Tuesday, May 10, 2016

I Consider Myself a Working-Class Intellectual

Both my parents were high-school dropouts, although they later got their GEDs. Which in those days did them no good whatsoever. Both were blue-collar. My father was a general contractor and my mother worked the night shirt in the local ER.

I was raised in a blue-collar (but middle-class) city. Many of the boys I went to high school with went straight to the steel mill, starting in those days at about $25,000 a year. By the time they retired they were making $75,000 a year. Which today would be about $100,000 a year. With a high school diploma.

And this was back when gas was 35 cents a gallon and a middle-class house cost $20,000. You could even live fairly well on minimum wage.

Because of the way I was raised (even though I graduated college) I far more understand the blue-collar mentality than I do those who went to Harvard and Yale (I have met them and have never been impressed).

In other words, I was born with a high general intelligence and graduated college, but in many ways I have a blue-collar mentality.

In fact, in many ways I still look blue-collar - a shaved head and a goatee (I've been told once than once, "Gee, Walter White").

Because of all of this, I understand the appeal of Trump. And it's why I pay no attention to self-anointed intellectuals - the kind you see on TV and who write newspaper columns (are these sumbitches ever right except in the stopped-clock sense?).

These blue-collar people are not intellectuals and many of them have probably never read a book in their lives (incidentally when I was 12 or 13 adults would come into my room at home and ask me, "Have you really read all those books?" - a library of maybe 100 books, mostly paperbacks).

But these people are not stupid. They know the difference between piss and lemonade, and that both parties have been pissing on them and telling them it's lemonade, and they know when they're being screwed, which has happened to them major¬-time, especially in the last 40 years (I'm going to repeat again wages stopped going up in January of 1974).

My hometown for many years had 50,000 people. Now it has 30,000, which is a loss of 40% if its population. The steel mill, the biggest employer in town, is close to being out of business because of the anti-American fraud of "globalization." There are probably a hundred empty middle-class houses.

Is it any wonder these people are pissed off?

The "elites" don't give a goddamn about these people. They consider them genetically stupid and inbred and only good for cannon fodder.

Since I believe nothing the media or the government or academia say, I don't believe for an instant that the contest between Trump and the Hildebeast to going to be close, or she will beat Trump. He'll wipe her out, and the "elites" will be utterly stunned, not understanding at all how it happened.

I've mentioned before Trump is what I consider an example of Steam Engine Time. That means there are several other Trumps out there (younger ones) just waiting for their turn to save this country.

The Clinton dynasty is over, as is the Bush one (I thoroughly enjoyed the "white Hispanic" and traitor) Jeb! being bent over and buttfucked on national TV).

Let's put it this way: Trump has grown sons.


  1. "The "elites" don't give a goddamn about these people. They consider them genetically stupid and inbred and only good for cannon fodder. Since I believe nothing the media or the government or academia say, ..."

    Check out this website:


  2. Here is another website that addresses various government lies, fraud and deceit:


  3. Yeah, I enjoyed the evisceration of Jeb as well.

  4. Well Bob these days if you are smart enough to relate consequences to actions...and courageous enough to call 'em as you see 'em - you're an intellectual.

    Our universities are still mostly good - it's the liberal arts programs that have been gutted and destroyed by progressivism and now the conservatives are starting to fall too.

  5. I've mentioned before Trump is what I consider an example of Steam Engine Time. That means there are several other Trumps out there (younger ones) just waiting for their turn to save this country.

    In 1976, it looked to many observers like Communism was unstoppable. The Reds had just taken Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia in '75, and with Franco dead that year, Spain was potentially up for grabs. In '74 they'd taken Mozambique and Angola, and had come within a hair's breadth of taking Portugal. Eastern Europe was still on total lockdown following the Prague Spring of '68. Virtually no state to fall to Communism since the end of WWII had reverted back from it. Teddy Kennedy was practically engaged in surrender talks with the USSR, whilst most beltway "experts" believed the best-case scenario for the West was a permanent stalemate with the Soviet bloc. There was a former California governor running for President who thought otherwise, but he was an extremist fringe candidate from Hollywood treated as a ridiculous joke by all serious reporters.

    Obviously, we know what happened, and in retrospect, the sclerotic and dysfunctional Soviet Empire in 1976 was already feeling the cold wind of death. I suspect we're in the same place with Multiculturalist Liberalism. Superficially, they're going from victory to victory faster than ever before. Underneath, though, they're intellectually bankrupt, utterly detached from reality, and incapable of halting the slow flood of Samizdat that gradually undermines their narrative. When their power dies, it will collapse much faster than expected.

    Our problem then will be dealing with whatever new mania emerges to take its place- indeed, I think Multiculturalism gained steam in the '90s largely because lefties were bored and dismayed after the death of their beloved USSR, and needed a new cause to serve.
