Saturday, May 7, 2016

Ant-Like Feminist Societies

I've pointed out before I used to read a lot of science fiction in my early to middle teens - probably from right before 12 to about 15. The stuff really stretches the brains of those susceptible to it, and I certainly was.

Many writers have referred to it as a psychedelic drug, and I do understand that.

Terence McKenna, who wasn't a science fiction writer but a very creative loon, had this to say: "Science fiction I really consider a proto-psychedelic drug, because what science fiction does is it gives permission to imagine." And Arthur C.Clarke said, "I regard science fiction as the entry drug into the psychedelic world."

I always liked it because it did the mental heavy lifting for me. I was able to take advantage of other's experience and imagining.

Some of what I read was the depiction of feminist societies, ones without men. In every case these societies were ant-like, lacking in the ability to discover/create/innovate - even repair. They were regimented, and contrary to the leftist/feminine myth of "equality," hierarchical.

In some of the stories the author had to assume women could keep an advanced technological society going (otherwise it would be a short-short story and not a novel) but in the long run they always collapsed. And in some of the more humorous stories what the women mostly needed was a good rogering.

Since in some of these stories men were considered to be the cause of every trouble, they were essentially human sacrifices. Then after that, Utopia was supposed to be ushered in. Only it never happened.

Of course when lesbians were introduced they wanted all men dead. I reminded of Valerie Solanas, who shot Andy Warhol and founded SCUM (Society for Cutting Up Men). She thought men were a biological mistake and wanted them eradicated. Not all that surprisingly, she died in an insane asylum. She, too, projected all problems onto men and wanted them sacrificed.

The first time I heard about human sacrifice was Moloch in the Old Testament, which you still see today in films.

That clip is an example of the Moloch of the Machine State. In the Machine State everything is regimented and controlled, people are not people but interchangeable and disposable cogs and they are easily sacrificed to keep the Machine running.

This kind of mass human sacrifice only happens in controlled, regimented, machine-like societies societies. Think Mel Gibson's Apocalypto.

Today men are supposed to be willing human sacrifices to the Moloch of feminism, which is merely part of that monster known as leftism. This kind of human sacrifice is done to save/renew the world. It's a fertility rite, as shown in Shirley Jackson's famous short story, "The Lottery."

Men are supposed to be human sacrifices though guilt and shame, i.e. self-loathing. Of course, the best kind of sacrifices are the willing ones. They're supposed to do this is save/renew the world. When they're gone or transformed into non-men, then it'll be a better world! In the hallucinations of hate-filled leftists.

What we are dealing with in these novels is a mismatch of power, especially political power. And when women gain too much power, they use it to destroy men. As Samuel Johnson said, "Nature has given women so much power that the law has very wisely given them little."

Why do women want to do this? I'm not sure, but I do know that Carl Jung said that women's greatest flaw is to think they are always right. He said it's something they must overcome to be happy.

I'd say it has something to do with our inborn narcissism, and most women appear to be far more narcissistic than men.

What I do know is that when someone thinks they are always right, then they become self-righteous and think the other person is always wrong, therefore they must be human sacrificed as the cause of all troubles. And that is exactly what feminism and indeed leftism want to do: destroy "the enemy."

Of course, there will never be a matriarchy, because it would collapse immediately. What might survive for a little while is men doing the invent/discover/repair jobs and women having make-work jobs, which is what we have today to some degree. That ain't going to last much longer.

There will never be, as Eric Charles Maine wrote, a World Without Men. That's why it's science fiction. And the lesson is that without men, women destroy themselves.


  1. I was reading some early John Wyndham short stories. One of the stories was about a organization of women that ran society like an ant colony or something to that effect. My friend and I had a good chuckle over it.

  2. "What I do know is that when someone thinks they are always right, then they become self-righteous and think the other person is always wrong, therefore they must be human sacrificed as the cause of all troubles."

    The mythological personifiction of this is Hera. Of course those are her worst aspects. She also becomes very vindictive and cruel when she is wronged.
