Saturday, May 28, 2016

"Team Woman" Does Not Exist

When I first encountered the concepts of the Manosphere I thought, "Who the hell came up with this nonsense?" It had to be someone with little experience with women.

"Team Woman"? It doesn't exist.

Many women hate other women. Most women even prefer to work for men, because most men try to be fair. Many women aren't fair and don't even know it.

Jung was right (and he wasn't the first to see it): women's biggest problem is that they think they are always right, and will never be happy until they give up that belief. And when you get that many women always thinking they are right they sure as hell aren't going to get along with each other.

I have worked with literally thousands of women. And I've found the things they say about other women is astonishing. I once as a joke put my fingers in my ears because of what I was hearing. "That cum dumpster, she gives blowjobs in the parking lot!" And this was going on and on and on and didn't stop.

If women got along with each other Camille Paglia wouldn't have said that if civilization was left in the hands of women we'd be living in grass huts. And P.J O'Rourke wouldn't have commented that without men civilization would last until the next oil change.

A woman I know told me she went to an all-girls high school. You know what she said about them? You don't? Does that word "catty" mean anything to you? Now imagine a whole society run by women. Ack! It'd be an envious, catty, backstabbing hell full of tastefully-decorated grass huts.

In fact, by the time I was 12 years old I understood that old joke: "What do you tell a woman with two black eyes?" "Nothing. She's been told twice already."


  1. For example: Women vote for Hillary because vagina. For example: By default, they side with women against men. They call Trump a "misogynist" if he won't let some bitch push him around.

    That sort of thing. Spend much time around women and you'll see a lot of it. Next you'll say "well of course they do THAT, but that's not what Team Woman means!"

    Twat. Misunderstanding on your part doesn't make people wrong.

  2. The "Team Woman" thing has a element of truth, through probably exaggerated by PUA types:

    Female In Group Bias

  3. Take The Red PillMay 29, 2016 at 8:25 AM

    It's not so much 'Team Woman', as 'Team Vagina'; and 'Team Vagina' always can be found when it's time to take sides against either a man or 'Men'.

    ***One thing just flashed into my thoughts as I was typing this, is how the 'Trans' Liberation Movement is going to make complications for the former 'Team Woman/Team Vagina' alliance. If a vile penis-possessor (aka, an XY chromosome DNA 'man') mentally 'identifies' 'himself'/'herself/itself(?) as a 'female', what is 'Team Woman' supposed to do? He/she/it-self identifies him/her/it-self as a female, but does not have XX chromosomes or a vagina/ovaries (I purposely left out 'developed breasts', as many genuine XX chromosome DNA 'women' do not have developed breasts, either).
    The implications are 'interesting', to say the least.

  4. I've had some lady friends over the years where I work. I was always glad to have a penis instead of a vagina. Women are pretty bad.

  5. Between each other they're like this.

    Talk with them 1-on-1 and they will very often honestly admit to hating each other's guts, bringing out the knives and stabbing each other in the back. Especially if you have the reputation of being non-judgmental and non-gossiping. (In this case they will also be very open about their sexual past, proclivities, what they'd love to do, fantasies, etc etc etc.)

    Get them together, and they close the ranks and present a unified front against any filthy man who gives even one of them the slightest hard time. I think that this is what is generally portrayed as Team Womyn™.

    BTW they don't generally vote as a bloc - it's not some vast conspiracy - they simply tend to vote selfishly for what benefits them, which just happens to benefit all the other women as well. This could also be generally portrayed as Team Womyn™, though it's more coincidental rather than studied and deliberate.

  6. "For example: Women vote for Hillary because vagina."

    No, they're voting for her because many women are natural socialists/fascists and lack analytical ability and therefore cannot see through the Hildebeast. In fact, Sanders is actually more popular than her and he doesn't have a vagina.

    By the way, women voted Hitler into office and he certainly wasn't a woman.

  7. The idea that women vote because it's Team Vag is preposterous. The only time I see Team Vag work together is when they are facing a beta or candy ass weakling male. A man who is confident and high ranking, all he would need to do in that situation is cut one woman down and other women fall over like dominoes. If you tell a woman the truth about her in front of other women, Team Vag falls apart because no American woman wants her shit aired out in front of people, especially other women. So they play it safe rather than sorry. Also, I've witnessed two men assaulted by women only for the men to physically retaliate against the women. Neither Team Vag nor White Knights stepped in to help her. Instead Team Vag recoiled in fear and tried to socially and physically distance themselves from the cunts who started the fight.

    Additionally, I have a lot of experience with Chinese and Korean women, these east Asian women make it very well known that they don't like other women, they hate other women, and they don't have a problem with using real violence against other women. The violence they use in their countries isn't engaging in cat fights that we see too often in America, but instead it involves punching, kicking, eye gouging, weapons, titty twisting, pussy punches, etc. They don't care. Another woman is assumed to be an enemy until proven otherwise.

  8. The only damage done is to your brain.

    "A man who is confident and high ranking, all he would need to do in that situation is cut one woman down and other women fall over like dominoes."

    In some cases that may work.

    "If you tell a woman the truth about her in front of other women, Team Vag falls apart because no American woman wants her shit aired out in front of people, especially other women."

    Actually, when this happens, the women become sympathetic to her, and women rush to her defense.

    "Also, I've witnessed two men assaulted by women only for the men to physically retaliate against the women. Neither Team Vag nor White Knights stepped in to help her."

    And I've witnessed four men assaulted by women only for the women to be arrested. And I've seen eight men assault two women, only for the men to be picked up by the cops and charged with a crime.

    "Additionally, I have a lot of experience with Chinese and Korean women, these east Asian women make it very well known that they don't like other women, they hate other women, and they don't have a problem with using real violence against other women."

    Actually, you're lying. Asian women in general are quite docile. You be watchin' too much karate films.

  9. "Actually, you're lying. Asian women in general are quite docile."

    You don't know what you are talking about

  10. "Actually, you're lying. Asian women in general are quite docile."


    You clearly don't have much experience with women. Let alone women from other cultures.

  11. DDMS,

    I've always been mystified at people who post things here and clearly don't know what they're writing about!

  12. "You clearly don't have much experience with women. Let alone women from other cultures."

    You keep convincing yourself, sport. Asian women compared to American women are docile, subservient, and traditional.

  13. "Asian women compared to American women are docile, subservient, and traditional."

    Clearly no experience with them.
