night Special" referred to cheap handguns that blacks used to shoot each other on the weekends. It was popular God knows how many decades ago.

I used to know a black guy, completely innocent, who ended up getting one of his testicles shot off. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I knew another, a cab driver, who got shot in the back of the head at point-blank range by a 15-year-old black kid, who got 30 years for his trouble. The driver still has the .22 slug in his brain. The only problem he had with it is that sometimes his eyes would water copiously. I saw that myself.

I once had to pull a pistol on about six teenagers who were threatening me in the street. It was amazing how fast they ran. And that was in an area where in the '50s little boys would pull their little red wagons down the street on Sunday morning and sell newspapers to those sitting on their front porches. But that was at a time where there were no Third Worlders in the area.

I've never known anyone who was anti-firearm who had any experience in life.

By the way, "assault" as in "assault rifle"...."assault" in a verb, not a noun.


  1. I find in general leftists cannot focus on the actual issue which is so clearly obvious to those who can see it. I sometimes think it's because they have their own agenda to push, consequently they purposely ignore the issue. In essence, that is government - and the leftist mentality.

  2. The Mainstream Media is blacking this out. The sign this woman is holding shows what we're up against.

  3. The death penalty IS a deterrent. That is why third world cultures use it and rely upon it to keep what little peace they have. The idea that the death penalty is not a deterrent is a myth that the idiot liberals have been too successful in promoting. Likewise, they're full of shit about torture and saying it doesn't work either. It surely does, which is why every civilization since the dawn of mankind has used it with great success.

    The other myth they push is that assault rifles make loons invincible. They don't, this last mutt could have been sent to pick his 72 raisins with one shot from a .38 or .45. Those queers didn't die because of the availability of guns - they died because of the LACK of them. And unfortunately, Darwin and Murphy make stupidity fatal rather than painful. Moslems and third worlders live by The Law Of The Jungle and in the jungle, organisms that can't defend themselves die.

  4. "Glen Filthie said...
    ...The other myth they push is that assault rifles make loons invincible. They don't, this last mutt could have been sent to pick his 72 raisins with one shot from a .38 or .45. Those queers didn't die because of the availability of guns - they died because of the LACK of them."

    That's making the (often wrong) assumption that idiot Leftists/liberals know WHAT an "assault rifle" really IS. I'm certain that their illogical "logic" goes something along the lines of "it LOOKS like what I think an assault rifle looks like, SO THAT makes it an assault rifle", regardless of the fact that the firearm is semi-automatic. (If you REALLY want to have fun with their "pretzel logic", try explaining the difference between a double-action and a single-action revolver, or between a revolver and a semi-automatic handgun! But that would probably be claimed as 'mansplaining'.)
    Another thing that is not covered much in the news is that the Pulse club was a "gun-free" zone -- too bad that the shooter didn't obey that law and not bring it inside. It seems that idiot Leftists/liberals don't want to understand the simple fact that signs will be obeyed ONLY by the law-abiding; what makes them think that criminals will alter their behavior just because some Leftist nitwit posted a sign? It reminds of a line from George Carlin: "Life doesn't change just because you post a sign!"

    "...Darwin and Murphy make stupidity fatal rather than painful. Moslems and third worlders live by The Law Of The Jungle and in the jungle, organisms that can't defend themselves die.

    This has been mentioned so many times, but this quote by Robert Heinlein still bears repeating: “Stupidity cannot be cured. Stupidity is the only universal capital crime; the sentence is death. There is no appeal, and execution is carried out automatically and without pity.”

  5. The muslims have one thing right: start cutting the hands off of thieves.

